Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfing Learning Curve

Created by Dwbh > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2014
QLD, 829 posts
25 Oct 2014 7:52PM
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WHOA!!!!!! Game on today for us beginners.

Here is how it went - we got to Rq beach around 10.30ish Marissa and Sasha where there ready to go and Mal turned up and AntsC was a starter too. There was another man watching and asked if we were a club i said nooobies lol all learning and at different levels.

It was great that everyone was there getting into learning the sport. It was a bit tough today but I am lucky I have my magic Pacifico seems to look after me on these tough days lol as long as I select the right sail.

Man, it was a bit windy.

Anita - crashed and burned but had a go Pretty pleased with having a go

Jaye - what can I say - he commandeered the Shark and went out in the harness and foot straps off the bat. I wanted to throw stones at him but he was too quick. Good man - he was getting the Shark moving in the the conditions even with some air woo hoo. Just didn't pull off the planing gybe, close but no cigar.

Me - well I rigged the Pacifico with the ezzy 6.3m seemed to be like strawberries and cream again. I got into the foot straps once front and back and stacked but got there for a brief minute. It was really rough out there today. I lasted about 2 hours before we noticed Jaye was AWOL.

Jaye had disappeared so as the good father that I am off I went to have a look for him headed to Wello about half way I stacked and was having a breather on my board when Vando stopped by to see if I was right (thank you for that) I asked him if he had seen Jaye at Wello and yep as suspected he was over there. So off I went on my fatherly pilgrimage to rescue my youngest son.

A few minutes later I arrive at Wello - no Jaye..... so I had a five minute (well deserved) rest sitting on my board and a monster crab got a hold of my foot (didn't that give me a start - bark missing and everything lol) I was outta there start my journey back to RQ Beach. Didn't seem to take that long and here he is sitting with mum. The crazy thing is that only fell in once on the way to wello and not at all on my return - how cool is that

Man did he get into trouble - should have waited for me man we could have gone together.....

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I made it to Wellington Point from Manly/Lota the harbour pretty pleased with myself

Just would like to mention that every muscle in my body is trashed and aching, shoulders are the worst. Mustn't still be using my harness correctly. BTW
Beach Starts 100%, Deep Water Beach starts 100% woo hoo, Catapults 5 , Harness 95%, Foot Straps 1%, I am really starting to feel like I am getting somewhere with this great sport. And loving it..

Oh and I offered to rescue a kiter in the middle - nice bloke - said he was right

Tomorrow might go out near where Simon is having races so we can watch once we have finished -- Wynnum somewhere will figure it out in the morning. He says it on Bayside sailboarding website - looking forward to tomorrow - I believe Jeff and Tony are heading over too. Cool bananas

We will make a windsurfer out me yet

No photos today chief photographer getting wet too.

See you tomorrow

NSW, 8021 posts
26 Oct 2014 8:13AM
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Dwbh said..
WHOA!!!!!! Game on today for us beginners.

Here is how it went - we got to Rq beach around 10.30ish Marissa and Sasha where there ready to go and Mal turned up and AntsC was a starter too. There was another man watching and asked if we were a club i said nooobies lol all learning and at different levels.

It was great that everyone was there getting into learning the sport. It was a bit tough today but I am lucky I have my magic Pacifico seems to look after me on these tough days lol as long as I select the right sail.

Man, it was a bit windy.

Anita - crashed and burned but had a go Pretty pleased with having a go

Jaye - what can I say - he commandeered the Shark and went out in the harness and foot straps off the bat. I wanted to throw stones at him but he was too quick. Good man - he was getting the Shark moving in the the conditions even with some air woo hoo. Just didn't pull off the planing gybe, close but no cigar.

Me - well I rigged the Pacifico with the ezzy 6.3m seemed to be like strawberries and cream again. I got into the foot straps once front and back and stacked but got there for a brief minute. It was really rough out there today. I lasted about 2 hours before we noticed Jaye was AWOL.

Jaye had disappeared so as the good father that I am off I went to have a look for him headed to Wello about half way I stacked and was having a breather on my board when Vando stopped by to see if I was right (thank you for that) I asked him if he had seen Jaye at Wello and yep as suspected he was over there. So off I went on my fatherly pilgrimage to rescue my youngest son.

A few minutes later I arrive at Wello - no Jaye..... so I had a five minute (well deserved) rest sitting on my board and a monster crab got a hold of my foot (didn't that give me a start - bark missing and everything lol) I was outta there start my journey back to RQ Beach. Didn't seem to take that long and here he is sitting with mum. The crazy thing is that only fell in once on the way to wello and not at all on my return - how cool is that

Man did he get into trouble - should have waited for me man we could have gone together.....

