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Exmouth Light house bay Development

Created by crusher42 > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2019
23 posts
10 Dec 2019 4:11PM
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Lets rally the troops, that rich sped head Twiggy Forest is about to sell out the Mums, Dads, Kids and Grandies of WA !!

Please No multi level resort designed for international tourists !!!

That is our space, its our Inheritance make some money some where else Twiggger.

NSW, 5780 posts
10 Dec 2019 8:04PM
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I think that horse has well bolted...

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
10 Dec 2019 5:10PM
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As the news paper article states, families are being moved out of the once family friendly accommodation to make way for Asian tourism.

Such an environmentally sensitive area is going to get smashed or restricted to a point of inaccessibility.

I was up there in October and I could not believe the amount of traffic going into and out of the national park. For example, Turquoise Bay carpark was overflowing and it was devastating to see people clambering over reef and the like. These areas just cannot handle congestion.

The Lighthouse Caravan Park will be no-longer. I will probably cater to the high-end user....those that are willing or can afford to pay big bucks.

At the end of the day Twiggy is a business man before he is an "environmentalist". Money talks!!

In my 22 years of going to Exmouth the place as I once knew it will be no-more.

WA, 3271 posts
10 Dec 2019 5:36PM
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No-one objects to Twiggy's money being spent on developments when its a hole in the ground a few hundred kilometres inland out of sight. But **** me if he dares spend it where someone might see it.

23 posts
10 Dec 2019 5:46PM
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theDoctor said..

I think that horse has well bolted...

I knew 9 months ago the place was closing for redevelopment ! Does the West Australian public know this is is going to high end international tourist resort ??

Has been minimal exposure in the Press.

How can this **** just slide thru without public consultation ??

23 posts
10 Dec 2019 5:49PM
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Chris6791 said..
No-one objects to Twiggy's money being spent on developments when its a hole in the ground a few hundred kilometres inland out of sight. But **** me if he dares spend it where someone might see it.

Ive worked at one of his holes in ground, everyone says he is a cow boy with a silver tongue!

Do you go for holidays with your family into the Gold fields or inland Pilbara ?

WA, 1104 posts
10 Dec 2019 6:11PM
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That's Doctor Forrest to you,
This all being done through the charity Minderoo foundation and will be tax free.
He will also receive federal government funding as this is a scientific research and education facility.

WA, 1363 posts
10 Dec 2019 6:13PM
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Good on him. I personally think the guy is a legend!
He's the largest single giver to charity that Aus has ever seen. The one guy really is giving something back.
I do like lighthouse but let's be honest, the place is fuct and in need of a Reno. Good on him for taking on the massive challenge.
There's more than enough caravan/camp grounds in Exmouth and if you want somewhere remote there 600km of awesomeness to the south.

NSW, 6868 posts
10 Dec 2019 9:23PM
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That's climate change for you.

23 posts
10 Dec 2019 6:47PM
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Gazuki said..
Good on him. I personally think the guy is a legend!
He's the largest single giver to charity that Aus has ever seen. The one guy really is giving something back.
I do like lighthouse but let's be honest, the place is fuct and in need of a Reno. Good on him for taking on the massive challenge.
There's more than enough caravan/camp grounds in Exmouth and if you want somewhere remote there 600km of awesomeness to the south.

Have u ever surfed the bombie ?? Have you ever dived blizzard ridge ?

This spot is unique, its quite different to the southern sections of the Ningaloo Reef !

Yeah it needed un upgrade but I don't accept being forced out by private economic interests.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
10 Dec 2019 7:37PM
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One of the rumours in town was he wanted the road re-routed and to build on top of the dunes there.... it was knocked back due to the turtle habitats however he withdrew his application, made a generous donation to the council and resbmitted his plans.....

he's allegedly bought Yardies too.

IMO Forrest is a ****

23 posts
11 Dec 2019 5:40AM
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What can we do as little people to register our opposition and bring this to the attention of the people that have used this space for recreation in the past and are about to be dispossessed ?

WA, 1363 posts
11 Dec 2019 7:52AM
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I still dont get it? Going on the drawings from poor relative, how is that worse than what is currently there? Similar footprint,. just a lot tidier.

