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Gay Immigrants ?

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2012
QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:37AM
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Are we opening new legal Pandora box with legalizing gay marriage here?
Soon internet brides both genders could immigrate legally.
Every person could marry anybody overseas and claim right to introduce to this country.
Isn't a bit worry perspective ?

NSW, 1717 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:55AM
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Intolerance and bigotry are pretty high in your value structure eh? Give yourself an uppercut.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 1:04AM
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CJW said...

Intolerance and bigotry are pretty high in your value structure eh? Give yourself an uppercut.

No, that has nothing to do with my personal views, just pointing to unavoidable legal consequences...

QLD, 4083 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:23AM
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I reckon that, on average, gays are way more tolerant, understanding, open minded and peaceful people than the average straight - homophobic or otherwise. We could probably do worse than have an influx of them.

Your hypothesis has some massive holes in it though, which I won't go into in case I threaten my 'unbiased moderator' status.

ACT, 2174 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:02AM
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Macroscien said...

CJW said...

Intolerance and bigotry are pretty high in your value structure eh? Give yourself an uppercut.

No, that has nothing to do with my personal views, just pointing to unavoidable legal consequences...

O M G your right ,we'll be over run with cafe's and small production theater musicals!!!!!

OHHH The Humanity

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 9:32AM
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O M G your right ,we'll be over run with cafe's and small production theater musicals!!!!!

Phenomenon restricted to this colourful minority folklore, or somebody personal choices in life doesn't bother me at all.
What I am worry about is premeditated business schema similar to that the propel immigrant boats.
New created legal loophole could be merciless exploited by business in human trafficking.
If people are desperate enough to risk their life in sinking boats, pay for that pleasure $20,000 and wait even 5 years for clearance after arrival lets looks like alternative present itself.

Every person 18 and over living in Australia could nominate every other person in the whole world as a partner, marry and legally bring to live here. Almost regardless of the gender, age, education, wealth etc. Result is guaranteed by law, bureaucratic fees much lower then boat ticket, practically no obstacles at all to anybody willing to engage in the shame.
After year or so importer spouse could get divorce, back to circulation again and import next person.
Whole procedure could be nicely organized by business minded private immigration bureau that provide all required forms, advice , streamline whole process for reasonable small fee.
One may agree that importing people this way could be eventually cheaper then trough government funded overseas processing centres. On another hand leave little or no control at all who we want to arrive to this country.
I am not the expert but if there is no clause in specific religion there could be soon whole Pakistani- Afghan Taliban sneaking though this gate wide open.

PS. As you can see the problem I pointed to has nothing to do with personal friendship preferences.
If I could please No Red Fingers on any side as that divert discussion from pure conceptual to emotional .

WA, 3271 posts
10 Sep 2012 8:50AM
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It's har not to red-thumb your original post Macroscience when it makes you sound like a bigot.

To counter your arguement, to come to Oz as an illegal gay on a spousal visa doesn't make business sense, not even coming as a straight person of a dodgy spousal visa makes sense.

Option A, the asylum seeker somehow meet a dumb Aussie online or through a third person, form a fake relationship online, or the phone or whatever, after a while convince dumb Aussie to come to your s**-hole of a country for serveral 'holidays' to firm up your back-story, return the gesture by coming to Australia for holidays without Immigration finding you out. At some point marry, apply for a spousal Visa, prove that you are in love and live happily there-after.

Option A. Buy your passage to Indonesia and get on a boat to take you out of the harbour. Disable your motor and call the Australian Navy. Job done.

NSW, 9027 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:01AM
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Homosexuals can live together without interference in their lives in many countries. They can live together effectively as married couples in more countries than they cannot. So why would they choose to come to a country where that relationship is formally recognised by a state that they have had nothing to do with before in their lives? Wouldn't it be of more value to them to have their relationship recognised in their own community with their family and friends? Even if the state doesn't recognise their relationship it doesn't really matter as long as they are are not harrassed in that relationship.

Its unlikely Australia will be overrun by homosexuals from all over the world because they can get married here. Even if it did happen it probably wouldn't be that bad. Its not like they can breed and in 50 years time they outnumber the locals.

