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Any point voting?

Created by cauncy > 9 months ago, 16 May 2019
WA, 1103 posts
17 May 2019 2:44PM
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Well you know, if someone doesn't like the way we do things in this country, they can always go back to where they originally came from, or they could find another country that provides them with the things that they want....

Alternatively, if someone doesn't want to vote, pay the pathetically low $20 fine & STFU; if someone doesn't want to exercise their right to vote, IMO, they surrender the right to whinge about government decisions.

NSW, 3081 posts
17 May 2019 5:48PM
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Juddy for PM!!

WA, 210 posts
17 May 2019 4:03PM
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Juddy said..
Well you know, if someone doesn't like the way we do things in this country, they can always go back to where they originally came from, or they could find another country that provides them with the things that they want....

Alternatively, if someone doesn't want to vote, pay the pathetically low $20 fine & STFU; if someone doesn't want to exercise their right to vote, IMO, they surrender the right to whinge about government decisions.

Spot on. If you travel enough (and I'm not talking Bali...), you'll know we have it pretty good here.

The system sure isn't perfect and there are lots of economic changes that could be made, that won't, because of politics. What Labour is proposing is not the type of reform I'm talking about it. Moving the goal posts on investment rules isn't 'fair' to those who have invested for the future. And before anyone chimes into the 'town end of town' rhetoric, simply review the stats, their claims about all these investors having multiple properties and retirees getting a hand out with franking credits is plain wrong. Did you also know that a number of Labour front benchers have multiple investment properties, including the deputy leader ? In fact, much more than the 'average' investor......look it up it's on public record.

The Libs aren't perfect, but Labour's class war mantra isn't based on actual economic and statistical facts, so they are doing the voting public a complete disservice. Labour's problem has always been that they see business and the economy in general as a golden money tree that just keeps on giving, but it needs to be fed and watered to grow, not suffocated by more taxes or unbalanced changes to investment rules.

I have an economics and finance degree, have worked in finance for over 25 years and run my own small business now. That doesn't make me an expert, but most of my clients are hard working small businesses that get crunched the moment the government changes the rules, so Shortern and Co need to be very careful what they wish for, as many of these don't have much financial flexibility.

QLD, 6493 posts
17 May 2019 7:24PM
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The goal of the Russian campaign of data manipulation and Facebook trolling of the US 2016 election was voter suppression.

It worked: 4 million people who voted for Obama in the previous election didn't vote at all.

Trump won by less than 80,000 votes.

Vote. Every one counts.

NSW, 5784 posts
17 May 2019 8:00PM
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novetti said..

Where did you got this from? 22AUD in the port? HAHA

Probably sitting through countless phoenix meetings and bull sheet tranformation animal farm meetings being brainwashed that 27 meant doom and closure , that 22 meant still have job, being told not to disclose actual numbers for fear of career suicide, knowing that actual tonnage compared to reported tonnage was ridiculously different, millions different.

WA, 775 posts
17 May 2019 6:13PM
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Kamikuza said..
The goal of the Russian campaign of data manipulation and Facebook trolling of the US 2016 election was voter suppression.

It worked: 4 million people who voted for Obama in the previous election didn't vote at all.

Trump won by less than 80,000 votes.

Vote. Every one counts.

And the Dems are squeeky clean

QLD, 6493 posts
17 May 2019 8:20PM
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Foghorn said..

Kamikuza said..
The goal of the Russian campaign of data manipulation and Facebook trolling of the US 2016 election was voter suppression.

It worked: 4 million people who voted for Obama in the previous election didn't vote at all.

Trump won by less than 80,000 votes.

Vote. Every one counts.

And the Dems are squeeky clean

Irrelevant: interfering in elections is the Russians modus operandi. In case you missed it: their goal was voter suppression. 4 million people who voted before, simply didn't and Trump won by 70,000 votes.

Get out and vote for whoever you want, just vote.

WA, 8407 posts
17 May 2019 7:07PM
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Juddy said..
Well you know, if someone doesn't like the way we do things in this country, they can always go back to where they originally came from, or they could find another country that provides them with the things that they want....

Alternatively, if someone doesn't want to vote, pay the pathetically low $20 fine & STFU; if someone doesn't want to exercise their right to vote, IMO, they surrender the right to whinge about government decisions.

You only vote for the party to remove gst on tampons

WA, 9577 posts
17 May 2019 8:17PM
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The illusion of democracy.

