^^^^ The problem with that is it fails to take into account the increase in reaction time due to
don't care
asian tourist looking at flowers
euro in wicked camper singing and chatting
oldies in a daze
..... and that seems to be half the traffic on this particular road. I'd prefer switched on, fully rested, sane people in modern cars doing 120kph any day.
The physics is complex but I vaguely recall the inverse square rule applies. The difference in energy from a 30 km crash verses a 90km crash isn't a factor of three, its actually nine times. So dropping 10km down from 110 has a far greater effect than dropping it from 60 down to 50.
Rod - a head on crash at 110km/hr isn't an immediate death sentence, not by a long shot, but fark me, give me the choice between a head on at 110 or 100, I'll take the lower speed. I might just survive it, I'll take the might even it it only increases my chance of survivability by 5%.
I've done the OSH thing too, improving the road will engineer out some of the idiot decisions made on the road up there but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. It'll cost too much money, probably need many more deaths before the political and public will is there to spend $100 million or more. We''l probably get the new road when they forward budget for the desal plant I think will go in south of Ledge Point at Breton Bay - the'll need a wider road to get the oversize loads in; so you'll get the road you want, with the trucks you don't.
Coincidentally, crashes on the Forrest Highway were unexpectantly high when they opened up that beautiful, straight dual carriage way. People got so fkn bored with such a straight, monotonous road they simply fell off it (it's still happening). At least a rollover is a better option than a head on I guess...
We had a truck vs. house battle today for a change
Truck won from the looks of it.