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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Tassie Speed Seekers Logo

Created by Jezstrt > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2012
TAS, 1471 posts
27 Jun 2012 1:20PM
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Finished product:

I reckon its come up well!

If others a happy with the logo and would be keen, I'd like to get a few stickers of the logo and a t-shirt

One of my mates did this for me, here's a link to some of his other stuff, his very clever:

TAS, 2433 posts
27 Jun 2012 3:41PM
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Oh No! Jez theres a big debate around wavesailors at the moment in regard to 4 and 5 battened wave sails.

TAS, 1651 posts
27 Jun 2012 6:25PM
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I'm in for tee's, stickers, condoms you name it....

TAS, 708 posts
27 Jun 2012 6:29PM
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Yep, that looks the goods, well done.

TAS, 2213 posts
27 Jun 2012 7:29PM
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Maybe Tassie Speed Seekers should be divided into North Vs South
Create some intra state rivalry - is it fair to the other teams when we have a whole state as one team?
Of course Campbeltown would be the boundary, and team names could be something like Boags Bollistics and Cascade Canons. (yeah, lame, but just drinking and typing)
Anyway as a sailor who regularly doesn't get any points for Tassie, feel free to disregard my thoughts.

TAS, 2012 posts
27 Jun 2012 7:49PM
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Great logo Jez.

Regarding splitting the team north and south - when it's good we all get together and that's one of the best things about the Tassie Speed Seekers. We also have different strengths - north speed (2 sec, 5x10 and alpha) vs south endurance (1hr, distance and NM), so we're definitely more competitive if we stick together. Having one team means we can all follow the one team, rather than having to follow two or more different teams. I think if we split the teams we'll lose something pretty special.

TAS, 2213 posts
27 Jun 2012 8:17PM
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Good points Dave. I was just throwing an idea into the ring, maybe to spice up the competitive egos that surely don't exist with the hard core speedo's.

TAS, 1998 posts
27 Jun 2012 8:24PM
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AUS02 said...

Great logo Jez.

Regarding splitting the team north and south - when it's good we all get together and that's one of the best things about the Tassie Speed Seekers. We also have different strengths - north speed (2 sec, 5x10 and alpha) vs south endurance (1hr, distance and NM), so we're definitely more competitive if we stick together. Having one team means we can all follow the one team, rather than having to follow two or more different teams. I think if we split the teams we'll lose something pretty special.

Totally agree. If we split the team it would probably loose the recent boom in windsurfing Tasmania too. South Australia have a combined team also. Anyway good too see an idea.

I like the logo, let's get some stickers!!

TAS, 708 posts
27 Jun 2012 8:52PM
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Great to get ideas out there.

I too am all for keeping the Tassie speed seekers as 1 team. Having one posting spot keeps us all connected.

TAS, 2433 posts
27 Jun 2012 9:00PM
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We could always get T shirts with North and South printed on them. At least then the girls at all the parties, will know who's a 2 second job and whose able to last the distance

TAS, 2213 posts
27 Jun 2012 9:06PM
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Nice one Buzzy

TAS, 729 posts
28 Jun 2012 8:27AM
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TAS, 2648 posts
28 Jun 2012 8:34AM
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buzzy said...

"then the girls at all the parties",

Must of missed them.
Did they all run when we started the chainsaw.

anthony perkins
TAS, 382 posts
28 Jun 2012 8:52AM
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that cracked me up

buzzy said...

We could always get T shirts with North and South printed on them. At least then the girls at all the parties, will know who's a 2 second job and whose able to last the distance

TAS, 2343 posts
28 Jun 2012 10:09AM
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My ears prick up when I hear the word t.shirts.
I agree, keep the team as one. We're about the only sport in Tas where the southerns & northerns don't hate each other. So lets keep unique!!
So the girls at all the party's....that must mean Tanya

TAS, 1471 posts
28 Jun 2012 10:41AM
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Kazza said...

My ears prick up when I hear the word t.shirts.

So what sort of deal can you cut us Kazza

TAS, 543 posts
28 Jun 2012 12:17PM
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I reckon we should get Personalized embroidered 'vest sized' iron on's that need to be stitched into the back of our vests.
Something like this:

TAS, 1664 posts
28 Jun 2012 3:31PM
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geared4knots said...

buzzy said...

