Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Stanley weekend and the AGM

Created by Gillianv > 9 months ago, 28 Feb 2017
TAS, 193 posts
10 Mar 2017 1:23PM
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Gillianv said..
Last nights meeting generated some great ideas and committee interest.
These nominations are dependent upon incorporation.
If you would like to be on the committee even in a low key role, please let us know.

I would like to nominate for the committee
Geoff Clarke
Paul Tenteye
& Geoff Cook

I second that for Geoff Clarke

TAS, 423 posts
10 Mar 2017 4:19PM
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Gillianv said..
And another nomination Adam Mort for the committee.

Aw Shucks.. thanks. More than happy to be involved. I have kept abreast of the discussions on the WT google group and agree that the incorporation is critical and not overly onerous. . Looks like plenty to discuss at Stanley.

Mort (Adam Morton)

TAS, 708 posts
10 Mar 2017 9:01PM
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I second Geoff cook for committee

well done all on progress so far.

TAS, 367 posts
10 Mar 2017 9:08PM
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I second Marty Jack for the committee

TAS, 546 posts
10 Mar 2017 10:55PM
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I nominate Greenie to be supplier of gear and rigging services for EVERYONE.

Seconds please!

TAS, 979 posts
11 Mar 2017 12:23AM
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geared4knots said..
I second Clarence for president.
I am happy to remain on committee in the south,Mainly for helping with learner boards/ membership drive.
Need seconding by someone pleeeaaase

In response to point 1, I will quote the sticker on the back of Rustbucket and Ben's rustbucket.... "I'm not stuck, I'm thinking ".

re point 2, I will second Damien to be on the committee as I think it is critical that there is at least one longer standing member (who has the contacts and history) from the south to make this all work.

For people to consider prior to AGM, under the proposed rules of WT, there must be two people in position of "vice presidents"- I do not see why that cannot be someone who holds a position under another title (eg AWA rep). Just worth thinking about prior to Sunday.


TAS, 1651 posts
11 Mar 2017 7:19AM
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Hi Guys,

Whilst you are organising 2017-2018 could you plan more high wind rough water sailing days on the weekends

Thanks to those that donate their time and efforts, it is very appreciated.

cheers Russ

TAS, 423 posts
11 Mar 2017 8:50AM
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Hi Clarence, the guidelines published say that;
- Associations can either adopt or amend the Model Rules.
- Must call a meeting of the members to decide who will fill the roles of the Committee (Secretary, Public Officer, President, Treasurer).
There were changes enacted in Dec 2016 that mean that mean an auditor no longer needs to be appointed, the "Model Rules" have not been updated to reflect the changes (in progress).

I think the committee and the rules should reflect the size and context of the organisation and considering that revenue under $250k is now considered too small to need an audit, I think we're at the "minnow" end of the spectrum.
I'll bring along a copy of all the gumpf I've printed from the consumer affairs website.
Cheers, Mort

TAS, 979 posts
11 Mar 2017 9:38AM
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I do not want to "bog down" people with lists of rules, however I think it is important that people have the option to know the nuts and bolts of how it is proposed WT would work when incorporated.

I will print of the "draft" set of rules (based on the "model rules") that have been done for WT.


TAS, 979 posts
11 Mar 2017 12:55PM
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I have been putting various information onto the Windsurfing Tasmania google groups.

There are several people who are interested in being involved and/or on the committee and general members who may have missed out on some of these conversations.

It is difficult to change all the contacts on google groups at short notice, and I did not want to put all the "behind the scenes" info of WT up on seabreeze.

So, in the meantime, please contact Gillian or myself so you can be brought up to speed with the various proposals, changes and agendas.

When the AGM is sorted, we can update the google groups and contacts to bring it up to date.

It is great to see so many people putting their hands up, including some newer faces and some of the southern crew.

Bring a fat board and a big sail and there may be a bit of on water action too.


TAS, 979 posts
11 Mar 2017 10:19PM
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Good to see the turnout of WT people at the pub tonight- it is fair to say we will have enough to get the meeting going tomorrow.

It looks like the meeting will NOT be in the morning tomorrow, but instead some time in the afternoon. We will check forecast in the morning and call it then.

If anyone has proxies they wish to confirm for AGM can you please email Gillian, myself or any other member prior to AGM.

Any apologies please do the same


TAS, 367 posts
12 Mar 2017 8:26AM
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The wind is here this morning so the decision is to sieze the moment and run the cape trophy this morning with a finish time at noon. The AGM will be moved to 2pm at the caravan park BBQ shelter.

TAS, 979 posts
12 Mar 2017 9:16PM
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Thanks to all who attended the AGM and gave ideas, comments, sat through the boring stuff etc.

There was a lot to get through (good thing we all had a dose of sailing before hand).

Overall it went well and there is a bit of renewed focus for the coming year.

Thanks to all the outgoing and long standing committee who really have done a lot for windsurfing in Tasmania over many years.

I/we will report back and confirm to attendees, committee and members in the coming days.


TAS, 2648 posts
13 Mar 2017 7:33AM
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Another year begins!


TAS, 367 posts
13 Mar 2017 8:12AM
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It was great to be able to hold the competition Sunday morning. The arrival of enough wind surprising all and by about 9:30 the sun came out. There was about dozen on the water in both competition mode or sailing socially. These are some photos taken on the day.

TAS, 488 posts
13 Mar 2017 4:45PM
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Great Pics Gill, although the wind was light, as the tide came up there were some nice long runs

TAS, 172 posts
14 Mar 2017 10:44AM
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A nice day for light wind sailing on Sunday when the tide came in. Great pics as always Gill


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Stanley weekend and the AGM" started by Gillianv