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Global Warming has hit Perth

Created by Pcdefender > 9 months ago, 24 Jun 2023
WA, 1528 posts
27 Jul 2024 9:42AM
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myscreenname said..

Pete has some odd views of the world, he's entitled to express them and nothing anyone says will change him. The idiot/liar thing is tiring. I can't see how the majority of his incorrect views are inflamitory/descrimitory/sexist/hateful ....

I don't know if you cant get an unbiased umpires on a review of PcD trolling on the forums, so being terminally lazy I asked AI to do it for me. This is the review from GPT:

" are a few examples of the types of comments that have been considered controversial or potentially offensive:

1. **Anti-vaccination Comments**: PcDefender has posted content questioning the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. This includes statements that suggest the vaccines are more about political maneuvering than public health, which can be seen as spreading misinformation about vaccines (26sources).

2. **Climate Change Denial**: There have been posts that mock concerns about climate change, such as sarcastic remarks about sea levels rising and its impact on coastal properties. This can be seen as dismissive of the scientific consensus on climate change (13 sources).

3. **Conspiracy Theories**: PcDefender has engaged in promoting conspiracy theories, particularly those related to vaccination campaigns and their supposed hidden agendas. This includes aligning with anti-elitist and anti-intellectual sentiments, which can be inflammatory and divisive?(28 sources).

4. **Dismissive and Derogatory Language**: In various debates, PcDefender has used language that can be interpreted as dismissive or derogatory towards other forum members, especially in the context of heated discussions on controversial topics(15sources).

I suppose if you troll the Silicon Valley Illuminati, their toys are not going to play nicely with you either.

WA, 12092 posts
27 Jul 2024 9:42AM
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Pcdefender said..
It seems you are implying that it should be a prosecutable crime to challenge global warming and other official narratives of their science.

There are of thousands of scientists from around the world that do not buy into the 'science' of global warming.

Take Neil Oliver, he questions so much of their science and is he not a scientist himself?

I'm not implying anything, just stating facts.

No science isn't perfect. but rather than trying to destroy it, we should be trying to improve it.

I just believe, one of our greatest enemies in these times is misinformation, and it's getting worse all the time. Even democracy itself is being challenged by it .
If we want the best future for us we need to be in reality, not some fantasy (flat) world

1580 posts
27 Jul 2024 9:44AM
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decrepit said..
I think he's being very restrained.

A lay person can tell within a few posts that nothing you say will ever change Pete's mind or will stop him posting his ideas. We've established that this forum is un moderated, so the question remains.
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psychojoe said..
Why are you persisting?
What is the end goal?

Remery's posts are interesting to read, but, his repeated failure to shut Pete up, lets him down.

WA, 12092 posts
27 Jul 2024 9:49AM
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you'd need to ask him, he knows Pete won't stop, maybe it's just to discredit his crazy ideas?
Or maybe it's pure frustration?

WA, 14625 posts
27 Jul 2024 1:35PM
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decrepit said..
I happen to know the scientist in question, and believe me he hates the constant attack on science.
When you've spent your whole working life doing real science, out in the field gathering data, analysing and publishing it. Then to have somebody say all his efforts are lies, and he's just a puppet of the MSM. Spreading false info, which can have very negative impacts on the general population.

I think he's being very restrained.

Ahh, that's a bit different. That's someone not arguing different points, that's someone having an idiot telling them that they are stupid and in on some sort of conspiracy. I can imagine that that would be frustrating. But by the same token I hope that this scientist can recognise a CTer at an event and just walk away from them without feeling guilty about it.

I know I have learned to walk away people like that or at least obviously push the topic of conversation onto something else.

WA, 14625 posts
27 Jul 2024 1:40PM
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decrepit said..
you'd need to ask him, he knows Pete won't stop, maybe it's just to discredit his crazy ideas?
Or maybe it's pure frustration?

Have you ever considered that they are one and the same person? Have you ever seen them both in the same room? Thought not!

One posts a lot at night and one doesn't.... are we seeing a Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde sort of thing happening? Maybe caused by too many chemtrails or too much fluoride?

