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Australia flooded with incompetant drivers??

Created by superlizard > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2010
NSW, 5780 posts
8 Sep 2010 12:04AM
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superlizard said...

Why do people insist on driving when they can't competently drive!!!?? If you are incompetent to keep up with the speed limits on freeways, then get off the bloody road and catch the train or something.

public transport in does not exsist outside population centres, and barely exsists within population centres

I ride to work and witness the following every day:

a doner cycle or a pushbike...?

- If the road is slightly wet - everyone slows down way below the speed limit...
- If the sun is slightly off the mid-day 90 degree angle everyone slows down way below the speed limit because of the "glare"...
- If there is a stationary vehicle in the emergency lane - everyone slows down whilst passing it... WTF!!! THE VEHICLE IS NOT IN YOUR BLOODY LANE... it's in a separate emergency lane - keep flippin driving and stop wasting everyone elses time!!!!

maybe for the sake of safety...?

I for one would hope if I was in a brake down lane, that fellow comuters would slow to see if I required assistance

- Most drivers (99%) on the roads dissobey "Keep left unless overtaking" rule. You don't f..king own the road, move to the left unless you are actually overtaking you idiots!!!!

actually we all own the roads, thanks to our (supposed) taxes, while I may agree with you on principal, even being held up in by slow drivers in the fast lane sure as hell beats walking... both for effort and speed

- People overtaking in the right lane whilst driving under the speed limit!!!! - I generally keep calm on the road, but honestly if I had an old HUMMER with no rego plates, I'd just drive over you!!!

you'd kill someone, possibly their family and change irrecovably the course of their history and your and your families own.... to what, save a few minutes...?

I never get into a road rage.....

dude, this is road rage...

and I'm very tolerant of others whilst driving, and always keep my road manners, but with so many idiot drivers roaming our country, you can't just sit back (hence my post here)...

yes you can, its called patience

Unfortunatelly, those who make up laws don't drive to work during peak hour so I don't think they really care about doing somethign about educating drivers and turning them into good efficient drivers... instead it's all focused around speeding camera profits.

by stealing your right to free and unimpeded travel as a free person of the land and charging you a tax upon a crime that hasn't been commited....? I agree with you here, but you have to respect that those who use a public thouroughfare may not be as 'competent' as you feel you are and as much as you believe they should 'be'... maybe because I have high speed driver training, you are not as competent as I believe you should be...? Maybe you should get off my road because I am more competent than you are...?

If you can't drive - then get the hell off the road and catch public transport or ride a bicycle...

From your post i believe you to be the type of person who will next week post about the bloody cyclists taking up all the road and causing you delays....

If you share a similar experience, or disagree, then voice your opinion here...

i think you, from your post are simply arrogant and impatient

p.s.(1) no, i don't drive like a hoon... i have kids and drive vigilently but efficiently.. however i'm not impressed when incompetency of others wastes everyone elses time... i suppose one could say, just chill out and enjoy life, and that's true... but i'd rather enjoy life being at home, or surfin or something, than spending an unnecessary portion of my life in the car...

then dude, there is your answer, sell your car, take public transport and shut the faark up and chill out

p.s.(2) If you live in a state/city where there are no such problems then I apologise for generalising with the thread title...

serriously... I feel sorry for people like you... your grand parents great grandparents or if you come from a fuuck happy bogan stock, great great grandparents would have appreciated the expediency of motor transport without being aware of the ecological damage such a luxury affords...

here you are as wise as we are in the 21st century and you are whining like a little biitch because someone is hogging your lane, fully aware that the actions of you driving today, a so called "fossil feulled' motor vehicle, will be directly responsible for the extinction of you immediate desendants tommorrow...

get over yourself

VIC, 702 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:47AM
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theDoctor said...
maybe for the sake of safety...?

