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Global Warming has hit Perth

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2023
NSW, 4521 posts
21 Feb 2024 3:41PM
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remery said..
As you wish...

This is freaking incredible... handpicking a start date to get +1.47 instead of +1.06. Is it any wonder people don't trust the work of these people? It only makes you wonder what else they have done in all their calculations and forecasts.

WA, 763 posts
21 Feb 2024 3:32PM
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I'm more worried about the people who can't follow an internet thread from the start

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remery said..
Feb 24 is incomplete because today is only the 20th day of the month. Pcdefender brought this topic up in May 2023. You learned about numbers right?

WA, 6551 posts
21 Feb 2024 6:17PM
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Harrow said..
This is freaking incredible... handpicking a start date to get +1.47 instead of +1.06. Is it any wonder people don't trust the work of these people? It only makes you wonder what else they have done in all their calculations and forecasts.

Hey Harrow,

I think you might be making the same error as I did. I think remery put that table together himself, I don't think it is directly from BOM or anyone.

So I assume he didn't handpick a start or finsh date just to distort the numbers, I guess it was, as he kinda said, just the month PM33 started the thread to now. (Although I may be wrong because there are three versions of the initial table in the seabreeze image gallery, so maybe there was some jiggling of things to get the answer that best suited the argument).

But - even if no mal-intent was intended it still makes an interesting point. A very small change in random start / finish date gives a very large difference in average change.

Now, I may disagree with PM33's general gist that the planet is static and is exactly the same everyday, and I have no doubt it is warming compared to some point somebody may pick in the recent past, and also that human activity is adding to that warming - but I also struggle with the concept the 'science is in' and the figures clearly show that by 2010 eastern australia will be in permanent drought, by mid this century humans will be limited to a few isolated family groups around the poles and by 2030 sea levels will have flattened 90% of the worlds cities - unless we all pray to the temple of the climate crisis industry.

oh yeah, and as per CH3MTR4IL5's point, I think plenty of other people have already said exactly the same thing over the last 15 pages or so.

WA, 6551 posts
21 Feb 2024 6:23PM
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Also - if you take remery's figures then the average warming JUST THIS YEAR between June 23 and Feb 24 is over 2.4 degrees per month.

That's how bad it is. Average of 2.4 degrees PER MONTH.

Where is Greta when you need her ?

WA, 2536 posts
21 Feb 2024 7:18PM
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Harrow said..
This is freaking incredible... handpicking a start date to get +1.47 instead of +1.06. Is it any wonder people don't trust the work of these people? It only makes you wonder what else they have done in all their calculations and forecasts.

Hmm, you learned to read and add up right? The start date is based on Conspiracy Pete's claim that May and June, 2023 were exceedingly cool. (which May 2023 wasn't)Who are "these people"? Reptilians?

WA, 2536 posts
21 Feb 2024 8:11PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..
I'm more worried about the people who can't follow an internet thread from the start

I'm more worried about the people who can't add, subtract, multiply, divide.. calculate mean and median.

NSW, 4521 posts
22 Feb 2024 9:10AM
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remery said..
Hmm, you learned to read and add up right? The start date is based on Conspiracy Pete's claim that May and June, 2023 were exceedingly cool. (which May 2023 wasn't)Who are "these people"? Reptilians?

These people are the ones who are supposed to be scientists, but then try to fit a long term polynomial trend to a hundred years of a linearly rising temperature readings in a metropolitan city that is a growing heat sink. I'd just like to see objective analysis that wasn't so often tainted by biased absolute claims.

WA, 6551 posts
22 Feb 2024 6:21AM
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remery said..
I'm more worried about the people ...

I'm not. Because I am lucky.

Lucky there are people (incuding luckily even yourself) to do it all for us.

And it is even more lucky that when you do it, the figures you arrive at tell the story in the way you have already decided it needs to be told.

Where would be without Mann, Flannery and even Greta doing the science and the maths for us ?

I'm not worried that people can't compare like-for-like global temperature over the last century or so to the nearest hundredth of a degree. Because luckily you can do it for us.

WA, 2536 posts
22 Feb 2024 11:20AM
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My recent post was restricted to building around the "parameters" set by PM33.

Feel free to do your own research, look at widespread locations, averaged over many years, even homogenise the data to take care of missing points. You will probably end up with something like this...

WA, 1288 posts
22 Feb 2024 2:52PM
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According to Max Igan they are now taking some readings from airport runways to artificially elevate the 'crisis'.

Then there is the geoengineering aspect.

Dane Wigington has made a great documentary called The Dimming.

We are seeing as a result huge extremes in temperature.

WA, 7294 posts
22 Feb 2024 3:09PM
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Pcdefender said..
According to Max Igan they are now taking some readings from airport runways to artificially elevate the 'crisis'.

Then there is the geoengineering aspect.

Dane Wigington has made a great documentary called The Dimming.

We are seeing as a result huge extremes in temperature.

