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Asylum seekers

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 28 Jun 2012
QLD, 2770 posts
1 Jul 2012 11:03PM
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NSW, 9202 posts
2 Jul 2012 12:28PM
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poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

wehre to start?
Free dental and medical
A place to stay (flat, house.....)
free furnitures and house hold goods
Immediat wellfare ( try to get that if you migrate legally) about $ 45 k a year against 1/2 of that for a couple on the pension!
That should do for a start?????

Also I bet they have heating and hot showers available to them and the familly when they feel fit to get it, ask some pensioneers about that luxury!

Send them back! And we could all pay less tax.

By the way send the $ 100-00 to the RSPCA few of my friends are there in the great animals refugee camp!

That sounds fantastic now if you could only back it up with fact..............

It's completely incorrect.

*** My $100 is still ready to go someone's favourite cause. ***

(Prove refugees get more than any other Australian on welfare (apart from initial setup of beds, blankets etc.), and not just hearsay; that's my point.)

10979 posts
2 Jul 2012 10:41AM
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Can I've the $100 anyway, at least I researched it . Maybe $50 and you choose the charity

First of all, refugees are not illegal immigrants. It has never been illegal in Australia to arrive on shore without a visa seeking asylum. In fact it's one of the rights within the UN's declarations on refugees which Australia helped to write.

When an asylum seeker arrives in Australia, they do not get any Centrelink benefits.
While their status is being processed, and if they meet certain criteria, they can be eligible for financial support from the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, administered through the Red Cross.
This amount is 89% of the basic Centrelink allowance. This means approximately $405.84 per fortnight – over $260 less than a pensioner.

For an asylum seeker to qualify for any payment under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, they must have lodged an application for a visa 6 months before, not be in detention, and not get any other payment or benefit.

Once an asylum seeker is recognised as a genuine refugee, after a long and highly scrutinized process, they are given permanent residency and are then entitled to the same Centrelink, schooling and health benefits as anyone else. No more, no less.

The normal Centrelink welfare payment is $456 per fortnight, for a refugee with permanent residency and an Australian-born person. A pensioner in Australia receives $671.90. Over $200 more each fortnight. Even with family/parenting benefits, a refugee's benefits would still be less than a pensioner's income.

To get a permanent residence as a refugee, the person has to prove they are a genuine refugee fleeing persecution, go through character, security and medical tests, and sign an Australian Values Statement.

'Boat people' are asylum seekers. Refugees are asylum seekers who have been approved and given a visa. None of them are 'illegal immigrants'.

NSW, 9202 posts
2 Jul 2012 12:55PM
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^ Well yes. Technically an illegal immigrant gets nothing.

I suppose all this makes me appear a tree-hugging hippie with a fetish for war-torn women. Not really.

I just hate commercial television and radio inciting strong emotions in their viewers/product, based on utter bull****, by picking on the weak, to make the viewers feel all hard-done-by ...all to sell more advertising, to the same gullible viewers, that are kept gullible by the commercial television and radio they listen to.

...Oh god, I sound just like him.

WA, 908 posts
2 Jul 2012 11:19AM
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Asylum made easy by the labor government..

WA, 3519 posts
2 Jul 2012 11:43AM
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poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

wehre to start?
Free dental and medical fact as soon as they come of the boat medic and dentist
A place to stay (flat, house.....) fact have seen the centre in WA pretty flash, and then they will got in the community.... no many of them are leaving in the streets??????? free furnitures and house hold goods
Immediat wellfare ( try to get that if you migrate legally) Sorry no fact for that but they get UB lot of pensioneers are geting 1/2 of UB
That should do for a start?????

Also I bet they have heating and hot showers available to them and the familly when they feel fit to get it, ask some pensioneers about that luxury!

Send them back! And we could all pay less tax.

By the way send the $ 100-00 to the RSPCA few of my friends are there in the great animals refugee camp!

That sounds fantastic now if you could only back it up with fact..............

backed...... prove me wrong!

