Point 7 is killer design. Cant wait to get them. You have any yet Sean? Everyone who bought one this year has been most impressed with the quality and performance. Btw, we have just secured BIC sponsorship for a Queensland BIC Windsurf Racing Series this season. Will start in October, runs every 8 weeks. Will invite all classes (formula, RSX, slalom, Techno, perhaps even One Designs?) There will be free workshops leading to the event and on days of the event too. Can you help run a few of them Seano? We got a number of international riders coming in and out this season, in a week, Cheung Hao from Taiwan, Lloyd from the Hong Kong team is already here (studying law at UQ), Azam (S'pore) is coming in November. Who says windsurfing is dying? :)
Great, we have a 'Sweet' on our ceiling, will take pic and put up here.
Ya, the clinics and racing runs from October to April, permits have all been applied. Keep you posted.
that kids sail looks great
do the designers know that the "good" sick is actually spelt sic? The Italians created the "fully sic", but the greeks wanted to call it "fully shick mate"