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Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Dredging at Safety Bay

Created by Windxtasy > 9 months ago, 19 Apr 2013
WA, 14 posts
13 Sep 2013 8:26PM
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I guess we will have to use a bigger fin ,to point up wind and get around the big steel buoy . Why this time of year when we are about to hit the water?
maybe us windsurfers don't pay tax .yeah what ever.

WA, 255 posts
13 Sep 2013 9:14PM
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Or maybe you could sail in the massive area called warnbro sound, out the back of Pengos, around the islands, up to PK and back.
You might find you can sail faster if you get used to sailing in chop instead of doing the run jumping of water starting doing it again.

WA, 3233 posts
14 Sep 2013 6:59AM
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Deano said...
Or maybe you could sail in the massive area called warnbro sound, out the back of Pengos, around the islands, up to PK and back.
You might find you can sail faster if you get used to sailing in chop instead of doing the run jumping of water starting doing it again.

Sailing out in the sound can certainly be fun, but there aren't many runs in wa that are as flat as the run down the weed bank. If you're trying to go fast or learning a new trick I find it easier to learn in flat water, than have the extra element of chop to contend with.

A lot of the sailors who do the speed run, you'll find usually sail in chop at their usual haunt. The pond is a pleasant change when you usually have to sail in chop

SA, 3590 posts
14 Sep 2013 12:00PM
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Windxtasy said..

So Safety Bay locals, is the dredge still parked at the entrance to the pond?
Is the speed strip over the sand bar and the area between the point and the sand bar still free of obstructions other than kiters?

Still in the pond.
the speed strip is still clear for now so if this ssw kicks in it might be on today

WA, 3233 posts
14 Sep 2013 10:46AM
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Stuthepirate said...
Windxtasy said..

So Safety Bay locals, is the dredge still parked at the entrance to the pond?
Is the speed strip over the sand bar and the area between the point and the sand bar still free of obstructions other than kiters?

Still in the pond.
the speed strip is still clear for now so if this ssw kicks in it might be on today

There's a nice big front just coming through now

WA, 4017 posts
14 Sep 2013 11:32AM
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Stuthepirate said..

Windxtasy said..

So Safety Bay locals, is the dredge still parked at the entrance to the pond?
Is the speed strip over the sand bar and the area between the point and the sand bar still free of obstructions other than kiters?

Still in the pond.
the speed strip is still clear for now so if this ssw kicks in it might be on today


WA, 344 posts
30 Sep 2013 8:04AM
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I was greatly concerned by the media release stating that the dredge spoil was going to be used to enrich local beaches.
Any how, had my worst fears confirmed. I think we have effectively seen the end of the pond.

WA, 344 posts
30 Sep 2013 8:13AM
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I was greatly concerned by the media release stating that the dredge spoil was going to be used to enrich local beaches.
Any how, had my worst fears confirmed. I think we have effectively seen the end of the pond.

As the spoil is pumped ashore, the beach is getting shallower and in fact whole pond looks as though it is less than a meter deep. No problem for the boaters, they will just dredge a nice channel all the way to their precious jetty.

WA, 344 posts
30 Sep 2013 8:15AM
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Sorry guys, loaded up from phone and pics were ok orientation on phone but seem to now be out o whack. Will fix when i get home.

WA, 3233 posts
30 Sep 2013 8:50AM
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WA, 560 posts
30 Sep 2013 9:23AM
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After a rigorous public consultation program... they ticked the box. "We consulted the public- telling them how it will be done." Remember kids, this is the wild west australia... its not the rest of the civilised world. Its better to destroy a highly utilised recreational area to save face- spending a squillion to upgrade a boat ramp that was always going to have problems then just spend more to justify what we already spent- for now until it silts up again. Oh well, at least some polly's boaty mate will get to use it a couple of times a year so it was worth it.

But with the glass half full, it ~might~ make a better speed run over the bank or not affect it too much. Fingers crossed.

WA, 8779 posts
30 Sep 2013 10:41AM
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Where will the kiters go when the pond fills?

WA, 236 posts
30 Sep 2013 10:44AM
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Spot on Chris I totally agree. The impact post dredge might not be a complete disaster however when you try to re-engineer a natural process consequences always emerge!

WA, 4564 posts
30 Sep 2013 10:46AM
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elmo said..

Where will the kiters go when the pond fills?

Hardies. Baw haw haw

WA, 8779 posts
30 Sep 2013 10:54AM
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Not enough photo opportunity, Melville foreshore?

WA, 236 posts
30 Sep 2013 10:55AM
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Elmo a few of us have been launching from north of the pond for a few seasons now and this spot enables you to sail straight out into the sound and up to pengo's without any kite drama

I hope this whole drama doesn't force kiters to migrate

WA, 93 posts
17 Oct 2013 4:40PM
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I was down on the beach where the dredging is being dumped yesterday (Thur 16th) and i reckon by the way they are pumping the sludge it spells the end of the pond and windsurfing there,they are going to fill in the pond and that channel they are cutting out for the BOATIES will fill in next winter and the council will have to build a new car park another couple of hundred metres further out when it all fills in...

WA, 3233 posts
17 Oct 2013 4:54PM
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So what's mandurah estuary like to sail in on a ssw?

