High tide on Saturday morning 10 October is early at 8:00 o'clock.
The Learn to Windsurf program will need to kick off early and conclude before midday.
Please aim to arrive at 8:45am for a 9:00am start
After 11:00am, the water level will be getting too low to sail close in to the beach.
The start time for the Learn to Windsurf Program this Saturday morning 17/10/15 is 9:00am.
Please aim to arrive at 8:45am for a 9:00am start.
This Saturday morning 24 October, the tide is less favourable than the previous week for the Learn to Windsurf Program. Low tide will be at 12:30pm.
By 10:00am, the water over the sand flats at the beach at RQYS will have receded too far to suit windsurfing/instruction close to the beach.
Accordingly, we plan to make a start at the earlier time of 8:00am Saturday morning.
See you at 7:45am for a 8:00am start.
Shot taken a fortnight ago at the beach in front of RQYS.
Tides are excellent this Saturday morning.
The start time for the Learn to Windsurf Program this Saturday morning 17/10/15 is 9:00am.
Please aim to arrive at 8:45am for a 9:00am start.
This Saturday 7 November, low tide will be at 12:30pm.
By 10:30am, the water over the sand flats at the beach at RQYS will have receded too far to suit windsurfing/instruction close to the beach.
Accordingly, we plan to make a start at the earlier time of 8:00am Saturday morning.
See you at 7:45am for a 8:00am start.
Tides are good this Saturday morning 14/11/15.
The start time for the Learn to Windsurf Program this Saturday morning is 9:00am.
Please aim to arrive at 8:45am for a 9:00am start.
My two boys came last Saturday and loved it. They are hooked. They will be there bright and early tomorrow.
Just short question to teacher if I could interrupt.
I just bought specifically beginner board to teach teenager / adults friends, (70-80 kg) willing to learn windsurfing.
I hope that JP Funster 180 L will be adequate, but I am not sure about sail.
If the smallest sail I have something like 4.2m2 storm ? /speed ? sail on 4.0 mast will be good enough or I need something different ?
So far I could see how big problem it is for them on this very first day on the water.
advice and tips are appreciated
We start everyone including adults on the 3.0mtr. They pretty much all manage to getting going and get back to where they launched in there first session. Often the adults will come in for a bigger sail (4.5) in their first session if the wind is light.
Where we teach is a large shallow shelf so the sailors can sail in any direction for some distance whilst still being in shallow water plus no boat traffic or current. Very different to the Broadwater, dont underestimate the effect of other factors beside sail size and board volume.
The other thing we do is start them on the simulator which gives them a good idea about what they are likely to encounter and how to manage it on the water
Best tip i have is bring up to join in a couple of our sessions and get the basics sorted.
This Saturday coming 21 November, low tide will be at 11:00am.
Accordingly, we plan to make a start for the Learn to Windsurf Program at the later time of 1:30pm Saturday afternoon.
See you then.
There will be no Learn to Windsurf Program on Saturday 28 Nov at RQYS
All our instructors & volunteers will be involved with racing in the Boardcrazy 2015/2016 Australian Raceboard Championships at RQYS.
The events runs from 27 to 29 November.
Around 35 competitors including overseas windsurfers will contest the event over 12 races.
This includes Dave Sterling, Joanna Sterling, Cameron Whitford, Wayne Baillie, Emma Baillie, Shari O'Brien, Lara O'Brien, Pat O'Brien, Ray Wilson and Tony Baldwin Core.
Regretably we will not be able to run the Learn to Windsurf Program on Saturday 28 Nov.
Back to business as usual the following week.
Hi Cammd,
Any idea when you will be kicking off on Saturday? I've got a couple of tackers to bring along but have an open home to go to at 10.00am so will have to work around that.
Hi Scott,
A few instructors are on holidays but there will be a young French Instructor and some helpers to accommodate everyone.
9am start, so try to arrive by 8.45am. Saturday 12th December.
Hope this is OK with all.
Thanks Ray, I'll see how I go. I might leave it to a day where I won't have to dash off. I'll be able to help out that way.
A big thank you to Julian for travelling up from the Gold Coast to introduce 3 new beginners to windsurfing and instruct another 7.
There were light showers in the morning and about 10kts of wind which was perfect for beginners.
As today is the last day of the sailing season for 2015, we would like to thank all those who have been part of the learn to windsurf course.
Have a great Xmas, and be sure to check out this site every Friday for details of what is happening in the new year.
Cheers from the Instructors and their helpers.
Thanks Julien and Ray for helping out this weekend
Thanks to all the other volunteers (Dave, Pat, Wayne, Shari, Lara, Emma, Jo, Ray and Max) and parents (Tony, Tim, Rob, Markus, George to name a few) who have helped week in and week out by rigging gear, carrying it to and from the water, standing chest deep holding boards and chasing them downwind and walking them back to start again, sitting on rescue boats and stand up paddle boards and all the other little jobs they just do without being asked.
Also a big thanks to the adult participants for helping out with unpacking and washing and packing gear and generally helping the kids.
Big Thank you to RQYS for making this all possible and investing so heavily in the future of windsurfing, many volunteers and staff within the club have contributed. The commitee, management, the sailing office, the sailing academy, reception, sailing committee and the marina office (thanks Richiefish).
Thanks also to Yachting Australia for investing in the future of windsurfing and providing all the new gear, its getting well used.
Mostly thanks to the kids for showing an interest in this awesome sport and for coming down and giving it ago.
So many people involved in this endeavour its been great and no one has been asked, everyone has just got involved because they love the sport and want to share the stoke with the next generation. Thank-you to everyone involved.
The first year of the Learn to Windsurf program has exceeded our expectations in so many ways and has been a fantastic success. Next year promises to be even bigger with the construction of new windsurfing precinct scheduled to be completed early in the new year, the high performance program due to begin, and now plans to hold a Techno Oceanics in conjunction with the up coming Raceboard World Championships.
Merry Christmas to everyone and have a safe and Happy New Year and we all look forward to seeing you early in new year if we don't see you on the water first.
Learn to windsurf is kicking off this weekend Saturday 2/1/2016, it will be starting at 1.00pm.
Some good news was received over the break, the grant RQ applied for to build the new windsurfing precinct has been awarded and its all systems go in the new year.
The comment made by RQ's General Manager was that "it's a huge vote of confidence in windsurfing by the QLD State Government."
Hope to see you there.