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Vector Fins for high wind rough water

Created by TASSIEROCKS > 9 months ago, 6 May 2012
NSW, 696 posts
29 Aug 2013 10:23PM
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Nice set up there Jas, ready to rock'n'roll for Sandy Point I see. Hope we end up being there at the same time - I will be guided by the forecast this year. SW and WSW have been few and far between this year the PiT dwellers have been reporting.....maybe in October the WSW and SW will be unleashed and we can give the smaller Vectors a run....

QLD, 384 posts
29 Aug 2013 11:14PM
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Thanks AJEaster i have aloud a month but if October just keeps getting better well sorry boss but im staying a bit longer. First time there and im going to make the most of it. See you there

160 posts
1 Sep 2013 8:59PM
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"40 and 48 is the updated and stiffer G10 design called Volt II"?!?
Hmmm ... it gets more and more interesting!!! You mean it's a different kind of G-10? Better glass in it, maybe? Something similar to what Tectonics uses for their T-43 (those seem to have different glass fabrics alternated)?

WA, 6415 posts
2 Sep 2013 7:43PM
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Tried the 31cm volt out over two days in 15-28 knots with i87 and 5.6m.

Fin is super wide at base! Wider at base than my old model volt 38cm by 5mm,and wider by 12mm than my 32cm EX. Tapers to quite narrow at tip,is stiffer than the EX.

In comparison to my 32 cm EX,i would say the EX has a looser, more freeride feel to it.

The 31CM Volt,being a lot wider makes the board more stable.

The very wide base is supposed to keep the board down more,and it did for sure.

Had to heighten the boom twice as i felt underpowered.

The volt has more area than than the EX,so more drag,but in the gusts was much easier to stay sheeted in without the board flying.

So overall believe for sure it is faster than the EX,though prefer the feel of the EX.

4 Sep 2013 11:33AM
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Hi Geo ITA

The G10 Volt II is exactly the same G10 material as the other models.

There has always been some talk and discussion about G10 fins larger than 40cm and up, that could at times be a little to soft / unstable. This especially in the high performing fins and for sailors looking for the very best. So top recommendation had always been the Volt Carbon fins for sailors with no compromise.

We wanted to improve the larger G10 fins in the Volt range and did a lot of development to make them more rigid. The outcome (Volt II) was a little wider tip section and overall adjusted design. I didn't make the fins slower or more draggy, but increased the performance quite a lot as the fins became a lot more stable.

The feedback so far has been very good, and this is also comparing against carbon fins. (40-50cm)

Hi Peter

Always interesting to hear the feedback.

Your spot on on most of the comments on the Volt.
It is designed for competition / racing so the overall speed (incl starting, acceleration, jibing, control, keeping the glide in lulls etc) is important. The Volt will deliver the best over the distance or in a figure eight or down wind slalom.

I know it has a wider area compared to you EX, and "on the paper" this should be more drag. But in fact it is very slippery through the water and very efficient (not draggy at all).

It do ride the board quite flat (as you mentioned), but this is good as you are always in control and when the gust hit you don't tail walk, but instead just accelerate..

160 posts
4 Sep 2013 7:28PM
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Thanks a lot again Jesper! Sorry for the mistake, due to my not perfect understanding of English and fervid immagination. Stiffer fin in G-10 so, and not fin in stiffer G-10.
From what I read the EX must behave a bit like my Tectonics Falcon's: very soft, which is the way to go for control in chop with 'normal' boards; but not that much if one has a very lifty board. In such case, 'soft' may tend to generate too much additional lift (due to flex, and even if twist is controlled - carbon - and/or balanced - good G-10 -) and things may go out of control; so much better to have a stiff fin in such case. And, additional drag from friction due to larger area is negligible compared to other factors (one should always bear in mind that we mostly sail with excess power to shed). It seems I was right to purchase some used carbon Rockits instead of the EX's for my boards.
So Volt II is now 'standard' design for the fins one can purchase via the 'local' Vector outlets, like both your vectorfins. and (I live in Italy)? If I order a 40 cm Volt from will it be a Volt II?

