Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

RQYS Junior Windsurfing

Created by cammd > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2015
QLD, 3760 posts
14 May 2015 9:42AM
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Thanks Scott, we are all enjoying seeing the kids get involved and gaining confidence and skills every week and enjoying the best sport in the world, I know the bug has bitten a few and they are hooked.

Normal program starts at 9.00 am this Saturday

QLD, 3760 posts
22 May 2015 12:26PM
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Afternoon Session tomorrow, 1.00 pm start, strong southerly predicted, don't be scared . Have RIB can rescue.

QLD, 114 posts
22 May 2015 3:36PM
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Rescue for adults too Cameron?

QLD, 5610 posts
22 May 2015 8:28PM
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cammd said..
Afternoon Session tomorrow, 1.00 pm start, strong southerly predicted, don't be scared . Have RIB can rescue.

One of the great things about windsurfing/sailing with RQYS is there is always a flock of rescue boats, manned by coaches or volunteers, close at hand.

(Cuneo is in the water on standby if you need to rescue me tomorrow.)

QLD, 3760 posts
23 May 2015 1:03PM
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Sorry bad news 25 to 30 cross offshore. We are going to cancel today

QLD, 3760 posts
29 May 2015 9:34PM
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High tide is early so a 9.00 am start tomorrow

QLD, 25 posts
4 Jun 2015 10:32PM
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We on for tomorrow Cammd?

QLD, 3760 posts
5 Jun 2015 12:08PM
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Mlwj64 said..
We on for tomorrow Cammd?

Yep Saturday afternoon session, starts at 1.00pm

QLD, 1087 posts
19 Jun 2015 5:40PM
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cammd said...
High tide is early so a 9.00 am start tomorrow

Hi Cameron
I assume 9am start tomorrow?

Looking forward to getting Max back onto the water

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 3760 posts
19 Jun 2015 6:46PM
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Yes Jeff 9.00am I will be late but dave and shari will be there
Cheers Cameron

QLD, 3760 posts
26 Jun 2015 10:10PM
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9,00am start

QLD, 5 posts
18 Jul 2015 10:45AM
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Hi RQ junior Windsurfing.

Having been away for a few weeks I am wondering if Jnr Windsurfing is still on, or is it on hold for winter?
If so when is it expected to resume?

QLD, 3760 posts
18 Jul 2015 7:39PM
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Didn't have a session today because we were a bit short on coaches and high tide was in the morning and it was really cold but next Saturday should be good to go, I will post later in the week to confirm



QLD, 5 posts
19 Jul 2015 10:15AM
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Hi Camm
Thanks for that. Taine will be there.

QLD, 3760 posts
24 Jul 2015 2:17PM
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1.00 pm tomorrow start

QLD, 57 posts
24 Jul 2015 2:27PM
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I will be there! Happy to help ;)

QLD, 3760 posts
31 Jul 2015 10:33PM
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9.00am start tomorrow going to be a warm sunny day perfect for learning to windsurf

QLD, 665 posts
1 Aug 2015 1:06AM
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cammd said..
The new Junior Windsurfing Program is due to kick off at RQYS this coming Saturday 31st of Jan.

Aims of the program
Introduce kids to windsurfing and encourage active participation in the sport
provide a safe, structured, social environment to pursue the sport on a regular basis
Keep costs to a minimum
Train and develop the skills to allow kids to enjoy windsurfing in all its forms

Learn to windsurf course - designed to arm kids with the basic understanding and skills to sail in and out, rig and de-rig and self rescue. Once kids have this knowledge and skills they will join the weekly activities

Weekly Activities - Every week different activities will be run that are designed to teach skills and be fun. Activities will be based on prevailing conditions and skill level of the kids.

Become and Independant Windsurfer/Racer - The exit to the program is another course designed to ensure kids have the skills and knowledge required to be an independant windsurfer and join a fleet to pursue the sport competitively if desired.

Gear Requirements
RQYS has a small fleet of boards and rigs suitable to teach windsurfing so other than sunscreen, hats, sun shirt, old shoes etc nothing else is required.
Kids who wish to pursue the sport ongoing will be encouraged to acquire their own gear to allow club gear to be used for newbies to join. There are no specific gear requirements however some activities will require the ability to go upwind so a board with upwind ability would be recommended.