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT I made it to Wellington Point from Manly/Lota the harbour pretty pleased with myself

Just would like to mention that every muscle in my body is trashed and aching, shoulders are the worst. Mustn't still be using my harness correctly. BTW
Beach Starts 100%, Deep Water Beach starts 100% woo hoo, Catapults 5 , Harness 95%, Foot Straps 1%, I am really starting to feel like I am getting somewhere with this great sport. And loving it..

Oh and I offered to rescue a kiter in the middle - nice bloke - said he was right

Tomorrow might go out near where Simon is having races so we can watch once we have finished -- Wynnum somewhere will figure it out in the morning. He says it on Bayside sailboarding website - looking forward to tomorrow - I believe Jeff and Tony are heading over too. Cool bananas

We will make a windsurfer out me yet

No photos today chief photographer getting wet too.

See you tomorrow

Greatstuff! You mustnt have tasted any good if the crab let you go..That would have freaked me out!!

QLD, 829 posts
26 Oct 2014 8:15AM
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Ok decision is made heading to RQ Beach this morning around 10.30 -11am looking forward to catching up with Jeff and Tony.

Your right Sue it really did give me a start for sure lol Lucky I had my booties on

QLD, 829 posts
27 Oct 2014 8:17AM
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Sunday on the water at Manly with Jeff and Tony - was a good day

I rigged up the Pacifico and 6.3 ezzy. Jaye rigged the Fanitic Shark with Ka 5.3, Jeff his nice raceboard with a ezzy 7, and Tony rigged his F2 Lightning with a 7.5m neil pryde.

Game on, learners of the world unit hehe, the race was on - I was no match for any of them but was fun trying.

Tony headed off to Wello so I followed - was gaining on him at one point but that was only brief. But he didn't have to wait too long for me to arrive. Didn't fall in once on the way over. We got a drink of water from the fountain and said hi to Glynn and co and headed back - about half way Jaye was blasting across so I fell off as you do in those conditions once distracted. Started to head back to Wello with Jaye but fell off again landed pointing back at RQ after falling off the board 3 times trying to up haul, so back to RQ beach I go. There was some big swell I can tell you out there, so I decided to have a go at riding down the face of the wave - did ok for a bit but came to grief - more up hauling. Was fun just the same.

Unfortunately Jeff had to head to work, Tony, Jaye and I went out again after a bit to eat. But we soon were totally trashed and came in.

Foot Straps are still a mystery to me - I will solve the problem eventually - just about got the harness harnessed.....

Have fun on the water everyone.

QLD, 3137 posts
27 Oct 2014 8:11PM
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I've been thinking about your foot strap dilemma while sailing off Wynum today. I don't try to get into my foot straps until I'm planning. Once planning, the front foot strap first and then the back footstrap. To get planning I wait for gust and bear away down the face of some chop and accelerate onto the plane. If I don't have the right sail size then if it's too small I don't get on the plane and if it's too big I feel really unbalanced and I get smashed, catapulted or back slammed. Choosing the right sail to get the right power for the wind strength is the key. I used a 7.0 on the week end. Your a bigger guy than I am so a 7 should have been the smallest sail you should have used. A 7.6 would have been perfect.

QLD, 47 posts
27 Oct 2014 8:43PM
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Hey Dwbh, good to see you're enjoying the challenge. Agree with John, to get planning John waits for a gust, bears away down the face of some chop and accelerates onto the plane. You can be harnessed in or you can pump. That's up to your skill level. Don't head too far downwind or you'll get a hooked in catapult

Looking at the photo's, you seem to be standing on your heels causing the windward rail to sink a little bit giving bad board trim. There's a good head on shot on page 12 (Manly/Lota) showing this. Ideally you want to be pointing your toes, back foot (toes) pushing the leeward rail down and the front foot lifting the strap thru your toes and the windward rail up.

Have fun

NSW, 76 posts
28 Oct 2014 9:33AM
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I am learning as well as you know..please improve your stance first..your shoulder and hip is not twisting enough..and your front foot should point forward..your back arm will move further forward to the back harness lines... I have improved my stance last week after someone commenting on me..and getting to the straps occur naturally..

If you go faster...the center of effort will moves your front foot will move back..I have moved up to a point where my front foot is next to the strap..thats is the time for the front it occurs naturally.

I am still learning this stance..hopes my idea is correct.

QLD, 189 posts
28 Oct 2014 1:13PM
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Great tips. Will be trying out next week.

QLD, 829 posts
29 Oct 2014 7:37AM
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I agree MalJ - appreciate all the help we can get.

John340 - Yes you may be right there John but I guess experience (or lack of) the Saturday before last I had the 7.5m Neil Pryde up and got absolutely smashed. Not much fun at all and on the flip side a month ago at Cootharaba with Jack I had the best ride so far with the 9.5m Neil Pryde. Being that powered up at this stage means up hauling 200 times in fair winds - maybe I will have to man up again and put a bigger sail up and smaller board. The problem isn't that I can get going now on the smaller boards, it is getting back going once I have fallen off - which I still do a lot on the smaller boards. I will endeavour to put a bigger sail this weekend and have a go.