WA, 3519 posts
2 Jul 2012 11:47AM
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evlPanda said...

poor relative said...

felixdcat said...

wehre to start?
Free dental and medical
A place to stay (flat, house.....)
free furnitures and house hold goods
Immediat wellfare ( try to get that if you migrate legally) about $ 45 k a year against 1/2 of that for a couple on the pension!
That should do for a start?????

Also I bet they have heating and hot showers available to them and the familly when they feel fit to get it, ask some pensioneers about that luxury!

Send them back! And we could all pay less tax.

By the way send the $ 100-00 to the RSPCA few of my friends are there in the great animals refugee camp!

That sounds fantastic now if you could only back it up with fact..............

It's completely incorrect.

*** My $100 is still ready to go someone's favourite cause. ***

(Prove refugees get more than any other Australian on welfare (apart from initial setup of beds, blankets etc.), and not just hearsay; that's my point.)

backing up from your say! Apart from blah blah blah![}:)]
Did not see any apart from in your first post!

NSW, 9202 posts
2 Jul 2012 2:17PM
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evlPanda said...

Only because it go so many green thumbs can you tell me what, exactly, goes into making up the "far more benefits" statement? What do they get that Australian pensioners don't get?

Apart from an initial setup of beds, blankets and clothes etc. they get exactly the same as any other Australian looking for work.

*** If you can prove otherwise I will donate $100 to your favourite cause. ***

Challenge accepted? I expect the same in return.

Right there, where it says "Apart from... blah blah blah". The actual sentence where I describe the challenge. There was only one sentence where I described the challenge. The "apart from" bit was the start of that sentence. Did you read the challenge? (FFS)

Apart from an initial setup of beds, blankets and clothes etc. they get exactly the same as any other Australian looking for work.

NSW, 9202 posts
2 Jul 2012 2:35PM
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felixdcat said...
backed...... prove me wrong!

Before I do please just tell me how on earth you came to the conclusion that the people that legislate all these laws, and are responsible for dispersing the monies, would come to the conclusion that refugees should get more than an Australian pensioner. It makes no sense and that is *why* it is a silly notion. Of course that's not the case.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Jul 2012 4:13PM
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They're takin arrr jarbs!

QLD, 2770 posts
2 Jul 2012 9:17PM
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derr tookkerr derrrrrbbsss.....

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
2 Jul 2012 8:51PM
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felixdcat said...

backed...... prove me wrong!

You are amazingly stupid.

Refugees are not illegal immigrants. It has never been illegal in Australia to arrive on shore without a visa seeking asylum. In fact it's one of the rights within the UN's declarations on refugees which Australia helped to write.

When an asylum seeker arrives in Australia, they do not get any Centrelink benefits. While their status is being processed, and if they meet certain criteria, they can be eligible for financial support from the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, administered through the Red Cross. This amount is 89% of the basic Centrelink allowance. This means approximately $405.84 per fortnight - over $260 less than a pensioner.

Once an asylum seeker is recognised as a genuine refugee, after a long and highly scrutinized process, they are given permanent residency and are then entitled to the same Centrelink, schooling and health benefits as anyone else. No more, no less.

The normal Centrelink welfare payment is $456 per fortnight, for a refugee with permanent residency and an Australian-born person. A pensioner in Australia receives $671.90. Over $200 more each fortnight. Even with family/parenting benefits, a refugee's benefits would still be less than a pensioner's income.

For an asylum seeker to qualify for any payment under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, they must have lodged an application for a visa 6 months before, not be in detention, and not get any other payment or benefit.

To get a permanent residence as a refugee, the person has to prove they are a genuine refugee fleeing persecution, go through character, security and medical tests, and sign an Australian Values Statement.

'Boat people' are asylum seekers. Refugees are asylum seekers who have been approved and given a visa. None of them are 'illegal immigrants'.

I would also suggest you read my sources, you can read right?

WA, 3519 posts
3 Jul 2012 9:38AM
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PR definition of stupid: every person that has a different opinion than mine!
Being called stupid by the like of you (do gooders) is a compliment!

