Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Max # of Gybes

Created by Flex2 > 9 months ago, 22 Feb 2022
NSW, 1684 posts
7 Mar 2022 7:14AM
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I've seen Jamie's tracks at LG with a 3.7 sail and I guess he would be the winner, wish he would post that

162 posts
12 Mar 2022 12:01AM
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Never have had a "perfect" session. That is, not going off. One late morning session down in Margarita I focuses on just working on the jibe form. Counted 35. Came in did a quick tack. Fell in on the attempted pivot pseudo-flare jibe. Blew my "perfect" session. Life. Time to rehydrate. My counting app. Organic. No battery required. Not usually turned "on".


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Max # of Gybes" started by Flex2