Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Windsurfer LT / One Design and Original Windsurfer NSW

Created by 327585 > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2018
NSW, 76 posts
4 Oct 2018 7:01PM
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Hi Everyone

I hope this post proves popular for developments and news on our boards.



NSW, 76 posts
4 Oct 2018 7:07PM
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Next chance to race our boards, feedback is welcome, but the race at Dobroyd sailing club should be good, with free easy parking, well priced lunches, about 3 short races that should be fun and finish the day off with a snack and a drink on the balcony at the club watching the sunset and catching up with the the people you raced with in the afternoon.


NSW, 76 posts
4 Oct 2018 7:10PM
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We are hoping for 30 plus boards in our class, not sure if it is being optimistic, but if we get big numbers it will really make it fun.

NSW, 76 posts
5 Oct 2018 2:49PM
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Windsurfers racing at Gosford last weekend.

NSW, 257 posts
5 Oct 2018 5:53PM
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A few technical issues to sort out

at this stage online entry not available but will advise if and when ready....

NSW, 76 posts
6 Oct 2018 11:46AM
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Subject: Windsurfer Class NSW Summer Series Heat No. 1 of 4, Saturday 13 October, Dobroyd Aquatic Club (AKA DAC)

Next weekend marks the first heat of the NSW Summer Series. We know its not quite summer but we couldn't wait to have the first Sydney race ever for Windsurfer LTs. Note One Design and Original Windsurfer boards welcome as well.

If you've just picked up a new board, what better way to get things cooking than to have a hit out on sunny Sydney Harbour.

This first heat is part of the 4 heat series that includes:

Heat 2 Balmoral Sailing Club, Sat 24 Nov 2018.
Heat 3 Narrabeen Sailing Club, Sun 13 Jan 2019.
Heat 4 Woollahra Sailing Club, Sun 3 March 2019.

Where: Dobroyd Aquatic Club, Henley Marine Dr, Rodd Point NSW.

Time: Plan to be there by 1200 hours.

Date: Saturday, 13 October 2018.

Parking: Windsurfing NSW advised parking will be free and right on the water, we may be asked to park where directed to allow maximum room so everyone fits in.

Cost: $65 for all 4 races in the Summer Series if you enter online (That's less than 17 bucks an event) or $25 cash on the day of the event.

Eligibility: Open to all Windsurfer Class members with third party insurance (this can also be purchased online)

For our racing class to thrive we need a successful and well supported Summer race series. So if you've got your board, what are you waiting for? Jump right in and enter online

Dobroyd always has delicious well priced lunches and the upper deck is great for a post race debrief over a cool drink as you enjoy the sunset. If the recent Gosford Windsurfer Regatta is anything to go by, then the post race camaraderie will be just as much fun as the on-water activity

If you want more info please do not hesitate to call Al Haynes Mob 0438 336 495 or Peter Doolan Mob 0468 300 299.

P.S. Don't forget to save the date for the NSW State Championships 8 and 9 December 2018 also at DAC.

NSW, 76 posts
6 Oct 2018 12:07PM
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Updated Flyer with Pricing.

NSW, 257 posts
12 Oct 2018 7:26PM
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Online registration for the Sydney Summer Series via this link:

dont be shy if you don't have the new LT, A FEW SAILORS WILL DEFINITELY STILL BE SAILING 30 plus year old ONE DESIGNS and I can assure you they will be giving the front runners under some pressure.

come on down to DAC on Saturday 13/10 and check out the action.
RIPPER Series Youth Windsurfing on BIC Technos, Raceboard Class for high performance windsurfing and one design Windsurfer Class all sailing together on the same course. Expect to see well over 50 windsurfers on the water.

the kids start early with lessons offered at around 9 and racing starting at 10:30. Adults racing starts early afternoon, be there by midday.

Mel was one of the consistent top performers at Gosford. She's back again tomorrow with her daughters, it will be great to see many girls windsurfing in this series.

NSW, 76 posts
14 Nov 2018 9:59PM
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Don't forget the next great race in our summer series at Balmoral on the 24th of November.

NSW, 257 posts
14 Nov 2018 10:02PM
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To Register, either go to the calendar on association website or go to Regatta Toolbox to register and check out previous results

NSW, 391 posts
26 Nov 2018 6:16AM
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327585 said..
Don't forget the next great race in our summer series at Balmoral on the 24th of November.