QLD, 6112 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:06AM
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I find it funny how people who are immigrants or of an ethnic background can often be the most discriminatory to other immigrants or ethnic peoples.

You're an immigrant yourself mate. Why should it matter what sexual preference you have.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:16AM
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myusernam said...

I find it funny how people who are immigrants or of an ethnic background can often be the most discriminatory to other immigrants or ethnic peoples.

You're an immigrant yourself mate. Why should it matter what sexual preference you have.

YES! Someone please explain this.

As for the original hypothesis it's ...pretty ridiculous.
As pointed out already you need:

A) A refugee, often with family, from a different culture, who are all willing to pay to get gay married. All of them.

B) An Australian who is keen to travel to Afghanistan, Iraq, a refugee camp in Africa to try and talk someone/a family into giving them $10,000 to get gay married

C) Costs of above plus live together for 2 (or is it 3) years, plus all the hoops you have to jump through.

It's ridiculous, almost impossible and not even profitable.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:46PM
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I am still misunderstand here, I am afraid.
The legal loophole create opportunity for the person to import another one without any prove or need to be:
- guy in first place -just to falsely declare such on the immigration papers
Loophole to exploited not by genie couples but impersonators, since there is no real
way to verify the claim.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:48PM
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It seems the IELTS test needs improving.

...I've read that 5 times now, and I still don't know what you're saying.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:53PM
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Chris6791 said...

Option A, the asylum seeker somehow meet a dumb Aussie online

Option A. Buy your passage to Indonesia and get on a boat -

First A: cost of on-line meeting thought website negligable. Official procedure straight forward and predictable.
Second A: 1) pay $20-30,000 2)drown in the process or 3) spent five years in concentration camp

QLD, 4083 posts
10 Sep 2012 1:57PM
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Macroscien said...

Every person 18 and over living in Australia could nominate every other person in the whole world as a partner, marry and legally bring to live here.

You really think that?

WA, 15849 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:15PM
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WA, 485 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:15PM
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Have you been drinking "tea"?.
I only ask because you seem a little paranoid and irrational.

WA, 4564 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:27PM
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doggie said...

So well put

WA, 15849 posts
10 Sep 2012 12:42PM
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mineral1 said...

doggie said...

So well put

Thanks, its a pic of me at work

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 4:42PM
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GreenPat said...
You really think that?

Why not ? Give me one reason..

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 4:45PM
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^ He really thinks what? What's going on in this thread?

Macroscien said...
Isn't a bit worry perspective ?

2614 posts
10 Sep 2012 3:07PM
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He's talking about naughty people possibly exploiting a system and using it as a new way of getting (possibly bad) people into the country.

His question has got nothing to do with sexual orientation.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:14PM
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I am surprised. Thank you kiterboy for translation.
That is exactly what's I mean even if I did express this in writing in unintelligible form.

10979 posts
10 Sep 2012 3:17PM
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kiterboy said...

He's talking about naughty people possibly exploiting a system and using it as a new way of getting (possibly bad) people into the country.

His question has got nothing to do with sexual orientation.

So you think......Muslim terrorist, religious extremists if you will, are going to fake a gay relationship so they can enter Australia under the pretence of a gay marraige so they can commit acts of terror based on their beliefs......

Does that sound as stupid when you read it back as when I typed it... Cause I think I lost intelligence typing it...

Or do you mean the 50-100 thousand NZ, pommy and Canadians that migrate here already?

QLD, 7932 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:19PM
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SP said...

kiterboy said...

He's talking about naughty people possibly exploiting a system and using it as a new way of getting (possibly bad) people into the country.

His question has got nothing to do with sexual orientation.

So you think......Muslim terrorist, religious extremists if you will, are going to fake a gay relationship so they can enter Australia under the pretence of a gay marraige so they can commit acts of terror based on their beliefs......

Does that sound as stupid when you read it back as when I typed it...

would be a alternative way for them to empty their sack and make a mess

10979 posts
10 Sep 2012 3:24PM
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chrispychru said...

SP said...

kiterboy said...

He's talking about naughty people possibly exploiting a system and using it as a new way of getting (possibly bad) people into the country.

His question has got nothing to do with sexual orientation.