WA, 1402 posts
27 Jul 2024 4:38PM
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decrepit said..

I just believe, one of our greatest enemies in these times is misinformation, and it's getting worse all the time.

By using the words greatest enemies to me you are saying that questioning the prevailing narrative on anything is wrong. Perhaps by wrong you mean immoral not exactly sure.

I remember a year back you posted a link to the Conversation show and they were saying that posting misinformation on social media etc should be considered some sort of crime, a link that you supported.

WA, 12092 posts
27 Jul 2024 4:42PM
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FormulaNova said..
Have you ever considered that they are one and the same person? Have you ever seen them both in the same room? Thought not!

One posts a lot at night and one doesn't.... are we seeing a Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde sort of thing happening? Maybe caused by too many chemtrails or too much fluoride?

That's almost as crazy as Pete's posts.
Pete and Remery are definitely different people!!!!!

WA, 14625 posts
27 Jul 2024 5:14PM
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decrepit said..

That's almost as crazy as Pete's posts.
Pete and Remery are definitely different people!!!!!

Uh huh! That's what they want you to think

They are both just two AIs duking it out to see if anyone wins.

WA, 12092 posts
27 Jul 2024 5:17PM
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FormulaNova said..
Uh huh! That's what they want you to think

They are both just two AIs duking it out to see if anyone wins.

Well the 2 people are certainly different, I've seen them both, 1 is a short light scotsman, the other is an average sized aussie. But I guess the AIs could be impersonating them.

WA, 1402 posts
27 Jul 2024 5:59PM
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Let them live in peaceful bliss japie...

WA, 983 posts
27 Jul 2024 6:33PM
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Pcdefender said..

decrepit said..

I just believe, one of our greatest enemies in these times is misinformation, and it's getting worse all the time.

By using the words greatest enemies to me you are saying that questioning the prevailing narrative on anything is wrong. Perhaps by wrong you mean immoral not exactly sure.

I remember a year back you posted a link to the Conversation show and they were saying that posting misinformation on social media etc should be considered some sort of crime, a link that you supported.

PC, you don't question the "narrative"

You flat out deny reality.

WA, 1402 posts
27 Jul 2024 6:43PM
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A bit like Neil Oliver then.

Anyone who questions the spoon fed narrative dripped 24/7 for us you are therefore questioning their reality.

Their reality and reality are a million miles apart.

WA, 983 posts
27 Jul 2024 7:33PM
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You forgot to ask any questions.

You just keep making statements and posting links.

I don't see any evidence of questioning on your behalf

WA, 14625 posts
28 Jul 2024 7:20AM
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decrepit said..

Well the 2 people are certainly different, I've seen them both, 1 is a short light scotsman, the other is an average sized aussie. But I guess the AIs could be impersonating them.

Yeah, I know. I was just being an idiot. I couldn't imagine a single person with 2 personalities so different.

WA, 12092 posts
28 Jul 2024 8:58AM
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FormulaNova said..Yeah, I know. I was just being an idiot. I couldn't imagine a single person with 2 personalities so different.

Idiots seem to fit in well here, are you just doing, - "When in Rome"

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 3:09PM
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Pcdefender said..
For the last 2 months it seems Perth has been freezing.
May and June have average max temperatures of 22.3 and 19.5 yet nearly every day it seems the max has been around 17C.
No let up in sight for the next week also.
Global Warming it seems also causes significant cooling.

Well its been pretty chilly in Perth, surely Pcdefender will break his 0 for 12 prediction successs this month.Tune in tomorrow for the latest graph, and see if he finally breaks his "unfortunate" run.
[spoiler: he wont]

WA, 1402 posts
30 Jul 2024 4:02PM
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I've been tunning in for the last 50 years and still not spotted any of their claims regarding sea level rise.

Anyone out there spotted a rise yet at their local

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:03PM
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Pcdefender said..
I've been tunning in for the last 50 years and still not spotted any of their claims regarding sea level rise.

