Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

GC, Getting Ready for 40+

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 15 Mar 2012
QLD, 68 posts
18 Mar 2012 8:32PM
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what an arvo,

rigged my one and only 6.5, with lots of downhaul and hoped to god i wouldnt get slaughtered out there.

first run was great, second run was awesome until a huge guts came thru and i was hanging on for dear life.

got back to the beach and then stepped on a flathead, just my luck, so contemplated throwing in the towel, but some more downhaul and i was back out there.

the second gust that came thru, and i called it quits. That gust, around 4.30pm, was awesome.

Still, a great day on the water thats for sure.

Hope tomorrow is just as good, taking my gear to work for an arvo run.


QLD, 455 posts
18 Mar 2012 10:11PM
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md74 said...

Nice work nac it's out there man! At least your not combining it with a euro short, yet!

But then again I have windsurfed nude, with no respect to the sun damage on any body parts!

Hey good to see you nearly have those gybes down, good effort!

Windsurfing nude jeeeeeezus. The bandana is a tube shape so maybe you should consider getting one too by the sounds of it. Like i said stops you getting blisters on your head

QLD, 6806 posts
18 Mar 2012 10:43PM
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just for records...
it was 35-40 ? on Shearwater, but late at 4: 30 and only for w while

I didn't feel comfortable on 5.0 I must say in that gust...

NSW, 9202 posts
19 Mar 2012 12:25PM
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Man of the session was Eggs.

QLD, 6806 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:35AM
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I must say it was splendid view: 20-30 windsurfers on that quiet usual SW spot on that day ( and only one or two kites...)!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"GC, Getting Ready for 40+" started by Macroscien