Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Denmark, Holland and now France have had enough!!

Created by cisco > 9 months ago, 20 Nov 2011
WA, 9 posts
26 Nov 2011 1:01PM
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cisco said...



burning man
forecast weather
straw poll
sex addiction
euro crisis

Your original post makes more sense if you cut the middle bit out.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
26 Nov 2011 6:19PM
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PeterWac33 said...

cisco said...



burning man
forecast weather
straw poll
sex addiction
euro crisis

Your original post makes more sense if you cut the middle bit out.

More interesting.

QLD, 12326 posts
27 Nov 2011 9:38AM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

I've been refraining from comment on the original post panda, but it's been hard...

cisco, flyboy, basically what I want to know is:

You guys have assured us over and over that the Society Of Secret Handshakers or the Committed Corporate Conspirators and Curs or whoever they are were trying to take over the world by making it one big blob.

They can't even get their act together on just Europe! Tooday Eurrope... tomorrow ze vorld! Maybe not.

Why is that so? People twigged to the secret handshakes? Too much mutual handshaking going on?

I don't know why some people have different hand shakes. I have a different hand shake now because of arthritis.

NSW, 6869 posts
27 Nov 2011 9:38PM
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log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Nov 2011 12:17AM
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QLD, 12326 posts
28 Nov 2011 2:58AM
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log man said...


So loggy, from your less than intelligent response we can only assume that you believe one or more of three things, they being:-

1. The news report is a total fabrication and none of it actually happened.

2. It did happen and you are saying it is of no consequence to the progression of democracy in the world or cause for concern by freedom loving people and/or;

3. You are a proletariat and working your way to be a commissar in a future "Department of Thought Control on the Internet".

Tell us loggy what combination of 1,2 and 3 it is.

Where do you see your self in five years time? Strutting up and down the barred corridor in a brown uniform with red hat band and shoulder flashes, cattle prod in hand and taser on your hip, giving the odd inmate a tickle now and then?

Unelected governments?? No way Jose'.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
28 Nov 2011 7:26AM
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log man said...


It was Fox news.... It's a comedy show written by left wingers to see how ridiculous they can make the news and still have people believe it...

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
28 Nov 2011 9:24AM
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cisco said...

log man said...


So loggy, from your less than intelligent response we can only assume that you believe one or more of three things, they being:-

1. The news report is a total fabrication and none of it actually happened.

2. It did happen and you are saying it is of no consequence to the progression of democracy in the world or cause for concern by freedom loving people and/or;

3. You are a proletariat and working your way to be a commissar in a future "Department of Thought Control on the Internet".

Tell us loggy what combination of 1,2 and 3 it is.

Where do you see your self in five years time? Strutting up and down the barred corridor in a brown uniform with red hat band and shoulder flashes, cattle prod in hand and taser on your hip, giving the odd inmate a tickle now and then?

Unelected governments?? No way Jose'.

It's just another of those "where do you start moments". Farage is grandstander..... an English Andrew Bolt. His motivations?......don't know really, other than his hate of "Europeans".

WA, 3519 posts
28 Nov 2011 10:52AM
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tatkins said...

felixdcat said...

tatkins said...

Australia Every countries in the world were founded by illegal immigrants

Does that make it right for us to foot the bill for the illegals queue jumpers to come and have a good sweet life at the expense of the Aussies tax payers??????

Every country in the world? How many of those are governed by the direct decedents of those immigrants?
Footing bills for immigrants, really? I think you've probably got that the wrong way around. Most immigrants are considerably more productive than your average Aussie. The risk is Aussie's will end on the dole.

Agreed and reedited! But my question stays!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Denmark, Holland and now France have had enough!!" started by cisco