Saturday turned out to be a lovely day out on the water at Balmoral, and although the breeze died somewhat and turned from the west to the south just before the first race, we still had some very close racing with a number of individual race winners.

Also great to see so many of the youth fleet there on their BIC Techno's.

Thanks to everyone especially Melanie Webb, Al Haynes and Brett Morris for the organization for another great event.

Don't forget the Windsurfer Class NSW State titles are on at DAC in two weekends time. See you all there!

NSW, 76 posts
30 Nov 2018 10:40AM
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NSW Championships are 8 & 9 December.
Sign up now to win a collector's edition cap PLUS everyone who enters will be eligible to win a brand new Windsurfer Sail!
Yes! Its less than 2 weeks away until the NSW champs at Dobroyd Acquatic Club, so get your entries in now. The first 25 to enter by 5th December will receive a COOL limited edition WINDSURFER CAP and everyone who enters and races will go into the draw to WIN A BRAND NEW 2018 WINDSURFER SAIL.
Get this Cap Win this sail

So for your $50 entry fee youll receive:
? 2 Days of racing and up to 8 races
? A collectors edition cap (if entering on or before 5th December)
? A chance to win a new sail and be a winner in your division
? Free Pizza with good company at the presentation
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get your entry in now!
This year there will also be a new Cruiser division for those who want to take it easy and do a little less hard racing and more styling on shorter courses sailing with people who are new to getting around the track or a little rusty.
More good news! It'll be a late start on Saturday (weigh in 12-1pm) so you can even sleep in or drop the kids off to sport and still make the briefing.
Another highlight will be the presentation on Sunday evening where there will be free pizza and the winner of the sail will be drawn and presented, all ready for the Nationals. You have to be there to win it and walk off with the loot!

Report on Heat 2 NSW Summer Series at Balmoral 24 November
Mel Webb did a fantastic job in organising not only a try windsurfing day, which linked in with the Rippers on Bic Technos, then she had 4 Windsurfer class races as part oif the Summer Series, supplied competitors with baked goods and fruit, and capped it off with a win in lightweights! GO MEL!
Big thanks also to Karen and Al Haynes for registration and scoring, and of course Brett Morris and Belly for herding and racing the Techno kids.
14 athLeTes on 14 Windsurfer LTs braved what was supposed to be a 25 knot Southerly but ended up being a 5 knot easterly which challenged a few in making it to the start on time for the first race.
Racing was tight with the fleet close together and many "races within a race" were had with competitors from all weight divisions. Notable was: John Doolan's slippery LT and smoothsole boots causing a couple of innopportune dunkings; Al Haynes muscling up at the start only to loose all breeze and cause havoc with a minute or two to go with a quick dip and sail obstacle; Steve Shimeld starting a couple of board lengths too close to the windward mark and leading the race for lap 1 only to be told "pull over sonny" by the race officer.
Lightweights went to the three Ms:1. Mel Webb, 2. Mal Rofe 3. Marty Stone
Mediums: Paul Ivshenko Dominated from John Doolan and Steve Shimeld
Heavies: Dave West over Stewie Gilbert
Super Heavies was a mammmoth tussle with Simon Jones First, Al Haynes second and XXX
Great to see some new faces Stuart and Greg mixing it up and knocking on the door.a
Special mention to Dan in his first regatta keeping everyone honest.

Balmoral action: The start may have looked casual but was super competitive Pic courtesy Of Belly.
FOR THE DIARY: Windsurfing Chrissy Drinks 21 December from 6 pm Lower Deck Bar Middle Harbour 16ft Skiff Club
Middle Harbour Skiffies, a long time supporter of Windsurfer Class is inviting all Windsurfers for a few quiet drinks and a catch up on Friday 21 December from 6pm.
Plan is to also have a pre-drinks informal race /training at 5 pm off the beach in front of the Club. Friday night SUP racers will also be joining for the drinks.

P.S. DON'T FORGET WINDSURFING TWILIGHTS AT BALMORAL THURSDAYS 5pm- 7pm AND please enter for the nationals before December 20


Everyone's a winner at the NSW Windsurfer Class Championships
Hey NSW Crew Sign up now and you can win some greatr prizes before you even hit the water!
Its just 2 weeks to go to the its time to enter for the NSw Championships 8 and 9 December.
There will also be

NSW, 76 posts
7 Dec 2018 5:36PM
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Last Reminder for the States tomorrow.


