Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

The GREAT DEBATE - WT vs ummmm....something else?

Created by houston > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2016
TAS, 3173 posts
3 Feb 2016 8:18PM
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We could be in for a bit of fun..............could create a little interest............what does Windsurfing Tas do? it worth keeping?.............what do we get want from WT? Tshirts? or maybe free trip to ummmm Baja?

Appleman could've been very diplomatic and holding back well now's our chance.... don't hold back............. get into it.......... say what you think...........but maybe not tooo offensive.............well maybe.................nah stuff it just go for it!!!!!!!!!

I might have stuck my neck out on this one

TAS, 2647 posts
3 Feb 2016 10:51PM
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Kazz needs to print in volume to make it viable, no point one or two people asking for a windsurfing tas t shirt.

This is just another mass debate that ends up in a mess

TAS, 104 posts
3 Feb 2016 11:26PM
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Why dont you run a raffle for new seasons windsurf gear to be drawn in time for summer, limit the tickets to 1000 or so and advertise on seabreeze, if you cant flog 1000 or so tickets in 12 months theres something wrong, that will raise a bit of funds for wt and you can order your shirts in a decent run.

WA, 991 posts
4 Feb 2016 7:00AM
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Firstly I think the current president is doing a sh.t job 15 Mexicans( a record number)from south of the border(oatlands)crossed into the north of the state just after Newyear ,rode all the waves , had a noisy party,pillaged then set fire to Marrawah .If I run for president I will build a wall from Zeehan to Swansea to stop these people having fun

TAS, 2647 posts
4 Feb 2016 11:55AM
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Kazz can you do up 10 of these for Windsurfing Tas while you are at it

TAS, 9 posts
4 Feb 2016 1:22PM
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I don't normally engage in conversation on these things, but for what my lowly opinion is worth, I think there's a few small things that could be considered. Take for instance the slalom events. The other day I was thinking about these and wondering why we don't really have much of a take on it. In general chit-chat with other sailors that I've had around the place, the impression I get is that because they don't have the top of the line race gear, then why bother competing? Perhaps WT needs to split this up so there's two groups; a sponsored and non-sponsored group. Might provide a bit more incentive for the lesser mere mortals like myself to be a part of. I know some might suggest that the events are still an opportunity to have a go, and to set your own records and so on, but really, we can do our own gps'ing regardless, so why bother when you know you can't compete? What about a gps 'slalom' event, for B&J gear only?

Wave events might be a little trickier; half the sponsored guys don't go in them from what I understand, so dividing that up might not be so easy. I know we have a few spots around the place, but we don't really seem to have genuine wave event(s) like we do with the slalom, so probably not a lot we can do about that. But that's fine!

Could WT provide small trophies at the end of season? Bit hard to do overall when there's such a split (distinct south and north) but perhaps make localised ones? There's opportunity and scope for the slalom events.

What about having a WT sponsors try out day? I know it's a little risky in that the sponsored guys would be providing their own gear, but might be an opportunity for folk to try out a sail, a board, a boom... We don't really have a try before you buy here in Tassie (I guess the sport in general is a bit hard to do that, that said I think there are places in Europe where you can). Could WT provide insurance for the gear for WT members to try out?

What about providing a WT sailor records ladder? I know there's the GPS website, but what about a topic that's edited by a single WT member, that's a sticky at the head of the forum page so folk looking about aren't always having to go to other places, for current season placings. It doesn't have to be a 'ranking' system as such. For example, a list of all sailors who have posted a top 2-second speed this season, or sailors' top 1-hour, so people can see where they stand amongst it all. As I said, this doesn't have to be seen as a ranking system, and members wouldn't have to 'compete' for it (other than against themselves), it can just be a fun placing ladder board.

What about some WT stickers? For our cars? For our sails? Ants van has plenty of surface area and is needing some love, and his sails, well, they are needing some love too, but Damo's workshop might be a better place for them...

We see lots of sailors come out of the woodwork when there's a good BJ session at Dorans; so there's plenty of sailors about! But there's not really a lot on offer as an incentive to be apart of a 'club', when you've got a slalom/gps event on 'Saturday', and half a dozen plus folk have the top of the line race gear that's 4/5 knots faster than the rest of us before we've even hit the water. They'll just go and sail on their own, which I suspect is what most folk are doing.