I for one would hope if I was in a brake down lane, that fellow comuters would slow to see if I required assistance

maybe... but the problem is they slow down beyond reasonable... that's really what i was talking about...

actually we all own the roads, thanks to our (supposed) taxes, while I may agree with you on principal, even being held up in by slow drivers in the fast lane sure as hell beats walking... both for effort and speed

It's not just being held up in the fast lane... it's that the entire freway crawls starting 25 ks out of the city... all lanes... each day... from 6:15 AM... YES 6:15 AM!!! So if you are in the car, it will take you about the same amount of time to get to work as taking the public transport. I ride motorcycle, so it's a fair bit quicker. But in general, i'm really talking about efficiency... focus, concentrate, drive. Learn from Germans.

you'd kill someone, possibly their family and change irrecovably the course of their history and your and your families own.... to what, save a few minutes...?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see i was speaking metaphorically.. figure of speach to emphasize strong feeling about the topic...

I never get into a road rage.....

dude, this is road rage...

No this is NOT a road rage... we are not on the road, but instead sitting indoors in front of a computer... posting a slightly provocative topic to trigger a discussion about driving in order to understand general view on the subject. I don't remember when was the last time I got agro at someone on the road.

and I'm very tolerant of others whilst driving, and always keep my road manners, but with so many idiot drivers roaming our country, you can't just sit back (hence my post here)...

yes you can, its called patience

I see it more as an ignorance to sit back and do nothing. I'm a type of person who speaks up... tries to improve things... and gets things done... not that there is much it can be done in this case, but at least gives an oppurtunity to voice optinion and have analytical discussion...

maybe because I have high speed driver training, you are not as competent as I believe you should be...? Maybe you should get off my road because I am more competent than you are...?

Hey, if my neglegent or selfish driving is impacting you directly, then i should get off the road... or at least let you go through... It's not about competence as much as general comon sense and courtesy on the road. But then if you don't have common sense and courtesy, then you probably lack competence in some way...

If you can't drive - then get the hell off the road and catch public transport or ride a bicycle...

From your post i believe you to be the type of person who will next week post about the bloody cyclists taking up all the road and causing you delays....

No, i'm in favour of cyclists. I have been cycling to work in recent times when i lived 8 ks out of town... but due to the circumstances i now live too far to cycle to work, and the government has deteriorated standard of living in big cities due to excessive migration and inadequate infrastructure to support it.

i think you, from your post are simply arrogant and impatient

I'm definitelly impatient. Especially coz i like to get things done and fast. I don't think i'm arrogant... but you are entitled to your opinion. I guess you are just basing your view on my sb post only...I never said i'm better driver than everyone else... i'm just saying people who don't know how to follow basic common sense and road rules shoud get off the road

then dude, there is your answer, sell your car, take public transport and shut the faark up and chill out

no, i'm already utilising the most efficient way of transport. But why stop there... why not improve things further? Things can be always made batter.

serriously... I feel sorry for people like you... your grand parents great grandparents or if you come from a fuuck happy bogan stock, great great grandparents would have appreciated the expediency of motor transport without being aware of the ecological damage such a luxury affords...
here you are as wise as we are in the 21st century and you are whining like a little biitch because someone is hogging your lane, fully aware that the actions of you driving today, a so called "fossil feulled' motor vehicle, will be directly responsible for the extinction of you immediate desendants tommorrow...
get over yourself

i'm not whining because someone is hogging my lane... i'm whining because everyone is hogging every lane. Get it.?
In terms of environment related issues - i think these topics have been discussed in other threads... this thread is meant to be about driving. But fair enough. Yeah, i'm all for preserving the planet - i already do what i can in that dapartment so you dont need to lecture me there. However, i live too far from the work to be able to walk/cycle... i'm not rich enough to be able to live in or close enough to the city... i therefore use motorcycle which consumes less fuel than cars and has less environmental impact - and i ride it efficiently on top of that. When they commercialise non fuel based vehicles i'll be happy to switch. In the mid time, this topic is presented in the scope of current world scenario...

p.s. btw i didn't red thumb you

VIC, 702 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:53AM
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Gorgo said...
BTW I am cycling to work a few times a week. If you think car drivers are bad then you haven't come across the commuter cyclist. Pack of **** heads. They all think they're in a race and everybody and else is an obstacle to be run down. Pedestrians, cars, other cyclists. Imagine car drivers without the last 10 years of road safety promotion.

yeah, i know, i've cycled for a while my self... it's the best thing to do if you don't live too far from work... and i remember, there were always some guys who would cycle on red lights, run in front of cars etc etc...