Your description is identical to Cameron's - I have been looking at the swell and practising running down accelerating

Lowlife - Yeah I noticed that as well - that would have to be almost carving me upwind anyway I guess. On the Pacifico to try and counter this, I have my back foot usually pushing on the back of the leeward front foot strap. This week I did manage to get into the straps briefly I was pulling up on my back strap and pushing with the front to try and pull the back around to downwind or to Reach I think you guys call it (wakeboarding experience) - didn't work. Next time I will have to try pushing toeside hard on the back and see what happens.

Benyip - Good to hear you are still with it Benyip and progressing well. Stance, now there could also be something in that - I fell like when I am on the board and riding/planing that I am trying to point forward with shoulders. Stance is important like any sport wrong stance and wrong result it is the foundation to anything - wakeboarding, golf, water skiing, supping and the rest. Wrong stance generally means weight isn't - I will try changing my stance a bit and see what happens

MalJ looks like a few new tricks to try this week end mate.

I would like to thank you John340, Lowlife and Benyip for your advice and tips - we beginners or as Jeff says 'Improver's' (I like it) need all the help we can get and definitely appreciate all of it. Maybe I need some lessons somewhere to get to the next level.

Looks like we will be heading to RQ beach on the week end all welcome to join us. Cammd and the guys at RQ are having a try windsurfing day on Sunday around 10am.

I have been approached by a guy from work who is dead keen to have a go - can he come to this on Sunday or is it for kids?

Have fun on the water all


QLD, 3137 posts
29 Oct 2014 8:43PM
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Things to do when selecting the right sail size.
-Ask fellow sailors, preferably with experience, what they are rigging. Remember to take into account how much they weigh. You should sail with at least 1m larger sail than someone who weighs 80kgs, 0.5m if they weigh 90kg.
-Purchase a reasonable quality wind speed meter ($50 will get you a good one). Measure the wind speed before you sail and then select your sail size to suit. Record what worked in what wind condition and refer to it when you next have to decide.
Most good sailors use a consistent method to figure out what size sail to use. I base mine on wind range for particular sail sizes
- 9.5m: under 12kts
- 8.5m: 10 to 14kts
- 7.8m: 13 to 18kts
- 7.0m: 15 to 22kts
- 6.4m: 20 to 26kts
- 6.0m: Above 25kts
I weigh 87kgs so you would use a slightly bigger sail (maybe 0.5m) for each wind range.
Notice there is an overlap with most sail sizes. This is where you try and guess what the wind is going to do, i.e. get stronger or weaker. The forecast can help you decide. You get a feel for it over time. But don't worry, even the really experienced sailors still get it wrong from time to time. if you get it wrong, change sails.
I like to be well powered up so I rig for the lulls and hang on in the gusts. Others would rather be slightly underpowered and rig for the gusts and use technique to get thorugh the lulls. Its a matter of choice.

QLD, 829 posts
1 Nov 2014 8:22PM
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Man I spent half an hour explaining my day and lost it all because Sea Breeze doesn't save to drafts - will go to Morgs Taylor Facebook and try again. Then copy and paste back here cheers

QLD, 829 posts
2 Nov 2014 11:07AM
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Saturday the 1st Anita, Jaye and I went to RQ Beach for some fun sailing.

Anita - too windy for my girl - got some photos though

Jaye - had a sell it all day - thats it dad,,,, going to golf tomorrow. He rigged the Fanatic Shark 165L with the 5.3m KA sail and crashed and burned - looked like he was doing ok to me but it was very windy - he maybe should have chosen the 4.7m sail but you get that. He is at Golf today.

Me - WELL what a day. Last week unfortunately I smash the front of the Pacifico not too bad I can repair but still it is in the shed unusable at the moment so…. time to put the new Bic Be Bop in the water and see what she has. WHAO - a bit quicker than the Pacifico woo hoo bring it - anyway I thought I may struggle to up haul so pulled up half a k from RQ beach. The plan was to pull off the best tack I have ever done, head back in and call it. Unfortunately didn't happen and sure enough no chance of up hauling on a board that is very tippy and slippery mmmm so sat on the board and washed in closer to shore. Didn't take too long as the wind was probably around 20 - 25 knots and rough as.