TAS, 2342 posts
4 Feb 2016 2:05PM
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Speaking as a sponsored sailor, I'm afraid I'm not prepared to let anyone use my gear. Even though we get gear a little cheaper it's still bloody expensive! If I gave someone a go on my gear and they catapulted and put a big crease in my board and went through my sail I wouldn't be a very happy chappy, it's bad enough when you do it yourself. So who would pay for the repair jobs etc etc? Talking to some of the brand owners/dealers might be a better way to get some demo gear. That was great when the Neil Pryde/Jp trailer came over.
Good idea about the different divisions with the slalom racing.
Wavesailing is more about the sailor than the gear, a bloody good wavesailor can make any gear do what's necessary.
I remember the good old key rings WT had done.
If you were given a little goodie bag of t.shirt, stickers, etc etc when you became a member of WT I reckon would really encourage membership too.

TAS, 2647 posts
4 Feb 2016 2:50PM
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I think sponsored sailors are expected to lend board or sail to a someone who has a,genuine interest in.perhaps purchasing similar gear.
Obviously it depends on.the level of sponsorship, I know,most shops expect their sailors let people demo gear.

I would expect starboard and severne would like to think their sailors let people try out gear.
It helps get more sailors out on.theie gear, purchasing from a local retailer
It is,just one of the pros,and cons of being sponsored I would say.

TAS, 2342 posts
4 Feb 2016 3:06PM
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I've never been told to let people try my gear, nothing in the slightest has ever been said about it to me.
Competing was what was expected from me and couldn't get sponsored unless I'd competed in 2 National events.
I could understand the Pro's letting people use their gear as if there was damage the sponsor would just supply them with another one. Speaking of which, do Pro's have to pay for any of their gear?

We don't get to demo any gear before we purchase either.

TAS, 2342 posts
4 Feb 2016 4:38PM
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While I'm on a roll I may as well add this. Your not exactly encouraging beginners, women or juniors into the sport or these forums by putting this stuff on the forums.

TAS, 837 posts
4 Feb 2016 8:28PM
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I agree totally. I can't unsee this. It is the second time I have been unwillingly subjected to this image. I am severely traumatised and will have flashbacks when I see Ant on the water with his new NP sail.

I'm OFFENDED and DISGUSTED. This is blatant stereotyping plumbing new lows. It is absolutely divisive. It places individuals' self esteem in grave peril.

It objectifies athletes. They are people too.

This type of image is simply unreasonable, inconsiderate, insensitive, unachievable and unrealistic.

The new Neil Pryde HD forceline sails, new JP Radical Quad and a windsurfing holiday to a tropical destination are out of financial reach for non sponsored riders now the "Pacific Peso" ($AUD) has taken a dive.
Shame on the elitist capitalists who promote such aspirational propaganda.

TAS, 2647 posts
4 Feb 2016 10:22PM
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yes pros do pay, even at 12 th in the pwa. they pay all travel and gear. we spoke to one at Marrawah 3 weeks ago. He told me the replacement price of a board to him and it was still up there.

Its a shame as team sailors from the mainland lend out gear, severne, starboard and others. Kazz i do know as i speak to other shops and importers every day,

I will gladly lend out my wave / freestyle gear if anyone wants to try

I met a friend the other day who had just taken up SUP.
In her office where numerous pictures of very near naked men on paddle boards,
Her male work colleges stated the obvious " lucky it was not us with girls pictured like that in our office"

The kite forum and Sup forum has a 'GIRLS ON BOARD PICTURES SHOW' , the picture above was taken off another European windsurf forum

Sorry to offend but this is all about fun, i think there would be a lot of beginners, juniors and ladies who would not take it so seriously and enjoy the banter and poor jokes

TAS, 3173 posts
4 Feb 2016 11:31PM
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I don't find Neil Pride says disgusting......... I just bought one it performs beautifully I lurve it

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
5 Feb 2016 11:34AM
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geared4knots said..
yes pros do pay, even at 12 th in the pwa. they pay all travel and gear. we spoke to one at Marrawah 3 weeks ago. He told me the replacement price of a board to him and it was still up there.

