Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Sandstone point shortboard development

Created by jirvin4505 > 9 months ago, 3 Nov 2014
WA, 732 posts
18 Feb 2015 10:42PM
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Gooday Jeff,
great to see you planing, woo hoo!!!!
Can I say don't worry about short boards, you've already experienced what their shortcomings are if you are 1/2 a meter down in sail size on a windy day, give yourself the comfort and security of an easily planing board no matter the sail size, I've been in this game 25+ years and seen too many up and coming young and old sailors have their hearts broken trying to sail short boards too soon and too small.
Give yourelf the security of buoyancy and sail size.
Youve come a long way baby!!!!
when you can rely on yourself for consistent planing gibes on the gear you have then go smaller!!
That is the benchmark.

QLD, 500 posts
19 Feb 2015 10:10AM
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Hey Jeff.

Last of a few night shifts on Tuesday night, so I headed down to Sandstone Point for a run on Wednesday.

Never having sailed there before I rigged up and headed out. Unfortunately I was a bit late after the tide and it was too low.

Looks like it would be a good spot though.

From you experience there, how far either side of low is it sailable there?

Cheers, Brad.

QLD, 1087 posts
23 Feb 2015 7:29PM
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Hi Brad you must have just missed us!

Darren and myself out in big days Wednesday and Thursday

Yep sandstone is very tide dependant. Usually I can get up to 2 hours either side - especially if I remember to stay out of the oyster beds on the right hand side.

Main struggle when I stay out well into low tide is the long tiring walk back thru the mudflats.

Didn't know you had midweek availability. I'll put you on the notification list.

I'm planning to go out tomorrow and Wednesday early afternoon.

Cheers Jeff
Ps did you see a fin stuck in the rocks

QLD, 500 posts
23 Feb 2015 9:28PM
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Thanks for that Jeff.

Not a regular thing unfortunately. Just some work that can only be done outside normal hours. I may have some afternoons free next week, weather dependant.

Did the big walk out through those flats thinking there might be some deeper water further out. Not!! No sign of a fin sadly.

Might have another look on the weekend if the ducks line up. Had a sail at Scarborough in absolutely zero knots on Sunday arvo, which was the only time I could get out.

Feeling a little cursed at the moment.

QLD, 1087 posts
24 Feb 2015 12:54PM
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Nice gentle day planed at sandstone.

High tide 1:30.

I'm rigging up the 9.5.

Odd little fluffy white cap

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
24 Feb 2015 7:40PM
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News flash
Big day a sandstone. 9.5 lion on Slw with 66cm fin. Darren tried the futura with 6.7 sail (big sails at repairs). Ended up out on the wally

Spent an hour trying to get going- tacking way out looking for wind!!

Decided to readjust the sail - let off some downhaul and outhaul. Made all the difference :-)

Planing back an forward front foot in. Darren suggested I go for the rear strap and practice bearing off and really getting the board going

Yep I done it !!!!!!
3 good solid runs absolutely honking in lightwind conditions - both feet in the straps. I'm floating on air :-) The board is floating on air!!!

Felt I could sail all the way to Bribie.

Video to follow.

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 500 posts
24 Feb 2015 8:50PM
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QLD, 829 posts
24 Feb 2015 9:07PM
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Nice one Jeffrey

QLD, 720 posts
25 Feb 2015 11:04AM
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There's nothing like being there to witness the emotion when someone experiences a new level of Adrenalin. We can all relate.
Good on ya mate. You're going awesome!!!!

QLD, 1087 posts
25 Feb 2015 12:12PM
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Thanks heaps for the support - wouldn't be here if wasn't for the team support and encouragement

Heading to sandstone for another session.
Looking like similar conditions to yesterday.

Probably be there around 12- got a leave pass to stay later into the day (thanks Jane ;-) )

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
27 Feb 2015 4:24PM
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Still on a high after last Tuesday's blast.

A little video of a keen beginner learning his straps

Keen for any feedback - still very early days.

Must say I was doing something different - my calf muscles are only just settling down. I will have to find a way to get more resilience into them.

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 189 posts
27 Feb 2015 7:47PM
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Great video Jeff. Looking like a real windsurfer!!!! Haven't sailed at Sandstone Point - looks good.

See you around.


QLD, 667 posts
27 Feb 2015 9:13PM
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awesome 9.5 are not easy at the best of times but you did good,a bit more out haul will take a way the pressure of your legs hope catch up with you on my next trip

QLD, 1087 posts
28 Feb 2015 5:04PM
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Just catching up on the last couple of weeks.

