Great day Stu & all the team from the SBYC I thoroughly enjoyed the friendly competition much still to learn though !
Well done stu & SBYC . Unfortunately I couldn't join in as too many family commitments currently
. Watching from carslie street was absolutely amazing and the coarse looked really good for spectators
The area is brilliant for sailing/rigging with clear seabreeze, open water, straight of the beach and I really hope with the success of this weekend we can look at making this a regular event
To All,
What a great couple of days racing! Big thumbs up to all who attended
I'd like to extend my gratitude to the team an SBYC; Anthony, Sharee, Jeanette, Deon and Bailey. Without your efforts this event would never of eventuated.
A big thumbs up to the WWA crew who helped out behind the scene; Tim Brazier, Bjorn Hagen, Mark Slade and Phil Cutter.
I'd also like to thank all the sailors for making it a competitive but most importantly a fun few days of racing.
But my biggest thanks goes to my Family, who don't get to spend heaps of time with me due to work commitments, but to Kylie, Maxx and Isabelle your sacrifice of family time has made this event possible and all the praise should go to you.
So here's to next year and keeping the racing alive!
Stay tuned to the WWA website for next years schedule. I'm forecasting some more slalom on the cards.
Cheers all.
Final Day 1
1st - Jesper Orth
2nd - Paul Yeomans
3rd - Steve Stratfold
4th - Terry Alkemade
5th - Shane O'Neil
6th - Michael Richards
7th - Claude LeCoq
Final Day 2
1st - Jesper Orth
2nd - Glenn Beichel
3rd - Paul Yeomans
4th - Claude LeCoq
5th - Premo Jacniacki
6th - Jonah Desforges
7th - Michael Richards
Overall Results
1st - Jesper Orth
2nd - Paul Yeomans
3rd - Glenn Beichel
4th - Steve Stratfold
5th - Claude LeCoq
6th - Terry Alkemade
7th - Michael Richards
A BIG thanks to Stu and the SBYC and Adam (manoverboard) for making the super trophies. A fun weekend with all the right ingredients!
Hey Stu Thanks for all the work you put in.
Great weekend of racing. Sorry I could not stay round for the prize giving.
Hope we can round up more sailers for next time.