Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Severne S1 Pro - Holy Sh!#

Created by Relapse > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2014
WA, 887 posts
29 Aug 2014 4:11PM
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I love this time of year on the gear review forum.

Mark _australia
WA, 22227 posts
29 Aug 2014 7:08PM
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heavy weather goes pretty crook too

VIC, 579 posts
29 Aug 2014 10:17PM
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Its quite entertaining really, I don't know if the haters and trolls realise that their rants actually keep this post up top. I'm sure Severne are appreciating it

WA, 3456 posts
30 Aug 2014 12:09AM
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Troppo said..
I love this time of year on the gear review forum.

Yeah... lot's of opinions but no one actually sailed the gear in decent conditions.

That said, I used the Severne 5.6 S1 all summer in Malaysia. 10 to 20 knts with up to logo high swell. Perfect sail for those conditions. Especially when you packed on a few extra pounds after you had a few to many G&Ts and Tigers to help you deal with mosquitoes and the humidity.Without that sail and the 120l Goya Quad I would have sat on the beach all season... monsoon season that is.

WA, 3456 posts
30 Aug 2014 12:21AM
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russh said..

Try doing some engineering work on some defence equipment (which is comparable to design work on a rocket at NASA) and it will put your board shaping engineering challenges into perspective.

Actually these days rocket design ain't so difficult either. Just ask Iran and North Korea. Most of the white papers required are available on the internet and even the patter recognition technology for laser guided missiles is pretty straight forward.

That said, building ultra light sails that don't fall apart after two sessions don't seem to be so straight forward. If it was more companies would do it. Just look at the ultra light sails North is trying to sell next season. Noticed the fine print on their web site? Yup, the normal warranty doesn't apply to those sails.

Update: Sorry meant to be a comment to someone elses post... but something seems to have gone wrong. I guess posting here is rocket science after all.

NSW, 172 posts
2 Sep 2014 12:18AM
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The simple answer is that board and sail design is not a pure science. It is an art more than a science. There is no magical computer that tells you how a rig will feel in your hands.
The sail construction looks great, it's hardly new technology though. It sure will make for some interesting looking sails once people start ripping them. I assume there is a nice stock of replacement panels in storage some where. ...........

WA, 44 posts
2 Sep 2014 4:16PM
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jh2703 said..
When did I become a team rider??

News to me.....Now where's my contract!

Looking at Coreboardsports facebook page, you are a Goya/quatro team rider? WTF

dan berry
WA, 2562 posts
2 Sep 2014 5:10PM
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Wtf?!?! So Jason's 15 "custom" oes boards are actually just re sprayed quatro production boards????! I no longer have any faith

NSW, 1222 posts
3 Sep 2014 12:13AM
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nobbie said...
jh2703 said..
When did I become a team rider??

News to me.....Now where's my contract!

Looking at Coreboardsports facebook page, you are a Goya/quatro team rider? WTF

What can I say, At the time I wrote that I wasn't but yes I have since been named on the "Core" team.....And I'm totally chuffed with that.

.....So I now no longer care how much the Severne sail costs.

WA, 3456 posts
3 Sep 2014 1:31AM
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jh2703 said..

What can I say, At the time I wrote that I wasn't but yes I have since been named on the "Core" team.....And I'm totally chuffed with that.

so I would assume that would mean your reviews of Goya gear should all be taken with a grain of salt... just saying.

NSW, 1222 posts
3 Sep 2014 8:08AM
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stehsegler said...
jh2703 said..

What can I say, At the time I wrote that I wasn't but yes I have since been named on the "Core" team.....And I'm totally chuffed with that.

so I would assume that would mean your reviews of Goya gear should all be taken with a grain of salt... just saying.

Take it however you want but my gears available to anyone that wants to try it out. You can decide for yourself on how good it is.

WA, 6484 posts
3 Sep 2014 9:17AM
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Could you confirm the weight of the Goya sails ?

There doesn't seem to be an info given anywhere.

One would think weight would be a legitimate question and answer in a gear review forum. It's something I'd want to know as a consumer. .....It's not like your flogging a 2 for 1kg offer?