At this point again seriously considered coming in - not in my nature, I came out today for a sail and sail I did, so decided once I was neck deep water to try water starts. I remembered something Jeff said to me "Morgs you have to spend some time bum sailing" I did that. WOO HOO smiley faces all round managed to complete my very first ridgy didge water start (Cheated a bit by standing so I could release the clue from the water) that's allowed I reckon at this stage of my leaning curve. (GETTING VERY EXCITED IN THE WATER AT THIS POINT) Ok then, I decded this is what I am going to spend my day on the water doing, by the end of my little adventure I must have done 5 nice water starts HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!:-) Might have to purchase one of those easy water start thingo's to keep the clue out of the water - did struggle with that once I couldn't touch the bottom. Ok, my opinion of the Bic Be Bop WOO HOO YEAH!!!! SMILEY FACES ALL ROUND. And it seemed very quick

I had a great day on the water. I am really glad I decided to get in the water (boss was firmly suggesting for me not to) and very pleased with my progress


Looking for my escape route

Looking like he is doing ok

Man those foot straps get in the way lol - lost one yesterday have to find some more wonder if you can buy them these days

QLD, 1087 posts
3 Nov 2014 8:13AM
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That's a great read Morgan. Yep bum sailing gets it done ;-)

Water start thingey!!! I put pool noodle on the end of the boom at one stage. Not such a big issue now. Remember swim the sail onto the top of the water - don't lift it

Jaye?? What fin did he have with the small sail ??

Bic bebop - hey man welcome to the best kept secret... Old long boards rule for us improvers - easy fast time on the water :-)

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 829 posts
5 Nov 2014 7:33AM
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Sunday 2nd - Went to RQ and it seemed as windy if not a bit windier - SE 25knots gusting to 30 I was told, so decided that maybe I should sit this one out. Anita suggested that we go around to Manly the other side of the harbour and watch the other guys blasting away in this wind for a while - good idea so off we went. Found a park no worries out on the rock wall and there were a heap of guys and girls out.

Rose bay looked to have enough water in for me to have a play so after some serious negotiations with the Boss lady lol (too windy you will get smashed). All good I said and set up the Bic Be Bop with a 6.4m Ezzy sail - my plan was to practice bum sailing and water starts and not to go out any deeper then my neck in the water, so I can release the sail (fly the sail I have heard it called). Once out past the rock wall, man the wind was blasting and difficult to handle and took it did take it out of me, I only lasted about an hour. But, in that hour I managed to pull off a few water starts so my windsurfing adventure is on the cusp of change. Now that is really exciting - Water Starts will enable me to take the smaller boards out for a blast. Simon popped in on his way out when I was packing up and suggested a smaller sail in that wind.

Sunday after a water start - I couln't balance on the narrow board to up haul so forced to water start

Sunday here we go again after another water start - woo hoo

I had a great couple of days on the water - and very pleased with my progress

MalJ - I did end up going in, couldn't help myself. I would have given you a call but didn't have your number


NSW, 8021 posts
5 Nov 2014 11:45AM
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Dwbh said..
Sunday 2nd - Went to RQ and it seemed as windy if not a bit windier - SE 25knots gusting to 30 I was told, so decided that maybe I should sit this one out. Anita suggested that we go around to Manly the other side of the harbour and watch the other guys blasting away in this wind for a while - good idea so off we went. Found a park no worries out on the rock wall and there were a heap of guys and girls out.

Rose bay looked to have enough water in for me to have a play so after some serious negotiations with the Boss lady lol (too windy you will get smashed). All good I said and set up the Bic Be Bop with a 6.4m Ezzy sail - my plan was to practice bum sailing and water starts and not to go out any deeper then my neck in the water, so I can release the sail (fly the sail I have heard it called). Once out past the rock wall, man the wind was blasting and difficult to handle and took it did take it out of me, I only lasted about an hour. But, in that hour I managed to pull off a few water starts so my windsurfing adventure is on the cusp of change. Now that is really exciting - Water Starts will enable me to take the smaller boards out for a blast. Simon popped in on his way out when I was packing up and suggested a smaller sail in that wind.

Sunday after a water start - I couln't balance on the narrow board to up haul so forced to water start

Sunday here we go again after another water start - woo hoo

I had a great couple of days on the water - and very pleased with my progress

MalJ - I did end up going in, couldn't help myself. I would have given you a call but didn't have your number


Its' great that you have someone to take photos to remember your journey ..

QLD, 829 posts
7 Nov 2014 8:35AM
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SE looks like we are heading to RQ beach tide looks good wind should be fine for we improvers - Might see if I can turn the Be Bop around tack and gybe - should be there around 10.30ish

QLD, 114 posts
7 Nov 2014 3:49PM
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Tomorrow's looking great Morgan. I'll see you there around lunch.

I manage to get out on Wednesday arvo and had an awesome light wind sail. See you guys tomorrow.

QLD, 829 posts
8 Nov 2014 8:36PM
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Bit smashed tonight so will up date tomorrow - a very special day tomoz 12 months - the first time I got a on a windsurfing board (Pacifico) and had a lesson at Golden Beach - Caloundra with Colin. Still at it mate if you read this I think he has crossed over to the other side (kiteing)

I will have to give it some thought that one.

