Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Sandstone Seabreezers

Created by Paddles B'mere > 9 months ago, 14 Nov 2015
Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
14 Nov 2015 5:33PM
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Is anyone having a sail at Sandstone on the high tide tomorrow morning or is everyone going to steer clear of the Beach Boys mayhem for the day?

QLD, 1087 posts
14 Nov 2015 8:26PM
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Hi Pad
It's a great opportunity to come and mix with a friendly group

Plenty of water space - no traffic jams on the beach

Parking itself is a bit tight in a Sunday morning

Hoping to be there around 9am

See you then?

Cheers Jeff
Adam says he is coming down to join in with you and Josh

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
14 Nov 2015 11:38PM
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Righto, see you there at 9. Adam sounded pretty keen on Thursday, I thought he'd be up for it.

QLD, 197 posts
15 Nov 2015 5:32AM
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Race you for a spot Jeff!

QLD, 1087 posts
15 Nov 2015 6:03AM
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Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
15 Nov 2015 6:06AM
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Oh no, we're not going to have some of that Morayfield Shops car park rage are we?

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
15 Nov 2015 4:20PM
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Awesome day's sailing today at Sandstone Point with something for everyone, the light conditions early was good for the beginners like myself, but had the experienced guys dropping the bottom lip. A big SE blow came through around midday to get the experienced guys excited and test out the arms of the newbies, I went over the bars a couple of times before calling it a day. Peter N came down in his van and set up a couple of marks for the guys to do laps around on their longboards. So yet another good sailing day in the bay.

QLD, 89 posts
15 Nov 2015 8:28PM
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Janet and I are planning to be at Sandstone tomorrow. I spoke to Jeff who said that today they went from "zero to hero" with the wind being calm and building to smashing conditions. Hoping tomorrow is nice.

QLD, 500 posts
15 Nov 2015 8:52PM
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Fun, if somewhat trying day.

Good start on the Wally, thanks for the practice racing Pete N and Pete. I did okay until the downwind leg. My bagged out and poorly rigged old sail was not much fun downwind when the wind came up. Was considering abandoning ship and walking back to shore at one stage.

The wind just kept building after that. Swapped set ups a couple of times and ended up on a 111 with a 5.7 and was well over powered in the gusts.

Still enjoyed the day and the company in spite of the challenges.

See you at the next one.

WA, 734 posts
16 Nov 2015 4:58AM
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Great day yesterday, looking forward to some more today!
After I got home I had to practice and then go to a rehearsal for our Christmas concert,
i was so buggered I could hardly lift the bow had to have a large coffee and two neuofin and two paracetemol before heading off to rehearsal...
no stamina?

QLD, 1087 posts
16 Nov 2015 7:45AM
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Yes a very enjoyable day. Beginners are doing great

Looking forward to more today. Aiming to be on water by 11

Cheers Jeff

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
16 Nov 2015 9:37AM
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Gee wiz Pete, lucky they don't do drug testing at band rehearsal. You and Jeff are gluttons for punishment, it blew hard yesterday arvie, I reckon there'll be a bit of bay swell getting into Pebble Beach this morning on the high tide, you'll be able to do a few jumps.

WA, 734 posts
17 Nov 2015 5:45AM
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monday was a bit disappointing after big Sunday , we could have done with some of that excess wind.....
good day for learners, lightweights and worn out Sunday sailors!

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
17 Nov 2015 8:53AM
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It still beats working Pete! Dieter had a 42cm Blackproject fin with a deep tuttle base on special up at Caloundra so he's put it in the mail for me so the Sandstone shallows will be a bit easier now I won't be hitting the bottom with that massive 56cm fin.

WA, 734 posts
17 Nov 2015 8:34AM
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cool! looking good for afternoon nor easters at Turners Camp thurs, fri, sat too

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
17 Nov 2015 11:27AM
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OK Pete, I'll keep an eye on the wind forecast later this week. There's another southerly coming up the bay on sunday on the BOM model which would make Pebble Beach look the goods again for everyone to get together for a sail, but it's still 5 days out so anything could happen.

QLD, 1087 posts
17 Nov 2015 3:58PM
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Gentle beginner winds here at Sandstone pt

Josh and Adam out working their way up the leaner curve

Only got going once myself on the SLW

Did practice some gybes - managed a few with the 9.5

Cheers Jeff
Ps thanks to Pete for bringing coffee and biscuits

WA, 734 posts
17 Nov 2015 4:29PM
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Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
17 Nov 2015 8:42PM
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I thought there might be a bit more breeze than that for you guys, but that looks like a nice day at the beach anyway we're pretty lucky to have it on our doorstep, happy days.

