Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

2021 / 2022 Slalom & GPS Series

Created by GPSWindsurfing > 9 months ago, 3 Oct 2021
87 posts
3 Oct 2021 2:27PM
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After much deliberation and refinement the committee is please to release the upcoming seasons events. This season is unfortunately compressed from other year in terms of the number of events and the locations we will be visiting, this has been done to keep it simple, cost effective and flexible in the event we get any curve balls.

This Series we will be offering 3 distinct categories to cater for everyone's personal preferences, including;

1. Open - Fin and Foil which you can use either dependent on conditions
2. Fin - Only using fin for the entire series
3. Foil - Only using foil for the entire series

Stay tuned for updates here and on regarding notice of race and entry.

NSW, 1415 posts
3 Oct 2021 9:55PM
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Thanks for organising the slalom races in an uncertain year. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on the water again soon!

NSW, 8094 posts
4 Oct 2021 12:09PM
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Ok. I just cancelled my Myall Lakes booking for Dec..

NSW, 1415 posts
10 Oct 2021 5:43PM
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Bring it on!
Fin and Foil, Fin or Foil, it really doesn't matter, just enjoy the challenge and race your mates!

NSW, 1415 posts
18 Oct 2021 8:20PM
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Accommodation alert. Apparently all the cabins are booked out at Myall Shores.

NSW, 216 posts
19 Oct 2021 6:44AM
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berowne said..
Accommodation alert. Apparently all the cabins are booked out at Myall Shores.

Yep Byron booked them all for the participants, I rang the park but due to the damage from the floods and bloody Covid19 delays, they might not even be inhabitable by then. Just have to wait and see how they go having them repaired

NSW, 1735 posts
19 Oct 2021 11:23AM
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I'll rent you my vip caravan at exorbitant prices

The Double Demerits headquarters

NSW, 505 posts
20 Oct 2021 8:36PM
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Have spoken with park there is 2 cabins left and a few waterfront camp sites but only for one more week.
I will have to give them away so you must ring you cannot do it on line as all cabins and sites I booked out for windsurfers so it will show no accommodation on line.
again you must ring tell them you are a windsurfer and also don't forget to get your discount.
we had to cancel the December event as park may or may not have been open so we changed till the January yes it is classed as peak season and it is running out quickly.
there are many reasons we run it in December but great things come from people who wait.
what a place can't wait.
yep going to be interesting fin , foil and the open division (fin and foil)

NSW, 437 posts
24 Oct 2021 11:37AM
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no cabins left, only powered sites available

VIC, 96 posts
24 Oct 2021 9:20PM
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is there a website with more details about these events? I'm interested...I'm coming from VIC.


NSW, 939 posts
25 Oct 2021 4:05PM
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Hi Matteo, there was a notice of race with more information last year on but this years one hasn't been posted yet. There's another thread from last years series on a page or two back, there might be info there that helps. The race committee should be giving more details soon, registration, cost etc, probably will be a combo of gps heats, for example fastest NM, best hour or half hour, etc, plus slalom. If you're coming from Vic it's worth staying a bit longer or going up earlier to sail some of the other spots in the area.

NSW, 995 posts
27 Oct 2021 12:02PM
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Hi everyone, we're in the process of transitioning across to a new website and payment portal. More details, notice of race etc will be posted soon, but first event is still scheduled for 6th or 7th Nov. Look forward to seeing you there.

NSW, 1415 posts
30 Oct 2021 11:00AM
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The wind is calling for round one next weekend.

so it's time to repair your gear for
summer. any old board will do!

and make any tuning tweaks for the new foil options this year. even 7 year old sails can still work!

Pack the car

with big gear and small.

Then get some Time On the Water (ToW)

Practice your gybes

Practice your "blue steel" look

And get some sun on your. sails

Find some mates to train with

Even better if you can use some marks

And go for a blast


Or a new "Pa"! Makes no difference

Just go for it!

