Lovely Xmas arvo sailing with morgs. Both on our windsups, gentle winds. Mates enjoying the joy
Loving the Lake
Picture this - Christmas eve wind is up having Christmas lunch and drinks with the family - Jaye decides to go out for a sail and after 10 minutes comes back up the bar and says "Dad did you pack the booms?"....... Oh, no forgot the booms!!
Christmas day Ben and family met up with us at BP Burpengary with the booms so we did get to see them for Christmas on Christmas day woo hoo was nice to have coffee. Back to the lake - man the traffic was horrendous pretty much to Caloundra turn off and then no one mmm not sure what happened but from there on was a dream run.
In the water with booms in the afternoon with Jeffrey and Tony (I sailed with and waved to Tony all afternoon only to find out it wasn't you at all Tony - it was Max) mmm should get something to attach my glasses whilst windsurfing lol.
All up spent 3 hours on the water (yes feeling it today big time) I wasn't sure if I would be able to remember - amazingly enough sure did straight up with a beach start and as soon as moving fast enough into harness - how good is this......
Finished the sail off with last hour - Jeff and I on our windsups cruising together was awesome
I set up Pacifico (old faithful) with Naish 8.8m and 45 fin
Both Jaye and I really enjoyed ourselves
New board - set up and ready to go - just need some time to get out there and on to it. I am in the Bic Club now lol
Thanks Andy for the board and a big Thank you to Shannon to bringing it down from Burrum
Well there you go can still do it - Ben and I made it out to Viccy Point and had a hoota of session.
Although it started out very sketchy and emotional could not get going let alone plane or foot straps What The.....
FOCUS MORGS - looked down at my feet and they were all wrong not where they should be and it was having the expected effect - crash and burn, crash and burn Blah.... Ok so there didn't seem to very much wind at home in Cleveland so big board big sail for both of us Ben on the Hi-Fly and I took the Naish 180. Both of us had 8.5 ishes and when we got in the water game on .... or off so it would seem.
First problem boom upside down (she'll be right - Nah) could not for the life of me get into the harness lines. Stopped and took them off and swapped them around - bingo all good we have harness again (man the harness is like a security blanket isn't it). Once back in the harness lines front strap for a couple of runs and yep it happened both feet in and that is also like another security blanket both feet in the straps and in the harness game on. Managed to get 20.8 knots out of the Naish.
So glad I decided to go out with the Naish as I would have broken something or broken the board I crashed that many times but once in both security blankets all good. HOW MUCH FUN WAS THAT!!!
Anita got a couple of shots before the camera ran out of power - Great to see so many people out windsurfing caught up with Duncan, Mal, Pat and newby friend of Pat's (sorry forgotten your friends' name) Justin saw Martin blasting away
Heading back to Viccy Point on Monday for another session
That's great Morgs, great to hear you are back!!!!
I'll be off the water for a month just when the SE has returned, just had my other eye cataract done, all good, just time to heal. Cheers and ENJOY!!
Another great day on the water. Ben and I Man soooo many people on the water and half a dozen kids, how good is that!
Today I only took the Bic and Stumpy with plans of going for it on Stumpy first to get my sailing legs on a small board but pier pressure and Duncan comes over and says get it out Morgs. So what could I do...
Set up the Naish 8.8 again as the wind seemed a bit mild - put the standard fin in 48 something bit of a curve on the bottom.
With much trepidation off I headed - my experience with new boards ie; that are not Stumpy, is not that good of an experience. You see I trust Stumpy not to let go at any time through thick and thin even if we get some air she still runs on a rail. Not what has happened with other boards so you can imagine my nervousness first stepping on this narrow board (for me it is) and yep straight off the side.
Then there is the voice - 'slow down set yourself up take your time take a breath and relax' Says my sensible self. Followed my own advice and yep we are going soooooo skinny in the front and it was under water - a little foot shuffle nose is out of the water and light sail to the northern end of Thompsons TO MY ABSOLUTE AMAZEMENT she tracked nicely and seemed pretty comfortable. Turned around and here comes a squal let's go for broke and BINGO WOW up and planning and in straps (so forgiving - even stumpy would have gone with the trying to get my feet into the far too small new footstraps. But I got them in front and back and holly dooly she is a flyer. Planes so very easily I have never been on a board that gets on the plane so quick and effortlessly. Where have you been all my life - I think it is true love. Andy said it - that it would become my new favourite board - you are soo right Andy. Thanks mate
Two days sailing in the last couple and man every muscle in my body is aching
Here are a couple of photos of us and others
thumbs up for the Bic
So glad you had a great day after putting it out there Morgs. I knew you would love the BIC.
