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Exmouth Light house bay Development

Created by crusher42 > 9 months ago, 10 Dec 2019
23 posts
13 Dec 2019 6:16PM
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bjw said..
The Lighthouse Caravan Park was discusting.

This part of WA is poor and needs some good projects that'll bring more than just a couple of Backpackers that don't spend anything more than dollar milk and no frills bread.

It's a wrong assumption that a tourism project will damage the environment more than 20 new houses that get built one by one with no opposal.

Mate you clearly have no real experience in the area.

There is quite a large offshore gas industry based out of Exmouth. You can see the rigs from the light house at night. My guess is that domestic tourism far out weighs the backpacker market. School holidays are booked out far in advance for example. My family stayed there this year it was normal standards by any of the other places I've been to. There has been a long history of protecting this area from commercial development. An idea that might be foreign to you coming from Nsw. On what experience or knowledge do you base those opinions??

NSW, 5780 posts
13 Dec 2019 9:36PM
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bjw said..
The Lighthouse Caravan Park was discusting.

This part of WA is poor and needs some good projects that'll bring more than just a couple of Backpackers that don't spend anything more than dollar milk and no frills bread.

It's a wrong assumption that a tourism project will damage the environment more than 20 new houses that get built one by one with no opposal.

You are an out of touch knob

WA, 8407 posts
13 Dec 2019 8:50PM
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Gazuki said..
Good on him. I personally think the guy is a legend!
He's the largest single giver to charity that Aus has ever seen. The one guy really is giving something back.
I do like lighthouse but let's be honest, the place is fuct and in need of a Reno. Good on him for taking on the massive challenge.
There's more than enough caravan/camp grounds in Exmouth and if you want somewhere remote there 600km of awesomeness to the south.

It's called pr' if you hand out a bit of coin you look good' it's also a tax deduction' he's mining on black fella land
Taking on a massive task'' it's unlikely you'll sed him on the end of a shovel or mixing mud for the new build' keep it real

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
13 Dec 2019 10:01PM
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Bring on excessive amounts of tourism, I mean what harm can masses of people do??

Some shining lights that spring to light include: Bali, large parts of Europe especially places like Rome and name just a few.

Putting bullsh!t arguments across like "we need more tourism" simply to justify a better lifestyle for locals is crazy.

A quick search on the negative impacts of tourism put up...

Tourism puts enormous stress on local land use, and can lead to soil erosion, increased pollution, natural habitat loss, and more pressure on endangered species. These effects can gradually destroy the environmental resources on which tourism itself depends.


Damage to the landscape: litter, erosion, fires, disturbance to livestock, vandalism. Traffic congestion and pollution. Local goods can become expensive because tourists will pay more. Shops stock products for tourists and not everyday goods needed by locals.

To say that this place has a sensitive ecosystem is an understatement. I was surprised this October at the small amount of roos that we saw. We used to count a section of the national park as a to how many kangaroos we could see over this stretch. What was surprising was that in previous years we would count in excess of 120 roos. This year it was less than 15. What we were surprised about was the number of dingoes and wild dogs that we saw. Something has already changed.

Things are in a fine balance up there and adding more and more people only compounds the problems.

WA, 9499 posts
14 Dec 2019 2:56PM
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kiterboy said..

eppo said..
He's a billionaire. I don't think any of us shmucks have even the slightest idea how he thinks or why. As I said it was going to be him or some Chinese billionaire who would give far less of a Fck about the environment or the Aussie family trip.

anyhow I thought I ask a good friend who is pretty much twiggys 2 IC at Fortescue metals and deals with him every day. This is what she had to say..........

He is a great bloke and really tries to do the right thing. See how much money he Ploughs into cleaning up the oceans, curing cancer, abolishing slavery, helping kids. He is the hardest worker anyone will find. There will always be people who fight against what he wants to do. He is definitely not a wanker and I think it will be good for Exmouth.

What a crock of **.
You either made that up or your 'friend' is lying to you.

