Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Simple logger with Bluetooth connectivity

Created by JulienLe > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2019
WA, 8776 posts
16 Jul 2020 6:33AM
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Woo hoo Julien! nice to see things starting to work in your favour.

WA, 12446 posts
16 Jul 2020 8:05AM
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Yes, I'm getting over my GW60, the battery now is deteriorating fast. Looking forward to the new improved motion.

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Jul 2020 3:58PM
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Hi, just wondering current cost of each device?

VIC, 6154 posts
16 Jul 2020 6:35PM
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olskool said..
Hi, just wondering current cost of each device?

You should find that on his website:

"Price is 269 EUR including VAT within Europe or 234 EUR excluding VAT outside Europe and includes express tracked shipping (most often FedEx International Priority)."

The simple logger price was dicussed this thread and is a bulk order (5 pack) deal. If you want just one or two simple loggers, join in a bulk buy. Note that the price was a special for the initial offer. It may be a bit more now. Best to contact Julien directly to check.

I have some coming soon and can add you in if required, but someone closer to you would probably be better and save further shipping costs.

QLD, 1471 posts
18 Jul 2020 6:03PM
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Is that a motion GPS?
(Antoine Albeau's arm and the number displayed in the second line is for the nautical mile).

WA, 12446 posts
18 Jul 2020 4:38PM
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definitely a motion, but not sure what category.

NSW, 939 posts
26 Jul 2020 10:28PM
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Hi Julien could you give an update on the backlog for the small motion orders? From the update posted here a couple of weeks ago re 45 units ready to be shipped I assumed an order for 10 made for our group late Dec 19 would be on its way but still haven't had any shipping details. Payment was made. Has anyone else received their order recently? How many orders are still out there? hopefully an update on here saves you answering emails individually Julien

thank you

WA, 12446 posts
26 Jul 2020 10:03PM
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Apparently the Mandurah ones have reached NSW

405 posts
26 Jul 2020 10:05PM
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Yes I wasn't smart about it. 24 more have left this past week, 18 are being readied to be shipped tuesday or wednesday. There's 5 parcels in transit to Australia now.
I was doing my stickers for tomorrow and noticed my discount isn't automatically applied anymore; hopefully a bug solved tomorrow. Or maybe I don't qualify anymore as I sent a lot less than expected due to the LCD failures then Covid.

I'll check my emails tomorrow.

405 posts
4 Aug 2020 7:13PM
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- FedEx stuff above was a bug,
- sent 10 Small, 8 LCD (all replacements),
- sending 10 Small, 4 LCD more tomorrow,
- I'm out of blue armbands for LCD,
- I'll soon be out of LCD, supplier just warned of a 2 weeks delay,
- LCD seem fine although one did fail (differently than black lines; over only 16 made so far). So I'm still scared and wouldn't want to realise in two weeks that I have 30 more to replace.

All in all, it's going okayish. First few to get the LCD replacements seem happy with it.

WA, 979 posts
5 Aug 2020 9:11PM
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Got my mini Motion today and had a play with it tonight. I really like the small size and simplicity of it. No problem trialling downloading a log and sending it to KA72 from my iPad. That's a big plus for me.
looking forward to hitting the water with it.
Great work Julien. Thanks

WA, 456 posts
7 Aug 2020 1:48PM
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What Stretchy said, took it for a walk and uploaded to KA72 no problem but via my phone and I sit in the corner facing the wall with the D hat on when it comes to tech stuff.
Hit the water with it tomorrow hopefully.
Great work Julien.

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
16 Aug 2020 5:27PM
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Received my motion 113 on Friday (thanks Dezza) and took it for a test run this morning on the bike.

Device firmware is 3007. Settings were nautical miles / hour with kilometres for distance.

When uploading to KA72, the settings defaulted to km/hr for speed. I uploaded via GPS Speed Reader instead. Works fine!

Thanks to Mikey, I will revert to firmware 3006 to see how it goes. Not a biggie but something for interest regardless!

405 posts
16 Aug 2020 3:39PM
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These settings only apply to what you see on the device's website and, if you have the other model, on its screen. Under the hood it's always millimetres per second.

Tony Polony
NSW, 338 posts
16 Aug 2020 5:42PM
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Thanks Julien. Super happy with the device. Thank you so much for your efforts!!