This years GPS and Slalom series allows for any combination of gear with fins and/or foils allowed at the riders discretion. Previous racers know how much fun it can be.

if you have never raced I can honestly say it is the best way to learn! The competition is only slightly more serious than your weekend gpstc banter so join a club and come along to a few events at Lake Macquarie which is a lovely place to sail! No need for the latest race gear. Most of my slalom sails are 5-7 years old and same for my boards and fins. (My #F4foils and big sails are newer!). Any GPS device is allowed as long as it has 1Sec recording.

race against previous state champions and your mates. It doesn't matter if your at the front, middle, or back of the pack there is always fun to be had on the water!

NSW, 696 posts
31 Oct 2021 5:18PM
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Great post Berowne!

I have a few questions regarding the three categories.

1. Open - Fin and Foil which you can use either dependent on conditions
2. Fin - Only using fin for the entire series
3. Foil - Only using foil for the entire series

Are competitors required to nominate their chosen category before the first race of the season?
Will all three categories be doing the same discipline at the same time? (Slalom race, 2 sec speed, half hour distance, etc )
I assume fin racing will only take place in winds greater than 12 kts. Will foil racing be offered in lower wind conditions?
It would be interesting if people posted here which category they intend to compete in.

Easy choice for me, I only foil these days.

NSW, 1415 posts
31 Oct 2021 8:00PM
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Riders choice to nominate, I think you can change to mixed at anytime. So for example I might plan to foil only but if we have a 40knot day I'll definitely switch to fin. All categories will be raced together as usual. The only difference is I believe the wind minimum is dropped to 8knots instead of 12 which will obviously work better for foil sailors.

I probably need to read the rules before commenting further.

87 posts
31 Oct 2021 5:39PM
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berowne said..

Riders choice to nominate, I think you can change to mixed at anytime. So for example I might plan to foil only but if we have a 40knot day I'll definitely switch to fin. All categories will be raced together as usual. The only difference is I believe the wind minimum is dropped to 8knots instead of 12 which will obviously work better for foil sailors.

I probably need to read the rules before commenting further.

Great questions and liking the enthusiasm of the last couple of posts.

We will posting the formal Sailing instruction and Notice of race and entry details shortly ie by Tuesday Night, which should clear up any detailed queries.

In short, the Series comprises 4 heats and the Series Winners will be recognised for the respective categories ie no individual event winners for each heat with the exception of the State Title. The intention is to nominate your Category for the entire Series from Heat 1 and stick to it ie no switching. The exception being if you want to carry DNF's for all heats not sailed on the nominated equipment and vise versa for your "new" equipment choice.

All Categories will race together with same start time or start line in the nominated format be it;

1. GPS freerace or Multi Category session
2. Slalom - Figure of 8 or downwind
3. Long distance

Minimum wind
Fin and Foil = 8knts
Foil = 8knts
Fin = 12knts

Long range forecast is looking promising for a reasonable NE, and we all know how good Lake Mac can be in that direction.

NSW, 1415 posts
2 Nov 2021 7:42AM
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Argh talk about life changing decisions.

As a sperm I decided easily on which chromosomes to activate.
Choosing my life partner was a simple matter.
buying a van to hold all my gear was perhaps most obvious

but this, oh, this is hard!

NSW, 8094 posts
2 Nov 2021 12:14PM
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berowne said..
The wind is calling for round one next weekend.

so it's time to repair your gear for
summer. any old board will do!

and make any tuning tweaks for the new foil options this year. even 7 year old sails can still work!

Pack the car

with big gear and small.

Then get some Time On the Water (ToW)

Practice your gybes

Practice your "blue steel" look

And get some sun on your. sails

Find some mates to train with

Even better if you can use some marks

And go for a blast


Or a new "Pa"! Makes no difference

Just go for it!

This years GPS and Slalom series allows for any combination of gear with fins and/or foils allowed at the riders discretion. Previous racers know how much fun it can be.

if you have never raced I can honestly say it is the best way to learn! The competition is only slightly more serious than your weekend gpstc banter so join a club and come along to a few events at Lake Macquarie which is a lovely place to sail! No need for the latest race gear. Most of my slalom sails are 5-7 years old and same for my boards and fins. (My #F4foils and big sails are newer!). Any GPS device is allowed as long as it has 1Sec recording.

race against previous state champions and your mates. It doesn't matter if your at the front, middle, or back of the pack there is always fun to be had on the water!