NSW Championships are 8 & 9 December.
Sign up now to win a collector's edition cap PLUS everyone who enters will be eligible to win a brand new Windsurfer Sail!
Yes! Its less than 2 weeks away until the NSW champs at Dobroyd Acquatic Club, so get your entries in now. The first 25 to enter by 5th December will receive a COOL limited edition WINDSURFER CAP and everyone who enters and races will go into the draw to WIN A BRAND NEW 2018 WINDSURFER SAIL.
Get this Cap Win this sail

So for your $50 entry fee youll receive:
? 2 Days of racing and up to 8 races
? A collectors edition cap (if entering on or before 5th December)
? A chance to win a new sail and be a winner in your division
? Free Pizza with good company at the presentation
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get your entry in now!
This year there will also be a new Cruiser division for those who want to take it easy and do a little less hard racing and more styling on shorter courses sailing with people who are new to getting around the track or a little rusty.
More good news! It'll be a late start on Saturday (weigh in 12-1pm) so you can even sleep in or drop the kids off to sport and still make the briefing.
Another highlight will be the presentation on Sunday evening where there will be free pizza and the winner of the sail will be drawn and presented, all ready for the Nationals. You have to be there to win it and walk off with the loot!

See previous posts for more info.

NSW, 76 posts
9 Dec 2018 8:47PM
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Balmoral Thursday the 13th of December

While everyone can remember how much fun the had at the states and other events


These nights are just a casual catch up not a Windsurfer Class official event, but we are hoping to get good numbers for our social sail this Thursday.

At this stage two of us from the Central Coast and Al from Newcastle are planning to be there this Thursday before 5pm.



PS All board types are welcome. We also had 24 people attend our State Titles this weekend.

NSW, 257 posts
10 Dec 2018 6:19PM
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Check this out!
Some awesome windsurfing footage from Paul Chapman - Chappo Productions


NSW, 391 posts
11 Dec 2018 6:59AM
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albymongrel said..
Check this out!
Some awesome windsurfing footage from Paul Chapman - Chappo Productions


What a fantastic NSW States with a wide range of conditions to suit just about everyone, brilliant sunshine and the usual friendly and efficient crew from DAC putting on a great regatta.

Also great to see some fantastic video footage of the racing.

A big thank you to AL Haynes and Dave West for their organization of the event and to Wingenuity and Windsurf n Snow for their ongoing support of the Windsurfer Class. We'll done guys.

NSW, 235 posts
11 Dec 2018 4:11PM
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A couple of photos from Sunday.

NSW, 76 posts
11 Dec 2018 7:37PM
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NSW Windsurfer Class Association Twilight Sailing and Coaching at Balmoral
(FYI this is a social and not official event in the Windsurfer Class)

You are invited you to experience twilight sailing at Balmoral Sailing Club this Thursday evening 13 December.

It is a great place to sail and train for our upcoming Nationals.

Also free Race Coaching provided by Greg Johns.

Soooo... Waddaya waiting for? Ask the boss for an early knock off this Thursday and get yourself and your favourite Wally down to Balmoral. If you have not got a Windsurfer class board, bring any board preferably a long board.

Cheers and smooth sailing.


PS Here is an update for Balmoral events.Subject:

Balmoral Twilight sailing and coaching. Further to our discussion at states , the following dates for Balmoral twilight sailing have been confirmed (5-7 pm )and GJ coaching (730 -830 pm )for DEC/ JAN are as follows :

Thursday 13th Dec.
Thursday 10th Jan
Thursday 17th Jan
Thursday 24th Jan - Nationals at Toronto on Lake Macquarie.

Anyone you wishes to train for nationals at Balmoral in January please send an email to with your name ,mobile number and current email . If enough people are interested we can create a whats app group for nationals training to communicate with each other about times .

Balmoral Sailing Club windsurfer racing for DEC/JAN :(1245 briefing , 1400 start.)
Sat 12 JAN 2019
Sat 19 JAN 2019
Thursday 24th Jan - Nationals at Toronto on Lake Macquarie.

