Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

Why is the industry so reluctant to make big wave boards?

Created by Dcharlton > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2020
Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
4 Apr 2020 11:51AM
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I thought the 76 was a Twin

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 9:33AM
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In 2010, it was a 4 fin with smaller fins in back.

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 9:35AM
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Hoop, you don't even read previous posts.
I sincerely hope you are not a board shaper.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
4 Apr 2020 12:46PM
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LeeD said..
In 2010, it was a 4 fin with smaller fins in back.

So not an Evo but a Quad!
The one with the mini Tuttle box fins

WA, 704 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:10AM
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LeeD said..
I'd hate to be soooooo nationalistic that I can't admit someone of my nationality never made a bad board and promoted it.
Everyone makes bad boards.
And they are blots in his resume', but life goes on.
I hope you are proud to embrace the Hypersonic and the Evo. You won't see modern copies of them again....for 20 years. History, even bad mistakes, tend to repeat themselves because we tend to forget our mistakes and are doomed to repeat them.

I got to demo loads of evos during their time and the only models I parted money with were the 2007 62l and 70l perhaps because the tail widths on these models were more pulled in .Even in 2008 I traded the 70 for a new model after one session knew it wasn't for me and got the old 70 back still rate as some of my favorite boards, though some I tried would have to be the worst.
*board has always been quick to push out new designs some good some not so ie their first quad ,black box , reactor.
Unfortunately you are correct that mistakes in history will always return in one form or another dressed up as something new.
So best to try before you buy .

1979 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:16AM
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LeeD said..
Hoop, you don't even read previous posts.
I sincerely hope you are not a board shaper.

What , you mean the one where you said you have a surfboard on a wall in some shop somewhere?
Fantastic achievement LeeD, well done, really well done!

535 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:46AM
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I should talk about Starboard Evos - not least because I had several of them.
The key to the early Evo design was that it was shaped to be more like a small surfboard with a rounded off nose and squash tail which allowed it to be as short as 232cms which was ground breaking at the time. Are we talking 2004 maybe?

But you also have to remember that there were many different sizes of Evos and that the design changed quite a bit year on year, starting as a single fin but then ending up as a twin fin board.
They were then available under the Evo name for nearly ten years - at which point Starboard jumped head first into producing Quads, with tweaked Evo shapes eventually reappearing as twin fins under the Kode Wave name.

I had the original 74litre Evo first, I think, but also had one as small as the 66 as my high wind wave board, and then I had the 80 litre version which - with a much faster rocker - was really a FSW shape. That 80 litre board was a 'big wave board' for me at the time, given I weighed 70kgs so to go +10 with the float was a lot.
The Evos were wide under the straps but still relatively narrow overall, with the 74 being 56cms wide. The basic ideas from those boards continue today in modern kit.

What I remember most about the Evo 74 is that it wasn't that fast but it taught me to ride waves better.
We still see Evos sailed on our beaches here on the south coat of the UK.

The key thing about the change to multifin wave boards is that it has allowed all sailors on to floatier boards, and few people buy boards with less than 80 litres volume nowadays. My smallest is a 72 and I rarely sail it.

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:52AM
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Nothing to you.
3 were hung up at the biggest shop N of LA, which carried 400+ surfboards and more than that in wetsuits. That's 400+ surfboards in the shop, all retail, at any given moment since 1989. That shop started in '68.
1 each in much smaller competing shops.
The fact my shapes were displayed in 3 different shops for over 35 years means something, but for you, means nothing.

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:57AM
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I still ride the 76 quad in tiny surf and steady moderate wind. At 74 kg, it's got good low end and easy-slow.
But never for sideshore surf even headhigh...which is 6'.
When NW's blow, the surf is almost always well overhead around here.

1979 posts
4 Apr 2020 11:12AM
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LeeD said..
Nothing to you.
3 were hung up at the biggest shop N of LA, which carried 400+ surfboards and more than that in wetsuits. That's 400+ surfboards in the shop, all retail, at any given moment since 1989. That shop started in '68.
1 each in much smaller competing shops.
The fact my shapes were displayed in 3 different shops for over 35 years means something, but for you, means nothing.