Land tax with proceeds going into
a sovereign fund and earnings going to every citizen would mean we all share in the wealth of our land also we would need 70-80 percent less government.

WA, 470 posts
17 May 2019 8:24PM
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theDoctor said..

bhp took more than $14billion in profits from Australia in the last 12 months.
From pit to port iron ore costs A$22 per ton
Current ore price is what US$60 per ton..?
They are currently hiring construction plumbers and sparkies through an agency which is offering $40.33p/h
9yrs ago the hourly rate was well over $50....
Brain dead mouth breathing news corp zombies will tell you it has to be that way cause the boom is over...

bhp are making more money than ever, yet the wages they pay are getting cut further and further
And we're all to stockholm syndromed to do anything about it.

We even blame the unions for it.
Cauncy, the only reason people have enough money to buy your $15 avocado on toast is cause of unions.

But have you tasted the avo and toast !! Plus u fecker I think mine came with bacon and eggs !!! And was worth every cent of what I paid for it !!

NSW, 179 posts
17 May 2019 10:25PM
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Great idea, ROB everyone that has worked ,saved for their future.
Land tax, death tax, screw everyone that works.
It's just not fair, why should anyone have more than the lazy, stupid bludgers on the dole.
Thank God labour will make things fair again.

WA, 8407 posts
17 May 2019 8:49PM
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Seriously I've just looked at those who are in the line up to run the country, just looked at them, not study them, what a f# cking joke,

NSW, 1739 posts
18 May 2019 9:13AM
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We have compulsory voting, but since we use pencil and paper, you are not made to fill out the form correctly (or even at all).

IMO, this process needs to be dragged screaming into 21st century, except for the fact that the bureaucracy might not be up to it based on the 2016 census debacle.

WA, 585 posts
18 May 2019 8:13AM
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theDoctor said..

bhp took more than $14billion in profits from Australia in the last 12 months.
From pit to port iron ore costs A$22 per ton
Current ore price is what US$60 per ton..?
They are currently hiring construction plumbers and sparkies through an agency which is offering $40.33p/h
9yrs ago the hourly rate was well over $50....
Brain dead mouth breathing news corp zombies will tell you it has to be that way cause the boom is over...

bhp are making more money than ever, yet the wages they pay are getting cut further and further
And we're all to stockholm syndromed to do anything about it.

We even blame the unions for it.
Cauncy, the only reason people have enough money to buy your $15 avocado on toast is cause of unions.

Seriously good post Doc

WA, 1089 posts
18 May 2019 1:13PM
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cauncy said..

Markmyword said..
I think our government no matter what side essentially are doing the best they can. We listen to the media and get convinced that our lives are worhtless and everything is going to ****. Having lived overseas myself for a time I am convinced that Australian don't know how good we have it. Of course politicians will be politicians and inevitibly they need to tell people what they want to here in able to be voted in.

Voting is the most important right we have as a free country. Naturally you can choose to not vote if you want. But with that you forfeit your choice to whinge about how the country is running. You could also move to another country that has dictators or a communist governments if you like. That way you won't be allowed to complain and thus if you can't complain then everything must be great!

What, the best they can, they wouldn't know the price of a pint of milk a litre of fuel or a loaf, get ****** real , your correct on the Australians don't know how good they've got it , ive been and lived in shidt holes, however we shouldn't be under constant pressure that's been brought upon us through the govt imposed regulations, just because where we live (which tie in with banks etc),we have some of the biggest mental health issues per head of capital , we're not designed to be under such constant life pressures

"Best they can" <> Best it can be.

What's the qualification to be a politician? There is none. (other than thick skin and a tongue without tastebuds)
We are compelled to make a choice of the least **** option - or who appears to be the most qualified out of a list of unqualified people.
Do you want someone who says they're better than everyone else and they'll do the "best he can" to do your surgery? or do you get the best Dr?

We have compulsory voting - choosing to not vote, is still voting. Its a vote of no confidence in the political system.
Its the only option you have because "No Confidence" or "Protest" are not options you can choose.

People voted for Palmer
People voted for Brexit
People voted for Trump
Anyone in the world can see that this is protest vote - to vote in an obvious train wreck - to see if "democracy" will wake up to itself and maybe get some professionals to run things for the best interests of the people, country, world rather than the clear and obvious shady crap that goes on now. (Barrier Reef fund anyone?)