"then the girls at all the parties",

Must of missed them.
Did they all run when we started the chainsaw.

They didn't like your demo. That scared them away

TAS, 35 posts
29 Jun 2012 6:56AM
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That lookes awsome Jez top job

TAS, 2343 posts
29 Jun 2012 10:04AM
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I can only print up to 6 colours Jez and the logo is around 7 colours, so 1 colour would have to be cut out, probably the light orange for the transparency on the sail and just make it no colour.

TAS, 2343 posts
2 Jul 2012 4:19PM
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Ok Jez, here we go with a price. I reckon put the Speed Seekers logo on the front and the gps team challenge website across the back. So usually this would cost around $30 a t.shirt. I could do them for $23 each.

TAS, 1471 posts
2 Jul 2012 9:18PM
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Kazza said...

Ok Jez, here we go with a price. I reckon put the Speed Seekers logo on the front and the gps team challenge website across the back. So usually this would cost around $30 a t.shirt. I could do them for $23 each.

Sounds really good to me Kazza How can we see what it will look like eg colour, where will the logo be positioned on the front(maybe top centre or top left) and the writing on the back(i reckon top centre for the writing on the back)

I can send you the tiff or jpeg file, once we get the green light

What does everyone else think?

TAS, 1998 posts
2 Jul 2012 9:59PM
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Might need to ask gps team challenge if it ok to use that on the t shirt. Also maybe put our sail numbers on the opposite side to the tassie logo??

QLD, 151 posts
2 Jul 2012 10:33PM
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Is $23 the cost of printing or does that include the shirt? I would prefere to pay more for a better quality shirt, Billabong or Ripcurl shirts are $50 or more.

TAS, 2012 posts
3 Jul 2012 7:55AM
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All sounds great, I'll check with Hardie and Nebs about using the GPS website on the T-shirts, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. I'll buy a shirt! Personalised with a sail number sounds pretty good.

TAS, 1998 posts
3 Jul 2012 9:07AM
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Me too dave. And me too, is from older perks. Izaak is somehow always logged in on my laptop.

TAS, 1651 posts
3 Jul 2012 10:20AM
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I'm in as well

TAS, 2343 posts
3 Jul 2012 10:29AM
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Jezstrt said...

Kazza said...

Ok Jez, here we go with a price. I reckon put the Speed Seekers logo on the front and the gps team challenge website across the back. So usually this would cost around $30 a t.shirt. I could do them for $23 each.

Sounds really good to me Kazza How can we see what it will look like eg colour, where will the logo be positioned on the front(maybe top centre or top left) and the writing on the back(i reckon top centre for the writing on the back)

I can send you the tiff or jpeg file, once we get the green light

What does everyone else think?

I would prefer an eps or pdf file. I have Illustrator & Photoshop 6 so those files work well with that software. I thought a large speed seeker logo on the front. The design has got so much detail you want to show it off as a large print I reckon. Maybe sail numbers on the back underneath the website. If I'm going to be putting on individual sail numbers the cost will be going up, it's a lot of work to setup & print individual numbers. If I get quality tees as well they will definitely be $30 ea. t.shirts.

TAS, 1471 posts
3 Jul 2012 10:57AM
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I can send it to you in PDF no problems

TAS, 2343 posts
3 Jul 2012 11:43AM
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Just had another thought. We could have the Speed Seekers logo large on the back between the shoulder blades, with maybe the website under that. Then on the front left small print, "Tassie Speed Seekers" with the individual sail number underneath that. I could also do hoodies $50 ea. & long sleeve tees as well for $35 ea. That includes prints & garment Bear.

TAS, 2433 posts
3 Jul 2012 1:24PM
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Kazza said...

Just had another thought. We could have the Speed Seekers logo large on the back between the shoulder blades, with maybe the website under that. Then on the front left small print, "Tassie Speed Seekers" with the individual sail number underneath that. I could also do hoodies $50 ea. & long sleeve tees as well for $35 ea. That includes prints & garment Bear.

Thats what I was thinking, big logo on the back. I get self conscious when people are staring at my tits pretending to be checking out my tshirt.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Tassie Speed Seekers Logo" started by Jezstrt