Anyone out there spotted a rise yet at their local

You wouldn't "spot" anything, because you are not interested in/incapable of measuring the world around you. You just obfuscate and make things up.

WA, 1402 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:19PM
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If i am reading the graph correctly the rise from 1980 the year i came to Australia - the figure has gone from 6.67 metres to an unbelievable 6.92 at present.

25 cms increase. Can you confirm this is what you think?

WA, 1528 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:21PM
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Pcdefender said..
I've been tunning in for the last 50 years and still not spotted any of their claims regarding sea level rise.

Anyone out there spotted a rise yet at their local

I know this was two pages ago but just in case you forgot. Peel inlet 1993

Thirty years later it looks like this and the entire eastern shore is buttressed by a limestone wall to stop further erosion. Jan 2024.

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:30PM
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Fig. 2. (a) Barrack Street extreme water levels & (b) Fremantle annual means. (a) Extreme distributions from the historic and modern data sets are almost parallel, suggesting an offset between 0.06 and 0.09 m; and (b) comparison of annual average sea levels for the historic and modern data sets indicates a mean sea level difference of 0.07 m.

"Sea level variability influencing coastal flooding in the Swan River region, Western Australia." Continental Shelf Research 33 (2012) 14-28

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:33PM
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Pcdefender said..
If i am reading the graph correctly the rise from 1980 the year i came to Australia - the figure has gone from 6.67 metres to an unbelievable 6.92 at present.

25 cms increase. Can you confirm this is what you think?

You need to look at the Linear Relative Sea Level Trend.

(I'm impressed that you bothered to ask a thoughtful question, we might be making progress)

WA, 1402 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:48PM
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I do not understand or do not have the time to waste looking at their data.

You tell us what the increase they claim over the last 50 years is.

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:50PM
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Ignoring long-term trends and cherry-picking data is a speciality of climate change denier Jennifer Marohasy. Some time ago she posted this meaningless pair of photographs. Presumably asserting that climate is not changing, and sea levels are not rising. Someone should explain simple concepts to her like; seasonal weather, daily tides, storm surge, air pressure, rain inundation and so on.

WA, 2682 posts
30 Jul 2024 5:55PM
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Pcdefender said..
I do not understand or do not have the time to waste looking at their data.

You tell us what the increase they claim over the last 50 years is.

I understand if you are busy folding tinfoil hats. So I'll explain, its on the graph...

(Hint: you have to multiply 1.80 by 50. I'll explain statistical margins of error in the next lesson)

WA, 1402 posts
30 Jul 2024 6:01PM
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Ah the vagueness, such a great tool to fool the public.

I will ask you again, what the claimed rise is according to the graph in the last 50 years?

WA, 1528 posts
30 Jul 2024 6:08PM
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remery said..
Ignoring long-term trends and cherry-picking data is a speciality of climate change denier Jennifer Marohasy. Some time ago she posted this meaningless pair of photographs. Presumably asserting that climate is not changing, and sea levels are not rising. Someone should explain simple concepts to her like; seasonal weather, daily tides, storm surge, air pressure, rain inundation and so on.

I have a handle on this observational stuff now. We can conclude that boats sink and sheds float. Nailed it.

WA, 14625 posts
30 Jul 2024 7:21PM
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fangman said..
remery said..
Ignoring long-term trends and cherry-picking data is a speciality of climate change denier Jennifer Marohasy. Some time ago she posted this meaningless pair of photographs. Presumably asserting that climate is not changing, and sea levels are not rising. Someone should explain simple concepts to her like; seasonal weather, daily tides, storm surge, air pressure, rain inundation and so on.

I have a handle on this observational stuff now. We can conclude that boats sink and sheds float. Nailed it.


It looks like the shed has been changed and the walkway too! Either that or there were some weird changes done to the original shed and walkway...

WA, 1402 posts
30 Jul 2024 8:04PM
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"Don't shoot, I am alone," a husband pleads after his wife catches him in bed with two naked women in the movie Chicago. "Believe what I tell you, not what you see."


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Global Warming has hit Perth" started by Pcdefender