1196 posts
11 Dec 2019 8:17AM
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my thoughts:
- there is still a caravan park, it is just shifted on to backside of hill - not ideal admittedly, by i agree with gazuki that the footprint is not excessive or that much larger than existing
- i don't think it is mass tourism, i think it is high end, gold plated, and likely to be exclusive to rich tourists (but there are other places to stay in Exmouth and more broadly on the cape)
- i had heard originally that they were diverting the actual beach road all the way around the back, to give themselves exclusive beach frontage to bombie as well. but doesn't look like that, so that's a positive
- Minderoo and Shire have entered into a lease for the Ningaloo and oceans research facilities that the shire has. Like it or not, they are well entwined now for the future, and one can't argue that twiggy isn't putting money into something we all love which is the ocean and ocean research.
- I can't imagine that the development wouldn't be stringently protective of the environment or to a high level in planning and execution (relative to what is there already etc) given the Minderoo connections. All these developments and funds will give Exmouth a boost and might make the town more viable as a year round home for more people. Is that sort of change good for everyone? Maybe not, but given how amazing the place is, you'd rather a developer with some environmental credentials was pulling the strings then the alternative...

I am curious and hopeful that Twiggy also puts some money towards a revamp at tantabiddi. A slightly enlarged boating facility with more ramps, some protection from the southerlies and separating tourist boats and commercial operators would be huge for peak seasonal functionality. Not a marina, just a small boat harbour type of set up.

Just my 2 bob as an outsider!

23 posts
11 Dec 2019 12:15PM
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this article from ABC NEWS was what Got me going. Should be camping and caravanning spots for the wa families !! What happened back in 90's / early 2000's when they were going to put in a resort at Maud's landing coral bay ? I hope there will be reasonably priced places for average Aussies, but it looks like we have been sold out !!

WA, 2520 posts
11 Dec 2019 1:10PM
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From the plans linked to in an above post it does not look like the existing caravan park is moving (as some of you seem to be suggesting). The resort seems to be more west facing - you can see them both on the plans if you scroll down to the next pages in the plan set.

WA, 9503 posts
11 Dec 2019 2:09PM
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I don't know enough to make any comments on twiggy personally, nor his plans. But wrapping up the present in an environmental research bow, is a bloody clever move, you gotta' give him that.

Also ya never know, maybe the whole thing will be done with sensitivity to the environment...then again santa clause might be doing white lines with the easter bunny whilst watching tooth fairy porn right now as well.

Why I can say is that if it wasn't him it would be some rich Chinese Billionaire doing it...eventually. Been there lately for a sunset lighthouse is spot the Caucasian time already.

No point in arguing with reality, its only going to change for the better or worse depending on your point of view. We aren't an isolated part of the world anymore. At least its an Australian businessman making it happen, that's got to be a rarity nowadays.

The only consolation is the rich Asian tourist won't be clogging up the outer reef water space too much...

.."That is our space, its our Inheritance make some money some where else Twiggger" ... mate that ship sailed a long time ago.

We are but the worlds quarry, selling land to foreign interests (and each other) at higher and higher prices, as we walk around in a compulsive consumer haze, buying sh1t we don't need with money we don't have, in the zombie apocalypse shopping centre palaces, built for the stupid minions we are.

WA, 3477 posts
11 Dec 2019 2:50PM
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GPA said..
From the plans linked to in an above post it does not look like the existing caravan park is moving (as some of you seem to be suggesting). The resort seems to be more west facing - you can see them both on the plans if you scroll down to the next pages in the plan set.

Not sure which one of the above plans/posts you are looking at GPA but it is my understanding the Caravan Park will be moving basically SE of where it is now, just over the ridge.
We have stayed up there for a few weeks every year for the last few years and although the park was a little run down we really enjoyed our stays.
There are a lot of regulars that come from Perth and the Margaret River region every year, so it was starting to get a real community feel as you got to know more and more people over the years.
Whilst I am sure the facilities will be great in the new CP, I believe the price will increase out of sight and they will be targeting a different type of tourist from the casual surfer type that make up a lot of the longer term campers up till now.

WA, 3271 posts
11 Dec 2019 4:53PM
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crusher42 said..

Chris6791 said..
No-one objects to Twiggy's money being spent on developments when its a hole in the ground a few hundred kilometres inland out of sight. But **** me if he dares spend it where someone might see it.

Ive worked at one of his holes in ground, everyone says he is a cow boy with a silver tongue!

Do you go for holidays with your family into the Gold fields or inland Pilbara ?

Not really, more along the lines of lived in various small and large towns all over WA for the majority of my life, rather than holidaying in a caravan park for a week once a year and calling it my special place.

23 posts
11 Dec 2019 5:52PM
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Chris6791 said..

crusher42 said..

Chris6791 said..
No-one objects to Twiggy's money being spent on developments when its a hole in the ground a few hundred kilometres inland out of sight. But **** me if he dares spend it where someone might see it.

Ive worked at one of his holes in ground, everyone says he is a cow boy with a silver tongue!

