Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

New wave fin - Makani Fins

Created by jh2703 > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2015
QLD, 99 posts
5 May 2015 10:01AM
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Careful fellas... Isn't that Gfly??

NSW, 9202 posts
5 May 2015 4:40PM
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What happens if you put tubercles on the tubercles?

573 posts
18 May 2015 3:54AM
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Back in the very early 90's while sailing way upwind at Diamond Head with Robbie my fin looked a lot like Barn's 2008 "copy".
My conclusion then was it neither added nor subtracted from performance.

I guess the next "latest" trend will be to go away from stiff materials like carbon fibre to try to match the flex of whale fins.
Dam it!! I knew the 70's windsurfer one design fin was way better than the stiffer plastic fin they've been doing now for twenty five years.


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"New wave fin - Makani Fins" started by jh2703