Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfing Learning Curve

Created by Dwbh > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2014
QLD, 189 posts
16 Sep 2015 8:05AM
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Started off pretty slow then turned into a great afternoon (despite what the forecast said).

Nice photos Anita.

See you up at the lake.


QLD, 4048 posts
16 Sep 2015 4:10PM
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Hi Morgan

I would expect the RSX to be quicker and to plane earlier than the longtail given the wider tail, bigger fin and outboard straps. Getting to the straps will be more difficult but the rewards will be worth it.

For me on both the RSX and formula I mostly put my back foot in the strap before I hook in and start to plane. I place my rear foot in the strap with most of my weight on the front foot, hook in and bear away giving the sail a few pumps and transferring my weight off the front foot and onto the rig as the board begins to plane, then its easy to just slip the front foot in and your away all locked down and secure. Justin Lord described the technique well in one of the formula threads in the general section.

QLD, 829 posts
20 Sep 2015 7:00AM
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Thanks Cameron - might just have to take her out for another go

No windsurfing today guys at Stanthorpe still - so there should be plenty of wind

Have fun


QLD, 1087 posts
20 Sep 2015 8:21AM
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Well we all give thanks to you Morgan

Best wind we have had in ages

Have you got anymore weekends away so I can organise some sailing

See you soon

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 291 posts
20 Sep 2015 10:54AM
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Thanks Morgan, I have just sailed 3 of my 4 days off! Now back at work to recover....

NSW, 8094 posts
21 Sep 2015 3:45PM
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Morgs the wind sacrifice.. Sorry..

QLD, 829 posts
10 Oct 2015 8:43AM
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Wow what a great turn out plenty of windsurfers and some bursts of wind in the afternoonsTuesday was a great pre storm session windsurfingFriday at the Lake – our first daySet up and out for a windsurfRio longtail with 50 BP fin, 6.6m sail – not much planning going on as wind dropped. Did practice gybes with small sail – isn’t that easier using a smaller sail.

Ben’s wedding – back to Brisbane for my son’s wedding. A lovely day and a beautiful family he has.No Windsurfing though

Sunday Rio longtail with 8.5m sail 50 bp fin nice day on the waterAnita – Naish 180l with her 4.3 gun sail – didn’t even get her hair wet – Nice

Monday Rio longtail 259l and 8.5m Loft Switch blade sail nice little surprize blow in the afternoon clocked 17.4 knots
Jaye – Naish Nitrix and 7.5m sail – clocked 21 knots

Tuesday Rio longtail and 8.5m Loft Switch blade sail very patchy and fluckey wind seemed to go all different directions in places but still fun got a pb in 1 hour and clocked 20 knots

Wednesday Naish Kailua 180l and 8.5m Loft Switch blade sail Nitrix 42fin – this is a milestone the first time I have tamed the beast. Didn’t start well but ended fine. Just couldn’t get on the plane –seemed no matter what I tried. Peter De Laet offered some valuable assistance we adjusted the out haul had another go was a little better but still no planning – THAT SUX…..I had decided to come in and grab the Rio as the wind was doing its thing and I was up for a ride. Peter came to my rescue again – I said I just cant get the thing planning – he said let me take it for a run and see how its set up and see if it plans. He was in the foot straps and planning within seconds – looked really good. Came back in and said yes it plans and is set up well. OK OK I will give it one more go and bingo, up on the plane clocked 20 knots woo hoo – I could get to like this

Thursday Decided to take the Naish out again with old favourite Loft 8.5m and had a blast The video tells the story – was very happy to achieve this and actually get it on camera – Not sure if I will be able to do it again.

Peter De Laet kindly gave Hayden – our daughters partner a lesson and lent him a board to have a sail – he did well

FridayWas a light day – Anita got out on the water and had some fun on the Rio Longtail with her Gun 4.3m sailLooking good there girl –Tried for the harness but didn’t like it, mmm might have to change that attitude dear…..I went out on the Rio Longtail for a light wind sail Jaye didn’t even get in the water. There were lots of others on the water as well - Another fun day on the water

Saturday Anita went out again in the morning in some wind and did well Rio Longtail with 4.3m sail really starting to get the hang of it. Great to see.

Sell it all day for me – made the wrong decision for sail for the afternoon – Whilst the incorrect choice doesn't wreck your sail on the Rio but the Naish well I chose the Naish with Neil Pryde 7.5m sail. Hours on the water getting frustrated – nearly on the plane and off – nearly on the plane then off – planing then off – nearly on the plane then off. Man should have either taken the Rio or increased the sail to the 8.5m. Was a rather gusty easterly or ESE. At one stage I was trying for the back strap and crashed and burned badly – must have put too much weight or caught my heal in the water on the way. Thanks Tammy for stopping and checking I was alright – bit bruised but ok. It all went down hill from there by the end of the afternoon I was ready to give windsurfing away altogether. Stacked more times than I can remember – more bruises than I have ever had, ego and pride absolutely shattered. Peter from Bribie stopped by at this stage and said hi and offered some kindly advice (took the outfit for a spin – said it was fairly well balanced – maybe boom a touch high) So instead of coming in and placing ads on Gumtree I persevered and achieved an 18 knot run. It was only short but a nice run just the same. Thanks Pete looking forward to sailing with you more.

