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Forums > Wing Foiling General

Mini Booms for Duotone Units - Available Now

Created by psproule > 9 months ago, 26 Dec 2022
NSW, 28 posts
26 Dec 2022 1:15PM
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No more reaching for that air gap between handles.

After extensive prototyping the MiniBooms are available for the Duotone Unit - 2022, 2023, DLAB and non-DLAB.

Just let me know your wing size, year, DLAB or non-DLAB and I will build your custom mini boom. Just $111 or $99 for 2 or more, $88 for 3 or more. Available for pickup near Narrabeen Lake, or will post.

See it in action :

NSW, 2285 posts
26 Dec 2022 4:43PM
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I made contact via your site due to a recommendation from a friend.

Still no reply.

No problems as I now have North Modes but still a gap.

77 posts
26 Dec 2022 3:13PM
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Looks well done! ??
The weight by curiosity?

QLD, 6483 posts
26 Dec 2022 10:00PM
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noice! how quick is it to fit? Just slip it between the handles before inflating?

NSW, 28 posts
27 Dec 2022 7:44AM
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Sonsaleta said..
Looks well done! ??
The weight by curiosity?

Thanks! The MiniBoom for a 5.5 DLAB is 170 grams.

NSW, 28 posts
27 Dec 2022 7:47AM
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Haircut said..
noice! how quick is it to fit? Just slip it between the handles before inflating?

Yes correct. And then to remove, deflate fully and remove. It took a long time to develop the right design so it did not need velcro etc but I wanted to make it as easy as possible to fit and remove.

NSW, 28 posts
27 Dec 2022 7:51AM
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warwickl said..

I made contact via your site due to a recommendation from a friend.

Still no reply.

No problems as I now have North Modes but still a gap.

Hey - I'm so sorry I missed you! Thankyou very much for letting me know. I'll look into why I am not getting messages - that's very annoying!
Congrats on the North Mode - they look great!

QLD, 6483 posts
27 Dec 2022 6:16PM
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Thank you psproule

91 posts
27 Dec 2022 9:30PM
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begs the question: why doesn't Duotone just put a boom on the Unit in the first place? maybe they feel it's all that distinguishes it from a Slick.

141 posts
28 Dec 2022 3:01AM
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beached57 said..
begs the question: why doesn't Duotone just put a boom on the Unit in the first place? maybe they feel it's all that distinguishes it from a Slick.

in the final part of the interview Ken is describing the 2023 Slick - you will find your expectations fullfilled there. As I do !

NSW, 28 posts
28 Dec 2022 9:22AM
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beached57 said..
begs the question: why doesn't Duotone just put a boom on the Unit in the first place? maybe they feel it's all that distinguishes it from a Slick.

It's a very good question!

NSW, 14 posts
28 Dec 2022 10:38AM
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Brilliant, good to see new ideas like this,
your going to make a lot of people very happy with this great invention. Might have to get one for my
North Nova light wind wing 8m one day.

647 posts
28 Dec 2022 9:07AM
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beached57 said..
begs the question: why doesn't Duotone just put a boom on the Unit in the first place? maybe they feel it's all that distinguishes it from a Slick.

booms suck because they are straight. Hard on the wrists. Separate handles can be placed at angles to reduce wrist stress. Handles are also oval. Booms are round. One handle longer than the other is the best solution. Then you can fly one handed like a boom without the negatives of a boom. I think booms will go away in a few years. Handles will keep getting better.

305 posts
28 Dec 2022 9:57AM
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DWF said..

booms suck because they are straight. Hard on the wrists. Separate handles can be placed at angles to reduce wrist stress. Handles are also oval. Booms are round. One handle longer than the other is the best solution. Then you can fly one handed like a boom without the negatives of a boom. I think booms will go away in a few years. Handles will keep getting better.

It's crazy how so many brands don't angle there hard handles inward, it would be so easy and just seems like such a obvious thing to do.
I even notice one brand's new model even angled thier hard handles outward a little, (because of the booms bulgy shape). I'm hoping that was a prototype wing.
I think the Unit is like 10-11 degrees.

