Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania


Created by Kazza > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2010
TAS, 2342 posts
15 Jul 2010 11:28AM
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Hello committee members, I'm not sure if the emails were sent to everyone ok (my email was playing up) so here's the message again.
Hi all,
Finally we are holding a WT committee meeting on Saturday 7th August 7.30pm at our house.... Please bring some nibblies, we'll supply the tea and coffee.
Hope you can all make it.

TAS, 1664 posts
15 Jul 2010 4:08PM
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Hey Kazza

It might be an idea to remove your address and phone numbers from this post, ok in the PM's but maybe not in the forums.

C u there

TAS, 2342 posts
15 Jul 2010 5:00PM
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Good idea Dave, you never know who we could attract!!!
So anyone who doesn't know where we live PM me.

TAS, 3173 posts
15 Jul 2010 10:49PM
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FoS, I thought the general "look and feel" of the old windsurfingtas site was good with the photos you had on it, showed a bit of everything from learning to freestyle to blasting.
Great idea to have a one pager that links to all the sites we use, especially seabreeze.

TAS, 3173 posts
15 Jul 2010 10:53PM
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Kazza, can't make it to the committee meeting on 7th, I'll be at Buller in the snow but don't let that stop you.

TAS, 1992 posts
16 Jul 2010 8:26AM
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Hi FoS,

I like the look of that page. I take it that would be the one that is link directly to (ie incorporated within) the AWA website? We can probably change the wording to the first few paragrahs as that hasn't changed for around 10 years!! However, keeping it simple and providing information on shops, membership and recent meetings/newsletters, etc is great.

Being able to join WT on-line will be great!!!, and perhaps having a 'counter' that tracks mebership numbers would be a good little gadget (ie XX number of members have joined on-line this year).

TAS, 2342 posts
16 Jul 2010 9:38AM
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Very good Dave A. I'll try and get around to revamping the WT logo, it is looking a bit dated, hope that doesn't offend anyone, who did that design originally?? Anyone know?

TAS, 1992 posts
16 Jul 2010 10:51PM
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John Simpson did the current WT logo with the "tiger stripes". It was good at the time as it was pre-kitesurfing days. John did it for free and provided WT with the copyright (he is a graphic designer)!! However, I reckon if we can develop a better design, then that's fine!! We are not locked into that one.

TAS, 3173 posts
16 Jul 2010 11:42PM
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Kazza/FoS, good to get that page up and running and get updated logo.
Next season is just around the corner, in 6 weeks the wind will be back and temps rising. This chat forum and a one pager with links will get all the young guns like me right into the sport

TAS, 3173 posts
21 Jul 2010 11:30PM
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I filled in a Marine and Safety Tasmania incident report today and asked them to remove the two semi submerged steel posts marking the canal in Ralphs Bay, I attached the photo you sent me Kazza of my trashed sail. Now just have to wait to see if anything is done, interesting to see how long it takes.

TAS, 2342 posts
22 Jul 2010 10:41AM
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When I reported one of the poles going through my board at the pond, they asked if I would go and tie some buoys around the poles, I never got around to it, then a week later went down to the pond for a sail and someone had been out there (presume it was MAST) and extended the poles higher and painted them white. They also got rid of the half submerged pole that went through my board. So they must have thought about it a bit more being a potentially life threatening danger and pulled their fingers out and did something about it. Hope you mentioned the poles at Dorans could be a potential life threatening obstacle. Be interesting to see if they do something otherwise we'll get the el presidente onto it. Mr Fix It!

TAS, 189 posts
22 Jul 2010 8:00PM
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i know the thread has gone a bit off topic... but i can have a crack at a new logo

TAS, 1992 posts
22 Jul 2010 8:50PM
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TAS, 2342 posts
23 Jul 2010 10:16AM
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Go for it Nick! All ideas welcome.

TAS, 3173 posts
24 Jul 2010 12:00AM
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Got a reply on my message bank from MAST about the poles in Ralphs Bay; quote "hasn't got anything to do with us, not our jurisdiction, and probably not the council reponsibility, suggest you get some of your mates down there at low tide and see if you can wriggle them out" how helpful is that.
They are set in bloody concrete and been there probably for 50 years so i don't know if i have enough friends to f$#?! wriggle them out.
I'll ring him back Monday and tell him they are old navigation markers so must be their f!@???@ juri-bloody-diction.