I managed to get a couple of days in Wed Thu before Cyclone Marcia came down the coast

Not really equiped for big wind days - not sure what would be suitable yet so pushing on with what I have :-)

Wednesday was 20-25knts
I used the Duke 5.9 on the Techno then after a mishap (spoiler for video) I resorted to the Fat Lady board. Never has a board so big been elected to carry such a small sail

Enjoy the video .....

I went out on the Thursday with the GO 151 (Bic out of action) - determined to make it work. So far I have had limited success on this beginner/intermediate board??? Determined to find out why?

Anyway with winds around the 25knts - I used a 5,7 sail Darren was out on the Futura on a 5m sail having a ball. Me?????

Schlogging it out!!! Only got onto the plane once

Following Darren's advice I spent my time working on stance and upwind techniques. One of those 'doing time days'

Any ideas from you who have a modern 2013 style Go on why my board feels like it has a bucket tied to its bum

Tried to get some ideas here but little response

It would be way easy to sell it and move on. However I keep wondering is there a technique thing I'm missing that hasn't been an issue with my other successfull boards?

Interested in any ideas - sell the Go151 or keep it as it has something to teach me? Yes/No

Cheers Jeff

Orange Whip
QLD, 1044 posts
28 Feb 2015 8:25PM
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Hi Jeff, I have an old 170 Go that is my go to board in light winds. I can get it planing in around 12 knots with a 7.7 NP Hornet, I weigh 78 kgs, it is really good fun once it's on the plane, do whatever you need to get your 151 planing before you give up on it, I'm hoping one day to have the money to get a SLW to get going hopefully in less than 12. I know it's only early days, but what do you think of your SLW so far?

QLD, 1087 posts
28 Feb 2015 10:09PM
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Yep I like the older GO - was using a GO155 before the SLW.
I had Purchaced the more modern Go151 based on the carve platform during the winter out of frustration with getting into the Footstraps of the wider tail GO155. The advertising blurb suggested it may have been a more easier board for the struggling beginner. Now time has moved on and I have made progress on all my gear and not with the new GO151 (so very confusing)

You may recall this photo at the Guy Cribb clinic -it's my Go being used ;-)

Early days with the SLW - we call it the weapon with its ability to get this inexperienced beginner up and planing in frustrating wind conditions. Compared with the GO155 I'm able to keep it on the plane and bear up wind away from the beach.

Can't believe there aren't more of them around - I had a chance to do a deal and satisfied a dream we had both held regarding the SLW theme. I was tempted to persue this type of board after taking my mates early free formula board for a ride on one of my frustrating days on the GO - I was able to get the free formula up and away yet unable to do the same on the GO with similar sail.

More experienced sailors can get going on smaller gear in the same winds as me on the SLW however those skills are yet to come for me. So what it does is as promised - low wind planing for less experienced sailors
Cheers Jeff

QLD, 1087 posts
28 Feb 2015 10:25PM
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Orange Whip said...
Hi Jeff, I have an old 170 Go that is my go to board in light winds. I can get it planing in around 12 knots with a 7.7 NP Hornet, I weigh 78 kgs, it is really good fun once it's on the plane, do whatever you need to get your 151 planing before you give up on it, I'm hoping one day to have the money to get a SLW to get going hopefully in less than 12. snip....?

I've had a look at the older Go170 that my mate has - probably not a lot of difference?
I would be tempted to try out a larger sail as a first (and more economical) solution

You are probably going to need a bigger sail anyway even if you had the SLW

Come back down to Cootharaba and I'll give you a go on it :-)

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 700 posts
1 Mar 2015 5:04PM
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Hi mate
just watch video, hard to say from that angle and not knowing wind strength. But......
it seems you are moving the rig around way to much which will disturb the wind flow
also you aren't sheeting the sail in enough but to do this you need to swing your body weight forward
hope this helps

WA, 732 posts
15 Mar 2015 9:11AM
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Big day yesterday at sandstone, we rigged 5-6m sails
five sailors an a couple of kites
Jeff was on a 5.9 and took off like a scalded cat!!
i was on a 5.2 and was just in control out the back in the strong wind line (sometimes)
the wind dropped and became flukey in the later afternoon.
Looking forward to Jeffs video of the event

QLD, 720 posts
15 Mar 2015 1:06PM
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Fantastic couple of day's. Soul has been cleansed. Can't wait for next fix.

QLD, 1087 posts
16 Mar 2015 1:00AM
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Dag said...
Fantastic couple of day's. Soul has been cleansed. Can't wait for next fix.

Yes Sandstone has been good this week.
Managed 3 days of sailing - more development time rather than continuos blasting

Wednesday went out with Pete. Was light wind planing, discovering the power of a bagged out sail and a 70cm fin to get you going when all else fails! Looks like my carbon boom is self destructing so I ended the session early.

