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Climate science. Latest findings.

Created by Ian K > 9 months ago, 19 Nov 2019
WA, 7289 posts
8 Dec 2019 8:52PM
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psychomub said..

Macroscien said..

So conclusion could be such that we either:
1.Need to learn to live at higher temperature world, and adjust accordingly
2. Reverse released CO2 to pre industrial level ?? If that is even possible ? Can we dump this all coal and gas extracted over a century - back to Earth, where is was?
For realistically thinking person the second option is very doubtful, regardless of amounts of solar panels and wind turbines, or level of taxes introduced by governments on people.
The most scary scenarion is still to happen soon when deposits of frozen methane will be released from the bottom of the ocean.

I would say we better be prepared, not constantly surprised ( like with our bushfires that pop up unexpected ?)

Uhh, 60 parts per million of a minute trace gas warms the whole planet?

Utter BS.

The planet has been much, much hotter than it is today.

Here are two of many average temperature graphs I have - raw data.

Ups and downs, but no major change in average.

What has happened in the last 20 years???

442 posts
9 Dec 2019 3:29AM
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hilly said..

psychomub said..

Macroscien said..

So conclusion could be such that we either:
1.Need to learn to live at higher temperature world, and adjust accordingly
2. Reverse released CO2 to pre industrial level ?? If that is even possible ? Can we dump this all coal and gas extracted over a century - back to Earth, where is was?
For realistically thinking person the second option is very doubtful, regardless of amounts of solar panels and wind turbines, or level of taxes introduced by governments on people.
The most scary scenarion is still to happen soon when deposits of frozen methane will be released from the bottom of the ocean.

I would say we better be prepared, not constantly surprised ( like with our bushfires that pop up unexpected ?)

Uhh, 60 parts per million of a minute trace gas warms the whole planet?

Utter BS.

The planet has been much, much hotter than it is today.

Here are two of many average temperature graphs I have - raw data.

Ups and downs, but no major change in average.

What has happened in the last 20 years???

A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Dec 2019 9:42AM
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psychomub said..

A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

I wonder what sort of evidences you want to see, that could convince you, it is for real?
Boiling water in ocean?Problem of climate change is more social them one may think.Most of the people effected - are billions living in flooded areas, tarnished by hurricanes, sweating in hot. They could hardly afford to do anything to change their position, but on another hand have no voice at all.People that lead the world - can afford everything and survive avery catastrophe on their luxury yachts or underground bunkers.They don't really carry what is going on , because they could survive any conditions. If not here , take a next rocket to the Mars and starts everything from scratch.Buy you, me and most others can not. If Australian billionaire will dig half of the country belly open - don't really care about anything else but stock prices and shares. If you complain too much , he can give you job in cleaning his messy business. As one of the drilling company said about possible oil spill at ocean - will provide plenty of opportunity for locals to clean beaches! Mean jobs for you ! Summarizing: billions are negatively effected by CC but billionaires not at all.

How much it cost you to place fake add in newspaper you own , versus doing something in real that could negatively effect you business profits ? We are still lucky thata SB owners are not greedy, but it may change soon. One day one of those billionaires could come and make an offer to to be refused - buy SB as whole. Could happen that billionaire find love in kiting and now need to enforce their voice to our sailing community (?) I hope that you are not paid yet for the critics ?

442 posts
9 Dec 2019 7:49AM
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Macroscien said..

psychomub said..

A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

I wonder what sort of evidences you want to see, that could convince you, it is for real?
Boiling water in ocean?Problem of climate change is more social them one may think.Most of the people effected - are billions living in flooded areas, tarnished by hurricanes, sweating in hot. They could hardly afford to do anything to change their position, but on another hand have no voice at all.People that lead the world - can afford everything and survive avery catastrophe on their luxury yachts or underground bunkers.They don't really carry what is going on , because they could survive any conditions. If not here , take a next rocket to the Mars and starts everything from scratch.Buy you, me and most others can not. If Australian billionaire will dig half of the country belly open - don't really care about anything else but stock prices and shares. If you complain too much , he can give you job in cleaning his messy business. As one of the drilling company said about possible oil spill at ocean - will provide plenty of opportunity for locals to clean beaches! Mean jobs for you ! Summarizing: billions are negatively effected by CC but billionaires not at all.

