Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 31 May 2017
NSW, 9202 posts
1 Apr 2018 8:19PM
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The drop started the exact time the futures trading opened on December 18. Price suppression against a perceived threat? It's an interesting coincidence at the least.

The development of the Bitcoin protocol continues. It won't stop. It's died a hundred times or more already. Can't kill what's already dead.

I still love how elegant it is. You can send anyone, anywhere money practically instantly and practically free with no middlemen. All you need is an address. It is a protocol called Bitcoin with its own, baked-in currency called bitcoin. The protocol is completely open and is a platform for further development, no permission required. The tech's real.

(By the way: you can't effectively mine bitcoin with a GPU. They're woefully inefficient.)

Fully transparent:

1 posts
15 May 2018 2:28PM
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With the emergence of Bitcoin and all the over 1,000 cryptocoins, financial transactions are being decentralized on a massive scale. These decentralized transactions have no recourse whatsoever to the US Dollar. This changes the dynamics of international trade, foreign relations, diplomacy, and the impact of economic sanctions. There have always been attempts to "de-dollarize" the global economy and cryptocurrencies seem to be a veritable means of achieving that goal.

NSW, 9202 posts
16 May 2018 2:28PM
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alfredbill said..
With the emergence of Bitcoin and all the over 1,000 cryptocoins, financial transactions are being decentralized on a massive scale.

Actually it's really, really, really tiny. A quaint hobby for most. How many transactions are you decentralising?


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Cryptocurrency" started by Razzonater