Hey Russ, thought I would put this on before you got a chance. Wind is looking good at this stage, 15-25 knots SW in the arvo. Who's up for a gun fight
Jez, when you have good go fast gear that tanks upwind Mortimer is a great place, if you sail up to the neck that is. Mortimer itself is crap!!
It is good up near the neck and it would be even better if there was an access point and rigging area up there.
There is a launch area with little walking due to tide. You just have to walk down a track a bit. Park at end of Baragoola Lane, off Gellibrand. Walk down track towards cliffs and turn right. Walk approx 300m till you come to a little beach. You have to carry your gear to the beach though and then rig. Not too bad except walking back to the car after a long sail.
You can also drive down Bazzants rd. Its off South Arm rd, about 1km after you go past the shop heading towards Opposum Bay. You can drive to the end of the rd and its only a short walk to a nice little beach. Needs to be high tide or you have a bit of a walk
Looks like its going to be Southerly on the weekend, so might be at the pond. Will be like having a gunfight in a phone box
Russ and I will be ready
If it's Mortimer I prefer to park in the normal spot and sail up to the neck, something to aim for, then get a nice big downwind run at the end of the day.
Oh no, not the pond, I get RSI going around in circles all day.
My neck gets RSI watching you guys.
straight, left, straight, right, straight ,left, straight right.....
seriously for one minute.. i prefer the pond any day over Mortimer
I don't mind Mortimer the drive in is cool, then there is the sailing up wind to the top section which is a blast then long down wind runs home. if it's consistant and the tide is up it is heaps of fun.
Steve where are you planning on sailing from?
I'll just see what the wind does in the morning, if its S i'll probably head to the pond if SSW will probably go to Mortimer.. Arvo is looking like it will be S and the strongest, but see what happens
Forecast is shaping up nicely. Its meant to get windier and windier in the arvo. High tide I think is around 1.30pm. Russ not too fuss where I go as long as there is wind. Like Jez said might wait to see if its S or SW before deciding. Planing on getting to where ever around lunch time.
I'll put up a six-pack for the fastest 2-sec in the south!! Don't think I can make it at this stage, but might try to sneak in a quick sail!
Gee it is going to be so nice on this forum if you are all on team Red
You can call me the Lone Ranger I'm going to bring you nice red team
boys to justice.
mind you if Izaak, Perks, Houston, bigbear, Gordo and Brendon and (Jez in Camo[}:)]) want to drive down to lend me some assistance that would go down real nice like