Brilliant photos as always Anita
I am also a fan of the BIC. Great tough board, ACETEC construction is reasonably light, plenty of performance and the security of 148 litres bouyancy. The best thing I ever did for my Bic 148 - swap the standard Bic footstraps out for some NP footstraps. After adjusting them to fit my foot the original Bic straps would always pull back smaller once on the water and constantly having trouble getting my feet in. My feet are size 9 so I should have been able to get them to work. I pulled them apart and messed around with them for ages before finally tossing them. The NP straps stay set perfectly - made life much easier. Looks like you're going great. Best of luck!
Just had a week at Elanda - with a few nice sessions on the new Bic
Not many windsurfers there this time - Duncan was having a blast first few days - Kelly turned up for a day or two - the wind dropped and Greg. There was another, not sure who was having some fun.
The lake was incredibly shallow so had to walk seemed like half a k to get deep enough for my 46 fin (came with the Bic)
Never did I think I would be getting on the plane on a small board (for me) in light winds. Well I got to tell ya,,, I just did only a couple of days ago on the lake - 12 knots Tony was coming in. I had a 7.8m Naish sail up on the Bic 148L, I was thinking no point in going out but, what the hell may as well have a go. I am glad I did struggled at first to get on but somewhere around halfway across there was a little trough which I scooched the board down and Kapow I was on the plane and placing both feet in the straps WooHoo......:-) Yep I was over the moon turned the board (still can't Jib and the board is so small it is hard to tack (for me that is). Light wind and 105kgs, not enough wind to pull me onto the board.
Uphaul time - mmm man that was soooooo hard, firstly the Bic has like 80 grade sandpaper for the deck so that meant skin off knees lol. How funny I was thinking at the time - I used to only uphaul because I couldn't water start but it is the opposite now, seldom do I uphaul. It seems weird but is the case now. I am thinking at this stage no way am I going to get on the plane but same same a little trough and a puff and I was up and going and in the straps again Woo Hoo. I just could not believe it.
Normally I would have rigged the 8.8m Naish and taken the Pacifico sup out in these conditions - but Bic has been so well behaved, I just thought I would have a go.
That was it I went out again and the wind had dropped right down still sub planning not in straps. I never thought I would get to the point in my windsurfing that I could plane in light winds.
Not sure, even though I love the place - we will be going back to Elanda in School holidays though!
Sorry not so many photos - the camera hasn't been unpacked from van yet will put some up tonight
Morgs and Anita
PS; Kokopelli i took your advice and swapped straps on the Bic and what a difference. Thanks for the tip and happy sailing
Duncan with his new sail - having a blast
Jaye and I crossing paths
New Board went well and new Van also worked a treat
Great write up morgs. New board sounds great
I missed the lake this holidays.
You know - teach your son to sail then you spend time going to regattas rather than sailing yourself ??
cheers Jeff
ps hoping to sail this weekend at Lake Macquarie
Great to catch up on the lake. 3 days of sailing.
Soooo devastated the inflatable windsup blew up
I still can't believe how good Anita's photos are from so far away
You call that camping. Your new rig is nicer than my house and almost as big.
I agree school holidays are an issue. Noisiest camping trip ever and kids running a muck (riding a bike over my sail) with parents that don't care.
Jeff, Morgs and I stopped for a chat and witnessed Jay smash a perfect planing gybe. I don't think he needs any lessons
Cheers Duncan
Had a great couple of days at Elanda. Wind was fantastic ESE on Tuesday and made the most of it with a 100km + session. Wednesday was light but managed to get going on 7.3 and 112 JP some really nice runs up in the North East corner of the lake a bit smoky though from the bushfires. Nice to catch up with Duncan,Morgs, Jay and Anita. I missed you guys when I left Thursday morning. Great improvements to the amenities block and new bar restaurant
Whoa - getting pretty excited about getting back on the water have decided to take a few weekends off the markets in January and get to Viccy point on that new racing go fast easy to plane little goer.
Can't wait