Today was made even better by a visit from our good friend Jack - said he had a good sail

MalJ was smashing it out on the shark with his 6.7m?? getting some pace today Mal

AntC was getting it going out there today Looking good

A couple of other newbies (Improvers) Ken and Jacob were sailing like experts good to see and really nice to meet you guys - look forward to sailing more with you

Tomorrow we are going to meet up some people at Simon's (Board Crazy) sup demo for a paddle at 9.30/10am at Manly - Rose Bay i think

Then we will be getting putting the sails up and having a go

QLD, 114 posts
8 Nov 2014 9:31PM
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Hey Morgan,

Always good to see you and Anita Out on the water. Today was a good day for light wind sailing, which I think is what I am enjoying. There's less fighting gusts and chop and more time on the water rather than in it haha!

Enjoy your week guys!

QLD, 829 posts
9 Nov 2014 9:42AM
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<div class="mceTemp"> Day One - a natural

After 12 months of learning to windsurf - how do I feel and at what level am II am 56 years young over weight at around 105 kilos - according to the Docs I have a bad case of Asthma and a year ago decided to learn to windsurf. GOOD IDEA - right can't be that hard, after all I can still get up and carve it up on a wakeboard, and I can stand up Paddle board quite well.Today 12 months ago I got a lesson on my band new 2nd hand Pacifico 220 litre sup/sail board with a 4.5m old school wave sail - first time on it at Golden Beach some training by Colin. It was blowing about 15knots, tide and wind were apposing each other did manage to stay on and turn around - man this is easy this windsurfing caper.The ninth of November 2014 I have been windsurfing for a year - wow, what an adventure it has been over the last 12 months. It has been variety of absolutely the best experiences (can't wait to get out again) of my life and some of the worst (that's it I'm selling everything) lol. Lucky it's out in the water it's never nice to see a grown man cry ,swear or curse. There are the occasions (more of) that I am absolutely cheering and letting out loud Yee has woo hoo how good is this…….. Some times I am so smashed I am sitting on my board out in the middle of nowhere getting my breath back and someone always comes over to see if all is right. It's a sport that it doesn't matter how good you are or how expensive your gear is, everyone are really friendly regardless. In my journey I have met some of the nicest people and made lifelong friends - what a great sport this windsurfing is, it is so amazing not more people learn.
<div class="mceTemp"> This was last week - no photos yesterday - no wind today

But I must say it not an easy sport to learn - here I am 12 months down the track and have soooooooo much more to learn - for example yesterday I was on the Bic Be Bop a long narrow board gets going in light winds. I had 7.5m Neil Pryde sail - the wind was somewhere 12 -14 knots I got up planning and it got easy (indicates to me I must be doing something right) but there wasn't enough wind and not enough technique to get the sail up in the wind - cracked it out in the shallows - I was just going to get the RSX I am confident to tack on it but couldn't get going to go back so climbed the rock wall at RQ beach to get the RSX - it slogged it out with the 7.5m sail needed the 9.5 didn't have it.

Anyway had a couple of runs on it and the tide went out a bit so bought the Be Bop back in and had a blast. Beach starting every time.

The Photos are first day and last Saturday Woo Hoo

QLD, 239 posts
9 Nov 2014 2:51PM
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It was great to meet up with you all was the 1st time i have sailed there but not the.. last time thats for sure...Morgan congrats on ur 1st 12months...

QLD, 829 posts
10 Nov 2014 7:59AM
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Dwbh said..
<div class="mceTemp"> Day One - a natural

After 12 months of learning to windsurf - how do I feel and at what level am II am 56 years young over weight at around 105 kilos - according to the Docs I have a bad case of Asthma and a year ago decided to learn to windsurf. GOOD IDEA - right can't be that hard, after all I can still get up and carve it up on a wakeboard, and I can stand up Paddle board quite well.Today 12 months ago I got a lesson on my band new 2nd hand Pacifico 220 litre sup/sail board with a 4.5m old school wave sail - first time on it at Golden Beach some training by Colin. It was blowing about 15knots, tide and wind were apposing each other did manage to stay on and turn around - man this is easy this windsurfing caper.The ninth of November 2014 I have been windsurfing for a year - wow, what an adventure it has been over the last 12 months. It has been variety of absolutely the best experiences (can't wait to get out again) of my life and some of the worst (that's it I'm selling everything) lol. Lucky it's out in the water it's never nice to see a grown man cry ,swear or curse. There are the occasions (more of) that I am absolutely cheering and letting out loud Yee has woo hoo how good is this…….. Some times I am so smashed I am sitting on my board out in the middle of nowhere getting my breath back and someone always comes over to see if all is right. It's a sport that it doesn't matter how good you are or how expensive your gear is, everyone are really friendly regardless. In my journey I have met some of the nicest people and made lifelong friends - what a great sport this windsurfing is, it is so amazing not more people learn.
<div class="mceTemp"> This was last week - no photos yesterday - no wind today

But I must say it not an easy sport to learn - here I am 12 months down the track and have soooooooo much more to learn - for example yesterday I was on the Bic Be Bop a long narrow board gets going in light winds. I had 7.5m Neil Pryde sail - the wind was somewhere 12 -14 knots I got up planning and it got easy (indicates to me I must be doing something right) but there wasn't enough wind and not enough technique to get the sail up in the wind - cracked it out in the shallows - I was just going to get the RSX I am confident to tack on it but couldn't get going to go back so climbed the rock wall at RQ beach to get the RSX - it slogged it out with the 7.5m sail needed the 9.5 didn't have it.