I had a full on melt down – felt I just couldn’t get it together. I was sooooooooooo frustrated just didn’t know what to do. Peter De Laet gave some very encouraging words in the campsite around the fire. Windsurfing really doesn’t know what these guys do for the sport – they give their time and energy to help and encourage people, I watched Peter and he was helping as many people as he could over the week – we all thank you very much.

Sunday Pack up and say good bye day. It is unanimous in our family that this was the best Holiday we have had for a long time. It had everything – all the family together with most windsurfing, calm mornings for a paddle with reasonable wind most afternoons, Anita is coming along really well, I got to the Naish 180 and tamed it to a point but it has taken 2 years to get there (note to self – make sure you pick the right set up, sail for it before you go out). Great combination of windsurfing friends from all levels it is so nice to get together with you all and have a blast. This is what life is all about. I would like to say a special thanks to Jeff for his gear, the use of Jeffrey point and for getting us over to Elanda Point camping. Everyone is most welcome to join us at Elanda so make plans now for next year.

Next time we meet for a fun filled, action packed windsurfing camping adventure at Elanda Point will be at Christmas for 2 weeks – then Easter 16 for a week – September 16 for a week – look forward to seeing more great windsurfing folk there next year.

I am pretty sure that between us we managed to get pictures of most windsurfers at the lake.

Injury last day

This looks like it has captured the essence of a funtastic week at Elanda Point


QLD, 829 posts
10 Oct 2015 10:07AM
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Going to have a look at RQ Beach around 2 see what the wind is doing

QLD, 14497 posts
10 Oct 2015 11:35AM
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I hit up VP at 8.30 this morning. had a nice session. was 4-5 of us out.

Pat O
QLD, 29 posts
10 Oct 2015 1:19PM
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Was that you on the wally with the green sail?
Just trying put a face to the avatar/posts.

Pat O

QLD, 189 posts
10 Oct 2015 1:49PM
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You were getting out as I went in Justin. Checked my GPS - max was 8 knot.

Hope you get a bit more wind this arvo Morgan. Would have joined you, but got a bbq to go to later this afternoon.


QLD, 14497 posts
10 Oct 2015 2:29PM
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yeh pat I was on the wally. were you the guy heading out as I was rigging.

I was really surprised to see other out!! awesome.

hi mal, you were on the bigger north sail?

yeah it was light, a few 8-12 knot puffs further out earlier on but then it backed right off.

Pat O
QLD, 29 posts
10 Oct 2015 3:26PM
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Yea that was me. Just getting some time on water on the old longboard. I am on the learning curve and watch Morgan's thread with keen interest. The tips from the co-contributors are very helpful.
See you out there

QLD, 14497 posts
10 Oct 2015 4:01PM
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yeah nice one.

QLD, 829 posts
10 Oct 2015 6:25PM
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MalJ said..
You were getting out as I went in Justin. Checked my GPS - max was 8 knot.

Hope you get a bit more wind this arvo Morgan. Would have joined you, but got a bbq to go to later this afternoon.


Nothing there this afternoon. Sat at RQ for a while but decided to head home. Here's hoping for tomorrow.

QLD, 829 posts
10 Oct 2015 6:28PM
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PatOz said..
Yea that was me. Just getting some time on water on the old longboard. I am on the learning curve and watch Morgan's thread with keen interest. The tips from the co-contributors are very helpful.
See you out there

Nice one Pat great to hear
welcome me to join us anytime


QLD, 168 posts
10 Oct 2015 8:34PM
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where is it? nice view and got some other boats on the water?

QLD, 1087 posts
10 Oct 2015 9:38PM
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Winddragon said...
where is it? nice view and got some other boats on the water?

Nice shots of Elanda point lake Cootharaba Morgan- really captured the spirit.

Really like all the beginner and improver photos.

Roll on Xmas holidays

Cheers Jeff

NSW, 8094 posts
11 Oct 2015 11:01AM
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Dwbh said..
Headed out Sunday for a windsurf – didn’t have time but went anyway – there were some teasing gusts but not much at all. It was a beautiful day with a lot of Yachts and sailboats on the water out on the bay. Had a run out and back and pretty well decided that I haven’t got time in my day to wallowing around in very light wind condition so was heading in. I spotted Mal setting up on the beach – I will stick around and have a sail with Mal – haven’t for a while. Spotted a Dolphin off the harbour must of been getting a feed hung around for a while.

There was some very teasing gusts out there so after an hour I decided that nothing going to happen here I’m going to head in – on the way in ‘what’s this’ bang I am planning and woo hoo it came in. Naturally I took as much advantage of it that I could and had a couple of good runs before it dropped again. I even got to the rear foot straps – now that at the beginning of the season is AWESOME……..:-)

I used the Rio Longtail with 50 BP fin and my Loft 8.5m sail managed to run out a 15.9knots – nice… Just started to remember why I like windsurfing. Took me a little to re orientate myself to almost the level I had achieved in a past life before winter. I got into the intermediate straps fairly quickly and soon found myself looking at the rear front straps and bang --- foot in. Once I was comfortable with that I started to think that I just might be able to have a go at the rear strap (back foot) which eluded me last season. Same same as soon as my foot was in the strap I rounded up but, this time I managed to stay on the plane and straighten it out and had a good run maybe half a k. That, I would say was where I clocked the top speed – not much of that big mother board in the water with me standing down the back lol. I just might be ready to have a crack at the Naish 180 litre – which maybe a bit more of an intermediates board.