VIC, 201 posts
28 Dec 2022 12:59PM
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Handles are also easier and simpler for packing. I really like the design of this mini boom..simple, lightweight, functional and affordable.

305 posts
28 Dec 2022 10:07AM
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bhc said..
Handles are also easier and simpler for packing. I really like the design of this mini boom..simple, lightweight, functional and affordable.

Agreed, it certainly looks great. Maybe a video showing what's involved in installing and removing it... and little less fondling dream sequence, LOL

NSW, 28 posts
28 Dec 2022 3:00PM
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elk said..
Brilliant, good to see new ideas like this,
your going to make a lot of people very happy with this great invention. Might have to get one for my
North Nova light wind wing 8m one day.

Thanks! Much appreciated.

NSW, 28 posts
28 Dec 2022 3:01PM
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Fishdude said..

bhc said..
Handles are also easier and simpler for packing. I really like the design of this mini boom..simple, lightweight, functional and affordable.

Agreed, it certainly looks great. Maybe a video showing what's involved in installing and removing it... and little less fondling dream sequence, LOL

Good idea - will do!

NSW, 28 posts
28 Dec 2022 3:01PM
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bhc said..
Handles are also easier and simpler for packing. I really like the design of this mini boom..simple, lightweight, functional and affordable.


QLD, 1072 posts
28 Dec 2022 6:04PM
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Love my Units; love the handles; would be happier if front handle was just 4-6cm further back.
great work making the mini linking boom.

29 Dec 2022 10:08AM
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Had the chance to try the mini boom at Merimbula on a 5.5 unit .
super happy after learning to ride on a older slick I had been missing the middle bit.
I prefer the 22 unit over the SLS so for minimal weight it is perfect..
Great product and super firm in place east to use..
get one you will be stoked.!!

67 posts
30 Dec 2022 2:43AM
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After watching the Blue Planet discussion with the Duotone Unit designer there was mention that the Unit has reflex in the strut. By joining the two handles you would be getting in the way of the wings ability to do that. The reflex is there so that in a gust the centre of effort moves forward to handle the gust and keep the wing stable. This was just my understanding of what was said - it could be wrong.

Just pointing this out, please don't shoot the messenger.

NSW, 28 posts
1 Jan 2023 9:42PM
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Jimmy Lewis Boards said..
Had the chance to try the mini boom at Merimbula on a 5.5 unit .
super happy after learning to ride on a older slick I had been missing the middle bit.
I prefer the 22 unit over the SLS so for minimal weight it is perfect..
Great product and super firm in place east to use..
get one you will be stoked.!!

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for letting me know.

QLD, 6483 posts
1 Jan 2023 11:41PM
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i can appreciate the need to keep weight down and for reflex by using only two handles, but i hope manufacturers continue to find a way to incorporate single booms effectively into more of their wings.

like at 1m:30s in clip below (please pardon the selfie) in light winds with a bigger wing and doing the spinny stuff, often the hands need to slide along the boom while in the air and rotating, or right at landing, as there's not enough movement to recover by just pushing the arms forward. i'm finding the conventional windsurfing type vulcans and air tacks in particular, usually need the hands to slide a long way back ending up with one at centre boom and other at very rear of boom,

even if there's a small performance hit, it would be great to still have a single boom option


NSW, 28 posts
2 Jan 2023 12:07PM
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MeonAsh said..
After watching the Blue Planet discussion with the Duotone Unit designer there was mention that the Unit has reflex in the strut. By joining the two handles you would be getting in the way of the wings ability to do that. The reflex is there so that in a gust the centre of effort moves forward to handle the gust and keep the wing stable. This was just my understanding of what was said - it could be wrong.

Just pointing this out, please don't shoot the messenger.

Thanks MeonAsh,

Yes that's a brilliant interview - so much great information - we have watched that one several times.

Having produced many prototypes of the miniboom we reached the conclusion that it is essential for the miniboom to be able to expand and contract with the wing so it did not impact it. We also found this essential as if it was a fixed item with no play it would pull out when the strut expanded under load. Accordingly that's one of the design elements of an item which on the surface looks quite simple. So even though Reflex was not designed into the Unit (your reference to reflex in the Blue Planet interview was about the Slick not the Unit) wings are made of material which are going to move under load.

