I saw them (unfortunately did not try them) and i must say they are the best looking boards Armstrong ever made.
Heard their is a new beginner foil range coming with alloy parts been spoken about, some whispers of maybe some more advanced tails.....but no loose lip gossip on boards in the air around hear.
Yes, during a trip to NZ, I was told about this particular board shape: it's a mid-length board with a pin tail, positioned between the DW and the FG in design as lengths are up to 6.6 if I remember well. It's a logical move to cover the huge gap between DW and FG and to "migrate" or "cross-sell" to their customer base with FG boards... I'm not certain whether it features a displacement hull or a planning hull similar to those in the FG family.
Interesting to see as the smaller board makers are already making and selling longer and skinny wing boards. Will be interesting to see who of the big suppler of wing boards get it wrong for 2025
Armie's new mid-length looks good. Their current wingboard aesthetic is so bad not only the shape but how it looks.
Armstrong is a luxury brand of foiling gears so it should perform well and need to look good. Like a Porsche.
Nice lines! I'm replacing my 60L FG with the 55L for my daily driver. Keeping the 40L V2 for cranking conditions and going to the air. 65kgs dry here.
I struggle to understand who are this boards for..
85kg here, thinking of lifting a 85L but the question I have is what do I gain/lose compared to the KT Dragonfly 7'4 105L I have?
For me early lift in sub 10kt is the #1 requirement and it is not clear whether these midlegth such as this one, the Sunova Carver and the new KT midlegth will be as efficient as longer DW boards.
If people who tried them bot can chip in, I'd be v grateful