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Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Gold Coast Windsurfing Club

Created by greenleader > 9 months ago, 14 May 2017
QLD, 5283 posts
14 May 2017 6:17PM
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So just a heads up that after a lot of interest from heaps of fellow windsurfers here on the Goldy, a few of us are putting the wheels in motion and setting up in association with Windsurfing Queensland, a new club!

The Gold Coast Windsurfing Club will be representative of the local windsurfers and will connect members concerns about our waterways and foreshores as well as social events and of course competitions.

We will keep you in touch shortly about our upcoming meetings and suggestions and feedback will be welcomed.

I was at the first meeting of the Queensland Sailboard Club in 1979 at Bulimba Sailing Club and am looking forward to being part of a new club!

Cheers Ian

QLD, 6483 posts
14 May 2017 6:51PM
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the first rule of gold coast windsurf club, is you do not talk about gold coast windsurf club how windy it was before i got there

QLD, 399 posts
14 May 2017 8:05PM
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From the feed back we have received over the last summer season we need to get together as a group to be able to muster some sort of clout for dealing with safety issues as the Broadwater and wave spots usage grows. Some social, competition and insurance is also a great bonus. Time peeps for some ideas and help if this is going to work.??

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
14 May 2017 8:29PM
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I normally wouldn't feel comfortable joining any club that would actually accept me in as a member.

...but this sounds interesting.

NSW, 106 posts
15 May 2017 1:31PM
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Great idea - but no competition (unless it's very short runs)!! (And only two of them) (and out and back counts as two runs) (oh, and also no gybes). Other than that I'm in

Cap'n Kirk
QLD, 43 posts
16 May 2017 1:03PM
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Excellent initiative Ian! And even though I won't be back on the water for at least another three to four months - count me in.
The insurance cover alone will be worth "the price of admission".
PS: Whatever else you do people, don't forget to stretch, I certainly wish I had of.

QLD, 6808 posts
16 May 2017 2:15PM
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Possibly we are not able to draw a similar comparison, but as a sports club, we may expect some benefits on the water.Let's compare our sailing event to a football match ( or cricket).
You do not expect somebody to come, sit on your grass and make a picnic just while the match is on.
This is exactly what is happening at almost every sailing session with anglers.
Maybe there is somewhere hidden rule/ law/ local customs that allow us to claim the piece of water or bank for that sailing event....
Maybe sort of flag, buoy could be considered for more organized events?

NSW, 121 posts
16 May 2017 8:30PM
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Great idea Ian. We definitely need to get organised as a group to have any clout in managing and keeping our sailing areas.

QLD, 5283 posts
16 May 2017 9:02PM
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Thanks Guys, Just filling out the forms ATM for affiliation with WQ. I reckon the time is right and Goldy windsurfers are a truly united bunch anyway....time to get some car stickers haha

NSW, 106 posts
17 May 2017 8:12AM
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We need those neoprene stubby holders - Surf FX on one side and Gold Coast Windsurfers Rule on the other

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
17 May 2017 11:14AM
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Let's not dream too big just yet.

NSW, 106 posts
17 May 2017 11:53AM
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and tee shirts!!!!!!!!!!

QLD, 6808 posts
17 May 2017 12:12PM
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greenleader said..
Thanks Guys, Just filling out the forms ATM for affiliation with WQ. I reckon the time is right and Goldy windsurfers are a truly united bunch anyway....time to get some car stickers haha

Windsurfing stickers could be useful to negotiate a deal with city council regarding parking in trailer spots. Most of us keep sailing gear in the car, but still need to access near boat ramps parking. Maybe sort of VIRTUAL TRAILER STICKER could be arranged to deal with GC city council? So instead of towing an empty trailer, we could negotiate rights to utilize parking space for trailers only?

NSW, 106 posts
17 May 2017 5:55PM
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Stuff the virtual stickers - we all want tee shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QLD, 6483 posts
17 May 2017 8:51PM
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and caps

NSW, 106 posts
18 May 2017 7:49AM
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......and maybe colour coordinated wetsuits!!!!!!!!!!

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
18 May 2017 2:48PM
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I'm in

QLD, 3252 posts
18 May 2017 4:36PM
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High visibility vests

QLD, 1479 posts
18 May 2017 6:49PM
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Big stickers - so they can be used for sail repairs too!

QLD, 5283 posts
18 May 2017 9:01PM
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Hahaha, stubby coolers, tee shirts, caps, high viz vests and sail repair stickers will all have to be factored into the membership.....I was more thinking of a clubhouse!

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
19 May 2017 1:38PM
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A club house to debrief ha we just kick Tony out of his flat. Perfect.

QLD, 28 posts
19 May 2017 3:00PM
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'THE GRAND....' A perfect debriefing location/Clubhouse....!!.. All Go for an awesome Club ...Count Me In

QLD, 6808 posts
19 May 2017 6:17PM
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No, maybe we all should chip in and buy the biggest house boat for clubhouse. Then park in the middle of waterways.

QLD, 105 posts
19 May 2017 7:59PM
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Whats there to enjoy at the Grand .?
The pedestrian traffic, ? the sailing, ? the debrief ?
Being able to sail within a 100 mtrs of the Grand and the 360 bar is nothing special.
Why would you want the club there ?

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
20 May 2017 9:22AM
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monaro said..
Whats there to enjoy at the Grand .?
The pedestrian traffic, ? the sailing, ? the debrief ?
Being able to sail within a 100 mtrs of the Grand and the 360 bar is nothing special.
Why would you want the club there ?

Then we would never sail, too many distractions, rear ends, lattes and dirty grannies.

QLD, 1479 posts
20 May 2017 1:13PM
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Mistral Nick said..

monaro said..
Whats there to enjoy at the Grand .?
The pedestrian traffic, ? the sailing, ? the debrief ?
Being able to sail within a 100 mtrs of the Grand and the 360 bar is nothing special.
Why would you want the club there ?

Then we would never sail, too many distractions, rear ends, lattes and dirty grannies.

you guys got it all down there!

QLD, 5610 posts
20 May 2017 2:37PM
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Well.....The pressure is onto Bayside Sailboard Club. We'll be needing shirts and caps and stickers and maybe our own boutique beer label.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
21 May 2017 1:00PM
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You could call your beer Moreton Bay Stout ...the colour we love. While we won't even have to label our champagne as the clarity and sparkle will be instantly recognisable.

QLD, 5610 posts
22 May 2017 3:10PM
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da vecta said..
You could call your beer Moreton Bay Stout ...the colour we love. While we won't even have to label our champagne as the clarity and sparkle will be instantly recognisable.

Ha ha ! At certain times of year we could have Jelly fish Blue Curacao.

QLD, 3252 posts
22 May 2017 5:08PM
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Richiefish said..

da vecta said..
You could call your beer Moreton Bay Stout ...the colour we love. While we won't even have to label our champagne as the clarity and sparkle will be instantly recognisable.

Ha ha ! At certain times of year we could have Jelly fish Blue Curacao.

Or Bombay Gin

QLD, 105 posts
26 May 2017 9:41PM
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Hopefully next Thursday will be a trial run GCWC de brief at the Grand.
This should only occur if forecast comes to the party.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Gold Coast Windsurfing Club" started by greenleader