Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gay Immigrants ?

Created by Macroscien > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2012
QLD, 6806 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:49PM
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doggie said...


sorry Doggie, I could ask Kiterboy for translation as usual, but I don't think it will follow... too complicated, so lets leave it as is .
I am getting a bit inoculated against Red Thumbs virus attack

WA, 15849 posts
12 Sep 2012 2:50PM
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SP said...

doggie said...


Smile.... You're a super dog

I cant read this anymore, I keep seeing double. Or is that my medication

NSW, 9202 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:51PM
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MacroScience said...
-All terrorist are gays, but not all gays are terrorist
( all T belong to G and not all G belong to T )

And this kids is a perfect example of the aptly named Naive Set Theory. (it really is)
And I'm pretty sure Macro is a perfect example of Russell's Paradox; he (being a set) doesn't belong to any other set. A unique prototype, too radical for mass production.

This thread is so good it almost hurts. It's most sublime.

TAS, 2967 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:55PM
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Mac, good reply, thank you. Getting a bit off topic but maybe one of the Mods can move it into a new thread. Maybe “Afghanistan what are we doing wrong” or “What makes a Terrorist Tick” (yeah I know, the bomb strapped to his body). Or do “Australians IN Australia have anything to fear”?

I am willing to admit that US foreign policy is seriously flawed (blind Freddy can see that) and yes without the willing followers there would be no tyrannical despots such as those mentioned. Unfortunately we do not possess a crystal ball or a time machine. A crystal ball to allow us to foresee the birth of, or the consequences of these individuals' actions. A time machine would be equally as useless; as to go back in time and change history only creates paradoxes and would ultimately alter the present.
My line of thought with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc is that 'infidels' should not be there, 'peacekeepers, educators and rebuilders' should have been drawn from predominantly Islamic countries (eg. Indonesia, Pakistan), not Christian based ideologies. Christians will never understand the Islamic faith and the followers of the Prophet will never trust or embrace the Christians. This has been the norm since before the 'Crusades'.
Christian based civilisations input should be limited to, as you say, the provision of iPods, solar power laptops, gardening books how to grow the crops, shovel and forks, irrigation and agricultural equipment, and the expertise and materials for rebuilding schools, hospitals and essential infrastructure.
I also appreciated your last line about our troops, whether you believe they should be there or not, Support the Troops but by all means lobby the Politicians. I have been to areas of conflict where the local populace do not want you there; it is not a pleasant feeling.

So we're not too far apart.

NSW, 9202 posts
12 Sep 2012 6:01PM
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Rupert said...
My line of thought with Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc is that 'infidels' should not be there, 'peacekeepers, educators and rebuilders' should have been drawn from predominantly Islamic countries (eg. Indonesia, Pakistan), not Christian based ideologies.

Would that be sunni or shiite? It matters.

Christian based civilisations...

Which ones would those be, exactly? The U.S. for example is bloody well FOUNDED on a separation from religion. Read Franklin, Jefferson etc.
We're all familiar with The Enlightenment, yes? Or are some of us still in The Dark Ages?


1595 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:11PM
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Primarily American soldiers sailors and airmen at the tip of the sword staying engaged with the enemy are unfortunately a necessity.
As long as there is someone in there face shooting at them they will be required to keep their heads down and concentrate and trying to fight this war in their face rather than plotting to sneak attack us on our home turf.
Your average raghead will have a battlefield to engage us instead of trying to sneak into a western country and commit a terrorist attack.
On 9/11 we had no significant troops on the ground in muslim countries where they could engage us.
By staying engaged with our enemy we can keep close tabs on their abilities and stay ahead of their capabilities.
Staying engaged we can keep disrupting their leadership ladder, when all their middle managers are being killed by drones unqualified people are put into positions where they are unlikely to succeed.

WA, 15849 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:14PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

Primarily American soldiers sailors and airmen at the tip of the sword staying engaged with the enemy are unfortunately a necessity.
As long as there is someone in there face shooting at them they will be required to keep their heads down and concentrate and trying to fight this war in their face rather than plotting to sneak attack us on our home turf.
Your average raghead will have a battlefield to engage us instead of trying to sneak into a western country and commit a terrorist attack.
On 9/11 we had no significant troops on the ground in muslim countries where they could engage us.
By staying engaged with our enemy we can keep close tabs on their abilities and stay ahead of their capabilities.
Staying engaged we can keep disrupting their leadership ladder, when all their middle managers are being killed by drones unqualified people are put into positions where they are unlikely to succeed.