Anyway had a couple of runs on it and the tide went out a bit so bought the Be Bop back in and had a blast. Beach starting every time.

The Photos are first day and last Saturday Woo Hoo

Interesting part is – there is one board that stands out – the Pacifico – I can ride it, tack it, gybe it, I feel confident on it and most importantly, stay on it. For instance yesterday at Manly on the Be Bop and the Naish I spent more time in the water than on the water (Frustrating)

What does that mean after 12 months?

In Summary - I can beach start 85%, Water Start 1%, Plane 50%, Tack (depending on board) average across boards 25% (Pacifico 90%), Gybe a touch less 15% (Pacifico 75%), select the correct size sail 60%, Up haul 70% - have I thought of everything. Oh I thought of one more thing having ----- fun 90%.

Looking forward to the next twelve months and can't wait to see the photo/videos - more free race and maybe even have a bash at the long board thing.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my progress - I really appreciate all the great advice


PS: Anita got up and boogied on both the Naish and the Be Bop at Manly (Rose Bay) yesterday Woo Hoo

NSW, 76 posts
10 Nov 2014 1:00PM
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Dwbh said..
I must have done 5 nice water starts HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!:-) Might have to purchase one of those easy water start thingo's to keep the clue out of the water

That's impressive, I havent done that many times so far, I am jealous.. I have bought the easy water start, it is expensive. you can DIY one yourself. It does help if you are not pushing the tail of the board to lift the sail, especially if you want lift the sail start from mast tip.

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Dwbh said..

Not to be picky on your stance, since I am learning myself as well..I might be wrong

I think your front shoulder is not rotating enough, your body weight should lean out on the front shoulder, with your trunk and front leg straight. From the photos, I think you are not leaning out enough, and your body is too upright..

A good way to practise this (for myself) is to look where the sail is pointing, this will force your front shoulder to lean out. From the photos, I think you should turn your head more to start with

After this, you make sure your back is very straight, and front leg straight.. The front leg will push the board in the most effective way, and you will be flying. Move your back hand next to the harness lines, this will help with the rotation of your body. This is what I learned in the last month. A huge differnce, plane so much earlier and stable

Good on you on 1 year windsurfing anniversary, my one year anniversary is 2 months later, not far away from you !!.. wowowo

QLD, 829 posts
11 Nov 2014 7:26AM
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Thanks for the Tips Benyip - That could be why I don't seem to be able to get anywhere near the foot straps - I will have a look for and read some info about stance.

Good to hear your progress is coming along too - what a fun sport

I will see what I can find on Stance - I do feel like I am looking forward - although I am getting an aching back these days so maybe some adjustments are in order. Plus I am going to the Windwanderers clinic at Lake Cootharaba later this month so that will be something I will work on there too.

Happy windsurfing - I started a beginners website windsurfinglearningcurve .com - you are welcome to join up and ad your journey

Have fun on the water


QLD, 498 posts
11 Nov 2014 8:26AM
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Mate I don't know you from a bar of soap, but having a read of this thread, i note that you are making a frequent change of gear. I have noticed the same problem with a few beginners, who for some reason are constantly changing gear before mastering the basics. Don't get me started on the number of novices who are yet to master a skill before happily giving advice on what you should be or should not be doing.....

The more variables that you change in your learning the harder it will be to make consistent improvement. By gear changes I am referring directly with your regular change of boards. By all means it is necessary to change sails as wind strength increases, but i have read that you are trying to sail up to 4 different boards. when i learnt and when i taught my son it was on one board for the first year, a wide high volume learner board.

Can I also point out that the pacifico is not a windsurfer, it is primarily a SUP with a mast track. Sure it would have been great to learn basic sail steering and fluffing about on, but now it is not going to help you progress, particularly with getting into the footsteps and planing. Who sold you an RSX? Again not a board that is helpful for a learner. Sure the width and volume may seem suitable for a novice, but it is a race board with footstrap positions designed for such, and considering retractable centreboard and adjustable mast track positions, it's just not the right board for what you are trying to achieve. I don't know much about the bic Bebop, it seems to be an older style long board, which I'm sure is a good board for what it is. But as you may have realised, as it is older style it is more narrow, thus making uphauling far more difficult. I note in your thread you have a large Fanatic or Naish, something which sounds more suitable for you as a learner. Why don't you focus on developing your skills on that board and flick the others? You may be surprised.