Thursday met up with Pete Steve and Tony (he was having a 'Nowork' birthday ;-). )
Could only rig a small sail (didn't trust the carbon boom) so I practiced gybes and tacks to get a short session in before afternoon shift. The boys ended up having a great afternoon on the water.

I had been sweating on Saturday's forecast all week big SE winds, afternoon tide and the weekend off

Met up with the regulars Darren,Brad, Pat and Pete.
We all rigged small. I wanted to try out some options to see if I can get a reliable time in the 25k winds. My usuall fall back position is a the Old Skool f2 comet (1990 funboard)

Had a great initial run on the 124 naish with North ram 5.7 but couldn't repeat it. Wind had dropped a little and was more gusty. Didn't really get out to the wind line - probably not ready. However the blast I had felt like magic - it's addictive stuff!

I then spent time helping Pat - I took his Exocet Sting 124 for a run and was amazed at how easy it made things happen??

Just can't understand the difference between boards sometimes?? I had 2 planing runs - offered to buy the board there and then

After the success on the Sting we decided to give the Carve 131 a go. It has been hiding in the shed for over a year after disgracing itself in similar conditions early last year

A poor combination of sail choice and inexperience had left it with a bloodied nose that took a while to repair and my spirit to try it again was not happening.

Today proved more successfull. Must admit after riding the Naish it felt a very comfortable size. Initially I couldn't get it going but a little boost in fin and sail size had me achieving some short planing runs before I ran out of water as the tide receded. Verdict - early days but I think it will prove useful

So a big shout out to 'Tilldark' in gratitude for an offer I couldnt refuse

Finished the day off with the family helping me pack up so we could go out for Janes birthday

A short video of the day - gopro doesn't seem to last as long as me on the water.

Cheers Jeff
This week coming looks like afternoon NE winds at turners camp - can't wait!!

QLD, 3124 posts
16 Mar 2015 9:48AM
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Good video, just one comment - as soon as you get on the plane, get both feet in the footstraps. You've got the front one sorted. To get the back foot in, using your arms, hang your body weight off the boom, very quickly lift your back foot up, out, across and in. Once in, everthing feels 10 times more secure

QLD, 289 posts
17 Mar 2015 8:12AM
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I Couldn't agree more with John. The board doesn't even start working properly until your back foot goes in that strap. It also helps with planing through the lulls and reduces the chance of catapulting. Along with the increase in speed and board control, everything changes once you make that progression.
I say GO FOR IT !!!

QLD, 1087 posts
17 Mar 2015 9:43AM
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Thanks John and Surfinfreak for your encouragement

Yep ver much understand the need for the rear strap.
I'm early days on getting the technique happening.

I've had the occasional success - probably been successfully in the rear Footstraps less than a dozen times.

Must admit in the high winds on Saturday I lacked the courage to go for the rear strap

I keep reviewing the footage and can see the obvious opportunity was there.

I've had a little more success in gentler winds - a little except from last weeks video

As I said - very early days ;-)

Looking forward to more practice / development this week with the afternoon NE winds.

Cheers Jeff
Ps loving the GOPRo for after session analysis

QLD, 289 posts
17 Mar 2015 1:22PM
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No worries, I hope I didn't come across too strong and I realise it takes time and confidence.
Awesome watching you guys learn the sport on this forum.
Wednesday and Thursday are looking good, hoping the forecast is true and we get some nice northerlies !!!!

QLD, 3124 posts
17 Mar 2015 2:10PM
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go for the rear strap every time you get up and planning. The worst that can happen is that you get wet! The reward of sailing fully in the straps far outways this possibility. The more you try the easier it gets. Remember take your weight by haging off the boom with your arms. This reduces the change in trim of the board as you lift your back foot and protects against going over the handlebars.

WA, 732 posts
17 Mar 2015 12:21PM
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Everybody finds getting into the rear strap much harder than the front. Speaking for myself, I find that sometimes I tend to luff up a bit if I miss it the first try and have to get the board settled again for another go. Sometimes it takes two or three goes but I always try as soon as I can. Once in both straps control is so easy you can sail with your eyes shut! Try it sometime??

QLD, 289 posts
17 Mar 2015 3:33PM
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Maybe on flat water, not in the bay.

QLD, 189 posts
17 Mar 2015 4:49PM
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Great advice & tips - keep it coming. I'm at similar stage to Jeff with footsraps & to put it simply, I'm sick of being thrown - need to get in those straps!!!!

QLD, 2995 posts
17 Mar 2015 9:16PM
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waricle said...
Once in both straps control is so easy you can sail with your eyes shut! Try it sometime??

Yeah... don't do that.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Sandstone point shortboard development" started by jirvin4505