Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Green Island 2019

Created by JonesySail > 9 months ago, 31 May 2019
QLD, 1083 posts
31 May 2019 11:37PM
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Be there or be cold and windless :)

QLD, 129 posts
6 Jun 2019 10:36AM
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I'm thinking of going up end of June - around 20th to 27th June.
Can anyone in Cairns Comment on Tides for Green Island.
Also, Is it possible to leave gear out there overnight?
I'm thinking of getting a 7 day ferry ticket...
And with luck will get up there for the Nationals in July also...
What can I say - hanging out for some serious windsurfing sessions....

QLD, 1083 posts
6 Jun 2019 3:15PM
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Under the GI keep it real rules, 'pre season training' in the way of actually any decent windsurfing before the event is strictly prohibited, god forbid the consideration of training at the actual event site weeks before hand, what the hell are you thinking !

such breaches of the GIKIR guidelines can lead to instant disqualification under rules 21A sub section xyz

now don't even consider pre season MTB training for the Friday.... you wont be allowed on the Bus to the bike hire! :)

162 posts
6 Jun 2019 1:37PM
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was out there Monday solid 30 knots gusting to 35 all day

QLD, 129 posts
6 Jun 2019 7:13PM
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JonesySail said..
Under the GI keep it real rules, 'pre season training' in the way of actually any decent windsurfing before the event is strictly prohibited, god forbid the consideration of training at the actual event site weeks before hand, what the hell are you thinking !

such breaches of the GIKIR guidelines can lead to instant disqualification under rules 21A sub section xyz

now don't even consider pre season MTB training for the Friday.... you wont be allowed on the Bus to the bike hire! :)

Ha ha ha, Just trying to make up for only a handful of days windsurfing since Nov 2018... and no Job at present...

QLD, 1083 posts
6 Jun 2019 9:14PM
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Its just a no brainer this time of year, save your pennies, and put it towards a flight to NQ, even for just a long weekend
Warm , windy sunrise to sunset , only other place at this time of year to rival it is Maui. GI is a much cheaper date!
Cairns pumps this time of year ,you can even get a meal or drink after 8pm! :)

200 posts
7 Jun 2019 11:32AM
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More info here at

QLD, 111 posts
12 Jun 2019 8:52PM
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Fire Up Photo of the Day.... And where better to start.. (From where you'd rather be....)

(yep, 2019 online registration is a happening thing, thanks Sean for the midnite work..)

QLD, 111 posts
12 Jun 2019 8:57PM
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...and seeing as most of the country is FREEZING windless, let's have a bit of BUSHFIRE to get you warmed up..

(yeah OK we'll keep the motivational images to one per day but to kick it off you can share a double bonus..)

NSW, 352 posts
12 Jun 2019 9:38PM
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hehehe, can't wait!

QLD, 111 posts
13 Jun 2019 9:25AM
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Fire Up photo of the day...

Speaking of "fires".... if that don't get you lit then nothing will..

QLD, 111 posts
14 Jun 2019 9:39AM
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Fire Up Friday !!!

QLD, 111 posts
15 Jun 2019 11:03AM
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Sea Level Saturday...

QLD, 110 posts
15 Jun 2019 6:02PM
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As a Nationals virgin, I'm seeing 1st, 2nd and 3rd .

QLD, 111 posts
16 Jun 2019 5:45PM
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...Slalom Start Sunday...

QLD, 111 posts
17 Jun 2019 12:20PM
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...MO (nday) ???...

Not sure if Mo can make it (sailing a solo yacht adventure in the Atlantic !!)
but great to see Derryn, Kaz, Kellie, Shari and Lara all lined up ready to race !

QLD, 111 posts
18 Jun 2019 11:02AM
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...Two_Up Tuesday...

( Little bit of GPS action... Ben's MIA for this year with a new move at work, but already locking in for 2020... but Craig should be a goer...)

NSW, 925 posts
18 Jun 2019 3:01PM
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Go the girrrrls
cant wait

QLD, 111 posts
19 Jun 2019 10:52AM
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Yeahrrrrr!!! Or is that Yezzzzrrr ?? Either way - it's GO!!!!

QLD, 111 posts
19 Jun 2019 10:54AM
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Little bit of MiDWEEK M@DNESS...

...and plenty of GIRRRL POWER in that lot too !!!!

TAS, 2342 posts
19 Jun 2019 1:46PM
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Foxy's having fun with the daily horoscopes!

NSW, 925 posts
19 Jun 2019 5:55PM
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Not that it's about the teeeee shirrrrts but..
whatcha got cooking on the colour and design this year kazzaray?