Billions are living in flooded areas because the planet is overpopulated and people are building cities on known floodplains.

Contrary to hysterical claims ( especially those made after Katrina) there aren't more hurricanes and cyclones.

WA, 7289 posts
9 Dec 2019 8:06AM
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psychomub said.. A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

Hmmm maybe not. This is global not your village.

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Dec 2019 10:10AM
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psychomub said..

Billions are living in flooded areas because...

... because they may have no other option? Couldn't afford batch at ski field ? Can have a job other that this billionaire create in this overpopulated area for them? Billionaire will create job where is plenty of cheap labour - overpopulated cities - not at empty outback. Remember that those billionaires now our gods and blessing by providing job opportunity for everyone.Without that the world will die, people don't have anything to do at all.The point I am trying to make is that people as humanity could adjust to any changes -by simple definition of intelligence.But they need some means to do so. So I would rather direct the flow of the green money not to reverse what is already impossible - pump co2 inground, cool the earth air and ocean , stop wind but smart planning and adaptation. Venice and New Orlean need to finish their protection from sea levy, people from Delhi opportunity to move inland, Sydney and Melbourne relocate people beyond Ballarat.Sometimes you don't need even money but to brake red tape.People could not relocate from Melbourne, Sydney , Brisbane to outback for purely bureaucratic reason. Farm like mine > 50 Ha - is classified as commercial and no other lendings for banks apply but commercial ( residential rates are lower and interest too) .Government do not allow to reclassify those rural blocks - by splitting them into smaller parcels too.Sudden availability of cheap land could ruin high home prices in the cities! But the main interest is to keep house prices high , not lower them. Land is main factor - but there is shortage of that land in the least populated continent on Earth. So climate discussion is not so much ecologica but economical.
Does protesters in Paris take care about effects of burning machinery on climate change and air pollution?
Maybe not enough, So billionaires that could not fight back due to protection by free speech etc could fine those people for air pollution, The strict low and penalties are already there , waiting to strike those crowds. every big factory may have a limit how much could emit pollution for free but there is not such thing on burning public differ and buses.

Many may not appreciate complexity / simplicity of the problem. It is no longer plan for the future of the society or planet but plan to win election - whatever it takes. For now you don't need to win votes because you could buy them.

442 posts
9 Dec 2019 10:55AM
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Yep, that looks scary , until you read that it is not actual temperature. It is temperature relative to the 1951-1980 average.

Why the need for a control period and why this time period?

Because it was a cooler period , so makes the results look warmer.

Very dishonest"science".

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hilly said..

psychomub said.. A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

Hmmm maybe not. This is global not your village.

WA, 7289 posts
9 Dec 2019 11:56AM
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psychomub said..
Yep, that looks scary , until you read that it is not actual temperature. It is temperature relative to the 1951-1980 average.

Why the need for a control period and why this time period?

Because it was a cooler period , so makes the results look warmer.

Very dishonest"science".

hilly said..

psychomub said.. A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

Hmmm maybe not. This is global not your village.

You missed the point. I was replying to the comment about not much happening in the last 20 years. When in fact it had.

WA, 7289 posts
9 Dec 2019 12:12PM
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psychomub said..
Yep, that looks scary , until you read that it is not actual temperature. It is temperature relative to the 1951-1980 average.

This one is a bit longer and has an animation

1196 posts
9 Dec 2019 4:13PM
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Macroscien said..

psychomub said..

Billions are living in flooded areas because...

... because they may have no other option? Couldn't afford batch at ski field ? Can have a job other that this billionaire create in this overpopulated area for them? Billionaire will create job where is plenty of cheap labour - overpopulated cities - not at empty outback. Remember that those billionaires now our gods and blessing by providing job opportunity for everyone.Without that the world will die, people don't have anything to do at all.The point I am trying to make is that people as humanity could adjust to any changes -by simple definition of intelligence.But they need some means to do so. So I would rather direct the flow of the green money not to reverse what is already impossible - pump co2 inground, cool the earth air and ocean , stop wind -

You lost me at "stop wind"


442 posts
9 Dec 2019 5:08PM
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hilly said..

psychomub said..
Yep, that looks scary , until you read that it is not actual temperature. It is temperature relative to the 1951-1980 average.