QLD, 89 posts
18 Nov 2015 6:39AM
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Great photos above, Pete.

Janet and I showed up around 11:30am on Monday. Pete had been sailing already for hours, and Jeff arrived shortly after us. The wind didn't come close to the forecast 15 - 17 kts. Janet went out on the Bic Metal Rock with the North 6.6m, but it wasn't enough. She came back in later and after a cuppa and a bit of lunch, swapped to the tatty old Aerotech 7.8m - it was the first time we'd used that sail. By this time Adam had turned up too, and was really looking good getting going on Jeff's huge Go with a 5.6m. His coordination and strength were spot on - the only problem was he concentrated on the board and sail so much he lost sight of the landmarks and rounded up. Not a bad stage to be at, after about 1.5 days of sailing. (makes me grumpy when I remember how long it took us to even sail, 30 years ago!)

Janet got a bit of planing with the 7.8. I had a couple of goes with Pete's Freewide and 8.5m sail. Biggest sail I've ever held in my life. (same for Janet with the 7.8). But not enough wind for me, and I sat out a lot. As usual Janet ended up sailing about 3 times longer than me!

Still lots more to re-learn, and I'm nervous about heading out into the deep yonder.

WA, 734 posts
19 Nov 2015 1:18AM
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What happened to sandstone short board development?
This did, a site devoted, not to Jeffs short board development, bless him but his involvement in the creation of three new sailors and a number of oldies, myself included into windsurfing at sandstone point and turners camp.
Jeffs shortboarding experience is still evolving, watch this space.....

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
19 Nov 2015 9:44AM
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Oh yeah Pete, the Sandstone Seabreezers has ultimately been Jeff's doing, he needed some more people to share the carparking spaces with and now there seems to be a bit of a Bribie Passage sailing community coming together here. Josh, Adam and I are trying hard to get our skills up to scratch to eventually keep up with you guys and your expert tuition is going to make it happen for sure. Is there any plan for this weekend yet? Adam sounded keen for a catchup sail and Brad reckons he could only sail sunday, are you and Jeff sailing?

QLD, 1087 posts
20 Nov 2015 10:16AM
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Too many gentle arfternoons this week on the Northside.

Pleasant arfternoons at turners camp yesterday

Adam progressing well on Starboard Start

Me and Pete doing our best to get going in the occasional gust

QLD, 1087 posts
20 Nov 2015 10:17AM
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Looking at forecast I reckon turners camp this arvo and Saturday arvo.

Not sure about Sunday ... Maybe bongaree in morning or sandstone late depending on how the SE change delivers

Who's in???

QLD, 1087 posts
20 Nov 2015 10:28AM
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Not sure of turners camp location or forgotten where it is.....

Road to Bribie
Almost to the bridge

Road splits into dual lanes
Past sign for refuge tip

Then on next left......

Recreational area with toilet and tables. Bring coffee and biscuits...

Turners Camp Road

Look left ,,,, see the white caps on the water ,,, get excited

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
20 Nov 2015 11:57AM
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I'm in for Saturday arvie at turner's camp and I'll play it by ear for sunday but if the wind goes SE i'll be keen for sandstone point

QLD, 1087 posts
21 Nov 2015 7:22PM
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Great afternoon at Turners Camp

8 sailers on the water today

Plenty of planing conditions
Sails from 6m to OMG 9.5!!

Welcome to Bob and Thomas as first time visitors

Thomas had a beginner in tow - keen for more

Pete helped Bob out with his board setup

Cheers Jeff

WA, 734 posts
21 Nov 2015 7:04PM
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QLD, 197 posts
21 Nov 2015 11:33PM
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That photography is so colourful and beautiful pete! Great crowd and fantastic time.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 Nov 2015 7:03AM
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Looks like you guys had fun, we had some friends and kids show up at lunchtime for a swim so I couldn't just take off for a sail. The wind was a bit strong for a beginner like me yesterday, even this morning I've woken up to head over to Sandstone on the high tide and it's still 15-20 SE and I think 10-15 is about my limit at my stage of learning.

QLD, 829 posts
22 Nov 2015 8:25AM
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Nice pics Pete - looks like you guys had a good sail - and great to see so many newbies :-)


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Sandstone Seabreezers" started by Paddles B'mere