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Asylum seekers

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 28 Jun 2012
NSW, 9029 posts
28 Jun 2012 8:59PM
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Tractorguy said...

yeh you nailed it 350 klicks from indo and 2 or 3 thou from australia wtf
are there any aussies on the island ?
or bring back the TPV the howard gov installed few years back it stopped them for a couple of years.
If that doesnot work stop the incentives, free phones cash internet access durries blah blah blah. They wont come if there is nothing here for them.

Or does the govt want them coming ? population increases so on, international resposibilities.
I think they need to stay home so they dont risk there lives on such a risky trip.

Clearly this is the issue. The proximity of Christmas Island to Java. If an African managed to get to Gilbitrar then does that mean they have a right to be transported to England for processing? Probably not.

Remove Christmas Island from the Australian Commonwealth. Offer to sell it to Indonesia for a few million dollars. The place costs Australia hundreds of millions to keep going and there is no sign this will stop.

What does Australia as a whole get out of Christmas Island? If the island sank beneath the seas how would that affect Australians besides the people who live there. Its crazy that Australia owns this little island so far away from Australia and so close to Indonesia. Any Javanese fisherman who would be asked to sail thousands of kms to Australia would say no. However being paid to sail a few hundred kms to Christmas Island is a different story.

Check out a map. Find out where Christmas Island is.

If any of them make it to Australia, ie the Kimberly. Well done. You either make it yourself or you die in the desert. If any Aussie refugee advocates want to help them, then go for it. Its a free country. However don't expect the government to help.

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
28 Jun 2012 10:21PM
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Wasn't all this covered last time? And the time before? And the time before?

doggie said...
It seems to me that they are tipping the boats them selves to get help.
I did say "it seems" dave, meaning they could be doing it. I never said they "were" doing it. Skim reading I know its hard.

Yeah back up.

If you're dumb enough to think these people are sinking themselves, you're dumb enough to think anything really and no-one here is gonna educate you. I'm out.

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
28 Jun 2012 9:55PM
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log man said...

Our little talk here demonstrates the success that Howard, Reith, Andrews, Morrison, and Abbott have had in the politicization of the Boat people "debate". They realized they were on a winner after the Tampa and they've never failed to blow the dog whistle that resonates in mainstream Australia. The FEAR of foreigners, the invasion from the north. Even the language......."Border Security" makes refugees on a boat sound like a threat to our sovereignty. "illegals".....not people, not refos but somehow not real people. And the whole terrorist link, even though it's totally mad, still gets brought up in conversation.
When you look at the many ,many issues that confront Australia the whole "boat people" thing is pretty overblown. Yes, people have died, that's a tragedy but the sight of Abbott and Morrison crying crocodile tears about the drowning of refugees just makes me sick. Nothing will make Abbott and co end this issue.....the more refugees that get on boats the happier they are.

FFS sake Loggy. Stop making it sound like black vs white, or redneck Christian gun totin' rednecks vs. poor disenfranchised Muslims.

It is NOT

This is about the 1mil ppl waiting (languishing) in refugee camps for years, whilst we welcome with open arms the ones who pay $10,000 to get here... aided by the corruption of the Muslim countries they pass thru turning a blind eye.

That is the issue.

We should triple our refugee intake from camps, and all the boat arrivals should be immediately sent back to Indonesia. If Indo disagrees, well fk them we will stop sending them Xbillion dollars of aid every year.

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
28 Jun 2012 9:58PM
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kiteboy dave said...

If you're dumb enough to think these people are sinking themselves, you're dumb enough to think anything really and no-one here is gonna educate you. I'm out.

And if you are dumb enough to assume they are not, when you are 3000km away, then it shows you don't have a particularly open mind about things.