WA, 243 posts
17 Oct 2013 5:10PM
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Anyone catch the bit in the local rag about all the dead fish and crabs washed up
On beach.
Dredging will have no harmful effects on the environment they said. Not to mention the smell.
No good.

WA, 1369 posts
17 Oct 2013 5:25PM
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Dredging has a diabolical effect on the sea environment & can take years to come back why couldn't they (council) development the jetty & boat ramp some where have spoiled this great spot for the next generation shame!

WA, 4105 posts
17 Oct 2013 5:45PM
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Subsonic said..

So what's mandurah estuary like to sail in on a ssw?

Not always but on Ave 10 kts lighter than Safety Bay, and why Safety Bay has been a Mecca for Decades, the downside being the over-crowding, but be interesting to see what evolves??

WA, 3233 posts
17 Oct 2013 9:40PM
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hardie said...
Subsonic said..

So what's mandurah estuary like to sail in on a ssw?

Not always but on Ave 10 kts lighter than Safety Bay, and why Safety Bay has been a Mecca for Decades, the downside being the over-crowding, but be interesting to see what evolves??

It will definitely be interesting to see what happens to the pond in the long run, maybe it'll help flush some of the gunk out, it was getting pretty shallow in places.

Iits just a shame they've decided to start the dredging right on and through peak windsurfing season.

Hopefully there'll be an enforced speed limit through the pond area for all the power boaters crossing the kite and windsurfing traffic. With no natural barrier to make them slow down and look around, I can see an accident on the horizon

WA, 14921 posts
18 Oct 2013 6:03AM
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Are you guys sure there's not a few kiters on council? 'Yeah, fill the pond up so its only 2 feet deep the whole way'.

In all seriousness I hope its finished by the time Christmas comes around.

WA, 735 posts
18 Oct 2013 8:27AM
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You will havto come down for a sail in gods country in mandurah mr nova this crissy

WA, 4017 posts
18 Oct 2013 9:55AM
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Subsonic said..
It will definitely be interesting to see what happens to the pond in the long run, maybe it'll help flush some of the gunk out, it was getting pretty shallow in places.

Iits just a shame they've decided to start the dredging right on and through peak windsurfing season.

Hopefully there'll be an enforced speed limit through the pond area for all the power boaters crossing the kite and windsurfing traffic. With no natural barrier to make them slow down and look around, I can see an accident on the horizon

I wonder if this isn't part of their reason for filling in the pond (which wasn't mentioned in the original plan) - get rid of the kiters and windsurfers so there will be no obstruction for the boaties going to the jetty. With the current kiter/windsurfer traffic it would be a nightmare.
I suspect one of the councillors is a boatie who lives nearby. I hate to sound cynical, but that is how councils work.
Most councils are trying to get rid of kiters because they are hazardous. What better way than to fill in their favourite spot?

WA, 14921 posts
18 Oct 2013 10:07AM
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stroppo said..

You will havto come down for a sail in gods country in mandurah mr nova this crissy

Sadly, if they are still working in the pond, you might be right! Its a bit of a struggle though.. launching a few hundred metres from the house versus launching a long drive away. I know which option my mates will opt for. I think there will be a lot of people doing runs to Penguin island.

How far is Mandurah?

WA, 93 posts
18 Oct 2013 1:08PM
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I wonder what the sailing is like launching from the carpark east of Bent st. ,down by Donald drive is the wind wrong direction or swirly and hard to launch...
launch from there sail down to Waikiki then over to pengos and generally sailing in the bay as we usually are doing and bypassing the pond altogether...I understand their are a few sailors that are scared of the deep water ie Dead Water Dave.....has any done this....

WA, 4017 posts
29 Oct 2013 11:04PM
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So how is the speed run looking? Is the approach to it from the bay side of the spit clear or is the dredge in the way?

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
30 Oct 2013 12:07PM
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Nothing worse than seeing your local vandalised ,and im not talking about the suction dredge ,its all the piping containers and crap associated with it all over the the foreshore, and the sludge / sandy / rocky bottom often stinken filling up onto the foreshore.

If you used a back actor the job would have taken 1 week and the spoil could have been dumped out to sea.????

Someone wants more sand on the foreshore (The mentality of global warming may have won that one )

All said and done ,after the dredging is completed it looks as if little will be effected , Im not up to speed with the depth of the channel or lenght / width but in terms of dredging operations its a small project.

X? Cube meters dredged hopefully 99 %will be pure sand not rocks this will end up on/ in and around the bay and foreshore as it thins out over time.

Its the rocky crap they should screen off if its in countered........something to monitor

Who wants to swim/ windsurf etc etc with rocks rolling around your feet , they will breakdown over time but it ****s you.

The greatest threat to sail power users will come with increased sized / number of vessels operated by bogan and Champane sipping wood ducks believing this channel will be adequate in 30to 40 knot seabreezes to protect them from a hissing, dragon spiting rouge wave

Hope it works out for yous

SA, 3590 posts
30 Oct 2013 3:53PM
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I suppose one positive out of this is that most power boat users have packed up and gone home once the sea breeze in in properly.
Safety bay gets pretty choppy once the breeze picks up and a lot of the boats are small <7m boats.
I've never had too much interaction with them before hand so hopefully this continues.


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Dredging at Safety Bay" started by Windxtasy