QLD, 1083 posts
19 Jun 2019 6:20PM
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cracking start on that race......:)
tad over i was told! :(
Massive investment of a startwatch with 4min timer has been procured for this year!

TAS, 2342 posts
20 Jun 2019 7:47AM
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Dezza said..
Not that it's about the teeeee shirrrrts but..
whatcha got cooking on the colour and design this year kazzaray?

No idea yet Dezza (Yezzzzrrrr), I'm awaiting on the fox. Then there might be the odd secret reveal........

QLD, 111 posts
20 Jun 2019 2:34PM
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Throwback Thursday...
Where the whole idea began...

...and for any not careful or unlucky enough, where it all could end !??

QLD, 111 posts
21 Jun 2019 4:17PM
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... Fast (French) Friday...
... Vendredi francais rapide...
Pas de question quand M. Gaubert arrive, il va au "Max"...

No question when Mr. Gaubert arrives, he takes it to the "Max"...
And no question that is wasn't Croatia winning the World Cup July 2018 !!

QLD, 111 posts
22 Jun 2019 11:18AM
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..."Stylin Saturday...

No we won't - in 2019 - but yes we did over the early years. And some of the moves were pretty full-on..

Nothing half-baked about Half-Price during his Island time...

And no - in 2018 - we didn't, but that didn't stop a few brave contenders making their own freestyle... Some more sensational than others!

* Perhaps surprisingly, no animals (or others) were injured in the making of this media... *

QLD, 111 posts
23 Jun 2019 3:20PM
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.... Super Sunday... and Super Moons . Six years ago, on this day...
Sunday, 23rd June, 2013
the moon reached perigee, it's closest point of orbit to earth.
Resulting in the biggest of Super Moons - and producing resultant tides of absolute peak proportions.
Tides that day were the highest - and lowest- for the year... Astronomic, some could say.
Which resulted in some pretty extreme and unique conditions ... have a look at that low tide and the Reef Flats.
You won't see a view like that again anytime soon.

Like most things, there is a second side to the story. What goes up must go down etc.
So while reefs were rising at an unprecedented rate, elsewhere sailing opportunities rarely available were emerging...
Such was the case outside on Vlasoff, where the super tides made a small sand cay into a rather special arena.

And the rest, as they say, is kind of history. But at the same time, still so relevant to what we do today...

As world renowned Windsurf photographer John "JC" Carter tells it
"Scoring shots of windsurfing in secluded paradise comes with a small price tag ;
one boat, one helicopter, a round-trip ticket to Australia plus a shedload of beer in the pub after the session.
Was it worth it ?? Hell YEAH !!"

... We can't show it here, but for those interested in recollecting the details of that unique iconic story,
check out

Sunday, 23rd June 2013. Super Sunday. Indeed...

QLD, 456 posts
23 Jun 2019 6:56PM
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GINats said..
.... Super Sunday... and Super Moons . Six years ago, on this day...
Sunday, 23rd June, 2013
the moon reached perigee, it's closest point of orbit to earth.
Resulting in the biggest of Super Moons - and producing resultant tides of absolute peak proportions.
Tides that day were the highest - and lowest- for the year... Astronomic, some could say.
Which resulted in some pretty extreme and unique conditions ... have a look at that low tide and the Reef Flats.
You won't see a view like that again anytime soon.

Like most things, there is a second side to the story. What goes up must go down etc.
So while reefs were rising at an unprecedented rate, elsewhere sailing opportunities rarely available were emerging...
Such was the case outside on Vlasoff, where the super tides made a small sand cay into a rather special arena.

And the rest, as they say, is kind of history. But at the same time, still so relevant to what we do today...

As world renowned Windsurf photographer John "JC" Carter tells it
"Scoring shots of windsurfing in secluded paradise comes with a small price tag ;
one boat, one helicopter, a round-trip ticket to Australia plus a shedload of beer in the pub after the session.
Was it worth it ?? Hell YEAH !!"

... We can't show it here, but for those interested in recollecting the details of that unique iconic story,
check out

Sunday, 23rd June 2013. Super Sunday. Indeed...

I read that article and decided I HAD to get to that regatta if it was going to happen again- and so began an annual week I look forward to all year. One year absence ( won't happen again) but this is THE event to get to. Great people great vibe great sailing! Seeya there.

WA, 3145 posts
23 Jun 2019 8:41PM
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Photo of Ben on this day but July 2008, mid morning Green Island. Same date as the GIN's this year

QLD, 111 posts
24 Jun 2019 10:57AM
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...(well, carrying on that theme.....)

Monday Moments...
The sky went black, and the sea went red.
2014 Slalom final may have lacked variety - but it lacked little else !


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Green Island 2019" started by JonesySail