I have my opinion forged on the knowledge I acquired talking to folks that migrated to greener pasture after the place they used to call home was invaded by muslims.
We will talk about that in let say............... 20 years when the muslims will have a few elected members of parliament.

You made your opinion staying too long with the fairies and the tree huggers folk believing everybody in the world is nice and loving.

I will always remember a cleric muslim from Algeria that said: The prophet want us to convert the whole world to be muslim. Contrarily to you Christians that tried and failed we will never give up even if we need to kill millions of infidel.

NSW, 9202 posts
3 Jul 2012 1:17PM
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^ well yeah, this is why I hate religion. I wasn't trying to be moral, just separating fact from fantasy fiction. Pensioners get more than refugees, slightly more than f-all.

BTW felix I wouldn't call you stupid. I don't know you well enough. Ignorance does not equal stupid. If you're inquisitive then you ain't stupid.

As for muslim refugees invading us: Most are from Iraq and Afghanistan. If that dessicated little coconut hadn't jumped up to join Bush, without thinking first, against massive public opinion, perhaps none of this would be happening. Drawn into yet another senseless war with the US and this is the outcome.

The only reason Howard still stands by his decision is that he couldn't possibly handle facing the reality of what he approved. It wouldn't be easy, all that blood on your hands. He'll be in self-denial until he dies.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
3 Jul 2012 1:20PM
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felixdcat said...

PR definition of stupid: every person that has a different opinion than mine!
Being called stupid by the like of you (do gooders) is a compliment!

I have my opinion forged on the knowledge I acquired talking to folks that migrated to greener pasture after the place they used to call home was invaded by muslims.
We will talk about that in let say............... 20 years when the muslims will have a few elected members of parliament.

You made your opinion staying too long with the fairies and the tree huggers folk believing everybody in the world is nice and loving.

I will always remember a cleric muslim from Algeria that said: The prophet want us to convert the whole world to be muslim. Contrarily to you Christians that tried and failed we will never give up even if we need to kill millions of infidel.

0- irrational in 6.5 seconds.

WA, 3519 posts
3 Jul 2012 12:06PM
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I just advise the do gooders that are living in their little egg shell to go and see the world!

Couple of weeks in Marseille France would change their opinion.

As I said let wait 20 years and talk......

I made my opinon on facts!

NSW, 9202 posts
3 Jul 2012 7:11PM
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felixdcat said...

I just advise the do gooders that are living in their little egg shell to go and see the world!

Couple of weeks in Marseille France would change their opinion.

As I said let wait 20 years and talk......

I made my opinon on facts!

You have a very good point actually, about Marseille. They act like convicts. (no really I've heard it SUCKS because of the locals)
But are they Iraqiis? Or Afghans? Last I looked neither was in Africa.

I mean, ****'s ****ed up there because we made it that way. What must they think of us coming to their country in tanks?

I really don't know what to suggest to fix the refugee situation, apart from stop making situations that cause refugees. I don't see that mentioned much. Seems obvious.

WA, 3519 posts
6 Jul 2012 11:37AM
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evlPanda said...

felixdcat said...

I just advise the do gooders that are living in their little egg shell to go and see the world!

Couple of weeks in Marseille France would change their opinion.

As I said let wait 20 years and talk......

I made my opinon on facts!

You have a very good point actually, about Marseille. They act like convicts. (no really I've heard it SUCKS because of the locals)
But are they Iraqiis? Or Afghans? Last I looked neither was in Africa.

I mean, ****'s ****ed up there because we made it that way. What must they think of us coming to their country in tanks?I really don't know what to suggest to fix the refugee situation, apart from stop making situations that cause refugees. I don't see that mentioned much. Seems obvious.

Agree with you on that point...... we should never have been involved in the all mess and stupid **** Abbot should take full responsability for the libs (little Johnny) bad decision. And yes that fcuckwith Abbot will turn the boats around..... how is that possible............ sending the illegal to a non signatory of the UN convention on refugees! Would that be a backflip????