Yes, correct. This means nothing to me.
You are just an abusive asshole with no credibility.
You bag out the best career designers and show nothing of your own.
You are merely just a sad little keyboard warrior .

I am done with this crap now. You LeeD, are just pure negativity and you squash creativity.
I will no longer respond to your antagonistic posts.

I'm happy to talk about board design and share ideas with anyone that has an open mind . It's how we all learn to make these things better.

Cheers, Hoops

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 12:31PM
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I would hate to live in a world where gods and leaders are beyond reproach. Isn't that Hitler and Stalin, Mao and Putin?
I criticize Donald Trump, as does anyone with common sense in the US.
When Mistral came out with the Edge in '93, I was the first to tell Harold Iggy what a lemon that crap EDGE with ears was.
He said he did not shape the plug.
History confirmed the Edge was very fast, but would catch it's widepoint on almost any kind of aggressive jibe. LEMON. Sure, timid jibers thought it was fast....not good enough.

3939 posts
4 Apr 2020 12:35PM
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Nobody is beyond reproach.
I'm sure, out of my first 30 surfboards, I shaped 10 bad ones. Luckily, I had two good riders who could make almost any shape work. You can bet they railed on me for the bad ones.

1979 posts
4 Apr 2020 1:42PM
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No one cares asshole. **** off

WA, 178 posts
4 Apr 2020 5:23PM
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LeeD said..
I would hate to live in a world where gods and leaders are beyond reproach. Isn't that Hitler and Stalin, Mao and Putin?
I criticize Donald Trump, as does anyone with common sense in the US.
When Mistral came out with the Edge in '93, I was the first to tell Harold Iggy what a lemon that crap EDGE with ears was.
He said he did not shape the plug.
History confirmed the Edge was very fast, but would catch it's widepoint on almost any kind of aggressive jibe. LEMON. Sure, timid jibers thought it was fast....not good enough.

Lee . You come across as one disturbed individual. We are sacking you from this forum.
all the best in your further endeavours


70 posts
4 Apr 2020 6:11PM
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What a pillock you are Lee...

not only have you been shooting your mouth off about stuff you clearly dont know think about, but you've tried to tell hoop, who I'm pretty sure is James hooper, one of the best waveboard designers in the world, that he's an idiot.

It must be a truly sad place inside your head.

PS @hoop, thanks so much for designing the Nuevo. It's the most fun surfy windsurf board ever. Such a good

WA, 3472 posts
4 Apr 2020 6:31PM
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LeeD said..
Scott's Evo worked pretty well in small, slow, soft breaking surf. He recommended Evo for fast moving hollow waves. You Aussies always brag about how fast and powerful your waves are.
That misleads people.

I think this should settle the discussion... Starboard Evo, Gnaraloo, Western Australia, September 2008.
Now keep the discussion polite and respectful or go troll somewhere else...

70 posts
4 Apr 2020 8:13PM
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Sick shots! Ripping

308 posts
5 Apr 2020 6:06AM
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Got to escape quarantine for some fun offshore cross off rides. Really helped to have a board with good float with gusty offshore breeze, while timing the swell.

308 posts
5 Apr 2020 6:10AM
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of course, it always helps to be able to laugh at yourself every once in awhile... Stay Safe, and Stay Sane everyone!!!!


WA, 1461 posts
5 Apr 2020 10:31AM
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stehsegler said..

LeeD said..
Scott's Evo worked pretty well in small, slow, soft breaking surf. He recommended Evo for fast moving hollow waves. You Aussies always brag about how fast and powerful your waves are.
That misleads people.

I think this should settle the discussion... Starboard Evo, Gnaraloo, Western Australia, September 2008.
Now keep the discussion polite and respectful or go troll somewhere else...

I'm sure those waves are no where as big and as fast as the ones Mr Awesome surf's.