I dunno if they are or are not as I don't have all the info, but if somebody asserts they are sinking their own boats so as to ensure rescue and thus being brought to Australia, then you can't just dismiss their opinion because you are Labor or Greens, or hated the Tampa affair or have a Muslim mate etc etc

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Jun 2012 12:30AM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Our little talk here demonstrates the success that Howard, Reith, Andrews, Morrison, and Abbott have had in the politicization of the Boat people "debate". They realized they were on a winner after the Tampa and they've never failed to blow the dog whistle that resonates in mainstream Australia. The FEAR of foreigners, the invasion from the north. Even the language......."Border Security" makes refugees on a boat sound like a threat to our sovereignty. "illegals".....not people, not refos but somehow not real people. And the whole terrorist link, even though it's totally mad, still gets brought up in conversation.
When you look at the many ,many issues that confront Australia the whole "boat people" thing is pretty overblown. Yes, people have died, that's a tragedy but the sight of Abbott and Morrison crying crocodile tears about the drowning of refugees just makes me sick. Nothing will make Abbott and co end this issue.....the more refugees that get on boats the happier they are.

FFS sake Loggy. Stop making it sound like black vs white, or redneck Christian gun totin' rednecks vs. poor disenfranchised Muslims.

It is NOT

This is about the 1mil ppl waiting (languishing) in refugee camps for years, whilst we welcome with open arms the ones who pay $10,000 to get here... aided by the corruption of the Muslim countries they pass thru turning a blind eye.

That is the issue.

We should triple our refugee intake from camps, and all the boat arrivals should be immediately sent back to Indonesia. If Indo disagrees, well fk them we will stop sending them Xbillion dollars of aid every year.

The whole conservative position on this subject is SO see through........Scott morrison bleating about how we can't process these people in Malaysia because Malaysia isn't a signatory to the UN.....WHAT THE ****. So now they just Luurrrvvve the UN. Total crap, total political opportunism

And Abbott SOOOOO upset about the deaths at sea.......Like he could care less.... What a phoney!

And to top it off Abetz in the senate ...what a duplicitous prick

The Conservatives have hit a new low in Australia, the only problem is most of the punters are scared of brown people........easy pickins for the libs. keep em dumb and scared.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
29 Jun 2012 1:17AM
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^^^ well it's your mob in government obviously you voted them in to make decisions on your behalf so tell em to sort it out FFS.
It's not the job of the opposition to fix it they have a policy but that are not the government.

QLD, 12325 posts
29 Jun 2012 2:05AM
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Seems to me there is a general reversal of attitude by forum subscribers from what it was a couple of years ago when Gypsy Drifter started a thread by the title of "Enough is Enough".

At the time I was branded "racist" and "bigot".

Well you can't call me that because like my mate Bazza, I hate or love everybody equally.[}:)][}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
29 Jun 2012 9:27AM
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kiteboy dave said...

Wasn't all this covered last time? And the time before? And the time before?

doggie said...
It seems to me that they are tipping the boats them selves to get help.
I did say "it seems" dave, meaning they could be doing it. I never said they "were" doing it. Skim reading I know its hard.

Yeah back up.

If you're dumb enough to think these people are sinking themselves, you're dumb enough to think anything really and no-one here is gonna educate you. I'm out.

Oh dave get over yourself mate

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Jun 2012 11:48AM
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harry potter said...

^^^ well it's your mob in government obviously you voted them in to make decisions on your behalf so tell em to sort it out FFS.
It's not the job of the opposition to fix it they have a policy but that are not the government.

Have you noticed the make up of the parliament? To get this through we need co operation. The coalition are so blinded by the possibility that government could be there's they'll do anything to NOT cooperate. There is a higher responsibility to the nation and unfortunately the conservatives have chosen a very, very low road. To demonstrate the duplicitous, self serving mindset of Abbott and co try this out for a scenario.......If the coalition are so confident about the next election and SSOOOOO distraught about the drownings of refugees why not do the statesman like thing(even if it's just for show) and demonstrate the heart and soul of the the great Liberal party ........and say.......OK we'll pass Oakshots bill because we want to save the lives of the refugees. What's to loose? If every poll is true the coalition will be the government in 12 months anyway and they can shape the policy the way they want. But NO, total opposition in the senate, and why ???? because the coalition believe that there is political mileage to be made out of the current situation......drownings included. It's visious, cynical, and disgusting politics. The coalition are scum.