WA, 3456 posts
3 Sep 2014 11:57AM
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Carantoc said...
Could you confirm the weight of the Goya sails

Very good question and one I keep asking brands via direct emails.

The majority of brand have quietly stopped listing weight on their product web pages. A spec not insignificant in my opinion.

The explanations I received when asking via email was anything from "manufacturing tolerance are too big" to "we are still working that out".

The 5.6 Severne I used last season was 100 grams lighter than quoted on their web site. The entire rig was only 2.5 kg heavier then a sail in the same size from a different company.

What I found is that in wavesailing all that extra power you supposedly have in those significantly heavier power sails is completely lost because they become very cumbersome to handle. Especially in marginal stop and go conditions you end up fighting rig rather than being able to react to wind gusts.

I often wonder if sail weight was the final straw as to why Koester switched to Severne.

226 posts
3 Sep 2014 11:59AM
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Or he switched to Severne so he could have the super Severne/Starboard combo or NP and JP were up to something

WA, 3456 posts
3 Sep 2014 1:13PM
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KevinD002 said..
Or he switched to Severne so he could have the super Severne/Starboard combo or NP and JP were up to something

from what I read in a German forum NP wanted to do a NP / JP combo deal but he didn't want to leave Starboard but who knows... and not that it really matters.

Reflex Films
WA, 1437 posts
3 Sep 2014 2:12PM
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The commentators in GC were talking about how crazy it was to see doubles going down on 5.3s

I wonder how much of a role sail and rig weight played in that?

Core Boardsports
VIC, 134 posts
3 Sep 2014 5:11PM
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Anyone wanting Goya prices just need to go to our web site and all will be revealed as well as North and Naish prices. Not sure why its so hard to find RRP on other sails elsewhere.?

Likewise weights can be provided direct for most of the sails - Fringe 3 battern are all under 3kg except the 5.3 which just scrapes over ... No sail the same size however weighs exactly the same weight there are marginal variances in the grams...

I have not had anyone ask me direct for any of this info so please feel free to ask away and you shall receive

Apologies in advance if this reply is taken out of context we are just trying to be helpful so if this message is taken down :( its unfortunately the same old people complaining....

NSW, 89 posts
3 Sep 2014 5:52PM
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The Severne critics opinion really isn't worth a Kanga Cock fin unless you have tried the sail first. So off you pop down to your local Severne retailer, ask for a demo, go for a sail and then give some honest feedback.
I find it a good idea to demo another brand every year to see if the gear I'm using is as good as I think it is compared to the other. That's how I switched from buying Pryde to buying Severne. This year I'll take Jase up on his offer to demo his Goya sails and see how they compare. They will have to be one hell of a sail to beat the 4.8 S1 pro, because holy sh@!# that is one outstanding sail. Well done Ben.

WA, 26 posts
3 Sep 2014 5:47PM
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Sooooo, the Severne S1 pro is expensive 30-40% more than other sail brands, is it that 30-40% better is the question? It would be interesting to know the weight of a 5.3m…maybe it's 30-40% lighter than other brands.. demo one would be best but it not always available/possible, so for a punter to make a decision, we have to read review's, collect and compare facts and PRICE.

WA, 936 posts
3 Sep 2014 7:24PM
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Smurfing said..
Sooooo, the Severne S1 pro is expensive 30-40% more than other sail brands, is it that 30-40% better is the question? It would be interesting to know the weight of a 5.3m…maybe it's 30-40% lighter than other brands.. demo one would be best but it not always available/possible, so for a punter to make a decision, we have to read review's, collect and compare facts and PRICE.

I don't reckon you can apply that logic to luxury/premium products. It's a bit like asking if a Bugatti Veyron is 10 times better than a Nissan GTR. The spend at that end of the envelope gives ever diminishing returns.

NSW, 762 posts
3 Sep 2014 9:55PM
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WA, 2960 posts
3 Sep 2014 8:07PM
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Core Boardsports said..
Anyone wanting Goya prices just need to go to our web site and all will be revealed as well as North and Naish prices. Not sure why its so hard to find RRP on other sails elsewhere.?