If Coal gets over 20kts the first pic could be on the cards..

NSW, 271 posts
2 Nov 2021 12:15PM
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I just received an email. all competitors have to be double stabbed.
So being fit & healthy don't matter anymore.
shame on you Australia.

NSW, 216 posts
2 Nov 2021 5:42PM
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berowne said..
Argh talk about life changing decisions.

As a sperm I decided easily on which chromosomes to activate.
Choosing my life partner was a simple matter.
buying a van to hold all my gear was perhaps most obvious

but this, oh, this is hard!

I would go fin & foil because Boston will blow you off the water ????????he's a legend

NSW, 1415 posts
2 Nov 2021 6:38PM
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And that swell looks pretty fierce

NSW, 216 posts
3 Nov 2021 6:26AM
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berowne said..
And that swell looks pretty fierce

Exactly why Sue should be foiling, the last full time slapper in history

NSW, 995 posts
3 Nov 2021 7:52AM
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boffe said..

is there a website with more details about these events? I'm interested...I'm coming from VIC.


Hi Matteo

The windsurfingNSW page has been updated with more info and links to notice of race, sailing instructions etc.

NSW, 8094 posts
3 Nov 2021 5:13PM
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Tinlyds said..

berowne said..
And that swell looks pretty fierce

Exactly why Sue should be foiling, the last full time slapper in history

I'm a survivor..I'll keep sailing till I can't handle the chop anymore then retire to foiling...
I've already got the geriatric boards with suspension so I don't have any knee issues..

NSW, 1415 posts
5 Nov 2021 12:11AM
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Is it safe to assume racing is on this Saturday??

87 posts
5 Nov 2021 6:02AM
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Heat 1 is go for tomorrow Saturday 6th November at 378 Skye Point Rd, Coal Point NSW.

You can feel the anticipation! with a perfect forecast of 12 - 18knts from the NE.

Looking forward to seeing as many as possible take part in this casual form of racing. Word is a few of the wingding crowd are coming along which will be great to see that fleet establish and hopefully bolt onto our Series longer term.

Rego: from 9:30am

First Start: 11:00am

Session 1 - GPS Freerace Multi-Category 30 minutes (2 results - 2 sec, nm)
Session 2 - GPS Freerace Multi-Category 60 minutes (3 results - 1hr, 5 x 10 sec, alpha)
Slalom Races - Figure of 8 (10 - 15min races) hope to do minimum 5 races
This format should yield us with 10 results and over 2.5 - 3hrs of racing between 11am and 5pm including breaks.

There will be plenty of GPS Geeks on shore to get your device be it apple, garmin etc sorted prior to the first session so just stick your hand up and you will be sorted.

Also the KA72 Hour of Power event for the month of November, hence the inclusion of the 1hr in session 2 which is a good way to support that site which we all use so much

Note: The Public Toilet is currently under reconstruction so the nearest is 400m away at a different park so plan ahead!

NSW, 995 posts
5 Nov 2021 10:23AM
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Please pre-register at

We can also take registrations on the day from 9:30am - contactless EFTPOS will be available and is preferred.

While the race site is a public park, all competitors will need to scan the on-site QR code for covid-19 checkin, and also show proof of vaccination if asked.

See you there!

NSW, 1415 posts
5 Nov 2021 1:12PM
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It should be pretty clear that I'm excited.
For the NM, where is the sailable area and how large is it?

VIC, 96 posts
5 Nov 2021 2:23PM
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Yeah also forecast looks good for tomorrow! And borders reopened just on time...all infos are much more clear now. I have to skip this time as my second jab will be done next week and few logistic issues, but I'll try to join you at the next round!

Have fun!!



NSW, 1277 posts
5 Nov 2021 2:42PM
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berowne said..
It should be pretty clear that I'm excited.
For the NM, where is the sailable area and how large is it?

Lake Macquarie, 648km2.

NSW, 939 posts
5 Nov 2021 3:45PM
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No problem on the toilet facilities, there's a porta potty in Sue's van


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"2021 / 2022 Slalom & GPS Series" started by GPSWindsurfing