VIC, 702 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:03AM
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poor relative said...
I suggest when you drive, relax, put some funky tunes on and don't let it get you down. There is no rush.

I agree reli...
There are two problems here - it's hard to get the music going with the motorbike helmet on and all
Second problem is, let's say the forecast is looking excellent for the arvo, and you are trying to get home ASAP so you can get on the water... only to be stuck in traffic because people simply don't drive properly...

VIC, 702 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:17AM
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theDoctor said...
here you are as wise as we are in the 21st century and you are whining like a little biitch because someone is hogging your lane...

Here is another angle to this... imagine that the traffic conditions could be improved... by improving the infrastructure, and teaching people how to drive more competently...
For example, where i live the difference in travel time for a 4 wheel vehicle can vary by 25 minutes. So on good days (when people drive better - which is rare), you would get to work 25 min quicker. So instead or 60 min, it takes you 35 min (these figures are based on somone i know who drives car, so i'm not making it up). So that's a total of 50 min savings per day. Now, i don't know how many people travel to city in big cities, but let's say 1 million road commuters. Imagine, if all those people could have extra 50 min in their day that they can spend with their family, or working, or going shopping... what would be the accumulative annual benefit to the country as a whole? More family time... more shopping time (benefits to the retail industries) etc...

NSW, 3075 posts
8 Sep 2010 1:15PM
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What is it with you Perth drivers??
You all say Perth drivers are the worst in Oz.

Tell you what, move to Sydney, drive to work Monday to Friday and then try to go shopping or to the beach etc on a Saturday or Sunday. Doesnt matter what time of the day, you WILL discover Australia's WORST drivers!!!!!!!!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Sep 2010 2:24PM
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I recon what Superlizard is saying, is make driving the focus of what your doing when you get behind the wheel, not talking on your phone,not texting, not zoning out , concentrating. My truck driving tester said to me make every kilometer you drive be the best kilometer you've ever driven. For me, people that say relax, don't stress, we're all going to get to our destination in the end are menaces to society. what they're in effect saying is "hey everybody drive to my standards" and "I can't be bothered thinking on the road ......but will you think for me?". When I first came to melbourne years ago the driving was excellent, fast , decisive, purposeful, almost aggressive. People let you in but if you missed your opportunity, well, tough, pay attention. People wouldn't stand dawdling,aimless,"i'm just looking in the shops" driving. They would honk like hell. Now drivers have "wiped off 25" and everyone now has more time to text

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Sep 2010 2:34PM
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I think some of us have a different idea of what constitutes "WORST" driving. For some of us it's simply having cars in front stopping us from driving where we want as fast as we want.

To me bad drivers:
- run red lights
- change lanes excessively
- accelerate too fast (motor bikes are worst)
- pass the car in front just because it's there
- rush up the inside lane then push in when they get to the parked car or roadworks sign (or generally drive oblivious of conditions ahead until it's too late)
- hog the right lane by driving just above the speed limit
- rush up to the back of the pack in front.
- overtake drivers as they are about to pass a cyclist
- block intersections, keep clear sections and level crossings
- cut in after overtaking with minimal clearance
- run fog lights AND head lights at the same time
- harass and bully everybody else on the road.
- believe that driving at the limit of their superior skills and handling abilities constitutes good driving.

VIC, 702 posts
8 Sep 2010 3:48PM
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^^^^ Gorgo, i couldn't agree more with most of your statements...

