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Australia flooded with incompetant drivers??

Created by superlizard > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2010
VIC, 702 posts
7 Sep 2010 2:52PM
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Why do people insist on driving when they can't competently drive!!!?? If you are incompetent to keep up with the speed limits on freeways, then get off the bloody road and catch the train or something.

I ride to work and witness the following every day:

- If the road is slightly wet - everyone slows down way below the speed limit...
- If the sun is slightly off the mid-day 90 degree angle everyone slows down way below the speed limit because of the "glare"...
- If there is a stationary vehicle in the emergency lane - everyone slows down whilst passing it... WTF!!! THE VEHICLE IS NOT IN YOUR BLOODY LANE... it's in a separate emergency lane - keep flippin driving and stop wasting everyone elses time!!!!
- Most drivers (99%) on the roads dissobey "Keep left unless overtaking" rule. You don't f..king own the road, move to the left unless you are actually overtaking you idiots!!!!
- People overtaking in the right lane whilst driving under the speed limit!!!! - I generally keep calm on the road, but honestly if I had an old HUMMER with no rego plates, I'd just drive over you!!!

I never get into a road rage and I'm very tolerant of others whilst driving, and always keep my road manners, but with so many idiot drivers roaming our country, you can't just sit back (hence my post here)... Unfortunatelly, those who make up laws don't drive to work during peak hour so I don't think they really care about doing somethign about educating drivers and turning them into good efficient drivers... instead it's all focused around speeding camera profits.

If you can't drive - then get the hell off the road and catch public transport or ride a bicycle...

If you share a similar experience, or disagree, then voice your opinion here...

p.s.(1) no, i don't drive like a hoon... i have kids and drive vigilently but efficiently.. however i'm not impressed when incompetency of others wastes everyone elses time... i suppose one could say, just chill out and enjoy life, and that's true... but i'd rather enjoy life being at home, or surfin or something, than spending an unnecessary portion of my life in the car...
p.s.(2) If you live in a state/city where there are no such problems then I apologise for generalising with the thread title...

NSW, 451 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:06PM
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So slowing down when the roads are slick from rain is incompetent?

Slowing down when you can't see due to glare is incompetent?

Slowing down when someone has broken down and can possibly venture out onto the road is incompetent?

You don't road rage but you come on this forum to have a little whinge, which is even worse! Have a yell at the cvnts who piss you off. Hell, even thrown a banana peel or two at the dude who drives in the emergency lane to cut the queue. I know I have.

By the way I'd like to think I own the roads. I did pay for them after all.

VIC, 702 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:24PM
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deXtrous said...

So slowing down when the roads are slick from rain is incompetent?

slowing down a little is one thing... but slowing down to 50kph and less in a 100kph limit is ridiculous... and yes, incompetent in my opinion. Because, if you keep your required/safe distance from the car infront, and if you are focused and alert whilst driving and watching the road rather than talking on your phone or sms-ing, which i see every single day (being a motorcycle rider you can spot idiots on their phones while driving easier), then i don't think you need to slow down to half the speed limit...

Slowing down when you can't see due to glare is incompetent?

no, slowing down a bit is ok.

Slowing down when someone has broken down and can possibly venture out onto the road is incompetent?

Yes, especially if he is on the opposite side of the freeway...

Have a yell at the cvnts who piss you off.

I can't... there is too many of them... besides, it's not like i can make someone a better driver by road raging at them...

By the way I'd like to think I own the roads. I did pay for them after all.

well, that's exactly the problem... i on the contrarry am happy to share the road with other (considerate) drivers...

kiting kid
VIC, 219 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:33PM
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Was in europe last week and the roads there are arn't big and isn't one way. Yet they drive above the speed limit. half the time you have to drive half on the grass next to you as oncoming traffic passes. the bottom line is that Australia have the worst drivers in the world

8 posts
7 Sep 2010 1:34PM
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You're new around here aren't you?

Yes.. 'stralians are the worse drivers around... Mostly because there is only one enforced rule of the road... DO NOT SPEED...

Apart from that, do what you want... it's safe if you're within the speed limit....

kiting kid
VIC, 219 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:35PM
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btw the speed limit is around 80-100kms on the roads and about 120-140kms on the freeway

kiting kid
VIC, 219 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:37PM
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abeachsw said...

