Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Jet ski alert on Botany Bay

Created by AUS032 > 9 months ago, 21 Dec 2016
NSW, 143 posts
29 Dec 2016 8:36AM
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slalomfreak said..
Alls well that ends well cs66.
The water police have been very vigilant over the past week and there have been two police boats at times patrolling the area and stopping jet skis to check licenses. Barks said he saw a cop patrolling on a jet ski today.Now thats innovation.
Jet ski traffic ,although still out of control,was not as bad as its been in the past and the water police presence has definitely helped.
Also the fair that sets up south of the car park ,is not there this year and thats probably helped control the crowd numbers in the car park.

Yes indeed folks, Slalomfreak has it down pat. I was down there yesterday & waved a patrol guy in(on a jet-ski). They were patrolling the beach with 2 skis and massive high powered rib. I had a friendly chat and mentioned my little incident last wk. What he and the police in general urge us all to do is to file a police report if there is any issue on the water with jet-skis. The more reports, the more they have to work with & make a case to patrol more often. If there are any issues on the beach or car park, it's important that you also note the time, as they can check CCT footage. Apparently there are a number of cameras dotted along the beach front. This will work for us & the other jet-ski uses that are doing the right thing, as cs66 rightly pointed out.
Progress has been made so onwards and upwards.

NSW, 362 posts
7 Feb 2017 5:23PM
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Some developments in this space:

WA, 1366 posts
7 Feb 2017 4:04PM
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About time lm sure a minority of jet ski users IQ drops down 100% when they go out.

NSW, 304 posts
7 Feb 2017 7:12PM
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Three cheers for the water police.Jet ski traffics definitely down and better behaved on the bay this summer.
The trick was obviously to give them their own skis,its impossible for the hoons to tell whos on the jet ski approaching until its too late.

WA, 1366 posts
7 Feb 2017 4:28PM
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Maybe l might start sailing down at kyeemagh for a change.

Brett Morris
NSW, 1197 posts
8 Feb 2017 10:04AM
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Fingers crossed it helps the situation down at Botany Bay....I wonder how the police will cope with confiscating a Jet ski from a pack of angry men though....Won't be fun for them....

NSW, 304 posts
8 Feb 2017 8:24PM
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Thats why they carry guns

NSW, 8019 posts
9 Feb 2017 10:33AM
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It must be interesting policing in America where most of the population seem to have guns

NSW, 9202 posts
13 Feb 2017 3:45PM
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Macroscien said..
Feel sorry for you , but we here on Gold Coast past the accidental stage already.After very serious collision with jet ski that left one of our windsurfer lady in hospital , then jet boat a year ago crushing another windsurfer, we entered completely new era already.
The stage when actually boaties run on you on purpose, not by accident. With propellers screaming full speed.
Now the penalty for sailboarders infringing peaceful consuming accelerants and mind stimulants on anchored boats could be revenge.
Now boaties are free to jump on their horses and chase you on the water, till that could ram you.
Since we have more motor boats here then Western Australia sharks, the risk becomes very real.

Translation (English ain't Macro's first language (so he probably speaks twice as many languages as you)).

I feel sorry for you but we here on the Gold Coast are past the "accidental" stage already. After a very serious collision with a jet ski that left one of our windsurfer ladies in hospital, and then a jet boat crushing another windsurfer, we have entered a completely new era; the era of boats running at you on purpose, not by accident, with engines at full speed.

(me: I have personally experienced boats intentionally trying to collide with me a couple of times on the Gold Coast Broadwater, forcing me to take evasive action and dump everything, followed by raucous laughter)

Now the penalty for sailboarders pursuing peaceful, yet exhilarating pursuits and natural highs ...on anchored boats... er... could be revenge.

(me: OK, I didn't get this line either. Accept mystery and enjoy)

These days boaties seem free to chase and ram you. Since we have more motor boats here than Western Australia has sharks the risks are very real.


So yeah some hyperbole and exotic language, and maybe something else, but it ain't that hard to understand.

I wanted to add that I've been sailing at Botany Bay for about four years after moving down from the Gold Coast. At first I honestly couldn't see any issue with the jet skis. To me they were scant. A handful that as far as I'd seen kept their distance and even came to a stop if you were nearby. Real "meh" stuff when compared to being cut-off and sprayed in the narrow channels of the GC Broadwater (which is unbelievable empty on a weekday by the way).

But I sailed there one day in December and it was ****ing nuts. Countless jet skis running up and down the beach, often passing right in front of me from the blind, leeward side. It ruined my sail. It just wasn't comfortable.

I think the issue is people riding friends' jet skis with no licence and no experience. At all.

On the bright side the people that are riding jet skis there don't look like they are drunk, or ever have been. I guess that's a plus.


Here's a jet-ski rider with 40 minutes experience hitting a speed boat.

There have been a few jet-ski deaths on the Gold Coast, including honeymooners hitting a parked boat.

A windsurfer nearly lost her leg after being hit by a jet ski.

Jet skis suck.

I honestly think based on noise pollution alone jet skis should be banned from almost everywhere. If you consider how dangerous they are and that they are being ridden by inexperienced riders near swimmers, kayakers etc. etc. etc. they should be banned outright.


P.S. Treat every jet ski like it's trying to kill you. Keep a safe distance. Give them way. Like you're on a motorbike in traffic.

NSW, 304 posts
13 Feb 2017 6:18PM
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Its hard to fathom.In this nanny state with its lockout laws, that extremely dangerous jet skis can be driven on public waterways and beaches so fast and recklessly.
Seems like we have a way to go before we catch up to the Gold Coast.Suppose the tourist buck rules over there.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Jet ski alert on Botany Bay" started by AUS032