Its a shame as team sailors from the mainland lend out gear, severne, starboard and others. Kazz i do know as i speak to other shops and importers every day,

I will gladly lend out my wave / freestyle gear if anyone wants to try

I met a friend the other day who had just taken up SUP.
In her office where numerous pictures of very near naked men on paddle boards,
Her male work colleges stated the obvious " lucky it was not us with girls pictured like that in our office"

The kite forum and Sup forum has a 'GIRLS ON BOARD PICTURES SHOW' , the picture above was taken off another European windsurf forum

Sorry to offend but this is all about fun, i think there would be a lot of beginners, juniors and ladies who would not take it so seriously and enjoy the banter and poor jokes

I seems to me that if said pro is out of pocket at the end of the day then he isn't a pro. If gun sails isn't paying him some money to promote their sails then where does the money come from? I can see why they don't supply him with endless free boards.....though I am pretty sure Koster doesn't pay for his. I can see that as a Retailer there is motivation for you to demo gear but a new Severne reflex sail is $1500 a mast over $1000 and boom $300-$1500 so people like Kazza who represent Tassi at National events make a big investment in equipment and travel. Asking them to also to cover the wear and breakage of that gear seems a lot to ask though I could understand how some of the larger mainland shops might be able to cover the cost of the occasional destroyed racing sail for their sponsored sailors. Those sponsored sailors also provide some sweet second hand gear at great prices for those folks who don't buy new stuff.

......As for what Windsurfing Tas should be doing....It should be promoting windsurfing which it does...don't ask what it does for you....ask what you can do for windsurfing Tas ...

TAS, 301 posts
5 Feb 2016 12:08PM
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I would agree that WT has value in promoting windsurfing and in holding its traditional events, especially where indemnity insurance is required, including junior and learner days and slalom, GPS5 and wave comp weekends.

(Just a thought regarding comp days, rather than have a set date for comps and risk cancellation if the conditions are poor, maybe just put comps on at short notice when the conditions are good. Assign each event in the year to local organisers and let them hold it at short notice anytime in the year when the conditions are right and it suits them. Maybe not everyone will be able to make it, but those that can will be happy to travel knowing that they are likely to get good conditions.)

“A disturbance in the force I feel. Maybe drifting towards the dark side some are.”

TAS, 1664 posts
5 Feb 2016 5:07PM
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On topic

If you want something to happen "they" might do it or not so

Join WT, Get on the committee and make it happen.
It's not a lot of work, and it can happen, if you do it.

In the next month or 2 a thread will be up regarding nominations for the positions and committee members.

Nominate yourself or someone else and WT can move forward.

One thing I can guarantee is if you can't be bothered odds are no one else is either, so put your time where your keyboard is and get active

This post is not meant to offend anyone and at the same time everyone

TAS, 2647 posts
5 Feb 2016 11:42PM
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Good points
To be honest i dont really care what sponsored sailors do with their gear. Its the way they promote and encourage that counts.
I am sure the brands like severne, starboard, naish fanatic etc would like to think that the team sailors let good sailors try out a sail board etc.for a quick run across the bay
comments like
"i refuse to let anyone use my gear ", on a forum is not the way to help promote the product.

oh well , let,s hope we all get a good sail this weekend

TAS, 3173 posts
6 Feb 2016 12:26AM
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As a member of the People's Popular Front of Judia would say "what has WT ever done for us"............. ummm errr got heaps of dickheads err people out on the water....... Err yeah apart from that ........... Umm err well maybe it's fun having someone to sail with......... Err yeah apart from that .......... Errr lends out learner boards ......... Aw yeah forgot that but what else theyre worse than the bloody Romans........didn't know the Romans windsurfed, well anyway they didn't hold any learner days the lazy what's your point bignose........don't you call me bignose.........shut up bignose and get to the point............err well they cover those racers and learner boards with insurance........ Now let's not get distracted from the frickin topic WT just costs too much, $35 bloody to join this stupid club thats over a dozen stubbies......... yeah well that's ridiculous that's over 2 hours drinking on the Pond...... so what else is good about it ......well I guess it's safer than the Peoples Popular Front of Judia ........ How can you say that ....... well WT only cost me $35 a year, the PPFof Bloody Judia cost me my life .......... pedamistic prick you should "always look on the bright side of life"

TAS, 546 posts
6 Feb 2016 7:10AM
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Isn't this forum page essentially WT?