WA, 979 posts
16 Aug 2020 5:59PM
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Have now posted to GPSTC with my logger a couple of times. Pretty easy process to upload your log via your phone before heading home.
the strap seems pretty effective and I've had no problem with it slipping around. A couple of thoughts on mods to keep it secure in the event of a big off:
1/ a simple clear vinyl(? Same as aqua pack, Paqua) wrap over the top of the existing setup, secured with Velcro
2/ a neoprene wrap, then on that Stitch on a solid, non stretch strap with buckle that the logger is secured to.
DIY, I would do option 1. Anyone thinking of producing something like option 2?

405 posts
16 Aug 2020 10:22PM
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What's your goal? I read it a few times but I don't understand what exactly you want to protect against.

NSW, 1734 posts
17 Aug 2020 7:04AM
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JulienLe said..
What's your goal? I read it a few times but I don't understand what exactly you want to protect against.

'A big off ' trad: A big crash

NSW, 19 posts
17 Aug 2020 7:33AM
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Just a quick question, can you turn wi-fi on and off again mid session on the small motion?

405 posts
17 Aug 2020 5:59AM
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It's what he expects to happen during the big crash or what he needs to protect against that I didn't get?

Currently, switching WiFi on/off closes the current log then starts a new one. When I find time, I'll trial "one log per day" which will solve this.

(Midnight, I'll catch this and my emails tomorrow.)

NSW, 8089 posts
17 Aug 2020 8:49AM
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How do you change the reading from kms to kts as needed for each category?

QLD, 1072 posts
17 Aug 2020 9:48AM
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sboardcrazy said..
How do you change the reading from kms to kts as needed for each category?

In settings.

WA, 979 posts
17 Aug 2020 2:31PM
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JulienLe said..
What's your goal? I read it a few times but I don't understand what exactly you want to protect against.

Its just me being paranoid about losing my beloved new logger!
Your strap works well Julien and the light weight means it doesnt move around like a Paqua case does.
I'm just thinking about the "what ifs". Maybe if I have a big stack at 60+km/h I'll lose it?
Maybe I should just leave well enough alone!

WA, 979 posts
17 Aug 2020 2:34PM
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JulienLe said..
It's what he expects to happen during the big crash or what he needs to protect against that I didn't get?

Currently, switching WiFi on/off closes the current log then starts a new one. When I find time, I'll trial "one log per day" which will solve this.

(Midnight, I'll catch this and my emails tomorrow.)

I was thinking in a big crash, maybe it will slide off the end of my arm as I go cartwheeling along the water!

405 posts
17 Aug 2020 3:21PM
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So you'd like to add a "surf leash" to it?

SA, 134 posts
17 Aug 2020 5:55PM
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I would think thats right on the money. or at least a hole to connect one

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JulienLe said..
So you'd like to add a "surf leash" to it?

I would think thats right on the money. or at least a hole to connect one

WA, 979 posts
17 Aug 2020 6:26PM
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JulienLe said..
So you'd like to add a "surf leash" to it?

Not literally, but maybe a second line of protection. I'm thinking maybe just a clear plastic band that Velcro's over the top of the existing setup. Don't get me wrong Julien, I think you've done a top notch job with this GPS, including the attachment method. I'm a very, very happy customer

405 posts
20 Aug 2020 5:38PM
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Sorry for the late reply, I'm bedridden.

I didn't get you wrong haha, I want in on this conversation. If we find something good, I'll add it to the next ones.

You can pass a loop in the buckle, or in between the two sewing lines of the strap, or if you want to have it on the other side of the device, you can add a "tri-glide buckle" to pass it there.

WA, 979 posts
20 Aug 2020 6:12PM
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JulienLe said..
Sorry for the late reply, I'm bedridden.

I didn't get you wrong haha, I want in on this conversation. If we find something good, I'll add it to the next ones.

You can pass a loop in the buckle, or in between the two sewing lines of the strap, or if you want to have it on the other side of the device, you can add a "tri-glide buckle" to pass it there.

hope you're feeling better soon

NSW, 323 posts
21 Aug 2020 8:38AM
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Got my small-motion the other day. What a superb little device! Works perfectly, simple to operate, everything that you need, nothing that you don't. You're a genius Julien and you get my nomination for global contributor of the year to the windsurfing community!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Simple logger with Bluetooth connectivity" started by JulienLe