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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Any local restrictions on windsurfing yet?

Created by NotWal > 9 months ago, 30 Mar 2020
QLD, 7428 posts
30 Mar 2020 7:12PM
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Is Wello closed or anywhere else?

NSW, 354 posts
30 Mar 2020 8:49PM
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Exercise ok

3 posts
30 Mar 2020 6:08PM
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If you need to ask that question you clearly do not under stand how serious the current situation is or or going to be

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
30 Mar 2020 8:27PM
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TheGambler said..
If you need to ask that question you clearly do not under stand how serious the current situation is or or going to be

Yes the current situation is serious but how is going for a sail in your neighbourhood any different to walking your dog?

QLD, 7428 posts
30 Mar 2020 8:38PM
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TheGambler said..
If you need to ask that question you clearly do not under stand how serious the current situation is or or going to be

And you call yourself TheGambler.

3 posts
31 Mar 2020 1:45AM
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If you go sailing you potentially put yourself at risk (not to mention the traffic ),and may have to be assisted by personal who are busy dealing with other issues . walking the dog is good for both parties ,man and dog .Sailing alone is self gratifying ,you would be better employed helping a senior member of our society get their groceries in this time of uncertainty .Watch the news ,read the news paper , watch tv news listen to the Premier and Prime Minister and Police Chief . figure it out

QLD, 2456 posts
31 Mar 2020 4:51AM
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Go sail until they lock us down totally. The last few times ive sailed theres only been one other out. My exercise is endangering no one. Much more risk going to shops.
Free your mind n the rest will follow.
Still plenty of time in the day to go help elderly relatives if required.

QLD, 1100 posts
31 Mar 2020 11:23AM
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TheGambler said..
If you go sailing you potentially put yourself at risk (not to mention the traffic ),and may have to be assisted by personal who are busy dealing with other issues . walking the dog is good for both parties ,man and dog .Sailing alone is self gratifying ,you would be better employed helping a senior member of our society get their groceries in this time of uncertainty .Watch the news ,read the news paper , watch tv news listen to the Premier and Prime Minister and Police Chief . figure it out

put a price on mental health...i can sail/kite/sup/surf solo where i live and not come within a 100m of a person or touch any public equipment ...traffic ..yeah maybe one or two cars between home and the beach (1.5km), chance of accident 1- 1 million
bit of common sense needs to be applied :)

oh its ok for me to go to work where there are 8 of here and we are 100% non essential :(

As for the oldies ...come see them all riding , walking shopping golfing you name it...around here ...they are all going mad around here ...(that includes those that are in a retirement village /nursing home) and the quote that is heard often from them is '''' I'm XX years old I've had a good life, if i get it i die..i'm ok with that ' ...none of them are concerned for their health, a lot of 'ok boomer; going on

QLD, 1087 posts
31 Mar 2020 5:06PM
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Got a Facebook feed that suggests no recreational boating. Would need to categorise it as exercise??

QLD, 2456 posts
31 Mar 2020 5:31PM
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Or, as in my case my primary dwelling?

QLD, 1087 posts
31 Mar 2020 6:23PM
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The article suggests 'non powered' activity ok 'exercise' as long as no more than 2 together and social distance maintained

i will be ok as I can't keep up with anybody as it is

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
31 Mar 2020 6:36PM
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Yeah I just read that Jeff, seems to indicate still ok to windsurf as it is a non-powered device. Just make sure you are sailing for the exercise and not for self gratification.

QLD, 1479 posts
31 Mar 2020 7:04PM
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All good you can still windsurf, surf, kayak, SUP. breath easy! it's exercise and helping with your mental health especially with current circumstances (hint hint)

Just really referring to using a vessel for a purpose that does not include recreational purposes - any need to expand on it?

Should be up on the MSQ or AMSA websites now if not soon.

QLD, 1479 posts
31 Mar 2020 7:07PM
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As long as the Sandstone mob doesn't take all their boards and lay them along the grass, would look like a one design regatta from 1984.

Don't give anyone ammunition or evidence that to say we are not social distancing or gathering! They will complain and its always the usual complaining population!

QLD, 5610 posts
31 Mar 2020 8:15PM
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olskool said..
Or, as in my case my primary dwelling?

Me too. Stay at home? Anywhere....(Nara Inlet this pic)

QLD, 4867 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:51AM
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Because the rules change daily , before my next sail I'll ring the local cops .
And if allowed get the coppers name and as Auz Moz said not spread our stuff all over the place .
Sail Ninja style
Banning us for being unnecessarily dangerous and possibly taking up ambulance and hospital bed space , it would be unfair letting bike riders do their thing . Bike riding is soooo much more dangerous .

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
1 Apr 2020 9:18AM
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Everyone please separate when parking, rigging and even on the water. This is the best way to stop our sport being shut down.

QLD, 5610 posts
1 Apr 2020 10:47AM
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da vecta said..
Everyone please separate when parking, rigging and even on the water. This is the best way to stop our sport being shut down.

That's right ! No hugging kissing and cuddling on the water you gold Coast guys !!!

QLD, 4867 posts
1 Apr 2020 11:47AM
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Richiefish said..

da vecta said..
Everyone please separate when parking, rigging and even on the water. This is the best way to stop our sport being shut down.

That's right ! No hugging kissing and cuddling on the water you gold Coast guys !!!

Thats my signature move

QLD, 355 posts
1 Apr 2020 2:15PM
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updated MSQ guidelines from today:

There is also a link to an ABC radio interview with MSQ GM attempting to provide some clarity on the new rules.