You're new around here aren't you?

no i've lived in australia all my life

VIC, 702 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:42PM
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also, in some cases, it's fair enought that the drivers slow down a little on certain sections of the road if there is a hazard... but the problem is that we already have ridiculously low speed limits in some locations, and the drivers then go further down - it's just so annoying. But i'm mostly annoyed with people braking on the freeways for no reason... for absolutelly no apparent reason... (most likely they had to find their answer button on the phone or something)... i witness this every day.

Here in melb, they've been doing road works for years, and there are many sections of the freeways where i don't see any workers nor any changes taking place ever... yet for years the limit has been significantly reduced permanently even thought there are still multiple lanes, and even though the lanes are still wider than in some other cities where i've seen people drive faster, and limits being higher...

NSW, 601 posts
7 Sep 2010 4:01PM
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superlizard said...
Here in melb, they've been doing road works for years, and there are many sections of the freeways where i don't see any workers nor any changes taking place ever...

There used to be a "Cones Hotline" in the UK a few years ago. The problem was over enthusiastic road workers blocking off lanes weeks in advance of actual work taking place.
John Major introduced the cones hotline, you could phone up if you saw traffic cones on the road and no road works taking place. The idea was that someone would come along and pick them up!

Still makes me laugh.

WA, 4485 posts
7 Sep 2010 2:38PM
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Written test every 5 yrs

Practical test every 10 yrs

That will sort the wheat from the fkwits.

SA, 54 posts
7 Sep 2010 4:15PM
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Try driving in adelaide!! no one knows seems to know half the basic give way laws or how to merge propperly!

WA, 319 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:06PM
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getfunky said...

Written test every 5 yrs

Practical test every 10 yrs

That will sort the wheat from the fkwits.


The multiple choice theory test is a joke. 1 correct answer and three utterly ridiculous alternative answers. You have to be retarded to fail it.

As for the practical test. Keeping your hands at 10 and 2 while pottering around doing a nice slow city drive hardly means that you are a competent driver.

Tests need to be a lot harder and comprehensive to start with with and learner log book hours should be upped. Maybe some accompanied freeway and nightdriving exp should be required.

WA, 522 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:19PM
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superlizard said...

Why do people insist on driving when they can't competently drive!!!??
....................., I'd just drive over you!!!

Gotta say you sound like the one that can't drive, or at least drive to conditions.

People slowing down in the wet, driving into the sun, near cars in accident lanes all sound like responsible driver behavior to me.

The keep left rule only applies above certain speeds anyway (80 or 90 I think) and overtaking above the speed limit is illegal, regardless of what lane you are in.

WA, 718 posts
7 Sep 2010 3:33PM
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I realised the other day that I have a much more fun & less frustrating drive to work if I view all the other road users as AI constructs, similar to what you find in console games like GTA. (GTA FTW!!)

I tell you, this revelation has set me free to a great extent.
When I realised that most people only exhibit artificial intelligence I knew that getting angry & frustrated with them was pointless, they're all just automatons working within the confines of their limited programming.

There's no point looking for reason in the stupid things people do, there is none.
So now driving to work is a game, I look at it as a challenge to get through the game as best I can, anyone getting in my way is just a challenge thrown up by the computer & can be worked around; unfortunately I can't ram other cars & pull the automatons out of their vehicles, but realising that I'm surrounded by unthinking programs has made my drives much more peaceful.

Works for me

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
7 Sep 2010 5:34PM
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Anyone using their fog lights when it isn't foggy should have their eyes burnt out...

it sounds harsh but after a few punishments people will soon learn.

VIC, 702 posts
7 Sep 2010 5:42PM
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Freddofrog said...

Gotta say you sound like the one that can't drive, or at least drive to conditions.

People slowing down in the wet, driving into the sun, near cars in accident lanes all sound like responsible driver behavior to me.

The keep left rule only applies above certain speeds anyway (80 or 90 I think) and overtaking above the speed limit is illegal, regardless of what lane you are in.

i wasn't talking about slowing down so much or careful driving... i was talking about about slowing down to a ridiculous slow speeds particularly on freeways, without full justification. R u saying, if it's wet, you should be driving 30kph on the freeway?

are you a police officer by any chance?

So is it illegal to overtake driving 101kmh - 103kmh in a 100 zone? I thought there was a grace margin of few kms? Do you trully believe that this is common sense, or is this about making money off speeding fines? What about the "keep left unless overtaing"- i've never seen law enforced on breaking those rules?

