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Bushfire surprise?

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2019
Chris 249
NSW, 3331 posts
21 Nov 2019 11:16AM
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FormulaNova said..

Chris 249 said..
The farmers - the ones who are out there every day and who have long records of rainfall, temperature etc - are saying that the climate has changed and they are putting their money on it.

I agree that these people should know better than me, as they are actually there, and see the effects of lack of rainfall.

I am also a bit of a skeptic in that i think Australia has such a variety of weather patterns, and even if this is an extreme event, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't end up in a couple of wet years a little down the track.

Human nature being what it is, a drought and everyone talking about climate change could convince anyone that its the result of climate change, so does it mean a lot?

Of course, I am also 100% behind the idea that we should assume that climate change is happening and reduce our emissions of carbon and push for more renewables.

Yep, you're dead right that the fact that country people are saying that the climate has changed doesn't prove that it has. But what it definitely DOES prove is that the people who say "the only people who believe in climate change are gullible inner-city greeny weirdos" are liars.

VIC, 3398 posts
24 Nov 2019 11:45PM
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Back to doing fire stuff again with 32 lightning strikes resulting in major fires that you won't here about. Ours went from 10 ha to 100 ha in a day and after 3 days of trying to contain is now 1000 ha . Some of the best dry fire wood here. Had LAT,fixed and helli drops which slowed but not stopped the spread. Grunts on ground ,back burning and a few dozer lines might hold this one. Not a drone or any other crazy ideas seen in the area . 31 to go

NSW, 399 posts
25 Nov 2019 12:53PM
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kato said..
Back to doing fire stuff again with 32 lightning strikes resulting in major fires that you won't here about. Ours went from 10 ha to 100 ha in a day and after 3 days of trying to contain is now 1000 ha . Some of the best dry fire wood here. Had LAT,fixed and helli drops which slowed but not stopped the spread. Grunts on ground ,back burning and a few dozer lines might hold this one. Not a drone or any other crazy ideas seen in the area . 31 to go

Stay safe Kato..... You guys have a hella tough job!

QLD, 6806 posts
25 Nov 2019 4:31PM
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kato said..
Back to doing fire stuff again with 32 lightning strikes resulting in major fires that you won't here about. Ours went from 10 ha to 100 ha in a day and after 3 days of trying to contain is now 1000 ha . Some of the best dry fire wood here. Had LAT,fixed and helli drops which slowed but not stopped the spread. Grunts on ground ,back burning and a few dozer lines might hold this one. Not a drone or any other crazy ideas seen in the area . 31 to go

Interesting will be to know what exactly resources you may need to prevent fire from spreading from 10ha to 100 in a first day.
Lets imagine that you are army general responsible to win this battle. What resources you must order to make sure in given condition you win on the first day?
No firetrucks= ?
No people on ground?
Helicopters ?
Planes ?
anything else
Obviously ideally if we could stop alway the fire from spreading at this very first moment. Obviously I have also no idea if that is even always possible but I imagine then trying to contain now 1000 ha must be now even more straining.

VIC, 3398 posts
25 Nov 2019 10:21PM
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Had all and it still got larger. Some days you just can't stop the fire......ever.
We......all people need to accept that there will be times that bushfires are unstoppable. Some on this thread are STILL in fairy land about our ability to solve a problem that is unsolveable

Think of your best fire wood lying out on the ground and 1 burning leaf ignites a 150mm thick lump of wood in 20 sec. That was today's situation with multiple spot overs across our control line. No we didn't win. Tomorrow we'll have another go until it stays inside our lines

QLD, 6806 posts
25 Nov 2019 11:38PM
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In such case only solid rain may help us. Chinese claim that could provoke rain at will, but there is not really way to verify it.

WA, 14636 posts
25 Nov 2019 10:09PM
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Macroscien said..
In such case only solid rain may help us. Chinese claim that could provoke rain at will, but there is not really way to verify it.