I have no desire to tell you what you are doing right or wrong, as I have never seen you sail. I can recommend that the only person I would pay for lessons with is Simon at board crazy, and maybe you should spend your money on a few one on ones, and hold off on buying others second hand boards. Remember as a seller, we will always tell you it is perfect for you.

Good luck, your persistence should pay off.

NSW, 8021 posts
11 Nov 2014 9:57AM
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DAM71 said..

Mate I don't know you from a bar of soap, but having a read of this thread, i note that you are making a frequent change of gear. I have noticed the same problem with a few beginners, who for some reason are constantly changing gear before mastering the basics. Don't get me started on the number of novices who are yet to master a skill before happily giving advice on what you should be or should not be doing.....

The more variables that you change in your learning the harder it will be to make consistent improvement. By gear changes I am referring directly with your regular change of boards. By all means it is necessary to change sails as wind strength increases, but i have read that you are trying to sail up to 4 different boards. when i learnt and when i taught my son it was on one board for the first year, a wide high volume learner board.

Can I also point out that the pacifico is not a windsurfer, it is primarily a SUP with a mast track. Sure it would have been great to learn basic sail steering and fluffing about on, but now it is not going to help you progress, particularly with getting into the footsteps and planing. Who sold you an RSX? Again not a board that is helpful for a learner. Sure the width and volume may seem suitable for a novice, but it is a race board with footstrap positions designed for such, and considering retractable centreboard and adjustable mast track positions, it's just not the right board for what you are trying to achieve. I don't know much about the bic Bebop, it seems to be an older style long board, which I'm sure is a good board for what it is. But as you may have realised, as it is older style it is more narrow, thus making uphauling far more difficult. I note in your thread you have a large Fanatic or Naish, something which sounds more suitable for you as a learner. Why don't you focus on developing your skills on that board and flick the others? You may be surprised.

I have no desire to tell you what you are doing right or wrong, as I have never seen you sail. I can recommend that the only person I would pay for lessons with is Simon at board crazy, and maybe you should spend your money on a few one on ones, and hold off on buying others second hand boards. Remember as a seller, we will always tell you it is perfect for you.

Good luck, your persistence should pay off.

+1..I started years ago but spent a year on a Bic Dufour sold it got a Mistral Maui ( had to learn to waterstart as the 6m rig was too heavy for me to uphaul) ,next year a tyronsea 295 ( plastic slalom board) , Windaction slalom for a year then waveboards etc.
.I have 4 boards now and it always takes some adjustment going from one to another..I can be gybing beautifully on one and then change and have problems so as Dam says restricting the variables will help. Also I don't know much about SUP"s but I suspect the Naish would plane easier.
I had a go on a demo RSX and found it very uncomfortable to sail ( probably because it needed to setting up to suit me) but I imagine it wouldn't be the easiest board to sail..compared to a starboard go or maybe your Naish if it's similar. Maybe give what Dam says a go and see if it helps.. Mind you you're going great!

QLD, 1084 posts
11 Nov 2014 9:30AM
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Congrats on 1 Yr Morgan!

Totally agree with what Dam71 said, pick a board and stay with it, the more you change your gear the harder it will be to progress.

The one thing that 'looks' NQR on the above photo (2nd Ezzy orange/black sail) is that sail looks super full and bagged out , could be just the angle of the camera?

With Ezzy sails you MUST down haul fully even a tad more, and they DO REQUIRE POSITIVE OUTHAUL, usually quite a few CM, use the 'string' and 'trim' guides on the sail, if you don't have enough outhaul you will really struggle as it will pull on your back hand like wild toddler demanding lollies! It will also feel like the power is very on/off. If the sail is touching the boom it's fair to say on an ezzy it's not set right, once set right it will deliver smooth power and absorb many of the biggest gusts, they are a great user friendly sail to progress on. With many sails you can get away with dodgy rigging to a point, but I find with Ezzy you can't, as they are designed to be 'tuned' the difference in correct and incorrect tensions can turn a sweet sail into what feels like a pig.

The Ezzy website has a great 'how to rig' video.

I have a feeling that you are at the crest of the hill about to enjoy the easy ride from here!!

Well done for your perseverance and determination you are already past the point where most mere mortals turn back! looking windy this weekend, enjoy!

NSW, 76 posts
11 Nov 2014 3:31PM
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DAM71 said..
Who sold you an RSX? Again not a board that is helpful for a learner. Sure the width and volume may seem suitable for a novice, but it is a race board with footstrap positions designed for such, and considering retractable centreboard and adjustable mast track positions, it's just not the right board for what you are trying to achieve.

I am bit reserved on that. Bic techno 293 is also a race board, adjustable mast track, up wind footstraps, etc....but it is a beginner board as well. Everyone can get to it very easily, it is a 200 liters board. Many teenages ride this board due to its forgiving nature... Beginners love it, and intermediate will plane it easily. I ride it before in my third month of windsurfing learning, bloody easy to control

RSX is similar deal, as long as you don't use the large sail at the beginner stage.

