Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 31 May 2017
WA, 7671 posts
10 Nov 2017 10:52PM
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busterwa said..
Hi mia. I was just wondering why crypto trader didnt tell you that?

...and you'd think a 2-headed user could figure out its self talk.

Crypto says his imaginary friend is awesome

1221 posts
11 Nov 2017 7:55AM
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The prices are schit drop em or I wont take you out dancing

NSW, 9202 posts
11 Nov 2017 12:13PM
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Oh for...

I knew this exact conversation would be going on.

Bitcoin Cash is being artificially pumped. Why do I say that? Because the vast majority of the trades are happening on one exchange. In Korea.

See that 2.2m there?

This thread has gone to the dogs. Members that have joined SeaBreeze specifically for this one thread are ...well, say no more. It's low quality.

Heavy Weather in 5, 4, 3 ...

WA, 647 posts
11 Nov 2017 1:30PM
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its certainly the wild west of "markets"

why korea? the korean volumes jumped on BTC when china shut down so i guess its chinese driven again...

nah leave it open although Mia is boring as bat**** compared to cryptoboy. hopefully he comes back sans the memes.

NSW, 1737 posts
11 Nov 2017 5:47PM
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Looks like mia90 has been hacked by another clone ICO website and disappeared into the ether.

$2B of Bitcoin Cash has been traded in Korea in the last 24 hours (total traded value is $4.62B) and its market cap is $16B.

It appears that trading volumes are as extreme as the price volatility.

3777 posts
11 Nov 2017 3:00PM
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Hi mia

Ive been sent here from plannet PSR1257 + 12 B next to the plannet PSR1257 + 12 C behind 51 Pegasi b

Where do you sit ?your muppet money itself seems ok. The probem is people like yourself who trade it.

WA, 499 posts
11 Nov 2017 3:36PM
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I sold my house and 2 cars and put everything into bitcoin last week with Coinjar. Took a while to get verified but looking forward to rises coming. So glad for this thread to tell me where to invest. Retirement will be awesome. Thanks Crypto and Panda. :)

NSW, 1737 posts
11 Nov 2017 6:43PM
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I wonder who will have the last laugh!

WA, 499 posts
11 Nov 2017 3:50PM
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I should be a multi millionaire in 3-27 days. Statistics don't lie you "Normie"

I am part of the Hodlrs now. What could possibly go wrong?

WA, 499 posts
11 Nov 2017 3:58PM
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What happened to the girl that the Cryptodude was talking through like a medium. She may have subjectively made me sell my house, cars, children to buy BTC instead of BCH. I feel like a victim. Hypnosis is real.

WA, 499 posts
11 Nov 2017 4:16PM
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I can't wait to be rich. Just by a digital coin. This is all I want. Something so simple and cheap with my newfound crypto wealth that is coming soon. I don't want to blow my Bitcoins away, just something practical.


WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 2:51PM
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I'm losing everything. It's only been 12 hours. But I'm a Hodlr. Bitcoin cash vs Bitcoin Hipsters. This **** is for real.

In one day Bitcoin cash is taking it all. Who would of thought this type of thing could happen in such a volatile piece of ****.

But I sold at the dip and bought BCH while I was high. Just got a new house. It's OK. Plumbing sux though.

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 2:57PM
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If only I bought the BCH instead of the BTC. I'd be rich right now.

Fat keyboard fingers.

This is obviously the future of money with 400% increases in a week. (Get ****ed)

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 2:59PM
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Better get them miners working through the blocks "you" want.

Bitcoin is broken as proven right now.

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:00PM
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Hence the need to upgrade.

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:09PM
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Regardless whether BTC or BCH come out on top.

Right now BTC is broken, the mempool is flooded for days. Your money is frozen. The miners are making more money from huge transaction fees than solving rewards for BTC block. When the difficulty changes for BCH and they maybe swarm back to BTC, this **** is out of control.

Decentralised, fee-less P2P currency. At it's current state...

What an absolute joke.

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:11PM
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Honestly I don't have any Cryptos but it is fascinating to watch.
So I still live in a house.

883 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:18PM
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For the crypto money buyers

I have some really some cool powerband bracelets you might be interested in

3777 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:22PM
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I went to the bank to make a payment told them I had bitcoin they said Wheres your money?

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:23PM
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Oh yeah.

Are they the ones with magnets? I mean, How do they work? Magnets. Wow.

Will I become rich too? Are Bit coins Cash magnetic?