TAS, 2342 posts
24 Jul 2010 7:04PM
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Doesn't MAST stand for Marine And Safety Tas. And Dorans I would say is marine!!!!
The poles certainly don't wriggle you'd need a bulldozer to get them out, they are rock solid in. Maybe some small pvc pipes stuck down them and tied or screwed to them with a bit of height might be the best option. I'll get some pipe and next time the tides way out I'll get Mr Fix it to come out with me and see what we can do. I'll make sure it's all brought up at the meeting.

TAS, 1664 posts
25 Jul 2010 7:40AM
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nickpryde said...

i know the thread has gone a bit off topic... but i can have a crack at a new logo

Excellent go for it!

Personally I would like something simple.
Maybe in blue, like the water

TAS, 3173 posts
25 Jul 2010 11:30AM
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Nick, new logo would be good, go for it

TAS, 3173 posts
27 Jul 2010 10:45PM
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I rang Peter Hopkins at Marine and Safety Tasmania today, he was very helpful. I explained the submerged steel posts were old navigation points and that seemed to change the way he saw the situation. he is going down at low tide to check them out over the next few days to see what they can do. Let's see what happens.

TAS, 1664 posts
7 Aug 2010 7:58AM
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I think the posts r gone now. Or it was too dark to see them when I went past.

TAS, 1651 posts
7 Aug 2010 8:12PM
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Hi Kaz,

I can not make it tonight I have baby sitting duty and Sim is out.

Sorry!! I would call but do not know your number at home.
We will catch up soon on the water, please pass on my apologies to Clyde as well.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 3173 posts
9 Aug 2010 11:11PM
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Hi Kaz, how did the committee meeting go, sorry I couldn't get there. Buller was pretty light on in the snow dept, pretty bad season but we were lucky they got the Bull Run and Federation going the day before we got there. must be getting a bit old for the bumps, I'm bruised stiff and can hardly move, a bit like getting trashed at BOL on a big day.

TAS, 2342 posts
10 Aug 2010 10:31AM
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You'll just have to replace all your joints with rubber, at least you got some action. My sister and her family have gone to New Zealand and they just got a nice big dump over there. I think I'll be heading to NZ each year instead of Oz, it's a bit more predictable over there.
The meeting was very disappointing. Only Clyde, Dave Andrew & I were the only committee members and Damien as a special guest. So nothing could be organised with not enough committee members. Waste of time!!
So I'll put it out there to other members of the committee - what night of the week and what venue does it suit people to come to a meeting Please have your say so we can get some idea and get things happening!!

TAS, 1664 posts
10 Aug 2010 5:54PM
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Thursday nights are best 4 me

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Aug 2010 10:24PM
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With Wally as special guest it must have been an entertaining night he's an expert lap dancer, did he do one for you Kazza, if he did we can only feel sorry for you, he's done it for me several times and it's not a pretty sight[}:)].

Any night during the week should be OK for me for a meeting and as for the venue I will go with the flow. Don't be put off by the lack of people at the meeting it is usually hard to get everyone on weekends. Make another date and see if it suits most members, if it doesn't just call another date.

Fos do you know whether MAST have pulled out the posts yet of is it still too dark

TAS, 1664 posts
11 Aug 2010 7:49AM
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Nope can't tell. Kaz and Clyde were going to paddle by on Sunday. But I haven't heard.

TAS, 2342 posts
11 Aug 2010 10:11AM
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Dave the posts are still in......beware[}:)] As far as Damo's lap dance, very poor performance, I think he needs a bit of practice, Ants you could teach him some of your moves

TAS, 3173 posts
11 Aug 2010 9:18PM
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Kaz, Damo's really pissed off, he's been practicing in front of the mirror for years an apology is in order, pretty dissapointing coming from the new treasurer, you're supposed to be encouraging young beginers into the sport, not discouraging them. Drove past Doran's tonight and saw damo practicing on the pole in the middle of ralphs bay, see what you mean, he didn't look too sweet.

TAS, 1664 posts
12 Aug 2010 9:10AM
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Hey Nick,

Hows the logo going ?

TAS, 2342 posts
12 Aug 2010 9:42AM
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I've been having a go at the new logo too, trying to keep it simple and incorporating the map of Tassie as well or tiger stripes....the mind boggles!!

TAS, 1664 posts
12 Aug 2010 4:25PM
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cool a competition.

Slightly off that topic, Do we have a preliminary schedule of events for this season ?


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"WT COMMITTEE MEETING" started by Kazza