- accelerate too fast (motor bikes are worst)

could you just elaborate on this one for me... why is this bad? or what level of acceleration is acceptable?

For example, if there is no one in front of you, and you are in a non busy/low population area, and you accellarate fast but within the limit, and without looking like too much like a drag car racer... how are you endangering anyone or affecting anyone? I'm guessing you are refering to more of a hoon style driving there... but just wanted to clarify... I see people on the intersections and traffic lights who have reflexes and reaction time of a drunk snail, therefore minimising the traffic flow and creating congestion because it takes them 30 seconds to get going after the light turns green, or the car infront starts moving...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
8 Sep 2010 4:39PM
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superlizard said...I see people on the intersections and traffic lights who have reflexes and reaction time of a drunk snail, therefore minimising the traffic flow and creating congestion because it takes them 30 seconds to get going after the light turns green, or the car infront starts moving...

I have great reactions and I often accelerate hard twenty seconds or so before the car in front. I don't think this is dangerous but it is proving expensive.

WA, 522 posts
8 Sep 2010 2:51PM
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Superlizard dude

A good driver is in large part determined by their attitude on the road.

Your attitude is you are complaining about people who are driving in a more safe manner than you. And you somehow think that makes them a worse driver, go figure???

Not everyone has the same level of experience, capability or equipment. They may be a new parent with a new born and are being extra cautious or a senior citizen whose relexes aren't as fast as a 30yr old and hence drive accordingly. They maybe going to a dinner party and their wife next to them is gingerly holding a bowl of vindaloo curry. There are many reasons why people don't necessarily travel at the MAXIMUM speed limit, and not just a wet freeway.

You seriously need to get of your high horse, stop thinking about just yourself and be more considerate. You'll drive/ride safer, you'll be less stressed out and your kids will see the example you set and learn to be better drivers too.

Mind you, we do agree on some points, accelerating hard-ish I certainly don't have a problem with after owning both sports bikes and cars. I also own a 2tonne landcruiser that accelerates slower than a snail up a hill.

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Sep 2010 5:11PM
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If the coast is truly clear then there's nothing wrong with giving it a little stick from time to time.

If you are with traffic then you need to drive in a manner consistent with the general flow and in a way that you can reasonably adapt to anything that happens.

If you are accelerating way faster than the rest of the traffic then you become an out of control variable. People are making judgements and reacting to a perceived traffic situation and along comes somebody accelerating at twice the rate of the rest of the traffic.

Bikes are always complaining, "The car pulled out on me without warning." I'll bet a significant number of the car drivers would say "The bike appeared out of nowhere." They're both right. The car did the wrong thing but the bike created the situation by moving faster than everybody else and not being prepared to stop.

WA, 522 posts
8 Sep 2010 3:11PM
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Gorgo said...

I think some of us have a different idea of what constitutes "WORST" driving. For some of us it's simply having cars in front stopping us from driving where we want as fast as we want.

To me bad drivers:

Problem is most of those are totally subjective. eg what what person considers a reasonable distance to "cut in" is totally insufficient to another. Or accerating even gently on a sports bike may seem hooning if you only drive a hyundai. It's all relative.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
8 Sep 2010 5:44PM
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Gorgo, I agree with most of your points but here's a few more

-not using indicators
-not being aware of the turning arrow going green and therefore making half of the turning drivers miss the light
turning left from the middle lane( because it's soooo hard to swing that steering wheel just a little bit more from the LEFT /Turning lane
-changing lanes in an intersection(you do the right thing and leave the intersection clear and someone stranded in the other lane in the middle of the intersection decides to fill the gap that you left to keep the intersection open[left/]
-pulling up behind someone at the lights who then decides they want to turn right after all and leaves you stuck behind them until the oncoming traffic goes past
. [left] OK, I know some of you are saying "why doesn't he just chill and put on another excellent track from his extensive collection of " The Very Best Of The John Butler Trio " . But NO , I would rather bite my own lips off!!. PEOPLE SHOULD CONCENTRATE AND LEARN TO DRIVE !!!