A mate of mine said it was very hot the other day

WA, 1369 posts
22 Feb 2024 5:50PM
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Not referencing any one in particular, but since we are talking about weather stuff;

Brent in Qld
WA, 972 posts
22 Feb 2024 6:30PM
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fangman said..
Not referencing any one in particular, but since we are talking about weather stuff;

Just one?

WA, 1288 posts
22 Feb 2024 7:10PM
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We rarely see real clouds now especially in the metro areas.

What we mostly see are artificial looking hazy bands of mist.

The current generation are none the wiser, however us few old farts. who have eyes to see remember when there were clouds that actually looked like real clouds.

Individual clouds with a deep blue background sky.

The deep blue sky now replaced with a silvery haze.

WA, 2536 posts
22 Feb 2024 7:31PM
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Pcdefender said..
According to Max Igan they are now taking some readings from airport runways to artificially elevate the 'crisis'.

Then there is the geoengineering aspect.

Dane Wigington has made a great documentary called The Dimming.

We are seeing as a result huge extremes in temperature.

Ok, let's look at another location, somewhere close to where you made your claim that "Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling". Somewhere away from airport runways, not sitting over a geoengineering project, close to the sea, since the months you were interested in. How about Mandurah?

WA, 1288 posts
22 Feb 2024 7:51PM
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WA, 598 posts
22 Feb 2024 7:58PM
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Pcdefender said..

Wow. A few seconds on Google and I find out that Rohnert Park don't want herbicides sprayed on them. A few wasted seconds more and I look at geoengineeringwatch.

I suspect that all that geoengineeringwatch did was ad their url to the image of the sign. Nothing else.

WA, 8716 posts
22 Feb 2024 7:59PM
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Welcome back Pete

WA, 1288 posts
22 Feb 2024 8:57PM
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I gave up arguing with those in denial years ago.

It is not so much an environmental issue these days but an end times scenario according to the documentary The Dimming.

It is all very reGRETAble.

WA, 2536 posts
22 Feb 2024 9:37PM
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Pcdefender said..
I gave up arguing with those in denial years ago.

It is not so much an environmental issue these days but an end times scenario according to the documentary The Dimming.

It is all very reGRETAble.

So, no perceptive/enlightened response? ... again.

Brent in Qld
WA, 972 posts
23 Feb 2024 6:59AM
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As previously stated

QLD, 3709 posts
23 Feb 2024 10:07AM
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Pcdefender said..
I gave up arguing with those in denial years ago.

It is not so much an environmental issue these days but an end times scenario according to the documentary The Dimming.

It is all very reGRETAble.

Aside from a small disagreement about the actual cause, you and Remery et al are actually on the same page about the end of the world coming soon.

WA, 1369 posts
23 Feb 2024 9:55AM
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Just sayin; Don't yell at this cloud. He already thinks we are idiots.

WA, 2536 posts
23 Feb 2024 3:03PM
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Carantoc said..
Also - if you take remery's figures then the average warming JUST THIS YEAR between June 23 and Feb 24 is over 2.4 degrees per month.

That's how bad it is. Average of 2.4 degrees PER MONTH.

Where is Greta when you need her ?

If you look closely the different images uploaded, you will see that they were changed to add clarity and also I made an error, which I corrected. For example, as requested, I added in the two months prior to PM33's preposterous claim, but I neglected to extend the mean range to include those cells. The location and start date were chosen by PM33.

Your claim that the temperature increase was 2.4 degrees between June 23 and Feb 24 is incorrect. The comparative temperatures were the mean daily maximum for a recent month compared with monthly climate averages "since BoM records began". So over the last 80 years or so depending on the location.

WA, 1288 posts
23 Feb 2024 3:36PM
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Everyday bar none we read about various parts of Australia and around the world having high temperatures etc.

Yesterday there was a big fear story about Victoria and high temps.

It read parts of Victoria COULD reach 43 degrees. Not it is FORECAST to reach 43 degrees but it COULD reach 43 degrees.

Have not checked yet but it probably did not get anywhere near 43 and if it did no doubt they had the gauge placed on the black tarmac runway to increase the fear.

WA, 2536 posts
23 Feb 2024 4:01PM
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It was 42.4 degrees in Mildura at 5:30pm yesterday.

WA, 1288 posts
24 Feb 2024 10:34PM
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WA, 1369 posts
25 Feb 2024 11:50AM
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Brent in Qld
WA, 972 posts
25 Feb 2024 1:01PM
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Being an shark lover and addicted wave sailor can someone please deconstruct the meme above so we can fast track what is meant by everything changing. It's been a ripper season and I know winters coming but I really don't want to be eaten by an aggressive bait ball as the salmon start to run.
Using both my eyes all I see is below average use of Photoshop's new AI generator and pointless metaphysical text.

WA, 2536 posts
25 Feb 2024 1:35PM
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Pcdefender said..


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Global Warming has hit Perth" started by Pcdefender