That was a direct text from her, copy and pasted. I was interested to see what she has to say as she deals with him directly everyday (which of course is a source of bias in itself). She is not known to lye, but of course it is just her perspective.

WA, 2354 posts
14 Dec 2019 3:30PM
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eppo said..

kiterboy said..

eppo said..
He's a billionaire. I don't think any of us shmucks have even the slightest idea how he thinks or why. As I said it was going to be him or some Chinese billionaire who would give far less of a Fck about the environment or the Aussie family trip.

anyhow I thought I ask a good friend who is pretty much twiggys 2 IC at Fortescue metals and deals with him every day. This is what she had to say..........

He is a great bloke and really tries to do the right thing. See how much money he Ploughs into cleaning up the oceans, curing cancer, abolishing slavery, helping kids. He is the hardest worker anyone will find. There will always be people who fight against what he wants to do. He is definitely not a wanker and I think it will be good for Exmouth.

What a crock of **.
You either made that up or your 'friend' is lying to you.

That was a direct text from her, copy and pasted. I was interested to see what she has to say as she deals with him directly everyday (which of course is a source of bias in itself). She is not known to lye, but of course it is just her perspective.

And if that's true, I find her personal experience with him reassuring.

there are pros and cons with everything, but starting from a good personal space is a huge positive.

with increasing population, development everywhere is unavoidable, but hopefully done with an eye on more than the bottom dollar.

QLD, 3615 posts
14 Dec 2019 5:31PM
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For you who oppose increased tourism in the area. If you live there fair enough.

But for others what makes it OK for you to visit when you want to restrict others?

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
14 Dec 2019 3:51PM
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Opinions are like arseholes in that everyone has one and is entitled to it. That's the beauty of democracy.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter what any of us think, we are all extremely small fish in the big ocean of politics and business. But the beauty of this forum is that is gives us the freedom and opportunity to discuss our very insignificant opinions.

If you want my personal contribution to the area....lived in the Pilbara for almost a decade and spent a lot of time in Exmouth both holidaying and competing in a Regional sport. Also have friends who continue to live there and enjoy the quiet lifestyle. I have continued to go to Exmouth regularly since leaving the Pilbara and still have a strong connection to the region. fact I was part of the emergency services cleanup crew that flew in to assist wit the after cyclone Vance went through.

So what have you contributed to Exmouth?

That said, I have never been to Antarctica but I don't believe mass tourism there is a particularly good idea either.

2614 posts
15 Dec 2019 7:15AM
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eppo said..

kiterboy said..

eppo said..
He's a billionaire. I don't think any of us shmucks have even the slightest idea how he thinks or why. As I said it was going to be him or some Chinese billionaire who would give far less of a Fck about the environment or the Aussie family trip.

anyhow I thought I ask a good friend who is pretty much twiggys 2 IC at Fortescue metals and deals with him every day. This is what she had to say..........

He is a great bloke and really tries to do the right thing. See how much money he Ploughs into cleaning up the oceans, curing cancer, abolishing slavery, helping kids. He is the hardest worker anyone will find. There will always be people who fight against what he wants to do. He is definitely not a wanker and I think it will be good for Exmouth.

What a crock of **.
You either made that up or your 'friend' is lying to you.

That was a direct text from her, copy and pasted. I was interested to see what she has to say as she deals with him directly everyday (which of course is a source of bias in itself). She is not known to lye, but of course it is just her perspective.

How can he have a 2IC at FMG when he hasn't been the CEO for years?

(I also don't see how your friend not being known for making chemical solutions for paper making is relevant)

WA, 9499 posts
16 Dec 2019 10:23AM
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Honestly you should've been discouraged from learning to read and write.

This gal won Australian business woman of the year a few years back, so make of that what you will. Born and bred in Pemberton she is not known for bullsh1tting.

not my opinion of twiggy just hers. Don't know the guy and nor do most of you.

WA, 770 posts
16 Dec 2019 11:46PM
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crusher42 said..
Have u ever surfed the bombie ?? Have you ever dived blizzard ridge ?

This spot is unique, its quite different to the southern sections of the Ningaloo Reef !