Core still don't have the 2015 Naish and North sails/prices online though?

Maintenance of Aus windsurf shop websites could be a topic on it's own, so without trying to hijack the thread..

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Take it however you want but my gears available to anyone that wants to try it out. You can decide for yourself on how good it is.

All your gear is available?? I want to try out that drone so I can get a sweet profile with my kit for my Tinder account!!

NSW, 1222 posts
3 Sep 2014 11:02PM
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^^^All yours Barney they're easy to fly, Even you could do it

....What's Tinder??

You kids these days

Core Boardsports
VIC, 134 posts
3 Sep 2014 11:56PM
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barn said..

Core Boardsports said..
Anyone wanting Goya prices just need to go to our web site and all will be revealed as well as North and Naish prices. Not sure why its so hard to find RRP on other sails elsewhere.?

Core still don't have the 2015 Naish and North sails/prices online though?

Maintenance of Aus windsurf shop websites could be a topic on it's own, so without trying to hijack the thread..

Take it however you want but my gears available to anyone that wants to try it out. You can decide for yourself on how good it is.

All your gear is available?? I want to try out that drone so I can get a sweet profile with my kit for my Tinder account!!

North and Naish sails will be up tomorrow - that's a promise I'll try and keep ...

VIC, 2 posts
4 Sep 2014 1:07PM
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Haven't Avanti Sails been making sails this way for years and in fact designed all their sails using this construction method? I think it's dishonest for Severne to not only copy another brands designs but also to claim they invented this method.
Looks like Severne went too light anyway according to durability issues coming out of Europe!

WA, 3456 posts
4 Sep 2014 11:54AM
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MrChuckle said..
Looks like Severne went too light anyway according to durability issues coming out of Europe!

??? statements on durability issues coming from Europe? What's this based on? Hearsay?

Last I checked Europe doesn't get volume shipment by any brand until around January / February. When you look at the serial numbers on the majority of next seasons sails and boards sold in Australia around August / September you'll see they are in low double digits.

And yes, Avanti Sails has had light laminates for I think 3 years now. No one said Severne invented that. As far as I know this has been used for years in yacht racing. I'd say most brands have played with the technology but decided against it for one reason or another.

SA, 227 posts
6 Oct 2014 12:40PM
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Well I just came on here to read some reviews. Too many opinionated people rather than actual sail reviews.

151 posts
6 Oct 2014 6:56PM
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stehsegler said..

MrChuckle said..
Looks like Severne went too light anyway according to durability issues coming out of Europe!

??? statements on durability issues coming from Europe? What's this based on? Hearsay?

Last I checked Europe doesn't get volume shipment by any brand until around January / February. When you look at the serial numbers on the majority of next seasons sails and boards sold in Australia around August / September you'll see they are in low double digits.

And yes, Avanti Sails has had light laminates for I think 3 years now. No one said Severne invented that. As far as I know this has been used for years in yacht racing. I'd say most brands have played with the technology but decided against it for one reason or another.

By the way, NeilPryde uses the same technology for certain panels in their sails and had a nice movie showing the manufacturing of a similar material.
Why similar, because only the manufacturing or construction doesn't make them the same.
Much more parameters like foil thickness, used string material and orientation, etc has to be viewed as well. Last but not least, does the sail shape suit the used material? too many questions to answer for me.
I'm just happy if I can get a better & lighter sail, given that it is robust as my previous sails.
Enjoy sailing!

WA, 124 posts
12 Oct 2014 6:59PM
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2016 North Sails development (probably similar to Severne and other brands) ...

Here is an example of the extremely complex design & build process ...
- thousands of engineers from different countries and companies developing key components and systems
- complex engineering system integration
- state-of-the-art materials and system technology

QLD, 99 posts
13 Oct 2014 12:02PM
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Great this thread is back. I just love that michael jackson vid, classic. Thanks jh2703


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Severne S1 Pro - Holy Sh!#" started by Relapse