So you think......Muslim terrorist, religious extremists if you will, are going to fake a gay relationship so they can enter Australia under the pretence of a gay marraige so they can commit acts of terror based on their beliefs......

Does that sound as stupid when you read it back as when I typed it...

would be a alternative way for them to empty their sack and make a mess

I'm just sitting laughing imagining, two arab terrorist trying to convince Aussie custom and immigration that they are in a loving gay relationship....

Yes sir, me and Mohammed have been together for many years, we fell in love at Jihad training as our hands brushed over each others reaching for the Koran. Then we met again during suicide bomb training and I couldn't keep my eyes off Mohammed butt as he learnt how to strap explosive to himself. All I could think of in my rat hole that night was Mohammed and if he loved dick as much as I did.
The day I knew it was forever was the day we made our first IAD together, then as we fixed the iphone timer to it our eyes met over that infidel cleaner and we just knew we wanted to immigrate to Australia get married and adopt some children....

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:31PM
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SP said...
I'm just sitting laughing imagining, two arab terrorist trying to convince Aussie custom and immigration that they are in a loving gay relationship....

Yes sir, me and Mohammed have been together for many years, we fell in love at Jihad training as our hands brushed over each others reaching for the Koran. Then we met again during suicide bomb training and I couldn't keep my eyes off Mohammed butt as he learnt how to strap explosive to himself and I knew it was forever the day we made an IAD together, then as we fixed the iphone timer to it our eyes met over that nail bomb and we just knew we wanted to immigrate to Australia get married and adopt some children....

Once again, this is exactly what I am afraid of regardless how funny it sounds
Immigration officer is not The King, just bureaucrat bonded by existing law.
As you can see on my own example above misrepresentation's on his action could provoke also attack that he is trying to restrict human rights, not to protect the country.

2614 posts
10 Sep 2012 3:37PM
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SP said...

kiterboy said...

He's talking about naughty people possibly exploiting a system and using it as a new way of getting (possibly bad) people into the country.

His question has got nothing to do with sexual orientation.

So you think......Muslim terrorist, religious extremists if you will, are going to fake a gay relationship so they can enter Australia under the pretence of a gay marraige so they can commit acts of terror based on their beliefs......

Does that sound as stupid when you read it back as when I typed it... Cause I think I lost intelligence typing it...

Or do you mean the 50-100 thousand NZ, pommy and Canadians that migrate here already?

I don't care, as I was only translating.
I figure that since you want to rant in outrage, I may as well help you rant on topic.

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:43PM
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Macroscien said...
As you can see on my own example above misrepresentation's on his action could provoke also attack the is trying to restrict human rights, not to protect the country.

Kiterboy, you seem good with this. Для меня это все китайское.

...sorry Macro, but you have to admit it's pretty damn hard to read.

and Macro, dude, there is no way in hell a Muslim terrorist/fundamentalist is going to pretend to be gay. He'd rather die a thousand times. Honestly.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 5:54PM
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OK Kiterboy try to translate that for me.
Immigration officer that refuse to accept immigrant from high risk country will be automatically liable for discrimination on:
a) race if immigrant is of specific colour
b) religion
c) economic status
d) human rights and sexual orientation
e) gender if by chance immigrant is opposite one
Then immigrant could send the case to UN against our government agency for discrimination and human right violation.

QLD, 6806 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:04PM
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evlPanda said...

and Macro, dude, there is no way in hell a Muslim terrorist/fundamentalist is going to pretend to be gay. He'd rather die a thousand times. Honestly.

This is EXACTLY how good poker player could use his cards on the hand !!
"If I am Muslim that claim gay friendship, it is completely obvious that I am defenceless honest low obeying citizen not a terrorist, mister officer..."

NSW, 9202 posts
10 Sep 2012 6:04PM
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Soooo... you are saying that an immigration officer would ignore normal security type investigations? Because they are gay?

Or that if they did find plausible evidence you're scared that someone some tree-hugging, transgender, cross-dressing (yes both) hippy fomr the UN would come rushing in from stage left, hands flapping, saying "You can't discriminate against a terrorist if they are gay! Being gay supercedes all security checks!"


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Immigrants ?" started by Macroscien