6 Sep 2013 8:45AM
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Hi Geo

I send you a PM on how to get the Vector in Europe.

With the Vector EX design, the control comes a lot more from the more swept back profile. It keeps the board riding flat as it have less lift.
Not sure how they compare direct to the Tectonic Falcon. The EX will be good for riders that want extra control and ride the board quite flat. It is very good for downwind. Lighter riders like this model. Also boards with narrower tails (freeride) or older style slalom boards, seams to like the EX.

91 posts
7 Sep 2013 5:24AM
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Hi Jesper!
You are right there Jesper, the EX is really good for lighter riders i am 135 pound and the EX is one of my favorite fin, but i still like the Volt when i am fully powered up. I tried so many fins from different manufactures the Vector fins seems to suit me the best.

160 posts
7 Sep 2013 5:04PM
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Hi Jesper,
thanks for the message!

QLD, 364 posts
7 Sep 2013 8:54PM
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Has anyone tried the Delta Weed Speed? Looking to match it with a JP50.


WA, 2031 posts
12 Sep 2013 11:57AM
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I've used the DWS 21 many times on my Mistral 47 Speed (with sail sizes 5 to 6.6), great board and excellent fin.
The fin never hooks weed and is fast and super-reliable even in quite big chop.

Also can highly recommend the DWS 27 -39 knot 2 sec on my Isonic 86.

I find that they are great fins for "nautical miles" as they are fast with nice predictable lift.

102 posts
11 Oct 2013 11:12AM
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Just got my new 42cm and 46cm Vector Canefire Carbon fins, can't wait to use them

TAS, 1651 posts
13 Oct 2013 8:07AM
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They look nice, enjoy

25 Oct 2013 8:58AM
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IRL250 said..

Just got my new 42cm and 46cm Vector Canefire Carbon fins, can't wait to use them

Hi Alastair

Did you get a chance to try the fins yet? - and what boards are the going on?

102 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:49PM
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Jesper said..

IRL250 said..

Just got my new 42cm and 46cm Vector Canefire Carbon fins, can't wait to use them

Hi Alastair

Did you get a chance to try the fins yet? - and what boards are the going on?

Haven't had the chance to try them mate, still got a knee injury that's keeping me off the water but got them there ready for when my knee is healed.

Planning to use the 46cm with 8.5/9.5 Koncept on my 2013 Mistral Slalom 137 and 42cm with my 7.5/8.5 Koncept on my Mistral Slalom 112.

Will be planning on getting some more Vector carbon fins eventually, only had enough money for these 2 fins first but will probably get the Volt in 30cm, 34cm and 38cm for my 2011 Mistral Screamer 95, 2013 Mistral Speed 95 and 2013 Mistral Slalom 112 and possibly another Canefire, but 50cm for the 2013 Mistral Slalom 137

TAS, 1651 posts
29 Apr 2014 8:52PM
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Ok update

Had a first run on the Vector Volt 30 as recommended by Jasper as a alternate fin to the Vector Rocket 32 in high wind rough water.
Comments are what another fantastic G10 fin. super comfortable and so easy to get high peak speeds. I used the trusty Naish sp ltd 95 and mauisail 5.5 tr9 to get over 37 knott peaks. Heaps of choice of late in the fin market, but Vector just build fantastic fast no spin out fins that keep impressing me in rough water.

Vector Volt 30 Highly Recomended

P.S my Rocket is still in use and a1 condition after three years of use


160 posts
30 Apr 2014 12:03AM
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Past week I had another chance to see how the Rockit carbon fins go. Went out with my '12 Carbon Art SL66, brand new Maui Sails 7.7 TR-X and a 38 cm Talon. Plenty of wind, it was hard for me to keep the board down. After a tough splash I went back in and swapped the Talon with a 37 cm carbon Rockit. The board then was tame and totally easy, unbelievable change!
But have to say, too: when the wind started going down, it turned out impossible for me to stay upwind. The Rockit requires speed, if you can't get that then a Talon is much more powerful.