As mentioned above, yes, that interview has references to reflex, however, the references to "reflex" are about the Slick NOT the Unit. The timecodes of the reference video (below) start at 1:18:42 "We've had some reflex - quite a bit of reflex in the struct of the 2022 Slick "it made it so the back of the canopy didn't bag out so much", and then more extensively from 1:34.00 "Can you talk a little bit about what you were saying earlier about reflex and changing the reflex of the changed fabrics and so on .." - note that at the time, the cutaway image is of a Unit, but Ken changes the model to a Slick."

Great BluePlanet interview with Duotone designer Ken Winner -

We also found that it's not just the natural flexing of the strut that is important, over time, the material of the strut does naturally settle in with a level of stretch, especially for the 2022 models including the DLAB. It's too early to call for the 2023 editions but all indications from visual inspection and testing is that they have been significantly improved over the 2022 models. One area of note is reinforcement on the strut between the handles. I'm absolutely blown away by the rate of improvement in the wings. Just a couple of years ago I moved from an Echo to a Slick and that was a giant leap. When I moved to a 2022 DLAB Unit that was like a quantum leap. I thought at that point the curve would level out but the 2023 models are better again. Such a fun time to be part of this sport. Hats off to all of those incredible designers like Ken Winner who are making it possible!

Thanks again, really appreciate you bringing this up.


67 posts
2 Jan 2023 8:44PM
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psproule said..

MeonAsh said..
After watching the Blue Planet discussion with the Duotone Unit designer there was mention that the Unit has reflex in the strut. By joining the two handles you would be getting in the way of the wings ability to do that. The reflex is there so that in a gust the centre of effort moves forward to handle the gust and keep the wing stable. This was just my understanding of what was said - it could be wrong.

Just pointing this out, please don't shoot the messenger.

Thanks MeonAsh,

Yes that's a brilliant interview - so much great information - we have watched that one several times.

Having produced many prototypes of the miniboom we reached the conclusion that it is essential for the miniboom to be able to expand and contract with the wing so it did not impact it. We also found this essential as if it was a fixed item with no play it would pull out when the strut expanded under load. Accordingly that's one of the design elements of an item which on the surface looks quite simple. So even though Reflex was not designed into the Unit (your reference to reflex in the Blue Planet interview was about the Slick not the Unit) wings are made of material which are going to move under load.

As mentioned above, yes, that interview has references to reflex, however, the references to "reflex" are about the Slick NOT the Unit. The timecodes of the reference video (below) start at 1:18:42 "We've had some reflex - quite a bit of reflex in the struct of the 2022 Slick "it made it so the back of the canopy didn't bag out so much", and then more extensively from 1:34.00 "Can you talk a little bit about what you were saying earlier about reflex and changing the reflex of the changed fabrics and so on .." - note that at the time, the cutaway image is of a Unit, but Ken changes the model to a Slick."

Great BluePlanet interview with Duotone designer Ken Winner -

We also found that it's not just the natural flexing of the strut that is important, over time, the material of the strut does naturally settle in with a level of stretch, especially for the 2022 models including the DLAB. It's too early to call for the 2023 editions but all indications from visual inspection and testing is that they have been significantly improved over the 2022 models. One area of note is reinforcement on the strut between the handles. I'm absolutely blown away by the rate of improvement in the wings. Just a couple of years ago I moved from an Echo to a Slick and that was a giant leap. When I moved to a 2022 DLAB Unit that was like a quantum leap. I thought at that point the curve would level out but the 2023 models are better again. Such a fun time to be part of this sport. Hats off to all of those incredible designers like Ken Winner who are making it possible!

Thanks again, really appreciate you bringing this up.


I'm glad you are aware of it and have designed for it - thanks for the detailed response.Cheers, MeonAsh.

215 posts
3 Jan 2023 7:22AM
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Do you ship to the USA.... Maui or California? Thanks

NSW, 28 posts
3 Jan 2023 10:43AM
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MeonAsh said..

psproule said..