3777 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:24PM
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I used real money to buy Virtual money. lol

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:29PM
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Funniest thing is some people are making 100's of millions, if not billions, just like that.

The big boys are in town now. They are playing the game and your hodling is pointless now.

WA, 499 posts
12 Nov 2017 3:30PM
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Not just playing, but making the rules up as they go along.

QLD, 2043 posts
12 Nov 2017 7:31PM
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Windpasser said..
Not just playing, but making the rules up as they go along.

Hey Windpasser, why don't you give it a rest mate?

We all know where you stand mate but know one knows what's going to happen with Crypto,s.

But it's been one hell of a ride so far

3777 posts
12 Nov 2017 6:04PM
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Why dont you Cryptos give it a rest. Your on here promising millions to be made and promoting your crypto to jumping your way up the pyramid like a single mum selling Tupperware..
You set yourself in the bitcoin pyramid and market to people below you promising wealth to create the demand.
Im pretty sure I know what will happen. People on-top take from the people on the bottom before the demise.

NSW, 4521 posts
13 Nov 2017 12:01PM
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gyevlPanda said..

Harrow said..
Is Bitcoin actually linked to anything of measurable value yet, or does it continue on it's own merry way, untethered to anything of intrinsic worth with it's only driver being the level of hyperbole contained on various bulletin boards?

money is weird. what is the intrinsic value of money?

My point is that the value of money is pretty well established. Cost of labour, food, and many other things are pretty steady and are tightly linked through a regulated system. I know if I work for a day I will earn a certain number of $$$, and can tell you pretty well how much food or other stuff that will buy me. It has a lot of stabilising momentum and changes gradually by only a few percent each year as things adjust and balance.

Compare that to a crypto currency that has no real reference, is not linked to anything real, and is just bouncing around the room with no justification for any particular price. It could go up or down by 1000% and neither movement would be any more valid than another. (Actually, in opinion any value is invalid.)

Stocks can vary a lot, but in the end there is always some level of fundamental analysis that can peg their value to some definable range.

Comparing crypto to a real-estate bubble is nonsense. People need to live, can afford a certain amount of money for housing, and there is a genuine supply/demand curve based on tangible things....amount of land, population, etc. Is there a real-estate bubble? Maybe, but we're still just talking about annual changes of 10% or 20% at the extreme, not 1000%.

Crypto is as dodgy as you could get. Still, it's quite an amusing demonstration of human psychology, as are Crypto's rants.

WA, 647 posts
13 Nov 2017 9:51AM
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Harrow your beef with crypto per se is actually a beef with the clearly broken market mechanism that currently determines its price.

Crypto markets are clearly completely silly.

However a select few cryptos like BTC potentially have their place alongside gold IMHO against what is these days a fundamentally shakey fiat currency system. Ignorance is for now at least bliss on this front.

For now i have faith that the market will sort itself out eventually once things like real shorting ability (not just a drop in the ocean stuff like there is now).

Crazy swings will iron out and price stability which is one of the cornerstones of a currency system will become the norm. Crypto boy will have to employ his strong hands in a regular day job.

If not it will go the way of cowrie shells.

Meanwhile in ICO land its even worse -

Our little insight that is powerledger coins was at one stage as high at $US 70M market cap (now about $55). Its got $34M cash from mug punters and what will now be a steadily building cash drain chasing unquantified blue sky opportunities.

Sounds all too familiar to me.

Extrapolate that across the entire "ecosystem" 2.0 crash here we come

WA, 499 posts
13 Nov 2017 12:39PM
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So much for Crypto having Strong Hands, hey Mr Iron Fist?

Looks like he swapped teams pretty quick.

This Cryptocurrency is becoming a joke. Flooded mempools with stuck transactions, Factions fighting each other that are forks of the same coin.

Everyone is reading the same websites and getting the same info.

The influence is real. Crypto is becoming a joke and many people are starting to realise it. So much doubt after 11/11 Crypto battle.

3777 posts
13 Nov 2017 1:12PM
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Hey iorn fist Please tell crypto, buster hopes your aussiecryptotrader site isn't as dodgy as your multiple email accounts!

NSW, 1737 posts
13 Nov 2017 5:05PM
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The last time I looked, the key, and only, reason to sign up to SeaBreeze was because you were involved in watersports such as windsurfing, surfing, kiteboarding, SUPing or sailing.

IMO, without at least one of these sports in your arsenal of outdoor activities, then you don't really belong here.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Cryptocurrency" started by Razzonater