Yeah it needed un upgrade but I don't accept being forced out by private economic interests.

I didn't know there was a chat topic on this !! .... this really sucks..

Loved diving blizzard ridge in my own (very first) boat that was parked at that campground 8years ago &with a dive company or three..
i've been v worried about what the fk is happening

No .. ; .. after 2.5 lucky mnths working at yardies this season and picking a place anywhere along the west side to kite daily from 11 on..
no my knowledge james has not sold it....but he does have the monopoly now for the time being and prices won't be going down.they've done alot to upgrade that place...good on them.....and web on the west side for weather now is a super big bonus too

I've been v worried about what the fk is happening to the west side i once knew

But i hope it's not going to be worse than a massive country and western pub in the middle of town that wasn't there before...just because someone got divorced and went to 'LAs vegas'.....not quite european trance music, portishead.. or ethnic jazz. Not for me,thanx ..

. ...good to read this. Cheers

In two years time i might just have to park a yacht up on the west side somewhere and just launch off that......


Even these guys arn't there anymore if anyone remembers them..thanks to some perth dentist or vet...who had them 'put down'...and they were surviving there for years....
I used to stop by & hand them dive boats left over food nearly every day

WA, 3271 posts
17 Dec 2019 6:34AM
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Um, they would be vermin, nothing wrong with them being culled if this thread is all about the environmental impact of more tourists...

WA, 770 posts
17 Dec 2019 9:47AM
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Sorry ..was late .i just remembered them when i remembered the nat park no booking required

holy guacamole
1393 posts
17 Dec 2019 10:38AM
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Chris6791 said..
Um, they would be vermin, nothing wrong with them being culled if this thread is all about the environmental impact of more tourists...

Could you send a few trigger happy souls over to NSW to cull the brumbies too? They're out of control vermin now after the idiotic state govt. laws protecting them.

WA, 3271 posts
17 Dec 2019 8:22PM
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I'd rather start with the 5000 or so around Lake Gregory. But since it's not a tourist spot or Mt Kosciusko NP no one knows or cares about the damage they're doing. Just like Twiggys big holes in the ground.

23 posts
18 Dec 2019 11:01AM
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Development on the west side of that peninsular has been restricted for good reason for decades. All of the Pastoral Stations have had development restrictions and battles over the costal strip covering 300 to 400 kms of the Ningaloo Reef!

why does anyone now get permission to build multi story luxury apartments in place of low key caravan/ camping options? ? ?
this is totally farked !

23 posts
18 Dec 2019 11:02AM
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timmybuddhadude said..

crusher42 said..
Have u ever surfed the bombie ?? Have you ever dived blizzard ridge ?

This spot is unique, its quite different to the southern sections of the Ningaloo Reef !

Yeah it needed un upgrade but I don't accept being forced out by private economic interests.

I didn't know there was a chat topic on this !! .... this really sucks..

Loved diving blizzard ridge in my own (very first) boat that was parked at that campground 8years ago &with a dive company or three..
i've been v worried about what the fk is happening

No .. ; .. after 2.5 lucky mnths working at yardies this season and picking a place anywhere along the west side to kite daily from 11 on..
no my knowledge james has not sold it....but he does have the monopoly now for the time being and prices won't be going down.they've done alot to upgrade that place...good on them.....and web on the west side for weather now is a super big bonus too

I've been v worried about what the fk is happening to the west side i once knew

But i hope it's not going to be worse than a massive country and western pub in the middle of town that wasn't there before...just because someone got divorced and went to 'LAs vegas'.....not quite european trance music, portishead.. or ethnic jazz. Not for me,thanx ..

. ...good to read this. Cheers

In two years time i might just have to park a yacht up on the west side somewhere and just launch off that......


Even these guys arn't there anymore if anyone remembers them..thanks to some perth dentist or vet...who had them 'put down'...and they were surviving there for years....
I used to stop by & hand them dive boats left over food nearly every day

Yeah I remember the horses ! and uncrowned dunes sessions !


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Exmouth Light house bay Development" started by crusher42