NSW, 147 posts
7 Sep 2010 5:56PM
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I suppose you would class me as a bush or country driver, thing that Ps me off is I am one of those old school drivers who likes to have a good distance between my car and the one I am following, the inconsiderate types who drop in all the time making you brake hard.

WA, 4485 posts
7 Sep 2010 4:25PM
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knigit said...

getfunky said...

Written test every 5 yrs

Practical test every 10 yrs

That will sort the wheat from the fkwits.


The multiple choice theory test is a joke. 1 correct answer and three utterly ridiculous alternative answers. You have to be retarded to fail it.

As for the practical test. Keeping your hands at 10 and 2 while pottering around doing a nice slow city drive hardly means that you are a competent driver.

Tests need to be a lot harder and comprehensive to start with with and learner log book hours should be upped. Maybe some accompanied freeway and nightdriving exp should be required.

Most get their licence at 17/18. Currently we have zero follow-up from the age 17 - 70 yrs.

Anything is an improvement over +50 yrs between tests don't you think?

To be honest some Perf drivers would manage to fail the written test if all 4 answers were correct. They would be stuck trying to work out how to spell their name correctly.

IMO a lot of Perf drivers would fail their practical test before leaving the driveway. Seriously.

Ocean fire has a great philosophy BTW. It is definately safe to assume you are surrounded by the human equivelent of 386 processoirs with wonky RAM and zero back-up capabilities. Then just assume somone has manged to infuse the attitude a half bottle of tequila or bundy invokes.

WA, 533 posts
7 Sep 2010 5:14PM
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I like how in Perth there seems to be an affinity to cut off, or block other drivers between lanes, mainly on the freeways.
Then when you try to get across you get abused haha it cracks me up how tight some people are holding on out there.
As for driving skills come drive around Perth and see the circus on show......

On yeah almost forgot it's pouring down with rain here now bets on that there are at least 3 tail end collisions out there with people following too close just in the time I'm writing this.....

WA, 1305 posts
7 Sep 2010 6:07PM
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Well, the redheaded backstabber is now in, soon there will be even more on the roads, just wait and see( I agree with your comments about the incompetence and ignorance and complete fools that have licences).The only solution for me is to move to a coastal town that has NO trafic lights, small population , surrounded by ocean (so its always offshore somewhere!) hot climate,and plenty of optical receptor exersise at the beaches available at all times.
I dislike the way the roads and road users have changed over the past 5 yrs, so I'm outa here soon!.
Roll on March 2011

VIC, 5904 posts
7 Sep 2010 8:30PM
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Cassa said...

Well, the redheaded backstabber is now in, soon there will be even more on the roads, just wait and see( I agree with your comments about the incompetence and ignorance and complete fools that have licences).The only solution for me is to move to a coastal town that has NO trafic lights, small population , surrounded by ocean (so its always offshore somewhere!) hot climate,and plenty of optical receptor exersise at the beaches available at all times.
I dislike the way the roads and road users have changed over the past 5 yrs, so I'm outa here soon!.
Roll on March 2011

you got it ! move to a Island thats where it's at!

thommo 000
1670 posts
7 Sep 2010 6:37PM
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I`m probably one of those drivers that your talking about, even though i learnt to drive at about 10 yrs old in a old champ jeep and are a capable driver, but when i get to the city i lose the plot, get totally confused and spend most of the time arguing with the missus about how come we missed the turn off or whatever and end up stuck in some lane we shouldn`t be in getting completely lost and frustrated to a point of just wanting to pull over and regroup. Sorrry

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
7 Sep 2010 6:39PM
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I agree with all of superlizard's O.P

and I will add (as a country resident for the last 6 yrs) -

I am regularly forced to overtake a LOT of cars in the country doing 90kph in a 110 zone on a really good road. Really annoying when they are in a brand new car with good tryes etc and 110 is safe as houses, and any time you ahve to overtake is a risk. Try doing 8hrs drive and getting stuck behind incompetents doing 80 or 90 for no reason
But then I go to the big smoke and they are all completely happy to do 100kph on the freeway (an even better quality road than the country highway) and they drive right up somebody else's clacker?

WTF is with that????

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
7 Sep 2010 8:04PM
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Everybody is incompetant in someone elses eyes some of the time.
More important things to get worked up about i reckon.

I suggest when you drive, relax, put some funky tunes on and don't let it get you down. There is no rush.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
7 Sep 2010 10:23PM
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Superlizard,Yes, Yes, Yes, I love you Superlizard, can we meet up and have sex in a public toilet?