I know there are positions to be filled and all that, but we sail, people turn up, we sail with them, people leave, people coming to Tas read this forum, sometimes people we know or meet say - 'I would like to learn to windsurf' and we help them to do so, some times people say - 'I would like to learn how to kitesurf and we say - "SPLITTERS!".

Most of what we up north see happens here on the Seabreeze forum - it's our on-line clubhouse.

WA, 991 posts
6 Feb 2016 4:15AM
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Wow Antman what are you on
"Ask not what can windsurfing tas do for you but what can I do for them"
"But what have the Romans ever done for us?"
I hear you ask
Well there's the learner board hire
"But what else "
There's the occasional safe fully insured competion,the parties at beginning and end of season then there's the movie nights at the state and beginner day BBQ

"Oh but it's $35 dollars "
That's less than the price of 10 coffees or 4 beers at Salamanca which you must have before bothering to read or post on seabreeze

TAS, 443 posts
6 Feb 2016 7:46AM
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Missed the boat WT
Or was it the Aus government offering bribe's to take them back to Indo.

TAS, 2647 posts
6 Feb 2016 8:18AM
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Anyone looked at world of windsurf facebook page, they do a Friday picture
here it is.

TAS, 837 posts
6 Feb 2016 8:39AM
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geared4knots said..
Anyone looked at world of windsurf facebook page, they do a Friday picture
here it is.

Traumatised again

TAS, 367 posts
6 Feb 2016 9:53AM
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This is awful! It makes Windsurfing Tas sound like a joke. This thread needs to be split in two. One about how to develop and improve Windsurfing Tas and the sports gathering momentum, the other about sexism and bickering between members. Lets be inspired by these sorts of images rather than the previous images on this post.

TAS, 837 posts
6 Feb 2016 10:05AM
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Seriously on a positive note. Personally speaking after a long absence from the sport, It is great to have been made feel welcome into the WT community. Old friendships renewed and new ones made. Great VTM (Value To Me).

The work done by WT Committee members without seeking acknowledgment needs to be praised. Well done, thanks! VTM

The learn to windsurf days are great. Oh I hear you say "I can sail. No VTM" On the contrary the satisfaction of volunteering cannot be understated; VTM

The ridiculously cheap hire rates for learner gear is a great thing; VTM Next time a friend asks about windsurfing offer to give them some private lessons. The pleasure of seeing the joy of a person feeling the sensation of gliding across the water under sail for the first time is priceless; VTM

So let's be positive and realise; There are many benefits of WT membership if one looks and thinks. VTM is not necessarily material i.e. a t shirt or a key ring.
The strength of an association is the participation of membership.
To quote a previous author: "Get on the committee and make it happen"

TAS, 2647 posts
6 Feb 2016 10:06AM
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I agree, sorry are you guys serious,!!!.
I no i am not nor is this thread
here we go.

TAS, 837 posts
6 Feb 2016 10:11AM
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The value of humour cannot be understated either

TAS, 167 posts
6 Feb 2016 12:31PM
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Sad on so many fronts!

1. Friends bickering !

2. Seeing images I can't un-see (Damo, how does that guy hook in without a harness, the mind boggles!!!!).

TAS, 167 posts
6 Feb 2016 12:34PM
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Relic said..

geared4knots said..
Anyone looked at world of windsurf facebook page, they do a Friday picture
here it is.

Traumatised again

Yep, I'm traumatised that a really hairy back or just bad shadows?....,,

NSW, 206 posts
6 Feb 2016 12:40PM
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Blokey culture......sausages sizzling in the scorching tassy late summer sun

chauvo central......
very misty turner like image with lord nelson observing cadets from the safe shore....... Yer right yer know G

TAS, 367 posts
6 Feb 2016 1:13PM
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That's what's good about windsurfing, lots of diversity, challenge and adrenaline. Not the dirty old man thing.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"The GREAT DEBATE - WT vs ummmm....something else?" started by houston