You southerners really speak some S.H.I.T.
Never catch Greenie, Clarki and i speaking such rubbish
And Houston, can you loop that SUP.
Fluros on drugs
I can't loop anything
Marrawah come clean, who the ........ are you
I'll up for a sup this arvo I think it's light onshore at the moment so could get better later
Yer I checked goats earlier and it was onshore and crap
Seems like I was the only one silly enough to sup. Light onshore breeze buggered the waves so went for a paddle around the Iron Pot left my run a bit late further than I thought, 8.7km so Betsy is doable at 9.5km even though it looks heaps further.
Funny how hard it is to catch a wave in the dark
Another nice SUP 8km Fortescue Bay to Cape Hauy and back. Now this is pretty specky country
Im in, when?
thinking of going for a SUP up Carlton River tomorrow. Anyone know how far up you can get before it gets too narrow?
thinking of going for a SUP up Carlton River tomorrow. Anyone know how far up you can get before it gets too narrow?
You can get as far as the bridge at the primrose turn off, after that you run out of water, about a 10k return trip from the river mouth, follow the sticks just north of steeles island for a 100m or you will end up in the oyster beds
thinking of going for a SUP up Carlton River tomorrow. Anyone know how far up you can get before it gets too narrow?
Rob you can go as far up till it hurts
If there's no wind for a sail I'm thinking about a sup at boneyard this arvo should be out of this light southerly slop
Great session, thanks for the call ant that was great.
You've gotta learn to come in earlier, only just back to the car before dark
I'll edit that t minute wave down and put it on YouTube tonight.
If the gopro worked.
That's an awesome spot when conditions are right shoulder to head high today I'm going back down tomorrow. Just checked observations wind was SSW would be better with a southerly and forecast Sun is southerly with swell
Fos picked up a ripper wave and disappeared must have been 100m
Just a small reminder, replace leg ropes about ounce a year.
Very (un)luck I didn't take out the president today when myine broke right out the back.
Its also a bugger to swim in against that rip.
Thanks for catching the board.
Also this spot is no good
We don't need anymore people there
Great day.. sup in the morning at Lauderdale point then down to boneyards for a second one with the supping elite of southern windsurf Tas, apart from our little 4 foot friend Buzzy who is doing us proud at GI.
Only low lights was Fos nearly taking the whole line-up out with his runaway 11 foot sup and usual sight of his hairy body. P.s thanks for the bundy mate
Nice one guys
at least you are getting in the water, none for us
Fos, are you accident prone?
Howzit going at Marrawah hiding something??
Roaring beach today for SUP.
Winter classic State titles.
Brett will be entering in open division
nice swell down there yesterday should be better today.
Yesterday Shorty and I went for a 2hr cruise from Pirates bay jetty down the coast to Tasman Arch, seals following us for about a k pretty cool in the sea caves and a little hairy, if a big one came through I reckon you'd get cleaned up pretty well.
How did you go today Brettski? trust you came in no.1 like our little mate in GI
I went up the Huon River the last couple of weekends. The best place to park is at the end of Helen St in Ranelagh. Its right on the river. From there its a couple of km or so up to the rapids. Beautiful spot.
Nice SUP at the rivermouth Carlton today. Brett, myself and Allan Short trashing Houistons board.
Camera was on brett today, sorry Al, Team riders/ training comp riders rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and Morgan had had enough when you turned up...