NSW, 9202 posts
29 Jun 2012 11:57AM
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Gizmo said...

News Flash from our Northern Area of Australia.....

The Australian Navy intercepted three boatloads of people off the North West coast of Australia.
This placed the Navy in an awkward position as the boats were heading not away from, but towards Indonesia.
Another surprise finding was that they were loaded with Australians who were all seniors of pension age.
Their claim was that they were trying to get to Indonesia so as to be able to return to Australia as immigrants and therefore be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate Australian pensioners.
The Navy it is believed gave them food, water and fuel and assisted them on their journey north.
We are booking the next boat out, let me know if you want to come too.

Only because it go so many green thumbs can you tell me what, exactly, goes into making up the "far more benefits" statement? What do they get that Australian pensioners don't get?

Apart from an initial setup of beds, blankets and clothes etc. they get exactly the same as any other Australian looking for work.

*** If you can prove otherwise I will donate $100 to your favourite cause. ***

Challenge accepted? I expect the same in return.

VIC, 392 posts
29 Jun 2012 11:58AM
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logman, Your in a minority government with the greens, start ragging on them. Their the ones who blocked it in the senate.

It's not up to the opposition to fix your **** ups.

NSW, 9202 posts
29 Jun 2012 12:08PM
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Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Our little talk here demonstrates the success that Howard, Reith, Andrews, Morrison, and Abbott have had in the politicization of the Boat people "debate". They realized they were on a winner after the Tampa and they've never failed to blow the dog whistle that resonates in mainstream Australia. The FEAR of foreigners, the invasion from the north. Even the language......."Border Security" makes refugees on a boat sound like a threat to our sovereignty. "illegals".....not people, not refos but somehow not real people. And the whole terrorist link, even though it's totally mad, still gets brought up in conversation.
When you look at the many ,many issues that confront Australia the whole "boat people" thing is pretty overblown. Yes, people have died, that's a tragedy but the sight of Abbott and Morrison crying crocodile tears about the drowning of refugees just makes me sick. Nothing will make Abbott and co end this issue.....the more refugees that get on boats the happier they are.

FFS sake Loggy. Stop making it sound like black vs white, or redneck Christian gun totin' rednecks vs. poor disenfranchised Muslims.

It is NOT

This is about the 1mil ppl waiting (languishing) in refugee camps for years, whilst we welcome with open arms the ones who pay $10,000 to get here... aided by the corruption of the Muslim countries they pass thru turning a blind eye.

That is the issue.

We should triple our refugee intake from camps, and all the boat arrivals should be immediately sent back to Indonesia. If Indo disagrees, well fk them we will stop sending them Xbillion dollars of aid every year.

If we have a problem with them jumping queues by paying $10,000 then shouldn't we also have a problem with people that simply pay $250,000 to buy a business in Australia and get a passport like that * ? (I am considering this path for a relative myself) That is another route.

Is it just because they are not poor enough or rich enough? That they are middle class refugees because they were perhaps a business owner or professional they can afford the $10,000 route? That they don't want to be in a refugee camp?

i.e. Not all refugees are goat herders.

Hypothetical: Australia is invaded by China. Do you a) join a refugee camp in Malaysia, or b) catch a plane to Canada?

you pick b) of course.

WA, 3519 posts
29 Jun 2012 10:14AM
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evlPanda said...

Gizmo said...

News Flash from our Northern Area of Australia.....

The Australian Navy intercepted three boatloads of people off the North West coast of Australia.
This placed the Navy in an awkward position as the boats were heading not away from, but towards Indonesia.
Another surprise finding was that they were loaded with Australians who were all seniors of pension age.
Their claim was that they were trying to get to Indonesia so as to be able to return to Australia as immigrants and therefore be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate Australian pensioners.
The Navy it is believed gave them food, water and fuel and assisted them on their journey north.
We are booking the next boat out, let me know if you want to come too.