Do you go for holidays with your family into the Gold fields or inland Pilbara ?

Not really, more along the lines of lived in various small and large towns all over WA for the majority of my life, rather than holidaying in a caravan park for a week once a year and calling it my special place.

That place is 1 of various places I'd class as special.

I grew up in country WA and have a few generations of family history surfing and fishing the west coast.
The point is the common interests being sold out out for 1 mans version of progress!

WA, 1104 posts
11 Dec 2019 6:46PM
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I think you'll find Dr Forrests family have had an interest in the North West for over 100 years.

The caravan park was for sale for years, at least it was purchased by a West Australian.

I look forward to staying in the improved facilities

23 posts
11 Dec 2019 7:59PM
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Fark off, I won't get into a heritage pissing contest with the Forrest family. Tho I bet none of his ancestors cleared wheatbelt land by hand !!
How many years ahead do you think you will have to book for those few Campsites included ? How much will you pay ? Do you think the past accessibility will be matched ?

WA, 1104 posts
11 Dec 2019 8:33PM
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I'm trolling you dude, Forrest is an .............
one of my mates is a prospector and got sued by him

Appreciate your sentiment but he basically runs this state.

Look at what he's up to in Cottesloe

Cant say anymore, he has an army of lawyers

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
11 Dec 2019 9:13PM
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At the end of the day, the undeniable issue with any of those places up north is that they are only "tourist" inhabitable for 6 months of the year. They will somehow need to make this place affordable for those of us that do visit and stay "out of season".

Twiggy desperately sought to be West Australian of the Year for a long time, and eventually it took him many pledges of big money to bring that to fruition.

I have friends who have worked and known him very closely and they speak quite negatively of him.

Love him or hate him, his primary objective is to make money. It's what makes these billionaires tick. Environment and developing the community comes secondary to creating more wealth.

WA, 1104 posts
11 Dec 2019 10:20PM
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This is what you're up against

23 posts
13 Dec 2019 10:40AM
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Just heard Twiggy Forests energy company has invested a lot of money into fracking in the Kimberely!

Does anyone not directly benifitting from his money believe his interests in WA are noble and righteous.

FArk wake up People.

WA, 2107 posts
13 Dec 2019 12:05PM
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I'm glad someone mentioned the fracking, I sent him a message about it, he didn't answer. He pretends to be a friend of our first people but I've never met one that condoned fracking. Truth is, he hasn't got any friends.

WA, 9503 posts
13 Dec 2019 12:47PM
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He's a billionaire. I don't think any of us shmucks have even the slightest idea how he thinks or why. As I said it was going to be him or some Chinese billionaire who would give far less of a Fck about the environment or the Aussie family trip.

anyhow I thought I ask a good friend who is pretty much twiggys 2 IC at Fortescue metals and deals with him every day. This is what she had to say..........

He is a great bloke and really tries to do the right thing. See how much money he Ploughs into cleaning up the oceans, curing cancer, abolishing slavery, helping kids. He is the hardest worker anyone will find. There will always be people who fight against what he wants to do. He is definitely not a wanker and I think it will be good for Exmouth.

2614 posts
13 Dec 2019 3:17PM
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eppo said..
He's a billionaire. I don't think any of us shmucks have even the slightest idea how he thinks or why. As I said it was going to be him or some Chinese billionaire who would give far less of a Fck about the environment or the Aussie family trip.

anyhow I thought I ask a good friend who is pretty much twiggys 2 IC at Fortescue metals and deals with him every day. This is what she had to say..........

He is a great bloke and really tries to do the right thing. See how much money he Ploughs into cleaning up the oceans, curing cancer, abolishing slavery, helping kids. He is the hardest worker anyone will find. There will always be people who fight against what he wants to do. He is definitely not a wanker and I think it will be good for Exmouth.

What a crock of **.
You either made that up or your 'friend' is lying to you.

23 posts
13 Dec 2019 4:06PM
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Twiggiez environmental track record and general trustworthiness is definitely debatable.
Do we as Tax payers and citizens have a right to control the type of development that are appropriate for these areas. I reckon yes absolutely. I don't care who's putting up the money, caravan and campsites please not multi level Gold Coast like hotels. Don't bow down and be defeated, we should all pull together to keep the **** real.

QLD, 3620 posts
13 Dec 2019 6:57PM
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The Lighthouse Caravan Park was discusting.

This part of WA is poor and needs some good projects that'll bring more than just a couple of Backpackers that don't spend anything more than dollar milk and no frills bread.

It's a wrong assumption that a tourism project will damage the environment more than 20 new houses that get built one by one with no opposal.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Exmouth Light house bay Development" started by crusher42