NSW, 76 posts
15 Dec 2018 1:23PM
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Hi Everyone

At present the cost to enter the Windsurfer Nationals at Toronto (Lake Macquarie) NSW on 23 to 27 January increases by $50 after December 21, so everyone is encouraged to enter ASAP.

It is a good deal as entry covers two functions, (The Australia Day Party and Welcoming night, plus event merchandise, although merchandise may not be available to late entrants), so another reason to book early.

As of mid day 15 January there are 39 entrants already and we are hoping for lots more.

There is the potential for hire boards (Near New LT's used only in the Siam Cup) but interstate sailors get 1st preference. Need to check with Windgenuity on availability.

Time is ticking. Join in the action. NOR and online entry here:

NSW, 76 posts
20 Dec 2018 4:04PM
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NSW, 76 posts
29 Dec 2018 7:25AM
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Good morning all,

Another Saturday is almost upon us, and I hope you all had a very merry Christmas.

While I don't believe there is any official club racing tomorrow there's a number of us that will be sailing from Gosford sailing club on our Windsurfer LT's to try and get some much needed training in for the upcoming National championships in less than 4 weeks time.

It doesn't matter what board you have, we'd love to have you come and join us. The more the merrier and we ask need the practice for the huge fleet already registered for the Windsurfer nationals (85+).

The forecast is looking marginal but we might get a good NE late in the afternoon and it's going to be warm, so come spend the afternoon out on the water with us.

I hope to see you there.


Copied from John's post Gosford Long Boards.

NSW, 430 posts
29 Dec 2018 10:34PM
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Where/how should I fix this up? Sailed too close to a bowsprit launching at Balmoral this afternoon.

NSW, 76 posts
3 Jan 2019 11:15PM
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NSW Windsurfer Class Association
Published by Al Haynes ? 2 hrs ?
Hey Windsurfers
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, some good times with family and friends and some time on water!

Now we're into the new year and time to get in tune for the upcoming Nationals at Toronto in 21 days!

Coming up in just over a week is heat 3 of out NSW evoLuTion Season - Sydney Summer Series!

Come along to Narabeen Lakes for an opportunity to sail with over 20 competitors already registered (with so many people registered for the Nationals we are expecting more like 30 to 40 entrants) also keen to hone their starting line tactics and fine tuning of techniques and equipment.

If you have already paid your $65 early bird Series Entry, all you need do is load up your Wally and his board (haha ?? ) and to him where to go!

If you haven't paid the $65 already, go online and pay the $65 entry fee for the final two races (your generosity always appreciated and it saves us a headache honestly) or pay $25 cash on the day

Narrabeen Lakes

Sunday 13th January 2019
Be there by 11:00 ish

I will confirm more details soon

Smooth Sailing, Al, Peter, Walshy, Westy and Marty

NSW, 76 posts
3 Jan 2019 11:19PM
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regal1 said..
Where/how should I fix this up? Sailed too close to a bowsprit launching at Balmoral this afternoon.


Check on the Gosford longboard site on seabreeze with my brother John he posts as AUS817, I am pretty sure he gets his sails repaired on the Southern side of Sydney.



NSW, 76 posts
3 Jan 2019 11:20PM
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NSW Windsurfer Class Association
Published by Al Haynes ? 2 hrs ?
Hey Windsurfers
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, some good times with family and friends and some time on water!

Now we're into the new year and time to get in tune for the upcoming Nationals at Toronto in 21 days!

Coming up in just over a week is heat 3 of out NSW evoLuTion Season - Sydney Summer Series!

Come along to Narabeen Lakes for an opportunity to sail with over 20 competitors already registered (with so many people registered for the Nationals we are expecting more like 30 to be entrants) also keen to hone their starting line tactics and fine tuning of techniques and equipment.

If you have already paid your $65 early bird Series Entry, all you need do is load up your Wally and his board (haha ?? ) and to him where to go!

If you haven't paid the $65 already, go online and pay the $65 entry fee for the final two races (your generosity always appreciated and it saves us a headache honestly) or pay $25 cash on the day

Narrabeen Lakes

Sunday 13th January 2019
Be there by 11:00 ish

I will confirm more details soon

Smooth Sailing, Al, Peter, Walshy, Westy and Marty

NSW, 430 posts
10 Jan 2019 2:11PM
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Re windsurfer sail repair.
I contacted Greg Johns at windgenuity and he gave me two options, Redback Sails at Brookvale and Neil Tasker at Barracouta Sails at Caringbah. I contacted Andy at Redback on 0438 111 197 as he is closer and he did a great job on a three day turnaround and cheaper than I expected. All good.