I got a big board as well (165 liters for 60kg, with daggerboard), I love it, i won't change it untill I can master carve gybe on that board

I agree these big boards have no fun for advance sailors, but it is fun enough for beginners and intermediates..

It is just this country is not in favour of big board, in some countries like France, 293 is very famous

I also agree with Dam71 said that pick up a board and stick with it. keep changing board is not a good idea

QLD, 1087 posts
11 Nov 2014 3:34PM
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warning Rant... Long...

I've spent the morning considering a reply to the "stick to one board" theme....

I had similar conversations and advice ....

So being a sailing friend of Morgan and going out with most of the local improvers....
Bob, Tony, Mal, Morgan,Pat and Anita i would say i'm pretty well in contact with the intermediate windsurfers in the local area. I share their struggles :-)

So why do we choose different boards and not stick with the one board?

We are all in contact with helpful friends offering advice when they see us struggling with our gear. In a way I feel responsible for some of the longboard choices being made within our group.

We are all in contact with the major shops in the local area - making considered purchasing decisions.

I am still sailing differing boards depending on the conditions - still spending time on the Go when i think the conditions are suitable. Still feeling frustrated....typically...

I've been with Morgan when he has made the decision to change boards... Its a choice "more time on the water" vs "more time in the water" or sitting another session out because of too little/much wind!!

Morgan and I have discussed the general dismissal we feel for the choices made, knowing that often the choices we make are so we remain in the sport.

Coming back into Manly beach to ride the SUP/Windsurfer after being trashed on the Shark for an hour is not a choice made easily; its made to keep the stoke of windsurfing alive after another humbling hour in the water.

Similarly when I've spent 2 hours schlogging back and forward or getting tossed over the handle bars I am more than ready to look for an alternate ride that is going to get me "on the water" rather than'"in the water" or "off the water".

Agreed this may be confuse the Learning Curve however other things are being learned. F2 comet-old skool slalom- in high winds...Waterstarts, Footstraps, Pointing my toes. Raceboard...Big sails.. Waterstarting huge cammed sails in rough water with gusty winds. Tacking and sailing downwind. Committing to the harness (aside.. Same sail setup on longbord I dont fall out of the lines whereas its still a problem on the shortboard)

There is also which "one board" do we stick with? I'm onto my 4th 'one board' to stick with. All changes have been made with advice from people coaching my sailing!

Morgan and I agree that there is development sailing and recreational sailing. This needs to be kept in balance, for us 'older sailors' starting later in life many issues conspire against us. We both are in awe of the progress made by Morgans young son Jaye on the same equipment that Morgan has access to.

Getting lessons (rant).... Essentially lessons for us intermediate windsurfers is "vapourware" ..Once you get past uphauling in rosebay on calm days- that's it! ......Presently sitting at home - wind blowing - on 2 weeks holiday - can't find anybody to throw money at to get some lessons!

However I have been fortunate and had access to lessons via friends who know somebody.

Given that I will give a loud shout out to the help Morgan has received through his RQ contacts and Simon. Myself through the Peter's at Windwanders and Tony and Duncan at Cootharaba. It seems that Windwanders is the only windsurf group that are doing something to address the needs of us intermediates. Wish something more local was happening.

In summary .... we are getting advice and help ... some of that advice has been to change the boards we are on .. sometimes we need just to go sailing and that may mean going out on a board that we know will work

Morgan and I are very committed ....
and if one board did it we would already be there and not sharing in a learners thread.

I feel less angry now Just trying to tell it how it is for us learners who so want it- so bad!!!

Congratulations Morgan on your first year - looking forward to spending more time with you.

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 829 posts
14 Nov 2014 7:59AM
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Benyip - Thanks for the tips I will have a look at some literature on stance and see how I go

Dam71 - Thanks for taking the time to offer some tips - I appreciate all the advice I get - I am really enjoying the sport and have no intentions of quitting as long as it still fun - I will be blasting away with you guys soon. I love my time on the water it is my salvation from a stressful work life.

I put this up a couple of weeks ago, it should sum it up -

sboardcrazy - I always like hearing from you with your encouraging words

JonesySail - Thanks mate - I will take that under advisement with the ezzy sail (I did leave it a bit loose to catch some more wind) and watch the link

jirvine4505 - I just love to get out on the water on whatever board is going to give me some satisfaction and fun. If the wind is up and I already know I am going to get smashed I will put the Shark in the water and have a play - like you with your go. But one thing is for sure I would never attempt a crossing from Manly to Wello on anything other then the Pacifico at this stage. - Can't wait to catch up with you and Tony at Manly or Wello on Saturday mate.

Have fun on the water everyone



Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfing Learning Curve" started by Dwbh