No they are not Africans; they are muslims and believe that they will convert the whole world to that bull crap religion. Not that I thing any better about the other load of shiiite religion named Christian faith that tried to do exactly the same some years ago!

Also can someone tell me why our NAVY has to respond to (fake) distress calls in the Indo waters (90 km offshore Jakarta) and then escort the illegal to Australia??????
Make sens Indo 90km Xmas Island about 400km! Just allow the indo NAVY to look after the problem or escort the boat back to Jakarta, the Indo NAVY is well equipped….. they just bought top of the range submarines from China…… with the money we give them to help them I guess!

VIC, 5904 posts
15 Aug 2012 8:46PM
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Well well well , back to little Johnies system .

The labour pollies should give back a percentage of their pay packet , equivalent to the cost of this " process " since 2010 .

What a bloody waste of your and my money , these idiots have stuffed around for two years ,talking crap.

Give us your pay packets back !!!!

WA, 15849 posts
16 Aug 2012 11:10AM
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A GROUP of asylum seekers rescued from a leaky boat has allegedly used aggression to force a merchant vessel them to take them to Australia instead of Singapore.
The merchant vessel, the MV Parsifal, rescued a group of 67 asylum seekers off Java on Tuesday morning following a distress call from the group to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare told Sky News the group was "very aggressive" towards the master of the giant car-carrier when it picked them up early Tuesday.
As a result of the aggression, the MV Parsifal's captain decided not to go to Singapore - the ship's planned destination - but to take the group to Christmas Island instead.
The same group of asylum seekers is claiming one person on the boat fell overboard.
Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said he was "outraged" by the claims of aggression, accusing the group of "potential piracy".
That group of asylum seekers is now at risk of being sent to Nauru or Manus Island for processing under the Government's new offshore regime.
Mr Clare added that a team of officials would arrive on Manus Island tonight and in Nauru on Friday to prepare for the set up of offshore processing centres.
The Senate will probably spend much of today debating the legislation to reinstate the offshore processing.
Mr Clare said it was critical to get the work done as quickly as possible.
"This will send the quickest message to people smugglers that the game is over," he told the ABC.
One Liberal backbencher says the incident proves some potential refugees are of poor character and shouldn't be given an Australian visa.
"This plays into what we've been saying for a long time that people seeking asylum here ... some of them wouldn't pass the character test,'' West Australian Liberal Don Randall told reporters in Canberra .
"Under the Howard regime we wouldn't have given them a visa.''
Mr Randall said federal Labor created a ''big pull factor'' because too many asylum seekers who reached Australia were given a visa.
"So we attracted a whole range of people who I don't think were necessarily genuine - they were more economic refugees,'' he said, adding that the incident involving the MV Parsifal showed there was a range of people with strange behaviour ''that we want to be very careful about before we do consider them for Australian citizenship''.
"We need to toughen up on those sorts of things.''
Mr Randall denied the rescue demonstrated it would be too tough for the Australian Navy to turn around boats at sea as advocated by the opposition.
"Here we are saying that our navy can't board asylum seeker boats?'' he said.
"What a joke. They're trained for it. Our personnel are quite capable of dealing with a bunch of asylum seekers on a leaky boat.''
Officials head to Nauru and Manus Island
The drama comes as police, government and military officials head to Nauru and Manus Island, ahead of expected offshore processing legislation passing both houses of federal parliament.
The Senate is likely to spend much of Thursday debating legislation to reinstate offshore processing on the islands, with the Greens expected to continue their opposition to the move.
An RAAF aircraft will leave Canberra for Nauru and Manus Island around 10am (AEST) on Thursday, in preparation for setting up offshore processing centres there.
On board will be a team of officials and a film crew, who will prepare videos to discourage asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat, ABC radio reported.
The clips will be called Australia by Boat, No Advantage, and will be distributed through social media.
Draft laws which allow the government to reinstate processing centres on Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea passed the House of Representatives before question time on Wednesday.
The legislation is expected to pass the Senate on Thursday

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
16 Aug 2012 1:40PM
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Offshore processing was such a BAD idea when the Libs did it.

I smell an election or something....