NSW, 464 posts
11 Jan 2019 12:13AM
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Can any one recommend a good ding repairer for my LT. I'm Sydney based northern beaches but happy to drop it off somewhere good. Somehow on its second outing it got a crack about 100mm long on the rail up the nose. It would let in water as you can suck air out. Id like a good invisible repair rather than a patch job. Thanks in advance.
Pete O.

NSW, 430 posts
11 Jan 2019 7:47PM
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Pete O, Have you tried Andrew Divola at divola boats, Manly Vale? He's repaired my carbon epoxy raceboard. He may be busy.

NSW, 257 posts
12 Jan 2019 2:09PM
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Hey guys, girls, kids and old farts ,

here's some news on Narrabeen Lakes tomorrow and some updates on all the happening things in Wally World and beyond

Hey everyone,
Its been a big week sorting out a few issues with the Nationals ( we have 90 competitors now and still more showing an interest),
A Devastating Fire at Windsurf n Snow (luckily no one was hurt), Wind Surf n Snow are now operating out of Windgenuity and open this weekend if you need any gear last minute before Narabeen or the Nationals. PLEASE SUPPORT ONE OF OUR SPORTS BIGGEST SUPPORTERS, SAM HAS DONATED QUITE A LOT TO OUR ASSOCIATION THIS YEAR, so, if you need any gear, now is a good time to reward him with our loyalty and condolences over this major loss of property and business interruption.
The Rippers are in Tassie competing in their Nationals and quite a few expect to come to the Windsurfer Nationals.
The Raceboard Nationals will be held at Myall Lakes starting 20th January to 23rd January. Quite a few Rippers will be competing there as well! Quite a few race boarders will bat on after 4 gruelling days of racing to join us in the Wally Nats at Toronto the very next day!
Johnsy has provided a new update and price list with some tips and tricks as well. One important one for performance will be the notes on centreboard flap trimming.
Also, one charter board still available for the Nationals. Anyway, have a read, here's the link!
i'm back at work after a few weeks off - what a shock to the system and now, at the last minute, i'd better update you all on Round 3 of the Sydney Summer evoLuTion Series!TOMMORROW - NARRABEEN LAKESWe are expecting some good seabreeze on the day which will be fantastic for pre Nationals training with the Toronto event only 12 days away!
There will be a good roll up for this as the last opportunity to sail with a large field before the National. good for practicing those start line tactics!
How to get there?
Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club is located at Jamieson Park, The Esplanade, Narrabeen on Sydney's Northern Beaches. To get from Pittwater Road, turn West into Mactier Street and follow the road over the hill continuing through the first two roundabouts. At the third roundabout take the second exit into The Esplanade and the take the first right into Jamieson Park.there are parking meters in the park and on the nearby street however, there are a few free parking pots but you may need to walk a bit to take advantage (after you have dropped off your gear at the club first!)
Walshy is the best person to ask about free parking spots - 0466154963
The Schedule
please note, due to very dodgy scales used previously, we are doing a new weigh in for ALL competitors with new electronic scales (used at NSW State Championships so that we have a more accurate reading and accordingly accurate placement of sailors into weight divisions.
RACING STARTS: 1:45 - 2:00PMWe are expecting 3 or 4 races to be run

Please advise if you can join us for this either via email to:
or tell us at rego if you will be hanging around for some sausage Sangers and a yarn after the racing.For those who have already entered online via Regatta Toolbox, you have nothing to pay as you paid $65 for the whole series discounted rate for early birds, thank you!Otherwise, $25 fee on the day for this event CASH ONLY accepted.Results will be advised as quickly as practical

A few minor prizes will be up for grabs as well.Cheers, Al, Walshy and all the team from Windsurfer Class NSW

NSW, 325 posts
13 Jan 2019 11:05AM
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Narrabeen today - meet at sailing club ?

NSW, 76 posts
10 Feb 2019 9:42PM
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Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Windsurfer LT / One Design and Original Windsurfer NSW" started by 327585