Do we need a mountain range similar to Tibet first? Is that part of SloMo's infrastructure budget?

1972 posts
28 Nov 2019 4:45AM
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A 19 year old POS arsonist who started 7 of those larger fires!!!!! According to the press here in the U.S., you've got to be kidding me, and he's a volunteer fireman who happens to be a pyromaniac. He should get life in jail when you consider all the damage and lives lost. They showed a clip of some lady running out into a forest, still on fire, to rescue a Koala, the poor thing, all burned up, it had to be put out of his misery.
As a former fireman myself, I HATE PYROS!!!!

Mr Milk
NSW, 2978 posts
28 Nov 2019 8:35AM
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Your news has its facts mixed up. The young guy was arrested in Bega, far south coast of NSW about 1000 or so km from the major fires. What he lit has been controlled, I think.
One of the big fires inland from Coffs Harbour was lit by a local dope grower who decided to protect his plants by doing a little clearing burn around them and it got away. He's about 50 years old and I expect he'll be closer to 60 when he gets released

1972 posts
28 Nov 2019 9:13AM
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I'm not surprised, I've actually lost a lot of faith in our mainstream media here in the states a long time ago.
But pyros should still get life or close to it if anyone died due to their maniac behavior. The pot grower, not being a pyromaniac, should get a lessor sentence, but lock him up for sure. His pot plants probably burned, which would be ironic.

VIC, 1619 posts
6 Dec 2019 1:40AM
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VIC, 1619 posts
6 Dec 2019 1:57AM
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Feminazi don't bother calling the firey''s when your home is about to cop it, that way they won't beat their wives,,. FFS

holy guacamole
1393 posts
6 Dec 2019 4:55AM
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^ My goodness that's so ridiculous. Nutters.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2978 posts
6 Dec 2019 8:11AM
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Good old youtube, where you can quote out of context other people's quoting out of context to build up your personal grudge.
As for his claim that women take shelter with their kids while the men fight fires, a counterfactual is at one of the local bushfire brigades the captain is a middle aged lady.

883 posts
6 Dec 2019 9:25AM
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Does this middle aged lady go home after work and bash her husband or partner? Or is it just firemen that do that

Can a greens supporter help us out with this?

holy guacamole
1393 posts
6 Dec 2019 10:27AM
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I suppose the real question we should be asking, is between all the husband bashing and the firefighting, when do the housewives have time to do the ironing ?!

357 posts
7 Dec 2019 4:16AM
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Mr Milk said..
Your news has its facts mixed up. The young guy was arrested in Bega, far south coast of NSW about 1000 or so km from the major fires. What he lit has been controlled, I think.
One of the big fires inland from Coffs Harbour was lit by a local dope grower who decided to protect his plants by doing a little clearing burn around them and it got away. He's about 50 years old and I expect he'll be closer to 60 when he gets released

Another fire in the north was caused by a guy who quietly tried to gas himself in his car in a forest. Someone came along and tried to save him so he sped away, hit a tree, killed himself and caused a fire which was quickly contained by the firies, council and weed authority staff, and locals with their own gear.

Further west some lowlife crims stole a car, got chased, wrecked it in bush, stole another At knifepoint and then got caught - and started several fires while on the run to try to put off pursuit.

I sort of feel sorry for the pyro who was caught by the army Blackhawk chopper; not something you would expect or could run from.

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Dec 2019 9:56PM
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How US can now detect bushfires in few minutes?
Let buy technology from them now!

sun fun
97 posts
24 Aug 2020 5:25PM
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I guess those pesky lefties have been stopping controlled burns and ordering lightning strikes in California again!

Ban lefties now.

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Aug 2020 7:28PM
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PeterDutton said..
I guess those pesky lefties have been stopping controlled burns and ordering lightning strikes in California again!

Ban lefties now.

Excellent idea, well said.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2978 posts
24 Aug 2020 11:00PM
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Trump says "California, ... you're fired"


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bushfire surprise?" started by Macroscien