WA, 14670 posts
7 Sep 2010 8:53PM
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Mark _australia said...

I agree with all of superlizard's O.P

and I will add (as a country resident for the last 6 yrs) -

I am regularly forced to overtake a LOT of cars in the country doing 90kph in a 110 zone on a really good road. Really annoying when they are in a brand new car with good tryes etc and 110 is safe as houses, and any time you ahve to overtake is a risk. Try doing 8hrs drive and getting stuck behind incompetents doing 80 or 90 for no reason
But then I go to the big smoke and they are all completely happy to do 100kph on the freeway (an even better quality road than the country highway) and they drive right up somebody else's clacker?

WTF is with that????

People tend to drive close to others because they are too lazy to change back into the left lane and find it easier to sit close and speed up and slow down with the rest of the herd.

The need to sit close is also to stop others cutting into 'their' space and sadly this sort of behavior gets reinforced by others.

I remember an online discussion years ago which suggested that having left hand lanes end was part of the problem. People get lazy and just sit in the right lane at all times. If the right lane ended, then people would be forced to learn how to merge and the lazy ones might stay in the left hand lane. Then again, you might get a lot of people that drive into the trees when the right hand lanes end...

VIC, 1395 posts
7 Sep 2010 10:57PM
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kiting kid said...

abeachsw said...

You're new around here aren't you?

no i've lived in australia all my life

cept when you were in europe

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
7 Sep 2010 9:08PM
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agree Rellie but you do have to marvel at some drivers' stupidity or ignorance sometimes

another one...

Giant orange flashing arrow indicating "move over!" and you can see it 1km ahead. So u move over.
And then there is always some peanuts who don't see it until the last 50m, panic brake and expect you to let them in.
Can't imagine how they manage to survive when never looking past the end of their own bonnet.


WA, 583 posts
7 Sep 2010 9:17PM
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Flux said...

I like how in Perth there seems to be an affinity to cut off, or block other drivers between lanes, mainly on the freeways.
Then when you try to get across you get abused haha it cracks me up how tight some people are holding on out there.
As for driving skills come drive around Perth and see the circus on show......

On yeah almost forgot it's pouring down with rain here now bets on that there are at least 3 tail end collisions out there with people following too close just in the time I'm writing this.....

yeah i was in perth on the weekend, and i had 4 instances where ppl have straight out refused to merge with me. they just sit half a car length next to me. wont move back ( i was in front ) i cant go forward cos theres someone infront of me, then they jump on the brakes at the last second and sit up my ass. makes me so angry and then they turn off less then a K up the road. wtf is your hurry!

seriously how hard is it to merge. also in bunbury we have lots of roundabouts and even more ppl who have no idea how to indicate correctly on them. ppl whinge about the eelup roundabout ( its a very big 2 lane jobbie ) and how its so dangerous. its only dangerous Because no one knows how to use it properly. also i have been on the inner lane driving straight through it and some idiot in the outter lane has decided that they wanna go right which means cutting infront of me and carrying on around the roundabout.

What we need is less harvey norman ads on Tv and more ads simply explaining these basic road rules that ppl seem to have forgotten??

perhaps spend some of this speed camera revenue on it? and dont get me started on speed cameras....

820 posts
7 Sep 2010 9:25PM
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superlizard: Get a m/bike and think thin

morph89: Adelaide drivers are pretty good I reckon. People merge badly because of our poorly designed traffic light network.


VIC, 4982 posts
7 Sep 2010 11:37PM
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I kind of agree with the various annoyances people are talking about.

But the real issue is not what other people do, it's how you react to it. Your emotional reaction is the problem.

Your job as a driver is to transport yourself as safely and efficiently as possible. If you get stressed out and react badly you will do dangerous things and it will be your fault.

It's far easier to do what I have just this second decided to call "Ninja driving". Just quietly and comfortably pass through the traffic with minimal impact and conflict. It's easy once you embrace the idea.

Slow down. Drop back. Get out of the way. Relax when the traffic jams up. Let the dickheads race themselves into oblivion.

BTW I am cycling to work a few times a week. If you think car drivers are bad then you haven't come across the commuter cyclist. Pack of **** heads. They all think they're in a race and everybody and else is an obstacle to be run down. Pedestrians, cars, other cyclists. Imagine car drivers without the last 10 years of road safety promotion.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Australia flooded with incompetant drivers??" started by superlizard