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ka43 said..
Please Maddlad, fire away.
Ok, here goes. Everyone knows im not a fan of the colour (mainly the mauve/purple/blood red colour), but i have to say the sail itself is fantastic. The bottom end grunt continues to surprise me, and the top end does not seem to suffer either. The other day i was out in maybe 14-16 knots on my 71 wide 113 litre JP Slalom racing board, sailing with Whitey on his 8.6 with his 120 litre (or so) slalom board and i was able to keep going through lulls that i would have not been able to on other sails. Normally in that weather i would run my 8.6 and my 85 wide slalom board in order to get going consistently. The speed increase overall i have experienced with this sail has put me along side people who would sail away from me consistently and end up 200 metres away by the end of a couple of kilometre run. Now i am right with them. My only issue is still that i get my front foot pulled out as im screaming along and ive tried every trick in the book to rectify it with limited success. That is my issue, not the sails, because other guys who are more experienced than me have tried my gear and felt no issues, however they were a good 15 kilos heavier than me.
The cams click over really smoothly, and the sail feels well balanced and light. If i had the money i would trade all my sails in for a suite of these. Any questions feel free to ask and i will do my best to answer. :)