You could go to a dictator run country... the ones you see on the news where they get voted back in with 90% in their "elections".
At least there when you get a choice to vote for that one person on the ticket you know its bull****... we get exactly the same thing... just the perception of choice. The end result is the same - a bunch of unqualified muppets doing the "best they can".

WA, 9577 posts
18 May 2019 1:19PM
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True above. To add.. the muppets we have to choose from could more accurately described more as puppets. Vested global interests through big corporations, including banks run the show. Make no mistake about that. Vested interests have the money and clout to influence (lobby) these muppet puppets. We get a single vote which is mostly influenced by the corporations that own all the media outlets, hence information flow.

As Tom hardy says as the crazy Jew in the TV series Peaky blinders, "big always faaarks small".

WA, 1089 posts
18 May 2019 2:01PM
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For me the distinction is thus:
Puppets = someone is pulling the strings.
Muppets = a hand up their arse doing the talking for them.

Potaytoe Potahtoe

NSW, 7051 posts
18 May 2019 4:35PM
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No point in adding to those!

11206 posts
18 May 2019 2:39PM
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I saw a live spot interview at a polling booth this morning. An ABC reporter walked up to a middle aged woman and asked what the most important issue was for her. She said she liked the policies on hospitals and pensioner benefits like dental and the like and than the reporter asked who she would vote for.

After several seconds of silence, the woman replied ..."oh, Liberal", to which the reporter stated that sounded like she should be voting Labor.

The woman looked bemused.

Could the reason so many people vote Liberal really just something as simple as they're just pretty dumb and not because they're losing their franking credits or NG tax perks?

Just sayin'.

904 posts
18 May 2019 8:38PM
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Friends don't let friends vote labor

Just saying.

11206 posts
18 May 2019 8:46PM
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TonyAbbott said..
Friends don't let friends vote labor

Just saying.

Hey the people of Warringah told ya where you can stick your backward views eh Tones?

Just saying.

904 posts
18 May 2019 8:53PM
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At least labor didn't win the seat

The people will regret their choice and vote liberal again next time

In the mean time I will happily continue to serve the community.

QLD, 6493 posts
18 May 2019 11:06PM
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Wait they fine you if you don't vote...?!

11206 posts
18 May 2019 9:11PM
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TonyAbbott said..
At least labor didn't win the seat

The people will regret their choice and vote liberal again next time

In the mean time I will happily continue to serve the community.

Thanks for your service. I disagreed with just about everything you stood for but you deserve respect for serving.

Cheers, cobber.

QLD, 550 posts
19 May 2019 2:29AM
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Adriano said..

TonyAbbott said..
Friends don't let friends vote labor

Just saying.

Hey the people of Warringah told ya where you can stick your backward views eh Tones?

Just saying.

And the people of Australia told Labor/Greens where they can stick their backward views eh Tones?

Just saying

WA, 14880 posts
19 May 2019 6:59AM
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Hardcarve1 said..
And the people of Australia told Labor/Greens where they can stick their backward views eh Tones?

Just saying

It's good to remember that there was a less than 10% difference, so lots of people seemed to agree with the Labor or Greens views. A win in an Australian election if not a 'mandate' no matter what politicians like to tell us.

904 posts
19 May 2019 8:50AM
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A win is a mandate, should be anyway

How does governer general Tony Abbott sound?

Don't worry, it will grow on you

WA, 14880 posts
19 May 2019 9:38AM
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TonyAbbott said..
How does governer general Tony Abbott sound?
Don't worry, it will grow on you

Like a pre-cancerous mole?

11206 posts
19 May 2019 12:33PM
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TonyAbbott said..
A win is a mandate, should be anyway

How does governer general Tony Abbott sound?

Don't worry, it will grow on you

I think what you haven't yet realised is that the parliament hasn't changed much at all.

Only a fanatical conservative would characterise this as a mandate for anything other than to continue doing almost nothing while the planet goes to pot, especially given ScoMo basically took zero policies to the election.

TAS, 2967 posts
19 May 2019 2:55PM
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Adriano said..

TonyAbbott said..
A win is a mandate, should be anyway

How does governer general Tony Abbott sound?

Don't worry, it will grow on you

I think what you haven't yet realised is that the parliament hasn't changed much at all.

Only a fanatical conservative would characterise this as a mandate for anything other than to continue doing almost nothing while the planet goes to pot, especially given ScoMo basically took zero policies to the election.

Yeah, but his mob still that means Shorty's mob lost doesn't it?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Any point voting?" started by cauncy