Why the need for a control period and why this time period?

Because it was a cooler period , so makes the results look warmer.

Very dishonest"science".

hilly said..

psychomub said.. A little more warming - nothing out of the ordinary , though.

Hmmm maybe not. This is global not your village.

You missed the point. I was replying to the comment about not much happening in the last 20 years. When in fact it had.

Less than half a degree!!

If they had used a warmer period for the control, then the graph wouldn't show much at all.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2936 posts
9 Dec 2019 8:23PM
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It would still show that 1880-1940 was cooler than 1951-80, so why do you think that 1951-80 was a cool period?

QLD, 6806 posts
9 Dec 2019 7:36PM
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mazdon said..
You lost me at "stop wind"sacrilege!!!

ychomub said..

Yep, you have got me. I have no idea either what I really did want to stop here. Unfortunately, the spark of my genius is very quick/ brisk/short. Now I am back on the farm and have no idea what you people are talking about at all. All I could see: grass is dry, cattle hungry but happy now with fresh carrots treat, dams are dry. The sky looks like going to get wet, thunders loud, but not a drop so far.

looks like a case of

for me or Hulk at least. Can't help you, man.
Now I am happy to be plain, bloke Aussie farmer, get a fix on a barbed wire not world peace of mind.

That is me waiting. Radars don't lie, but I can't see anything falling from the sky. Those Hulk and Batmans could squeeze this stupid cloud to give me my rain now!

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 12:42AM
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I am all for looking at climate science but a lot of what is being put forward is climate fiction. A lot of these so called "climate scientists" choose to ignore recorded data and just prattle on about their computer modelling.

Many or most scientists are paid by grants from people like the Rockerfellers, the Rothschilds or George Soros who give them the outcome they want and tell the "scientists" to cobble together the evidence to support it. Oil and energy companies do the same.

Lets look at the science from independant scientists who don't have a barrow to push.

Macroscien!! It is the billionaires that are pushing the climate change agenda.

1979 posts
9 Dec 2019 10:56PM
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Idiot ^^^^^^

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:28AM
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Following me around again hoop and what an intelligent comment. Is that the best you have??

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:33AM
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VIC, 161 posts
10 Dec 2019 9:09AM
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cisco said..

So this clip is brought to you by the heartland institute.
Quick Google shows who they are and interestingly that they spent time lobbying for Phillip Morris and against government health regulation. Says it all....

WA, 7289 posts
10 Dec 2019 7:53AM
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hoop said..
Idiot ^^^^^^


145 posts
10 Dec 2019 8:47AM
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hilly said..

hoop said..
Idiot ^^^^^^



QLD, 6806 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:20PM
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cisco said..

It is hard to understand what these people are fighting about. Regardless if it is global cooling or warming or both at the same time- burning fossil fuels doesn't make sense if you could substitute now with solar and wind, Definitely it is cleaner and healthier for the environment and all of us. Now those cleaner technologies are even cheaper, more economical.At least, as long as you will find another bunch of idiots trying to prove otherwise. Electric cars are here to stay, solar panel too, regardless of how much opponents do spend trying to prevent or slow down.Even Arabs did sell the biggest oil-producing company in order to invest in other technologies, I will not be surprised if they will cover Sahara with solar panels, build HVDC cables to Europe for that money. For Australia, it may serve a lesson that profits from coal and gas may fall down and prepare back plan.OOops. Australia is not profiting from coal and gas because is giving away for free- so shouldn't affect us at all falling fossil fuel market.But will be interesting to know if there is any long term profit written into biggest on Earth solar farm planned for Nothern Territories. I will not be surprised if all profits are taxed again in tax heavens all Australia have in return is some shade for sunshine.BTW. This bunch of expert idiots is missing a point. Weather and climate did change over the years, nobody disputes that. But the point is that in the past it just happen by itself and this time HUMAN did/provoked this change. It may be a huge difference for the planet future if humans as now affecting the planet on this scale.To illustrate an example. All people do die eventually. But it makes a difference if they do die due to natural process or you just kill them.