Free to junior members of RQYS
Junior Membership cost - $16.00 per month or $192.00 per year
Daily membership - $15.00 per day for the first 6 visits, $35.00 per day for the remaining 6 visits

Parents are encouraged to join in and assist

Any questions welcome

PM me if you are interested for your kids to attend

can we get this in NQ Mckay tsv cairns and any where else in QLD

QLD, 3760 posts
1 Aug 2015 8:35PM
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grich62 said..

cammd said..
The new Junior Windsurfing Program is due to kick off at RQYS this coming Saturday 31st of Jan.

Aims of the program
Introduce kids to windsurfing and encourage active participation in the sport
provide a safe, structured, social environment to pursue the sport on a regular basis
Keep costs to a minimum
Train and develop the skills to allow kids to enjoy windsurfing in all its forms

Learn to windsurf course - designed to arm kids with the basic understanding and skills to sail in and out, rig and de-rig and self rescue. Once kids have this knowledge and skills they will join the weekly activities

Weekly Activities - Every week different activities will be run that are designed to teach skills and be fun. Activities will be based on prevailing conditions and skill level of the kids.

Become and Independant Windsurfer/Racer - The exit to the program is another course designed to ensure kids have the skills and knowledge required to be an independant windsurfer and join a fleet to pursue the sport competitively if desired.

Gear Requirements
RQYS has a small fleet of boards and rigs suitable to teach windsurfing so other than sunscreen, hats, sun shirt, old shoes etc nothing else is required.
Kids who wish to pursue the sport ongoing will be encouraged to acquire their own gear to allow club gear to be used for newbies to join. There are no specific gear requirements however some activities will require the ability to go upwind so a board with upwind ability would be recommended.

Free to junior members of RQYS
Junior Membership cost - $16.00 per month or $192.00 per year
Daily membership - $15.00 per day for the first 6 visits, $35.00 per day for the remaining 6 visits

Parents are encouraged to join in and assist

Any questions welcome

PM me if you are interested for your kids to attend

can we get this in NQ Mckay tsv cairns and any where else in QLD

Great question I am glad you asked.

The program we have had running for 6 months is in a lot of ways a pilot and the hope is that other sailing clubs look as it as a way to keep and increase junior members. There are plans afoot to better resource this initiative, integrate more it into the mainstream club activities and implement the YA windsurfing Syllabus under the discover sailing umbrella. By the end of the coming season we hope to have good fleet of kids who regularly sail, our expectation is this coming season will be big. We only started in Feb this year with half the season over and we were getting up to a dozen kids coming every week, this season I wouldn't be surprised if we double numbers given the base we have already and the program running for the full season.

From the outset Yachting Qld have been great supporters in the background and they want to take this "pilot" and use it as a case study to present to other sailing clubs in an effort to promote youth windsurfing and increase participation in sailing in general.

What is needed in other locations is people wanting to get involved and start coaching windsurfing, much like parents get involved in footy clubs. It is really pretty easy for a sailing club to accomodate it as essentially windsurfers are just another "off the beach" sailing class and no special requirements are needed from the club. Plans are in motion to run another windsurf instructors course to increase the bank of coaches and formalise the structure as a model for other clubs.

If anyone wanted to kick off a similar program in another location I am sure YQ would help sell the idea to a sailing club and we would be more than happy to offer whatever support we could.

ps. I forgot to mention the boys from NSW windsurfing are engaging with sailing clubs and are working with potentially four clubs in the Sydney area to set up similar programs. I wish them all the best, I am sure they will be successful as I have absolute belief in the awesomeness of our sport and I am sure if kids get the opportunity many will take up windsurfing as a life long passion.

QLD, 3760 posts
7 Aug 2015 7:56PM
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afternoon session tomorrow starts at 1.00pm

QLD, 3760 posts
14 Aug 2015 9:55PM
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9.00am start

QLD, 3760 posts
21 Aug 2015 6:17PM
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1.00pm start tomorrow. Warm nth east breeze, new starters signing up, looking forward to a great season

QLD, 3760 posts
28 Aug 2015 7:54PM
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9.00am start tomorrow


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"RQYS Junior Windsurfing" started by cammd