MeonAsh said..
After watching the Blue Planet discussion with the Duotone Unit designer there was mention that the Unit has reflex in the strut. By joining the two handles you would be getting in the way of the wings ability to do that. The reflex is there so that in a gust the centre of effort moves forward to handle the gust and keep the wing stable. This was just my understanding of what was said - it could be wrong.

Just pointing this out, please don't shoot the messenger.

Thanks MeonAsh,

Yes that's a brilliant interview - so much great information - we have watched that one several times.

Having produced many prototypes of the miniboom we reached the conclusion that it is essential for the miniboom to be able to expand and contract with the wing so it did not impact it. We also found this essential as if it was a fixed item with no play it would pull out when the strut expanded under load. Accordingly that's one of the design elements of an item which on the surface looks quite simple. So even though Reflex was not designed into the Unit (your reference to reflex in the Blue Planet interview was about the Slick not the Unit) wings are made of material which are going to move under load.

As mentioned above, yes, that interview has references to reflex, however, the references to "reflex" are about the Slick NOT the Unit. The timecodes of the reference video (below) start at 1:18:42 "We've had some reflex - quite a bit of reflex in the struct of the 2022 Slick "it made it so the back of the canopy didn't bag out so much", and then more extensively from 1:34.00 "Can you talk a little bit about what you were saying earlier about reflex and changing the reflex of the changed fabrics and so on .." - note that at the time, the cutaway image is of a Unit, but Ken changes the model to a Slick."

Great BluePlanet interview with Duotone designer Ken Winner -

We also found that it's not just the natural flexing of the strut that is important, over time, the material of the strut does naturally settle in with a level of stretch, especially for the 2022 models including the DLAB. It's too early to call for the 2023 editions but all indications from visual inspection and testing is that they have been significantly improved over the 2022 models. One area of note is reinforcement on the strut between the handles. I'm absolutely blown away by the rate of improvement in the wings. Just a couple of years ago I moved from an Echo to a Slick and that was a giant leap. When I moved to a 2022 DLAB Unit that was like a quantum leap. I thought at that point the curve would level out but the 2023 models are better again. Such a fun time to be part of this sport. Hats off to all of those incredible designers like Ken Winner who are making it possible!

Thanks again, really appreciate you bringing this up.


I'm glad you are aware of it and have designed for it - thanks for the detailed response.Cheers, MeonAsh.


NSW, 28 posts
3 Jan 2023 10:43AM
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Holoholo said..
Do you ship to the USA.... Maui or California? Thanks

We certainly do.

NSW, 28 posts
14 Jan 2023 2:17PM
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I am making the digital print files available for the end plugs available for download. This allows you to 3d print the plugs, cut your own carbon tube and get your mini-boom out there within 24 hours! This solves the challenge or shipping plus import duties around the world. It also means I will provide updated plugs to buyers as they evolve - which they - even in the last 3 weeks. I provide the license to you to print your own plugs for your wings only. This project has taken a year of design and extensive testing so I ask that you honour this model. Some won't and I can't control that behaviour but I'd rather get them out there to more places which I otherwise could not with physical shipping.
To purchase the plugs just send $55 USD to and I will send you the models, printing instructions, videos on how to use the newly created spacers, how to cut the tube to the right length and how to adjust the length with the new plug model which incorporates clever spacers which are also 3d printed and you will receive the model for. Alternatively, email me with a payment method of your preference.
Please note I am of course still sending out assembled units and this model may not be for everyone. But my feeling is that Digital distribution with local production solves a lot of problems including reducing packaging, carbon emissions etc.
Being introduced to winging by son has been such a gift. Every winger that I have ever met is an incredible person and I am very grateful to have created a product that will improve the winging experience.

WING ON! There's a nice Nor East wind building on Narrabeen Lake - I'm outa here!!


NSW, 28 posts
18 Jan 2023 9:13PM
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A quick video showing how to remove your miniboom.


Forums > Wing Foiling General

"Mini Booms for Duotone Units - Available Now" started by psproule