QLD, 4047 posts
1 Apr 2020 3:38PM
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So from I have read Paddling, Kayaking and Sailing are in, guess that means you need a pole of some description and strings are out.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
1 Apr 2020 5:24PM
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Richiefish said..

da vecta said..
Everyone please separate when parking, rigging and even on the water. This is the best way to stop our sport being shut down.

That's right ! No hugging kissing and cuddling on the water you gold Coast guys !!!

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Richiefish said..

da vecta said..
Everyone please separate when parking, rigging and even on the water. This is the best way to stop our sport being shut down.

That's right ! No hugging kissing and cuddling on the water you gold Coast guys !!!

We had quite a nice blow down here today.

Dr Gas
QLD, 143 posts
1 Apr 2020 6:47PM
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Hey guys, I don't fear this virus (and I work in a Covid-19 designated hospital). I do fear panic and the over reaction that could ruin our way of life. I fear heavy handed police encouraged by some ,mostly state, politicians, competing to be the most "caring" and therefore most draconian in terms of shutting down normal human behaviour. There is a law of diminishing returns. Restricting human contacts helps slow the virus from spreading, but there is a limit.

No one really knows how this will pan out. We do know the old and sick need to be protected. The young and fit will be just fine. I am not worried about my kids getting sick any more than I would be if they caught seasonal influenza A.

For goodness sake, going windsurfing isn't going to hurt anyone.

Be sensible. Go solo. Enjoy yourself and keep smiling.

We will be OK.

QLD, 2067 posts
1 Apr 2020 8:36PM
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Dr Gas said..
Be sensible. Go solo. Enjoy yourself and keep smiling.

We will be OK.

Do a web search for 12 yr old and 13 yr old deaths.

Here's the thing about "discretionary powers", they are discretionary. Police have already cautioned people for using personal-watercraft, while windsurfing is a different category, .... discretionary .... powers.

I agree enjoying our passion is not going to hurt anybody. Until the stats no longer weigh in your favour, either because you now have a nice little bounty to pay, or your family develops a dry-cough.

Seriously ... its a few months of your time of not being on the water - do some sit-ups, do some squats... then take a nice long holiday in WA next summer due to the realisation that life-is-short, because ... apparently ... there is some crew going for a mission seeking the Holy Grail.

NSW, 8094 posts
3 Apr 2020 2:23PM
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Ring Qld health and ask. I rang NSW and got the info I needed. I was told to ring my own state as each state may be different.

3 posts
3 Apr 2020 5:40PM
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sboardcrazy said..
Ring Qld health and ask. I rang NSW and got the info I needed. I was told to ring my own state as each state may be different.

An old saying : If you ask the same question to enough different persons you will eventually get the answer you want to hear ;,but seriously its not smart to be moving about to much right now if you don't need to and to the average brain that would include the beach

QLD, 642 posts
4 Apr 2020 9:38AM
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olskool said..
Or, as in my case my primary dwelling?

Me too. Stay at home? Anywhere....(Nara Inlet this pic)

Don't pass on any bugs to Mischa .

QLD, 642 posts
4 Apr 2020 9:50AM
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TheGambler said..

sboardcrazy said..
Ring Qld health and ask. I rang NSW and got the info I needed. I was told to ring my own state as each state may be different.

An old saying : If you ask the same question to enough different persons you will eventually get the answer you want to hear ;,but seriously its not smart to be moving about to much right now if you don't need to and to the average brain that would include the beach

The reason why we have such harsh restrictions is because a sizeable percentage of our society ignored the initial social distancing guidelines. They went out into public spaces for social gatherings, kissing, cuddling and holding hands. They packed out the coffee shops and carried on as normal. This is very different from the surfboard rider who sits out beyond the break, well away from others but when beaches were closed the board riders removed as well. Discretionary powers mean that discretion is applied when no danger to other people is likely to happen. Banning outdoor sports where social distancing rules can be maintained is counterproductive, foolish and a product of irrational fear. Sunshine and physical activity provide additional immune boosting properties and positive mental attitudes. Being confined inside a house or unit for months on end is not healthy so we should read within the regulations the latitudes that allow this to happen. This includes those who want to play a casual game of golf or go fishing for some dinner. That is common sense.

QLD, 4047 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:55AM
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TheGambler said..

sboardcrazy said..
Ring Qld health and ask. I rang NSW and got the info I needed. I was told to ring my own state as each state may be different.

An old saying : If you ask the same question to enough different persons you will eventually get the answer you want to hear ;,but seriously its not smart to be moving about to much right now if you don't need to and to the average brain that would include the beach

These restrictions are going to go for 6 months or more, I think every medical expert and a good percentage of people with an average brain would agree exercise is essential.

QLD, 1100 posts
4 Apr 2020 12:32PM
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I witnessed the 'most I Australian thing today, horrific'
whilst returning from my 'exercise' in the water , the life guards were telling scantly clad girls in micro bikinis that they could not sun bake on the beach... and asked them to move on ... what sort of Australian Male would do that I ask?!!... the worlds gone mad!
I stepped in and advised the girls that if they did a few planks, some push ups and the odd crunch in between gathering their rays of sunshine they would 'technically be exercising ' and could remain .... they thought that was a great idea and obliged ...

I know very noble of me ... it's all in the best interest of community service , I think we should spread the word ...

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Apr 2020 11:45AM
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Jonesy, I hope you were a good citizen and watched them to make sure they were exercising the whole time


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Any local restrictions on windsurfing yet?" started by NotWal