Only because it go so many green thumbs can you tell me what, exactly, goes into making up the "far more benefits" statement? What do they get that Australian pensioners don't get? pe

Apart from an initial setup of beds, blankets and clothes etc. they get exactly the same as any other Australian looking for work.

*** If you can prove otherwise I will donate $100 to your favourite cause. ***

Challenge accepted? I expect the same in return.

wehre to start?
Free dental and medical
A place to stay (flat, house.....)
free furnitures and house hold goods
Immediat wellfare ( try to get that if you migrate legally) about $ 45 k a year against 1/2 of that for a couple on the pension!
That should do for a start?????

Also I bet they have heating and hot showers available to them and the familly when they feel fit to get it, ask some pensioneers about that luxury!

Send them back! And we could all pay less tax.

By the way send the $ 100-00 to the RSPCA few of my friends are there in the great animals refugee camp!

WA, 3519 posts
29 Jun 2012 10:18AM
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evlPanda said...

Mark _australia said...

log man said...

Our little talk here demonstrates the success that Howard, Reith, Andrews, Morrison, and Abbott have had in the politicization of the Boat people "debate". They realized they were on a winner after the Tampa and they've never failed to blow the dog whistle that resonates in mainstream Australia. The FEAR of foreigners, the invasion from the north. Even the language......."Border Security" makes refugees on a boat sound like a threat to our sovereignty. "illegals".....not people, not refos but somehow not real people. And the whole terrorist link, even though it's totally mad, still gets brought up in conversation.
When you look at the many ,many issues that confront Australia the whole "boat people" thing is pretty overblown. Yes, people have died, that's a tragedy but the sight of Abbott and Morrison crying crocodile tears about the drowning of refugees just makes me sick. Nothing will make Abbott and co end this issue.....the more refugees that get on boats the happier they are.

FFS sake Loggy. Stop making it sound like black vs white, or redneck Christian gun totin' rednecks vs. poor disenfranchised Muslims.

It is NOT

This is about the 1mil ppl waiting (languishing) in refugee camps for years, whilst we welcome with open arms the ones who pay $10,000 to get here... aided by the corruption of the Muslim countries they pass thru turning a blind eye.

That is the issue.

We should triple our refugee intake from camps, and all the boat arrivals should be immediately sent back to Indonesia. If Indo disagrees, well fk them we will stop sending them Xbillion dollars of aid every year.

If we have a problem with them jumping queues by paying $10,000 then shouldn't we also have a problem with people that simply pay $250,000 to buy a business in Australia and get a passport like that * ? (I am considering this path for a relative myself) That is another route.

Is it just because they are not poor enough or rich enough? That they are middle class refugees because they were perhaps a business owner or professional they can afford the $10,000 route? That they don't want to be in a refugee camp?

i.e. Not all refugees are goat herders.

Hypothetical: Australia is invaded by China. Do you a) join a refugee camp in Malaysia, or b) catch a plane to Canada?

you pick b) of course.

Mate you are full of bull! If that was to happen I would stay, and fight to get the bastards out of my country............ most of my mates would do the same! Most of the peeps did that during the last 2 WW, that is the OZ spirit not many cowards here!

wave knave
306 posts
29 Jun 2012 11:33AM
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love the urban legends...

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
29 Jun 2012 1:41PM
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felixdcat said...

wehre to start?
Free dental and medical
A place to stay (flat, house.....)
free furnitures and house hold goods
Immediat wellfare ( try to get that if you migrate legally) about $ 45 k a year against 1/2 of that for a couple on the pension!
That should do for a start?????

Also I bet they have heating and hot showers available to them and the familly when they feel fit to get it, ask some pensioneers about that luxury!

Send them back! And we could all pay less tax.

By the way send the $ 100-00 to the RSPCA few of my friends are there in the great animals refugee camp!

That sounds fantastic now if you could only back it up with fact..............