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
16 Aug 2012 3:43PM
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SandS said...

Well well well , back to little Johnies system .

The labour pollies should give back a percentage of their pay packet , equivalent to the cost of this " process " since 2010 .

What a bloody waste of your and my money , these idiots have stuffed around for two years ,talking crap.

Give us your pay packets back !!!!

Shouldn't you be happy, you've got a system that as a liberal supporter you wanted.

WA, 15849 posts
16 Aug 2012 1:59PM
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Mark _australia said...

Offshore processing was such a BAD idea when the Libs did it.

I smell an election or something....

They could use the big brother house, seems to be plenty of room

WA, 3519 posts
16 Aug 2012 1:59PM
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Nice peeps! IMO they are pirates and a little stay to Nauru or Manus Island before going back to start will serve them well!
I thought that if you were not of good caracter you could not migrate to Australia???

Mark _australia
WA, 22362 posts
16 Aug 2012 2:07PM
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doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

Offshore processing was such a BAD idea when the Libs did it.

I smell an election or something....

They could use the big brother house, seems to be plenty of room

I would not wish that upon the asylum seekers

WA, 15849 posts
16 Aug 2012 2:09PM
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Mark _australia said...

doggie said...

Mark _australia said...

Offshore processing was such a BAD idea when the Libs did it.

I smell an election or something....

They could use the big brother house, seems to be plenty of room

I would not wish that upon the asylum seekers

True but its got an inbuilt staff of idiots to process them

NSW, 9202 posts
16 Aug 2012 4:16PM
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log man said...

SandS said...

Well well well , back to little Johnies system .

The labour pollies should give back a percentage of their pay packet , equivalent to the cost of this " process " since 2010 .

What a bloody waste of your and my money , these idiots have stuffed around for two years ,talking crap.

Give us your pay packets back !!!!

Shouldn't you be happy, you've got a system that as a liberal supporter you wanted.

Don't you get it log man? It's about who not what. They're nothing but groupies.

As for Nauru there is a distinct lack of barbed wire this time.

Abbott claims that the Coalition is motivated by principle. They would not agree to send people to a country which is not a signatory to the Refugee Convention. This despite the fact that during the Howard years they were happy to use Nauru when it was not a party to the convention, and were prepared to tow boats back to Indonesia, currently a non-signatory state. They would have apparently been happy to send people to countries like Sudan, Iran and Somalia, which are signatories.

The coalition (they need the Nationals remember) aim to get in on fear. Fear is a very powerful emotion that ignores rationality.

Again, not all refugees are legit, but most are. Turning boats back is in a way akin to banning windsurfing because of some kiters. In many ways even worse.

VIC, 417 posts
16 Aug 2012 4:19PM
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If the aussie government gives them surfboards they will want to stay in indo and I will change my name to Muhammed and join them.

65 posts
16 Aug 2012 8:18PM
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Let them wait in limbo as do A.S. that dont take a boat, why should people paying a fare to a smuggler have access to " rights " over those that have not made landfall..
I'm a rabbitho and wish some of the bleeding hearts would look closer to home and take some knowledge from experience of our past to tread lightly before social turmoil becomes our language, how long did it take to say "I'm sorry"
Give it some thought, don't know how it goes over whoever. if ya on board wait in queeeeee. fair enough

White fella black heart

WA, 15849 posts
17 Aug 2012 2:25PM
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Gizmo said...

News Flash from our Northern Area of Australia.....

The Australian Navy intercepted three boatloads of people off the North West coast of Australia.
This placed the Navy in an awkward position as the boats were heading not away from, but towards Indonesia.
Another surprise finding was that they were loaded with Australians who were all seniors of pension age.
Their claim was that they were trying to get to Indonesia so as to be able to return to Australia as immigrants and therefore be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate Australian pensioners.
The Navy it is believed gave them food, water and fuel and assisted them on their journey north.
We are booking the next boat out, let me know if you want to come too.

Is there enough room for boards? And can we stop by the Mentawai Islands?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Asylum seekers" started by doggie