WA, 1461 posts
5 Apr 2020 10:35AM
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LeeD said..
Nothing to you.
3 were hung up at the biggest shop N of LA, which carried 400+ surfboards and more than that in wetsuits. That's 400+ surfboards in the shop, all retail, at any given moment since 1989. That shop started in '68.
1 each in much smaller competing shops.
The fact my shapes were displayed in 3 different shops for over 35 years means something, but for you, means nothing.

How about some pictures of your boards with close ups of your name and logo on them.
No pics then it didn't happen, just delusions. I think nurse Betty will be in soon with your pills

1979 posts
5 Apr 2020 10:51AM
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Can you please post a pic of nurse Betty ?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1054 posts
6 Apr 2020 4:59AM
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So to sum up
The production industry make pretty good big wave boards but its a tough gig to make money out of them
If you are after a specific board, go to your local guru, talk nicely to them & buy a custom
Hoops shapes boards and the evidence is everywhere to be seen
LeeD says he use to shape boards but we've seen jack
Scotty & his Evos are bloody legends that every Aussie wavesailor raises a glass to on ANZAC Day

3939 posts
6 Apr 2020 5:06AM
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Also waiting for pic of nurse Betty.

3939 posts
6 Apr 2020 5:08AM
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And if we don't see it, she doesn't exist?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1054 posts
6 Apr 2020 5:22AM
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LeeD said..
And if we don't see it, she doesn't exist?

You have plenty of valid points when you talk shape LeeD, some or even a little physical evidence would go a long way to boost your claims.

3939 posts
6 Apr 2020 6:14AM
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No matter what is shown, Hoop and Mark, as well as the majority of Aussies, will never concede their points.
Like a dead end, no reason to go there.

NSW, 1144 posts
6 Apr 2020 8:22AM
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You went there?

Brent in Qld
WA, 1054 posts
6 Apr 2020 7:40AM
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Like clockwork...

515 posts
6 Apr 2020 7:54AM
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LeeD you are pathetic, hollow, gutless and I'm starting to think full of BS about your designs. Here's why.
You make a call about poor designs and brag about your own, and when asked to show us your creds, you whimp out and say that we'll just bag you out anyway. Again, no proof of that - just you throwing mud. So you're all talk and no action. As far as I'm concerned, you've had plenty of opportunity to prove yourself and not doing so suggests to me you haven't done any shaping at all. Prove me wrong and stop hiding behind your gutless and abusive exterior. If you had shown some shapes, the speculation over your credentials would have eased, but we see none of that. Either your designs are contrary to what you talk about (in which case you're a hypocrit), or they're not that good, so you're scared you'll get bagged.
As for us Aussies not conceding our points, I would again suggest this is another poor effort on your part at being nationalistic and divisive. If you'd check the suffix on the webpage, its got a .au, and that suggests it's an Oz based website. So a lot of Aussies get on it and discuss stuff. But if you look at the nationality of people on these forums you'll see that while many of us are Ozzies, we are more than happy for anyone from anywhere to have input into the topics and plenty have. However, should anyone (regardless of nationality) say something that is questionable, then it gets questioned. If Scott McKercher was italian, Irish or norwegian, he would still have the same respect amongst any of the sailing community.
Too many times in this and other forums, we've seen your argument get torn to pieces, and your start name calling, or simply deny providing evidence cause we'll supposedly not change our opinion.
Sailor talk about weights and you bag them out as fatsos without having ever laid eyes on them. Talentless without having seen any of them sail. Easy to make broad sweeping statements. How about backing any comments up with some evidence.
Plenty of videos providing evidence which shoots down your arguments, and what do we get from you? More denial, change of topic or name calling.
As has been suggested before, you're amazing at spouting a lot of tripe about how good you are, but there's no evidence to back that up with.
Can you blame us for tearing a hollow charlatan to pieces?



Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"Why is the industry so reluctant to make big wave boards?" started by Dcharlton