WA, 1549 posts
29 Jun 2012 1:49PM
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fact remains it's 4 boats in 7 days. 500 individuals minus the sri lankan trainee scuba divers

Another boat just intercepted today (fri)

Something has to be done soon.. Or I'm heading to Java to start a boat building business.

NSW, 6852 posts
29 Jun 2012 4:11PM
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WA, 15849 posts
29 Jun 2012 2:18PM
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RPM said...

fact remains it's 4 boats in 7 days. 500 individuals minus the sri lankan trainee scuba divers

Another boat just intercepted today (fri)

Something has to be done soon.. Or I'm heading to Java to start a boat building business.

At least this one didnt tip over.

WA, 15849 posts
29 Jun 2012 4:33PM
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pierrec45 said...

RPM said...
Something has to be done soon.. Or I'm heading to Java to start a boat building business.

Apparently then make it tipsy or with a drain plug at the bottom...

vented bungs

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Jun 2012 6:46PM
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lightwood said...

logman, Your in a minority government with the greens, start ragging on them. Their the ones who blocked it in the senate.

It's not up to the opposition to fix your **** ups.

Don't get me wrong Lightwood, I'm not that pleased with the greens at all. But still If your so concerned about those poor refugees drowning by the'd do something ......wouldn't you?

No you won't because your leader can see political advantage in being the human road block.

4214 posts
29 Jun 2012 4:49PM
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Tears in parliament one day and off for 6 weeks winter break the next. That's pollies for you.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
29 Jun 2012 4:56PM
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RPM said...
Or I'm heading to Java to start a boat building business.

F^ck off we're full

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
1 Jul 2012 9:45AM
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I don't see any problem with an insignificant number of asylum seekers. Protecting australian jobs is related to the high level of immigration, 457 visas and people like Gina hiring thousands of foreign workers.

The only problem with asylum seekers are the morons we have for leaders who signed up a convention for an unlimited number of refugees, f##wits should of put of cap on it.

QLD, 2770 posts
1 Jul 2012 11:15AM
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SA, 2865 posts
1 Jul 2012 10:55AM
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How long does it take to enter a country with the correct documentation.... minutes. With the wrong documentation a lot longer and if you have NO documentation a lot longer and then if you have destroyed your documentation and are being evasive it takes a hell of a lot longer...... Duh !!!!

If you have traveled half way across the world using documentation why do you lose it just in the last bit? If you have managed to get here with out it then being honest and waiting shouldn't be a such problem should it?

What continues to cross my mind is the bit of water north of Australia must be littered with documents on the sea floor.

I was amazed just a few days ago when I took a relative (with USA passport + travel documents) to the airport how quickly the documentation process actually took.

WA, 229 posts
1 Jul 2012 12:16PM
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They can get 45 gee a year?

Is this real life?

ACT, 2174 posts
1 Jul 2012 2:47PM
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now here me out

the Navy is already there ,so use them as target practice

the unfortunates will feed the sharks, which i might add are in
serious decline

the sunken vessel becomes an artificial reef for all other marine life

solves boat problem and is environmentaly friendly at the same time and
acts as a deterrant
win win win

WA, 485 posts
1 Jul 2012 1:01PM
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Bizarrely Clive Palmer and the Greens seem to be adopting a similar strategy

- the Greens - increase the refugee intake numbers to a point where there actually IS a queue with some hope of getting into Australia - process them in Indonesia and fly the successful applicants here. No drowning on boats.
- Clive Palmer - fly them here, process them here, send those who are unsuccessful back

The major parties are looking at it from the wrong angle - if you want to stop people getting on boats and dying in an embarrassingly public fashion on the way - they need to have some other way of getting here.

TAS, 542 posts
1 Jul 2012 8:19PM
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Turn off the Welfare payments for the goat ropers that get here by sea.

Evacuate Christmas island. leave it uninhabited.

No more problem for hard working aussie tax payers.


though if we adopt Hamburglars option we will only have to do it once.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Asylum seekers" started by doggie