I did feel as though I was squeezing to most out of the board/kit in the conditions Sunday. Where as last year, I felt there was always a bit power to be had but couldn't get it. What a great place to start the season

Question to the experienced sailors – will the Naish be quicker than the Rio using the same kit, in the same conditions?
Question 2 – would the RSX be Quicker to the Rio Longtail using the same kit?

No windsurfing this week end :-( at Stanthorpe


Plenty of Traffic out there today

Mal - Blasting away woo hoo

Starting to look pretty good Morgs!

QLD, 114 posts
15 Oct 2015 10:05AM
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Happy Birthday Morgs!

QLD, 829 posts
17 Oct 2015 6:50AM
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Thanks for that AntC

Sunday is looking promising

QLD, 829 posts
17 Oct 2015 12:21PM
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Going to RQ to have a look see about 1pm with RSX maybe get it wet

QLD, 33 posts
18 Oct 2015 10:54AM
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Hi Morgs. Hope to see you down there. Have not been on my board for over 4 months! Hope I can remember what to do. Cheers.

QLD, 829 posts
22 Oct 2015 6:55AM
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Turned out to be a good afternoon windsurfing and there was a really good contingent of windsurfers Mal, Ants, Ella, Josh, Chris, Dave and a couple out from RQYS, a few boys from Wynnum cruising, I didn’t have glasses on, Anita got a sail wet and there were some learners out who I don’t know. Must have been 10 of us on the water at one stage. No photos photographer was in the water.

Started out a bit ordinary but the wind built a little, enough for me to get the Rio moving, managed a 17.9 knots very pleasant. What a great board……:-)

Man it is hard to make the videos small. 2 hours of video and all I want is 2-3mins. Whats a man to do - I am at this point of my windsurfing adventure, very conscious about my stance and boom height. In the video it looks to me like I have it together with the sail (pulled in line with the centre of the board) outbound right foot forward, mind you I was trying hard to do this both ways, but don’t seem to get the stance. Where as the other way sail is sheeted out and not in line with the board but seem to go faster and have a reasonably good stance. I’m definitely in need of a lesson at this new planning speed part of the learning curve.

The Wynnum boys were blasting past me going well – good to watch you guys.

But I must say I am starting to hold my own with the kites now still not passing them but have moved up to speed with them except in the lulls. Not including those go fast foil kites – think I might need a foil on the Rio lol.

Was great to get out with everyone and had a good sail.


NSW, 8094 posts
22 Oct 2015 4:25PM
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I don't usually analyse sail angles but go by feel- fiddle around and see which angle seems to go best constantly changing slightly to suit the conditions.Are you going upwind or reaching?
One thing I found really helped me to get upwind was when I started using Guy Cribbs techniques and actually kept the rig more upright ( side to side) and the mast more to windward and moved my self so I could open the sail a bit while still pulling.Rather than pulling it in tight and over on myself ( over the top was a bad habit to stop myself being thrown over the front - as I am a lightweight so being overpowered is more of an issue rather than under.)
So I'd experiment with different subtleties to see what seems to work.

QLD, 3256 posts
22 Oct 2015 4:45PM
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Looking good Morgan. Nice footwork.

I wouldn't worry too much about the angle of the sail over the board - either side to side or back to front. Sail where it feels comfortable. Phil Nott recons you sail faster if you don't choke the sail.

Your stance looks OK, with some twist in your hips so that your lower body faces a bit towards the front of the board. The good / fast sailors really turn their hips so their lower body faces toward the front of the board. If you concentrate on that, the sail will find its best position by itself.

QLD, 829 posts
24 Oct 2015 9:05AM
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sboardcrazy - I was heading a little up wind to maintain the depth of water with a 50 fin at the same time trying to go as fast as I can - still working on technique. Other guys out same day same place at least 10 knots faster. I still have a lot to learn

John340 - Thanks for the tips John - I will give the hips a go and work on that

Looking at heading to RQ about 2 and have a look - tide coming in and according to willy weather it is nearly 15 knots at 4 pm

QLD, 239 posts
24 Oct 2015 11:30AM
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Right time get the chores done...probably see you there....

QLD, 829 posts
25 Oct 2015 11:56AM
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Hey Kpb - I ended up late there yesterday and looked like I missed out. The kite guys said it was up to 15knots- I didn't get there until 4 and the wind had gone

Try again today around 2 to see what it is like

QLD, 239 posts
25 Oct 2015 5:53PM
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I went out for a bit of a potter round....but yeah the wind was up when there was no water...when the tide came in the wind died...always next weekend...


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfing Learning Curve" started by Dwbh