1 May 2014 10:22AM
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Hi Geo

Thanks for the feedback,,

Your are right that the Rockit 37cm has a nearly unlimited top end control and drives the board with ease without getting the feeling of the board "riding up".

If you are after more bottom end, then you have to go to the Volt model. The foil is wider compared to the Rockit and deliver a rock solid drive and acceleration to get going but still have the top end and control as the Rockit. 38cm would probably be the size if you considered a Volt,,

For racing the Volt still provide lift / drive in non perfect conditions to go through patchy wind and accelerate quick after the mark rounding etc.


160 posts
7 May 2014 3:24AM
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Hi Jesper,
don't get me wrong, I really love my carbon Rockit fins. In their 'good' range I love their feel much better than the feel of the Talons in the Talon's own 'good' range. Only happens those ranges are a few knots apart.
Yesterday I was able to sail again, this time I rigged my 7.0 TR-X with '12 SL66. Started with a 36 Talon, then I changed to a 35 carbon Rockit. I'd say the conditions were such that I could use both fins: the Talon was still manageable, the Rockit was already providing enough upwind. But the feel was totally different: with the Talon I had to fight the board, with the Rockit I just had to keep sheeted in. I was impressed by the accellerations I could get when gusts hit. The sail is really great, provides lots of power and stays always in control, but the fin did a great job as for handling that.
It seems my next boards will be Lockwood Mistral, I hope to be abe to use my Rockit fins (31 fo the SL57, 35 and 37 fo the SL68) on those too. Probably I will have to get a good fin for the SL82 and 8.4 TR-X, anyhow. Maybe a Volt 42 or 44? The only problem with the carbon Vector fins is in their price ...

VIC, 317 posts
25 Jun 2014 11:04PM
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Hi, been reading with great interest. Manta 69, thinking Vector Volt 38cm? I sail lots chop, Port Phillip Bay and Inverloch. The 42 c3 venom I use has me going 'whoa cowboy' when gusts hit using 7.5 & 8.5 on lighter days. I switch to my weed fins, 28 duo, and the nose stays put, but up wind can be difficult unless really powered up. Would the 38 Volt be enough to make sailing more comfortable and give better upwind ability. Cheers, Pete

27 Jun 2014 12:15PM
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Hi Pete

You are right with the Vector Volt 38 / or 40cm if you are after max control, but still heaps of drive to push upwind easy. I'm not surprised that your 28 weed fin can't quite give you the performance upwind,,

For the Manta 69: If you keep your current 42cm for the lighter days , - then the 38cm (like you say) would be the choice.
If for some reason you want 2 fins, - then 40cm + 38cm would be the choice.

The Volt model have a lot of control and keeps the nose of the board down. The design / outline has a of the leading edge has a slightly swept back profile towards the tip and this adds to the control. The relative wide base section of the fin take care of the upwind ability as well as acceleration. All up the Volt is amazing All - round performance and is the newest of the Vector designs.

Please send me a PM for more info on :


VIC, 317 posts
27 Jun 2014 5:26PM
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Thank you Jesper

TAS, 1651 posts
2 Aug 2014 7:45AM
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Hi Jasper,

Those Volts are fantastic.

Cheers Russ

226 posts
2 Aug 2014 6:27AM
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Just got 2 Weed Slaloms in G10 and love em! Considering getting Volts in carbon now. Currently using Select VMax 2.0s and wondering if anyone has compared the two.


6 Aug 2014 12:30PM
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Hi Kevin

Glad you liked the G10 Slalom Weed fins :).

