I am 92kg. Since I got Super K 80l it is the only board I use in all conditions from light wind to nuking. I don't do freestyle. For my riding - free ride/waves - the range of the board is phenomenal.
On your question, is length help on a narrow board. I do have a 7' X19.5 for 104L and I've tested a 6' X21 for 105L...they are both about the same stability. The shorter one is more nimble while taxing kneeling or sitting on the board and you play with your wing to adjust your course.The 7' glide just a bit more in very very low wind, I was testing both of them in 6-8 knots gusting to 10, it's not a deal breaker to have the shorter one for a low wind board.It's not just the width. If you don't have some some clearance on the tail (maybe tail rocker, in the test it was a step out at the back) you cannot pump the board on foil soon enough and you will relies on speed glide....and some shape tend to stick to water and need an extra pull to unstick them. So in very very low wind, everything is important.The main problem we do have now is:DW board are now sup dw board oriented and has unnecessary length that is not required for winging.ML are the buzz of the moment and some are focusing on the ML for high wind and I don't think this is where it should go. A ML is for mediocre conditions. We can add a few inches for smaller boards, some company went crazy short in the past I agree....but we definitely need length for low wind board and a bit less for 15knts + board IMO
Hi Rolf,
Yeah I sail mainly at home in the Netherlands at the Northsea, Wijk aan Zee/IJmuiden/Bloemendaal are all a 10-20min a drive.The last 2 weeks I,m in Ireland-Brandon Bay enjoying holiday in Ocean swell. Epic here!I tried a few Appletrees and although I love the fact that they are designed just around the corner and build in Europe, I never found them really stable. Once on the foil they are great, but easy to roll and harder to get on the foil, so it isnt just numbers in a shape to look at.The SuperK feels a bit bigger as the numbers suggest, but it suits me and my style of riding really well.If you are foiling nearby we can swap boards when i,m back so you can try it out.
@Nordroi, I totally agree o the fact that itsnt just length and width but also rocker. As a (wannabe) DWer I have no problem that these boards differentiate from wing foil as it is just a different discipline.I disagree the part about mid-length for stronger wind.
I used my board here in 30+ knots and 3m+ waves fully overpowered with my 3.5 (wave-sailors couldnt hold on there 4m sails!) and the board was still doing very well. Especially when it gets rough the extra length makes getting on the board a LOT easier and when it is that windy, I can,t make very short snappy turns anyway so the length doesnt hinder me at all.
Unlike my AK Phazer 5.6x27x90l the nose doesnt seem to catch wind from under.
3 days ago it was powered up 3m wind and if my wife would be able to shuttle I would have done a Sup DWer, but she couldnt so I went winging with a 3m maxxed out on my Wingdrifter 5.4x22x56l The shorter lower volume was fun once on the foil, but way harder to get on your feet.
What might be an influence is body length. I,m 188cmx97kg so my centre of gravity is higher but I also got more leverage and a wider stance as some one of lets say 170cm. To me those mid length feel way more in balance as the 5.6x90l kinda boards.
To swap boards would be great:). My homespot is Scheveningen. Do you ever go there? I was thinking about substituting my Appletree DW Skipper (92l; 5'11"x22.5") for a Torpedo 100l or 110l. With my 92kg the AT doesn't take off miraculously easy in light winds. But when I read your comments about narrow boards Im not sure if +/- 20" is stable enough for North sea conditions. Maybe weight is a factor? Maybe with 1.88/92kg the 100l would be more stable for me? Or maybe the 110l would be a better choice next to a Takoon glide v2 70l?
Hi Rolf, i visit Scheev very rarely, but maybe good to meet up there. sailing different spots is always fun.Regarding boards:
I am 5kg heavier then you are and same length.The Torpedo was for me too wobbly in really light winds. When powered up and on the foil it feels small and surfs really good, but the low end felt less than my AK Phazer 5.6x90lEspecially in light wind when slogging the Torpedo was really prone to role in our chop and short period waves when off the foil. All the other boards I tried so far, (the Indiana midlength, Sunova Carver85+95l, AFS Whitebird and KT SuperK felt more stableFrom my perspective the SuperK is right now the board to beat right in the mid length class although I also hear very good stories about the F-one as well.
Can anyone compare the KT SuperK against the Duotone Skybrid? I'm thinking about what to buy as my first dedicated wing board after I get my gybes & tacks sorted on my current board. I want something that has decent light-ish wind performance (above 12-14kts, but in strong wind I'm more likely to windsurf) for flat water freeride & maybe small surf, no interest in jumping or big surf at this stage.
I haven,t tried the Skybrid, but at gleiten.tv they have comprehensive tests of a lot of bards including the Skybrid and SuperKIts German, but I guess that it is with subtitles good to follow.
I think so.last monday I was back home in the netherlands out on the water in a dying wind. In the end only a guy with an 8ft DW board and Sab1260 Pro was able to get on the foil before I couldnt. The volume on the 92l SuperK was for me just enough to slog standing back while I needed to keep the wing up because the wind was too low to keep up by itself. On my 5.6x27x90l board it would be too unstable, too slow and a swim back and I wouldnt be earlier on the foil with my SDunova Casey Elite 7.6x23x137l DW board.
At the same time, on holiday in Ireland I was happily using it with a 3.5 overpowered and a Silk850 in total control withe the SuperK.
My 5.5x56l board feels in conditions like that more snappy and maneuvrable, but is also a b#tch to get going in gusty conditions and lots of chaotic chop. Its fun to ride, but the window of usage is a lot smaller.The board is 2y old, used and I have a big garage so I won,t sell it, because in days with fun waves and constant wind its fun to have, but the SuperK could easily be my 1 board quiver.
I'm considering switching to a ML board and would appreciate some of your insights. I'm currently riding a 60L f-one Rocket wing from 2022 at 73kg bodyweight. I use this board for all conditions and start foiling at around 10-12 knots with a 5.5 wing.
For the ML i would like to go as small as possible such that there is still a benefit in taking of with less wind or a smaller foil/wing. The reason i like to go small is mainly practical (transportation).
So my mind is at something in the range from 60 to 75 litres. Do you think that makes sense? If i go with a 60L, will the difference to my current board be noticable?
Appreciate any insights!
@zebras, it depends what the weight and dims of your fone are. Longer narrower gives the ML boards the edge, under 23" wide and going narrower and narrower means less and less drag, the difference in weight between an ML board of 65l to 75l is minimal, I think it depends on what width you feel comfy with. The Ginxu2 is the shorter ML compromise as apposed to an Armstrong ML or a KT super K which are longer for the liters.