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Sep 2010 5:57PM
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Correct, it is relative. The sports bike example is not correct. Acceleration has nothing to do with hooning and everything about consistency.

I think the real problem is that there is a fundamental attitude problem with drivers.

Many drivers think in terms of getting from A to B as quickly as possible. They have an expectation of a right to use the road in a way that gets them around quickly. That leads to all the bad stuff.

I think the responsibility of the driver is to get from A to B as safely and smoothly as possible. Speed and travel time is completely irrelevant. This means avoiding bad behaviours, not doing stupid stuff, not taking the bait when dick heads do stupid things, not stressing out. Arriving places relaxed and comfortable.

I've been doing this for the past few years and it works a treat. Long trips are effortless. The morning commute is easy. Traffic jams are a chance to listen podcasts and stuff.

I'm not a paragon by any means. I still want a death ray to blast all the road hogs and overly aggressive drivers. It's just I try to be calm and relaxed and generally success.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
8 Sep 2010 5:07PM
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Gorgo said...

I think the real problem is that there is a fundamental attitude problem with drivers.

Many drivers think in terms of getting from A to B as quickly as possible. They have an expectation of a right to use the road in a way that gets them around quickly.

I heard the best example of this at morning tea break once. A colleague complaining about being held up on the way to work by people in the right hand lane.

"How fast were they going ?" I asked

"80 kph"

"Isn't that the speed limit on that road? you'd have to speed to get here any quicker"

"It's my right to speed" -

And that answer was in all seriousness!

Which raises another point.
Why is there an expectation that you should squeeze into the left hand lane for a tailgater while traveling at the speed limit on a double lane road when both lanes are reasonably full?

NSW, 510 posts
8 Sep 2010 7:44PM
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anny one who uses the line ..... speed cameras are just to raise $$$$ is a tool
speed cameras are only used to prevent speeding. (or punish them)if no on speed then they would be around .. .. slowing down when thiers a ton of glare or the road is wet ..isnt that the right thing to do ... drive to the conditions. if you speed u run the risk of being caught or

WA, 14670 posts
8 Sep 2010 6:06PM
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nick0 said...

anny one who uses the line ..... speed cameras are just to raise $$$$ is a tool
speed cameras are only used to prevent speeding. (or punish them)if no on speed then they would be around .. .. slowing down when thiers a ton of glare or the road is wet ..isnt that the right thing to do ... drive to the conditions. if you speed u run the risk of being caught or

I don't think they are there just to raise money, but I do have to wonder about the logic that is used sometimes.

People sitting close together, nose to tail, on the F3 freeway appears to be "safe", as they are under the speed limit (at least as they go past the cameras). This must be the case, otherwise there would be a policeman fining the people that are not keeping a safe distance.

Double demerits were introduced to reduce the road death toll. Has it? Well, we will then introduce it more often. Has it really reduced the road toll?

Lane discipline seems to be ignored as there is no cheap way to police it. Lazy people sitting in the right hand lane when they could easily merge left just shows that they are lazy drivers or have a poor ability to judge speed and distance.

I feel that these self appointed speed police that will sit in the right hand lane because they think they are doing the maximum speed limit are not really trying to make it safer - they are just lazy.

For what its worth I don't generally speed, but I also make an effort not to sit in the right hand lane.

VIC, 5904 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:07PM
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The single most anoying and dangerous thing today on the roads in Victoria is. Drivers that do not dip their Head lights early enough ,or at all in some cases.

This is brought about by the current Law which is something like " must dip lights within 150 mtrs of another car "

This law is crap!

When I was taught to drive , as soon as you could see the glow of a tail light , or head light even if it was miles ahead of you.. you would dip the headlights.

There.... been wanting to broadcast that for a long time.

NSW, 517 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:24PM
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Ian K said...