911 was a good excuse to go in there wasnt it.

1595 posts
12 Sep 2012 4:20PM
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The U.S. for example is bloody well FOUNDED on a separation from religion. Read Franklin, Jefferson etc.
We're all familiar with The Enlightenment, yes? Or are some of us still in The Dark Ages?


Wrongo, in the US we have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.
We were founded on Judea-Christian values by religious men.
They were trying to get away from the Church of England so they could worship whatever religion they wanted, nothing to do with atheism or secularism.

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Sep 2012 6:24PM
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I regard myself as analyst, not decision making guy.
If you are good politician better listen what your analyst has to say then do what you want anyway.
If your analyst tell you that there is no WMD in Iraq, listen then go to shock and ore because simply want kill the bastard you don't like, without pretending that you didn't here my warnings.

You are going to have now new law straigthenig gay rights and all I am saying that there is loophole there that you could fix now or later. That all , you do want you want, my role finish there.

You could test my skills too now, before we go for the next NK war ( after we finish existing two or even before).

What your good analyst would do is to send your best merchant advisors (Kmart, Woolworth and Coles Wallmart, D&J etc managers) to Jim King to ask what he has to sell to us.
Then send him even money so he could produce the lettuce we want to eat ( or even give to our rabbits and sheeps ), buy some hammers and fencing wire, then invite his opera soloist to sing at our Sydney opera for the best money we pay (at least same as Michael Jackson can get).
I promise you that in year or so that last on the Earth Cookie Monster will eat from your hand,
because !!!
He is not a dumb either ( as you think !) but smart guy that need the opportunity too,
your analyst tell you so
now you go and do what you want

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Sep 2012 6:38PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

By staying engaged with our enemy we can keep close tabs on their abilities and stay ahead of their capabilities.

I could be the worst paid analyst/advisor on this planet but really you don't want even know what and how for a couple bucks your worst enemy could turn your world upside down
I am not going to tell (I am going to pray now (even I am absolute atheist)) that this mother*f*s terrorist are dumb as suppose to be.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
12 Sep 2012 5:08PM
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Beaglebuddy said...

The U.S. for example is bloody well FOUNDED on a separation from religion. Read Franklin, Jefferson etc.
We're all familiar with The Enlightenment, yes? Or are some of us still in The Dark Ages?


Wrongo, in the US we have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.
We were founded on Judea-Christian values by religious men.
They were trying to get away from the Church of England so they could worship whatever religion they wanted, nothing to do with atheism or secularism.

He was talking about separation of church and state - and was quite correct.

QLD, 6124 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:56PM
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dont worry about homosexuals, I think we seriously need to tighten our english language skills for immigrants. Marco I have tried reading your posts with a manuel (from faulty towers) accent and it helped at first, but now I cant understand a thing you are on about.

WA, 3271 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:25PM
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doggie said...


Not even helicat saved this thread. What now Doggie?

WA, 1321 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:33PM
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Whoohooo Im Ghey

Watch out Macro mua mmuua mmMMUUUAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA

WA, 15849 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:47PM
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Chris6791 said...

doggie said...


Not even helicat saved this thread. What now Doggie?

SP could bring along the attack helicat, it has a runway and machine guns

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:49PM
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Chris6791 said...

doggie said...


Not even helicat saved this thread. What now Doggie?

A picture of booziieesssss

WA, 15849 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:51PM
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Mark _australia said...

Chris6791 said...

doggie said...


Not even helicat saved this thread. What now Doggie?

A picture of booziieesssss

( . Y . )

WA, 15849 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:52PM
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My new ones are bigger

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
12 Sep 2012 8:53PM
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^^ where's the disappointed emoticon? will have to do

wouldn't mind seeing more of chrispy's new avatar

321 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:19PM
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This thread is so gay it might turn people into terrorists.

So yeah the threat of gay terrorists Macrosien? they are coming for you, you got them out of the closet and in the open, they'll be all over your arse!

Dude really, get out more...

Oh! and yeah learn to spell and grammar while you are at it... you epic failure...

10979 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:29PM
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doggie said...

Chris6791 said...

doggie said...


Not even helicat saved this thread. What now Doggie?