For the Volt's. The G10 Volt's II are performing amazingly well. We got the design fine tuned really well over the last 2 years and we are really happy with the performance on all sizes,,

The new carbon Volt II is a development from the original Volt I design. Outline is exactly the same, but we tested lots of different layups in the carbon to get the flex / twist right. What we wanted to achieve was a little softer flex, to gain more bottom end / acceleration without giving up the high end control / comfort.

In comparison the new Volt II has more flex (from the mid section of the fin towards the tip). The twist is very locked and our test has showed that we don't need any twist as long as there is a nice progressive flex / side bend. This also makes the fin more "simple" and dynamic to sail with.

From the above improvements the bottom end has increased as well as the acceleration. Control is the same in the high end speed area. Personally I was surprised that we could keep the high end speed control the same, as normally some softer fins can be harder to control in higher wind and gust (can lift the board up too much on the tail.)

I haven't tried or even seen the Select fins here, - so not sure on how they perform. But I can ensure you would like the Volt in carbon / or G10. The designer makes the carbon himself from start to finish to ensure every fin going out of the door is the same.

If you want carbon or G10 is a personal choice and we got really good feedback on both options. The G10 Volt's are working really well and I normally recommend them up to 40-42cm in size.
My own quiver is Volt G10 30,32,34(SB 90) Volt G10 38,40 (SB 107) Volt Carbon 42,44 (SB117)

Price is of course also a factor,, In general if you consider 1-2 carbon fins , then aim for the bigger sizes and save a bit on the smaller ones (G10)

226 posts
6 Aug 2014 2:03PM
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Thanks for the detailed response! I thought the Volt2 was only available in larger sizes? So far I really like the moulded/carbon fins, something about them in overpowered conditions feels...different/more comfortable. I mainly use sub 40 fins as I only weigh 62kilos. Looking at getting a quiver of Volt1 carbons in 31,33, and 35 for my 2010 iSonic 94L

I do have the opportunity to buy a "proto" Vector SX G10 fin from a Vector tester here. Any thoughts on that fin?


8 Aug 2014 2:39PM
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Hi Kevin

I think the SX model is the same as the Rockit model,,

If it is the Rockit model, then those fins are very good all round. I normally carry sizes here in stock from 30-38cm. It is a "older" design, - but also a proven performer. They are a little narrower in the foil compared to the Volt model.

I don't think you can go wrong in the smaller sizes with that fin (G10 / or carbon). I still have a small 30cm carbon Rockit that comes out now and then for rough conditions,, :)

TAS, 1651 posts
19 Aug 2014 7:31PM
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Bring on those rough conditions

TAS, 1651 posts
6 Oct 2014 2:39PM
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I have had two good runs of late on the Vector Volt 30 G10 it is a fantastic high wind fin

Thanks Jasper for recommending them

WA, 6415 posts
6 Oct 2014 11:07PM
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My two favourite fins in the Vector range are the 31m Volt 2 for my i87 Somic with a 5.5m and my 36 EX for my Patrik 92.

Used this fin yesterday in my Patrik 92 with a 6.2m in strong winds and sometimes very choppy water.

I was swapping over with the 36cm Rockit which feels a little too big and stiff for this size board.

The 36 EX despite being identical in area to the 36 Rockit feels so much smaller.

In the gusts the EX kept the board on the water so much better and was so much smoother too.

For racing the Rockit is probably a better choice. It gets the board going much quicker and upwind particularly in lighter onditions is better.

Tried the 34 EX on the Patrik 92 but hated it. Felt like I was going to spin out all the time.

With the EX you may need to go a little bigger due to their extreme softness.

The 32 EX works well on the i87 but the 34 EX feels too big for this board.

Tried a 30 EX on the i87 but did not produce enough lift and felt I was going sideways.

Have another high wind board with a tiny width tail and the 30 EX is perfect on this board.

The EX fins are similar in design to the old Techtronics Falcon fins.

The 36 EX on the Patrik 92 is the smoothest combo I've found yet.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Vector Fins for high wind rough water" started by TASSIEROCKS