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:32PM
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Oh, you weren't fussed on day one.

Here is day two.

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:35PM
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Here is a bonus one.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Dec 2019 1:55PM
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cisco said..
Here is a bonus one.

Yep. There is absolutely one main thesis these experts now try to prove. Humans have no absolutely any effect on anything that is going on on our planet. None at all. Earth with or without humans will or did behave always the same. Regardless of what we do or don't. So why to bother or be a worry at all?From a scientific point of view, there is also a big/ serious mistake in their arguments. Their all expertise and knowledge confine now to simple pattern spotting and extrapolation. If something happens before in must happen again exactly the same way. If that was true then HISTORY as a subject will extend from past to future, But no. Futurism is something completely different,. Prediction of the future may have no basis/precedence in the past at all. This is a simple test for those " experts" . If they could spot pattern and predict - lets them play the stock market or forex. Then their skill in prediction will be instantly verified ( negated - because will all money behind and expertise those simple things can not be predicted or even modeled precisely)

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
10 Dec 2019 2:59PM
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Try reading this stuff

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Dec 2019 2:22PM
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You could illustrate mistakes those denaying experts are doing on the most recent disaster. Volcanoes do explode from time to time, Nobody's fault. But if one-day humans invent a "The earthquake machine " that could initiate a volcano explosion on demand - it will make a huge difference. If you run this machine that will wipe half of the united states where the biggest volcano of all is hiding - then you could no longer claim that is a natural disaster. What Greta is already trying to convey: we are maybe already procuring "the earthquake machine" and the climate maybe just one of the least important effects.

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 3:05PM
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If you are going to blindly accept the words of an uneducated and deeply troubled teenager with serious mental health issues over the verified evidence and conclusions of a battery of highly respected and qualified scientists...........????.......... then I think you have serious mental health issues.

QLD, 12321 posts
10 Dec 2019 3:08PM
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I did but I find Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield more amusing.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Dec 2019 3:50PM
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cisco said..
If you are going to blindly accept the words of an uneducated and deeply troubled teenager with serious mental health issues over the verified evidence and conclusions of a battery of highly respected and qualified scientists...........????.......... then I think you have serious mental health issues.

No, vice verse. I am surprised that a young person has this ability to perceive things these hardcore people can not. I agree there are high paid scientists, taking numbers, recording things but their conclusions are completely wrong. The recent White Island explosion is the best example of your well-paid scientist's expertise. Your well-paid experts did foresee nothing, people died. Same here. The main reason for my annoyance is the fact they do claim complete antithesis to what I believe.They do claim that Earth is so big that whatever you do, doesn't make any difference or effect.You drop plastic bottles to the ocean and the ocean is so big that nobody never sees your bottle again. But that is not true.
I do claim that geoengineering is possible. But my vision is about positive geoengineering, not the harmful ones.I believe that we could change the climate of Australia, irrigate and moisture. Your experts will say that whatever you do Australia remains dry as pepper. If humans can effect Erth in the wrong way, why not to try a change in a positive outcome? Elon Musk is talking seriously about converting the whole planet ( Mars) to Earth-like, restoring atmosphere etc.Now people will attack small kid that is unable to defend herself. Give me one fact from those hours of wasted time antipropaganda that matter. This whole show is like magician smartly turning your attention, while poking Christmas bunny from the hat.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Dec 2019 4:14PM
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cisco said..
then I think you have serious mental health issues.

in absence of any rational arguments that is the way? smack the kid, abuse the other? Can you provide a SINGLE VALID fact or argument from your experts vomits? Your only argument is such that these are "professionals" so you must trust them even if you do not understand anything. Remind me religious devotes, where belief is everything they could offer.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Climate science. Latest findings." started by Ian K