SP could bring along the attack helicat, it has a runway and machine guns

Here they come to save the day

And boobs.

WA, 3271 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:36PM
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You've got way too much time on your hands SP, but I do like the sunset helicat, and now with the boobs I can put this whole thread into perspective.

Mark _australia
WA, 22423 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:41PM
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I like it better if you get one line from each of Macro's posts, and bung them together. Roughly in order too.....

"Are we opening new legal Pandora box with legalizing gay marriage here?
Soon internet brides both genders could immigrate legally. Whole procedure could be nicely organized by business minded private immigration bureau that provide all required forms, advice , streamline whole process for reasonable small fee.
Every person could marry anybody overseas and claim right to introduce to this country, practically no obstacles at all to anybody willing to engage in the shame.

I am still misunderstand here, I am afraid. Please No Red Fingers on any gay friendship, it is completely obvious that I am defenceless. There could be soon whole Pakistani- Afghan Taliban sneaking though this “gate” wide open
For me, old dude but millionere seems still to be reasonable choice, is such a way to avoid future nasty surprises. I willing to fake it to engage in the shame, gay partner.
You could test my skills too now, I imagine that at full face make up, clothed appropriately, $15,000 a head – do what you want"

10979 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:50PM
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Chris6791 said...

You've got way too much time on your hands SP...

I love helicat...

And this one sums up thi topic perfectly

10979 posts
12 Sep 2012 9:51PM
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Mark _australia said...

I like it better if you get one line from each of Macro's posts, and bung them together. Roughly in order too.....

"Are we opening new legal Pandora box with legalizing gay marriage here?
Soon internet brides both genders could immigrate legally. Whole procedure could be nicely organized by business minded private immigration bureau that provide all required forms, advice , streamline whole process for reasonable small fee.
Every person could marry anybody overseas and claim right to introduce to this country, practically no obstacles at all to anybody willing to engage in the shame.

I am still misunderstand here, I am afraid. Please No Red Fingers on any gay friendship, it is completely obvious that I am defenceless. There could be soon whole Pakistani- Afghan Taliban sneaking though this “gate” wide open
For me, old dude but millionere seems still to be reasonable choice, is such a way to avoid future nasty surprises. I willing to fake it to engage in the shame, gay partner.
You could test my skills too now, I imagine that at full face make up, clothed appropriately, $15,000 a head – do what you want"

That is funny...

NSW, 4453 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:05AM
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Australians are governed by a lesbian socialist.
The 2nd in command was until recently a homo (Bob the Brown).
We were brought up on the Wiggles.
Most remove their male hair.
Mardi Gras!
Our country colours are Green and Yella.

We have to be the Gayest country, so embrace it; lets make it the Gay country. You know like Israel is for the Jews, Australia can be for the Gays.

321 posts
12 Sep 2012 10:13PM
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love the boobs SP, it was a welcome diversion.

QLD, 6806 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:31AM
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FlySurfer said...

We have to be the Gayest country, so embrace it; lets make it the Gay country. You know like Israel is for the Jews, Australia can be for the Gays.

NOOOO, not again.
Why do I need to pack all bags (into containers) and search for new land to live peacefully.
But that is your choice
For every scientist leaving import 1,000 gay terrorist that will blow your mind ( and not only ) with fluent soft English tongue.
wait.. that is not all bad news
because after few years fast track importing gay terrorist density will reach critical mass here
and for our best friends accross the ocean the only option left will be the nuke whole paddock

NSW, 4453 posts
13 Sep 2012 12:47AM
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Macroscien said...
I need to pack all bags (into containers) and search for new land to live peacefully.
For every scientist leaving import 1,000 gay terrorist that will blow your mind

I think blowing asses is more the Aussie way, they'll have to pass a new type of citizenship test.

The only scientist we got were imports anyway... easy come, easy go.

I'm just waiting for Greece or Italy or Spain to leave the Euro... then I'm selling up (here) and living it up (over there).

WA, 682 posts
12 Sep 2012 10:50PM
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is it true that Aus will be hosting the Gay Rugby World Cup? Macro is onto something here if any of the competing teams have been known to have terrorist cells within their borders. It's happening already and we're actively encouraging it, thanks Macro I'll be more vigilant in the future, we have a true visionary amongst us.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Immigrants ?" started by Macroscien