Which raises another point.
Why is there an expectation that you should squeeze into the left hand lane for a tailgater while traveling at the speed limit on a double lane road when both lanes are reasonably full?

This is where the whole problem starts,both lanes should never be reasonably full. You overtake and then move over to the left, how can this small amount of courtesy be so difficult for some people

VIC, 4982 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:23PM
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When conditions are that simple you're absolutely correct.

On my trips down the coast the freeway is often full but moving well.

You have the left lane sitting on 95 and the right lane sitting on 100. There's a fairly sold stream of traffic ahead.

A car pulls in close behind me close on my tail. I maintain my speed, passing the slower cars and pull over at the first sizable gap.

The other guy accelerates up to the car in front and continues pushing. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in the slow lane with no real chance to get back into the right lane.

That situation happens all the time. The guy in the right lane is the road hog and indulging in all sorts of anti-social and illegal behaviour.

The road system is exactly that, a system. Nobody has any rights, only responsibilities.

(Actually we do have one right. The right to be able to travel without being harassed by thugs armed with offensive weapons. It's odd that there are people who think intimidation and harassment is ok on the road, and in surf breaks.)

WA, 14670 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:11PM
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Gorgo said...

When conditions are that simple you're absolutely correct.

The other guy accelerates up to the car in front and continues pushing. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in the slow lane with no real chance to get back into the right lane.

That situation happens all the time. The guy in the right lane is the road hog and indulging in all sorts of anti-social and illegal behaviour.

I agree totally, and in that scenario its not fun. It encourages people to bunch even closer too as they are worried about losing their 'spot'.

I find that if you head north from Sydney on the F3 the same thing happens, and it drives me nuts (as in annoying me, not as in psychotic). The people in the right will vary from 80kms to 120kms/h, but never more than 5m apart, while the people in the middle cruise along at a reasonably steady speed.

If they are within 10kms of the speed limit I will generally pull in there and relax instead of competing with the nutbags in the right hand lane.

In a complete contrast to normal thinking I think some roads would do better as a single lane instead of 2 or three, as long as people were forced to sit within a certain percentage of the same speed and a reasonable distance apart.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:40PM
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I agree FormulaNova, single lanes, take away any thoughts of lane changing altogether.

They had one in Canberra - the GDE - A single lane each way for a couple of kilometers. Concrete barrier separating oncoming traffic the whole way, no prospect of overtaking at all . You could rightfully sit on the 80kph limit and nobody could pass.
Everybody except me hated it, I think they've recently widened it.

A pity concrete has such a carbon footprint, otherwise those barriers could solve most of the traffic problems.

WA, 14670 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:12PM
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Ian K said...

I agree FormulaNova, single lanes, take away any thoughts of lane changing altogether.

They had one in Canberra - the GDE - A single lane each way for a couple of kilometers. Concrete barrier separating oncoming traffic the whole way, no prospect of overtaking at all . You could rightfully sit on the 80kph limit and nobody could pass.
Everybody except me hated it, I think they've recently widened it.

A pity concrete has such a carbon footprint, otherwise those barriers could solve most of the traffic problems.

Hey Ian, how well did it work in practice?

I think I would rather have a single lane that bypassed traffic lights and had a speed limit of 60ks, as long as it meant your average speed was the same or faster.

I also think that freeways have too many on ramps and other crazy ideas...

WA, 444 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:36PM
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teabaggin said...

Ian K said...

Which raises another point.
Why is there an expectation that you should squeeze into the left hand lane for a tailgater while traveling at the speed limit on a double lane road when both lanes are reasonably full?

This is where the whole problem starts,both lanes should never be reasonably full. You overtake and then move over to the left, how can this small amount of courtesy be so difficult for some people

That's wrong. Both lanes are often reasonably full. There's a limit to the volume of cars a road can fit - in busy times heaps of roads are full in both lanes going at or below the speed limit just to move the number of cars that need to get through.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
8 Sep 2010 9:40PM
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At peak hr it did slow down as cars got too close together, but they moved along at a steady pace, no traffic lights and only one on ramp to contend with. It was unusual to build a freeway in two stages . They had issues with green protests, turning the first sod and funding I suppose. One lane each way to start with but a freeway in every other respect.

Possibly a necessity at present but is building all freeways and bridges to cope a traffic jam of 30 ton semis the way to go?
A couple of lightly engineered single lane freeways scattered about in the urban system, limited to be used by 800kg * 1.5 metre wide passenger vehicles, would soon get us into smaller vehicles. Save fossil fuel and despite a bit of duplication maybe engineering costs in the long term.

VIC, 702 posts
9 Sep 2010 8:27AM
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Freddofrog said...
Not everyone has the same level of experience, capability or equipment. They may be a new parent with a new born and are being extra cautious or a senior citizen whose relexes aren't as fast as a 30yr old and hence drive accordingly. They maybe going to a dinner party and their wife next to them is gingerly holding a bowl of vindaloo curry. There are many reasons why people don't necessarily travel at the MAXIMUM speed limit, and not just a wet freeway.

Actually i was mostly talking about peak hour traffic... where 99% of the drivers are single person of middle age demographic (say mid 20ties to early 50ies) - at least from what i've observed. Haven't seen any babies or similar. Most such drivers just travel to work to city or other suburbs. Being exposed to ridiculous congestions in especially last few weeks... i'm talking about average speed 25ks before the city being 20-30 kph on a 100km limit freeway (with periods of standstill traffic)... at no point does the traffic move above 60kmh during the whole 25 kilometers... and all this just after 6 AM... I really don't know if this is just overpopulation issue. In most cases i don't see any valid reasons for having to slow down... in most cases no broken down cars on the side of the road, no sun, no rain... which is why i still maintain: too many lazy and unfocused drivers on our roads...!

VIC, 702 posts
9 Sep 2010 8:31AM
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Gorgo said...
Many drivers think in terms of getting from A to B as quickly as possible. They have an expectation of a right to use the road in a way that gets them around quickly. That leads to all the bad stuff.

I think the responsibility of the driver is to get from A to B as safely and smoothly as possible. Speed and travel time is completely irrelevant. This means avoiding bad behaviours, not doing stupid stuff, not taking the bait when dick heads do stupid things, not stressing out. Arriving places relaxed and comfortable.

that's true. But i think it's not unreasonable to have expectation for traffic to move at least close to the speed limit (practicing precaution in risky conditions is all fine). Problem is when you are faced with having to go 50-60 kms under the speed limit all the time even during times when the traffic should flow smoothly, then it tells me something is not right there...

VIC, 702 posts
9 Sep 2010 8:40AM
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nick0 said...

anny one who uses the line ..... speed cameras are just to raise $$$$ is a tool
speed cameras are only used to prevent speeding. (or punish them)if no on speed then they would be around .. .. slowing down when thiers a ton of glare or the road is wet ..isnt that the right thing to do ... drive to the conditions. if you speed u run the risk of being caught or

they are not there just to raise $$$$... but that's definitelly one of the reasons. I can show you numerous cameras strategically placed in completely safe spots only because they are well hidden in such spots and there is large traffic flow, with likelihood of cars going slightly over... I have also seen some horribly dangerous roads out of town with way too high speed limits... but obviously there is low traffic flow so who cares about those spots...

again, just to clarify, no one is talking about illegaly speeding or unsafe driving... this thread is about getting drivers to pick up their act a bit and engage when driving... improve the efficiency on roads (which is presently below reasonable - especially comparing to some other countries)...

NSW, 9202 posts
9 Sep 2010 2:11PM
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I don't care if I'm a few minutes late anymore. Everyone's in such a rush to get somewhere to probably do nothing important anyway. It's rare you're truly late for a plane.

60Km trip to work.
@average speed of 100Km/h = 36 minutes
@average speed of 90Km/h = 40 minutes

Who gives a **** about 4 minutes?


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